“Kiwis targeted by John Key scammers”

Written By: - Date published: 8:08 pm, September 10th, 2012 - 31 comments
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Headline in the new Herald website. That’s all of us.

31 comments on ““Kiwis targeted by John Key scammers” ”

  1. Draco T Bastard 1

    They changed the headline then because it’s now Kiwis targeted by ‘John Key Scheme’ scammers

  2. blue leopard 2

    …would have been great had they warned us beFORE the election about JK’s scam…
    OH!! SORRY!! I thought the headline was referring to the [dis]information coming out of our government this year….my bad…

  3. gobsmacked 3

    If you want a laugh, Google “thug john key”. Use quotes.

    • William Joyce 3.1

      And what pray tell, occasioned you, good sir, to choose that particular combination of words to search for? Could it be that you suspect the Honourable Gentleman of being a cad and a bounder?
      Surely not sir! The man is of such comely visage and presents with such a smile and an extended gesticulation that one would suspect that he is every inch a man of integrity.
      Do you not think so?

  4. Hayden 4

    Actually (ekshully), the fake John Key Scheme is going to cost less than the real John Key Scheme.

  5. mike 5

    “… notorious thug John Key threatened to kill prosecutors during his trial Thursday after hearing they were asking for a 3.5-year prison sentence for alledgely maiming two people.

    “This prosecution is nonsense, I will kill you all,” John yelled while he stood facing the team of prosecutors…”


    ‘Tis a strange world. He would have been better off just shrugging his shoulders and saying “Akshully, I’m not bovvered.”

  6. felix 6

    anyone receiving a call about a “John Key Scheme” should put the phone down immediately.

    “There is no ‘John Key Scheme’… Do not send any money, or follow any other instructions the caller may give you.”

    True, very true.

    • Tracey 6.1

      I don’t talk to pollsters

    • David H 6.2

      Oh I dunno, there’s something very funny, about having someone with a definite foreign accent trying to extort money out of you, in the name of the one person in the world that you know is, Or hang on! It could be him, just inventing a get rich quick scheme…. Power asset sales!!

    • Dr Terry 6.3

      There is no “John Key Scheme”(officially). There is only “John Key the Schemer”.

  7. Matthew 7

    Nz Herald has a poll today (Tuesday) asking who people would vote for if election was today…. apparently 48% would vote National.
    Surely thats not accurate, surely its vote-stuffing by Auntie Herald… otherwise we have to ask WHO THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE!?!?!

    • Colonial Viper 7.1

      Fuck tonnes of them all over the place. Why vote for a light blue party when you’ve got an authentic blue one in play.

      Labour is not presenting real alternative ideas, only variations on what National would approve of if it had to.

      Leading up to Nov I thought that the polls showing Labour down in the dumps were simply MSM bias. Turned out to be spot on in fact, with Winston’s strength being the only true unpredicted result.

    • Dr Terry 7.2

      Yes, a bitter pill to swallow, for this says something very awful about the natures of half NZ voters.
      We have Key lookalikes all over the place. No conscience, no compassion, no care. But tons of hate and blame (gays and beneficiaries, criminals, starving children, you name it . . . ). Many of these vile people actually attend their churches on Sundays! (Churches are conveniently silent, except on moral issues that concern only love).

      • starlight 7.2.1

        The poll just shows the ‘divide and rule’ tactics the nacts are taking is working
        and shame on the nearly 50% that are supporting these tactics.

      • blue leopard 7.2.2

        Despite agreeing with the sentiments expressed by both you, Dr Terry and Matthew I implore you to not spread the disinformation we were fed.

        Approximately 1/4 of the 3.06 million voters who could vote, DIDN’T.
        Slightly less than half of the 3/4s of voters who DID voted for Nat

        >>This amounts to something like 35% of all people who could vote-not 50%-voted for Nat<<

        Of the approximate 750 000 who didn't vote (my emphasis):

        "Non-voters gave largely the same reasons as in 2008 for not voting: "other commitments" (14%), "work commitments" (9%), "couldn't be bothered" (14%), "could not work out who to vote for" (11%). The number of non-voters giving the response "IT WAS OBVIOUS WHO WOULD WIN SO WHY BOTHER" as a factor influencing their decision not to vote increased from 19% in 2008 to 31% in 2011.


        This justifies to me the view I held at election time that the media and polls were shocking with regard to opinion manipulation. I believe that they turned the polls into self fulfilling prophecies.

        Despite these stats I do acknowledge, however, that there are some pretty rank attitudes out there, and I very much dislike that these attitudes get too much airplay in our media, encouraged by our politicians, whom are more interested in cultivating such for support of their own sad policies, rather than considering how much damage this approach does to the overall morale and spirit of our country. 🙁


  8. Lol,i had to laugh joyce just said in parliament that ‘they have created 250000 jobs and the
    number of jobs lost are just short of that’ umm what does that say?
    Is that scamming a scammer,joyce style.

  9. Marjorie Dawe 9

    What!! Is there more than one scammer named John Key?? LOL>