Written By:
Anthony R0bins - Date published:
7:01 am, March 18th, 2016 - 33 comments
Categories: Abuse of power, accountability, john key, making shit up -
Tags: bullies, jihadi brides, lies, lying by omission, Muslim community
In running the “jihadi brides” nonsense the government was lying by omission to try and drum up fear of some kind – any kind – of “terrorist” link with NZ. The distress caused to our Muslim community was obvious at the time, see: Shocked Muslim community wants proof of NZ jihadi brides, Call for proof of NZ ‘jihadist brides’, Politicans and Muslim community leaders are at odds over existence of Kiwi ‘Jihadi brides’, and other similar pieces.
At no time did Key or the Nats let on that the so called “jihadi brides” were not resident in NZ. Now that the truth is out there are calls to apologise for the offense:
Stop ‘fear-mongering’ about Muslims
The Islamic Women’s Council says the government needs to stop “fear-mongering” after it inaccurately implied women were leaving New Zealand to become “jihadi brides”
The government has said it did not deliberately mislead the public with suggestions last year that New Zealand Muslim women were leaving to become jihadi brides to Islamic fighters.
Of course they did. Everyone believed something that wasn’t true. That’s because they were deliberately misled.
Islamic Women’s Council spokesperson Anjum Rahman told Morning Report the initial information was a real shock, and they had queried whether it was true.
Finding out the women were not leaving from New Zealand had left them feeling very disappointed, she said.
“Those kinds of statements put a spotlight on our community. They have impact on our daily lives and the way that we’re treated in the community. “To put out that information without including this vital fact is hugely unfair.” …
So will the Nats do the decent thing? Hah hah, silly question:
No apology from govt over ‘jihadi brides’ claims
Earlier today, Prime Minister John Key denied he was scaremongering when discussing New Zealand women travelling to Syria and Iraq as “jihadi brides”.
Of course he was scaremongering.
Chris Finlayson, the Minister in charge of the SIS, told reporters today where the women left from was irrelevant.
Of course it was relevant.
But he [Finlayson] said the government had nothing to apologise for. “You just don’t go round handing out apologies willy-nilly.”
No, you only apologise to pet attack bloggers that you have upset. The distress and offense caused to the local Muslim community can be just shrugged off it would seem.
Apologising would mean alienating their ignorant, fearful redneck support base.
It would be like Trump saying Mexicans are ok.
It would be more accurate to say it’d be like Trump saying Muslims are ok.
No, wait, I just compared the National Party to Trump. Sorry for Godwinning the thread 😈
Key and Trump play on people’s fears.
Jihadi brides.
Boat people.
Saves us concerning ourselves about the people who are really destroying our country and our way of life.
The bludging rich.
The bludging corporations.
Oh the irony of this comment. you claim the right fear jihadi brides and boat people (despite lots of wealthy people owning boats). then go on to play on peoples fears about the rich and corporations.
you won’t get it.
is that why little isn’t apologising? or do rednecks like xiao long bao to much and no apology will suffice?
Only Clusterfuck Cunliffe apologises when its not necessary.
Finlayson q c : “But he [Finlayson] said the government had nothing to apologise for. “You just don’t go round handing out apologies willy-nilly.” ”
What sort of dumb-arse statement is that?
Finlayson makes himself the appointer of qc’s..
Finlayson make his first appointment to himself a qc..
Finlayson claims that outright lying and fear-mongering and racism towards muslims is merely “willy-nilly”
willy fucking nilly?
Finlayson is so very well deserving of his q c status…
Finlayson was loosing his temper at that don’t you think?
Finlayson was definitely was losing his temper. That was apparent on the One News TV clip last evening. I also noted from same clip that John Key was very quick to lay the blame at the feet of SIS boss, Rebecca Kitteridge. His comment… She (with emphasis on the she) brought it up (the subject) not me. “She” did not describe them as Jihadi Brides. John Key did. What to expect from a bully and a coward.
Could someone explain how to link to items without the blimin ads?
That was a very good clip, highlighting the small-minded, mean and nasty prick that Finlayson is. His true colours are showing in not apologising to those poor women.
What a little turd. Apologise man – say sorry for disturbing the muslim women of New Zealand. Shame on you.
As for John Key lying – that is a given these days
See what happens when they are called on to explain their actions-PRESSURE
Key had s temper tantrum when questioned on Dirty Politics
They are so used to no scrutiny and a fireside chat that they go to pieces when they have to account for what they doing on a daily basis
If the media wasnt so compromised we would have more accountability from this administration and maybe some honesty……….Maybe
sissy informal
he’s a real sissy: coward, weakling, milksop, namby-pamby, baby, wimp; informal softie, chicken, milquetoast; mama’s boy, pantywaist, twinkie, crybaby, powder puff.
Finalysons comments are inline with who he is, and what he represents
NZ, has been taken over, by sissys
Could we not conflate being an obnoxious, shallow, mean, nasty, unpleasant person with effeminacy, please and thank you?
Yup the arrogance from our AG is quite something to behold. Nigel no mates.
There fixed it for him
Good post.
Not at all surprise Key and Co will not apologise. They are the ones stirring up racial hatred and pretending ‘Labour does it too’.
What’s even more concerning, is that Little was responding to questions asked to him about immigration criteria (a trap intended to look embarrassing). while the Jihardi bribes is just a made up National lie to distract and incite fear of Muslims to justify Key’s lies on mass spying and SIS and GCSB incompetence and lack of NZ oversight. (Like Charter schools and Serco this incompetence is rewarded financially).
Key and CO should also apologise to ALL New Zealanders for lying to them….and trying to scaremonger this country into believing it has a security threat
( not that many believed the lies anyway)
they are contemptible
We have increased security risks directly as a result of nacts actions in supporting uncle sam.
So JK, WO and DPF put the asian chefs comment in Andrew’s Mouth and pressed the button for him to say it?
“So JK, WO and DPF put the asian chefs comment in Andrew’s Mouth and pressed the button for him to say it?” – Pathetic. It’s like a Monty Burns punch.
No it would have been Twyford who cooked it up.
He has plenty of practice in insulting Asian people.
Nats managed to apologise over Lockwood’s comments (from wikipedia)
“During the 2008 election campaign, on 22 October 2008, Smith made some comments in an interview with the Marlborough Express concerning seasonal Asian and Pacific workers that caused controversy. Regarding Pacific workers he said that some employers “are having to teach them things like how to use a toilet or shower…” And he said that for pruning trees: “some of the Asian workers have been more productive… because their hands are smaller.” Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia described these remarks as “racist”, and the Prime Minister Helen Clark characterised them as “absolutely daft”. Smith later stated that the media had presented his comments out of context, and that he had repeated the views of employers whom he had talked to; he expressed regret at any unintended offence taken. The parliamentary leader of the National Party, John Key, subsequently referred to this statement as an apology.[4][5]”
I guess when lies relate to ‘security’ and fear mongering, that’s all fine….
I have multiple documents showing companies from major, Nat supported companies participating in the abuses of migrant labourers. I have multiple photographs of GCSB and SIS spies at “community” events, spies who had engineered themselves into positions of influence at said organisations. But nobody gives a damn. Not even Labour.
To hell with you all. The press isn’t interested and neither are Labour and the Greens. To hell with you all. This is my last post in a NZ blog. This is the last day I even check one.
Bye, bye and good riddance.
Dude I care.
Post the pics and send the link. You just might get some attention when real ppl recognise who these spies amongst us are.
As usual, a complete beat up. The number of New Zealanders that have gone overseas to fight for extremist Muslim groups is less proportionally, than the number that went over to the Spanish Civil War to fight on the fascist side.
“Of course they did. Everyone believed something that wasn’t true. That’s because they were deliberately misled.”
You would have to be pretty retarded to believe that. Did you believe it Anthony? Poor you LOL!
You mean retarded to believe Ponyboy right?
Have they stopped the policy of harassing Moslem women returning from Iraq (single women who, with families, visited relatives) – separating them from their parents on their return and questioning them about any intent to be a jihadi bride?
The stupidity of treating people differently, based on them being Sunni Moslem – rather than Shia Moslem or Christian Iraqis doing the same, is that it is the sort of identity politics that Islamic State is based upon.
The aim is to polarise not to apologise.