Written By:
- Date published:
3:10 pm, March 22nd, 2017 - 22 comments
Categories: accountability, activism, climate change, Conservation, energy, global warming -
Tags: lake te anau, oil, oil drilling, southland
Oh Hell No:
Shores of Lake Te Anau offered up for oil and gas exploration
More than 4000 km² of Southland land, including the shores of Lake Te Anau, are being offered up for oil and gas exploration.
The new block offer includes an onshore area, called the Western Southland Basin, which nudges up against the Fiordland National Park and runs along part of the dramatic southern coast, including Te Waewae Bay. …
This is crazy in so many ways.
Last time they tried something like this 50,000 marched in Auckland and the Nats were forced to back down.
Deliberate provocation to accompany the dog whistling blinglush is doing. Billy boy has a holiday home there doesn’t he ?
IMO its scene setting for more dog whisles about geenies and ecomonic development etc as that electorate would vote in a donkey if it was the national candidate.
Yep. Most people down there wouldn’t bat an eyelid to the destruction of our environment. They’ll just say ‘See, jobs and money’ and not consider that their children and grandchildren will be struggling to survive at all with rising tides, extreme weather as the norm and little to no food.
Southlanders spearheaded NZ’s first big environmental battle, the campaign against raising Lake Manapouri. They won.
“Most people down there wouldn’t bat an eyelid to the destruction of our environment.”
It’s a blue seat, but there are still lots of people there that don’t vote blue, and some of the conservatives value the landscape. If we want to win battles in conservative places we need nuance in our analysis of the people and culture there, not broad stroke stereotyping.
Not too far from the oil block is NZ’s oldest food forest. There are organic farms in Southland that are decades old. Let’s not write them off just yet.
Yep there are the strongest, most sustainable environmentalists I know living down there and anyone saying different doesn’t know that part of the country at all.
Good point. Thinking about it, being an environmentalist in a conservative place does make one stronger. And conservatives are part of conservation.
“Most people down there wouldn’t bat an eyelid to the destruction of our environment.”
Funny how Southland locals initiated a protest that generated a petition off over 18000 signatures and numerous other actions that led to Minister Smith actually turning something down…
“Members of the Save Fiordland group had gathered at the Olive Tree Cafe in central Te Anau and eagerly awaited the decision on an idea which had consumed so much of their time over the past two years.”
Time you got out of Auckland Draco. You need enlightning
That’s great – now when they stop voting in a National Party parasite as their local MP I’ll start believing that it’s a majority of them that want to protect the environment.
Fair point Draco. Although not exactly sure just which “National Party Parasite” you’re referring to… You may not be aware…. there are two of them down this way…
Sadly I am in the latter bunch ….. And I do have to admit that I often feel my vote is wasted given the Southland/Clutha voting demographic.. (Above)
Hopefully however with Barclay’ shenanigans..
https://thestandard.org.nz/nothing-to-fear-nothing-to-hide/ change is on the wind!
Word on the street that NSF’s Ria Bond is gaining traction in at least one of the electorates….
Fingers crossed … like Northland! (Not that they’re necessarily my choice! The parasites have to go one way or another)!
A small part of the Te Anau lake edge and not in the National Park, mostly farmland, although there is a DOC reserve of bog pine just north of Te Anau I think. The lower reaches of the Waiau River are in the block, plus most of the Takitimu Mts, and possibly red tussock reserve, and a fair amount of swamp. You can see the second map for the amount of waterways in the area. And yes, the western edge of Te Waewae Bay is Fiordland National Park, which I’m guessing is the bit that touches the oil block. There’s Māori land in that area too.
Simple response
There is no economic gain for average kiwi’s to let corporation pillage our country.
The amount of jobs will be minuscule, and national have a track record about lying about jobs.
The economic output will never match the long term need, for fertile and healthy land to have a working economy for generations to come.
I see the national party can’t plan for more than six months again.
national, a government so short on ideas, they go looking for oil and gas again. Oh and we the tax payer, will pay the bill for there desperate need for votes.
They can but they only plan to have more money. They don’t plan on sustainability and would much prefer to ignore the environment unless they can make a profit out of it.
Sick joke? Won’t do much for the Nats in the Clutha Southland seat if they allow oil prospecting in this wonderful natural playground that Southlanders love so much.
Don’t be too North Island centric on this one, remember there is no natural gas for cooking and heating in the South Island, and it gets bloody cold down there.
Is that a joke?
A fucking Southland winter isn’t.
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What does that have to do with oil exploration in the Western Southland block? It’s not like they give the fuel to Southlanders.
I can’t believe we are allowing this to happen to our environment-when will we learn, every able person needs to stand against what is essentially a crime.
when are kiwis going to realise this is totally wrong-we all need to do our bit to stand against the idiots who want to destroy our environment now and in the future.
Oil prospecting, not oil drilling and fracking. They’re afraid of the temptation of an oil bonanza in the backyard.
What do you mean?
Is this the best dead cat that they found today?
This is not going to happen – yep the cat is dead, deceased, gone, departed, moved on, slipped the veil – that cat is dead.
oh look bullingush just got a haircut