Open mike 01/08/2010

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, August 1st, 2010 - 13 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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13 comments on “Open mike 01/08/2010 ”

  1. thespiritofd4j 1

    “Hey Hone wanker kiwi kids need a father figure and it ain’t matter whether he is black, white, green, or f##king yellow you stupid dumbo bro.”

    • jcuknz 1.1

      As a grandfather with a GD I would be concerned if she was dating somebody who wrote the above.
      Hone’s position is quite reasonable and has nothing to do about fathers abandoning their children.

    • vto 1.2

      ha ha, yet another example of the hypocrisy in NZ over racism.

      Hone exposes himself again as New Zealands leading racist.

      • jcuknz 1.2.1

        I’m not saying that Hone may not be a racist in some respects but in this case what we should be talking about is a natural reservation of a father about who his daughter is dating, quite different to who your children bring home to play. A concern that a mixed marriage may not be an even playing field out in the hard cold world and wishing the best for one’s daughter. But of course you guys just jump in for somebody to bash without really thinking it through properly..

        • vto

          “But of course you guys just jump in for somebody to bash without really thinking it through properly..”

          Oh, you mean like the outcry over Lockwood Smith’s small hands comment?

          Sheesh juckzn, the difference in approach to people’s actions depending on where they sit on the political spectrum is credibility-draining.

          • jcuknz

            I don’t see what politics has to do with this matter .. it is a simple case of parent responsibility.. Now you remind me about Lockwood Smith’s comment I remember thinking that it was possibly a simple statement of fact rather than racists, but of course people are often looking for problems where none exist.

    • Bored 1.3

      From the article…..So how would Harawira feel if one of his seven children came home with a Pakeha partner?

      “I wouldn’t feel comfortable. Like all Pakehas would be happy with their daughters coming home with a Maori boy – and the answer is they wouldn’t.

      Hone you racist prick, you can stop talking for me, a pakeha / honky or what ever you want to call me. Proof of the pudding, my children have come home with Maori, Pasifika, Asian, you name it. Its truly wonderful that they can bridge the race gap with love and respect. We have the lot in our family past and present, (as does Hone I suspect), they are just as we say “us”.

      • Tigger 1.3.1

        And if one of his sons came home with a non-Maori man Hone would likely explode. So what? He seems to be racist out of spite. Truly bizarre.

      • Draco T Bastard 1.3.2

        Pretty much what I was thinking. I think Hone hasn’t a clue as to what Pakeha think and is just projecting his own racism onto them.

  2. john 2

    The United Nation affirms access to safe clean water is a human right
    If and when water is privatized That means a Public Service has been turned into a profit money making machine for corporate investors! That means if ordinary kiwi can’t pay he/she can be cut off.So while the rich continue to rake it in some will be reduced to third World conditions and suffer water stress.
    Refer link

  3. Armchair Critic 3

    Nick Smith announces his latest work of genius has come into force – penalties for councils if they process consents late.
    What Nick thinks will happen – councils will miraculously start processing all consents on time and absolutely everything obstacle to private business will be resolved, ushering in a new utopia.
    What will actually happen –
    (a) some councils will continue to process consents late, be forced by legislation to pay penalties and will pass the costs on to ratepayers trough an increase in rates.
    (b) Some councils will resource to meet peak demand by hiring consultants on generous hourly rates and billing the costs to applicants, or by hiring extra staff (if they can find them) and spreading the costs to both the ratepayers and applicants.
    (c) most councils will put the fees they charge for resource consent applications up (which they can do under s36 of the RMA).
    (d) some councils will spend more time and effort finding reasons to return applications because they contain insufficient information, rather than working with the applicant to get the application processed.
    (e) all of the above.
    Overall results – less efficient processing of resource consent applications for increased costs. Thanks Nick, great work.

    • Draco T Bastard 3.1

      Typical of the political right – look for a simple solution and implement it even if it won’t solve the problem it’s supposed to address. Hell, a lot of the time the solution will make things worse.

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