English Labour will not vote against the Tory government’s welfare bill and should not oppose Tories limiting child tax credits to two children, the party’s interim leader, Harriet Harman, has said. Her remarks came as the shadow education secretary, Tristam Hunt, warned the party that it was becoming an irrelevance at a frightening speed.
Seemingly bennie bashing is how you become relevant.
Ha ha. You are so right. Unless, in the not to distant future, they invent a robot with a fourth law embedded in its neural net which axiomatically decrees – wipe bottom – Do Not Exterminate, Mr Octogenerian Infused will have to put up with the working poor taking care of his bodily functions.
But in saying that, he will receive generally excellent care.
The robot on the other will quickly and logically conclude – wiping bottom sucks – exterminate, exterminate.
Why bail out the bank directly, when you could bail out the country so it is more likely able to pay some money back to the bank? If you bail out the bank directly, Greece is left in no state to be able to recover and thus will require more lending. Bailing out the banks and not the country is short-term thinking.
If that’s the case, why lend money in the first place if they aren’t going to be able to pay it back? Oh, it’s so you have an excused to repossess all their assets. So they basically lend money so they could loot the country. Why should that behaviour be rewarded?
Did you that terrible interview on RNZ?
Good to hear listeners’ feedback supporting Twyford and slamming RNZ for its bias as well as the government for doing nothing about the crisis.
I’ve been reflecting on the kerfuffle over chinese investment in nz’s real estate. some random points:
it’s fairly easy to distinguish between who comes from the prc and who comes from.the diaspora because the communist state early on adopted a distinctive form of romanization of Chinese words called pinyin. I’m not sure if the salmond factored this in to his surprisingly underappreciated methodology.
Chinese are vulnerable in nz. any sort of negative press, such as what labour has been running, will probably result in more street level racial abuse. I doubt that Chinese associations in nz or any pakeha institutions would be well placed to pick up on such trends. liberal nz’s policy settings are based on the false premise that multiculturalism is easy, and so there isn’t an institutional depth around trying to grasp the lived experience of migrant communities -though I’d be interested to learn more about the tools that the race relations conciliator has available.
the Chinese state and local Chinese idiots are capable of truly horrific behaviour, and innocent Chinese are regularly caught up in the blowback. I’m thinking of the anti China riots in Vietnam recently when beijing plonked an oil rig in vietnamese waters, surrounding it with burly and aggressive ships. taiwanese businesses were attacked – pretty much anyone who was chineseish was in danger. even China’s immediate neighbours can be quite ignorant of the various communities that loosely come under the adjective “chinese”. also you get all sorts of outrageous behaviour from usually mainland businesspeople that gets the locals antsy about anyone who seems chinese. that’s mostly what’s behind the often strong anti-Chinese sentiment in africa. that and the success, and the numbers.
genuine question – where is the space in the public domain for people to say “I feel bad about these buggers moving in”. cos a lot of people are feeling that. I remember a couple of Myanmar refugees telling me in Wellington in 2007 something like “there are so many Chinese everywhere”. confusedly. it just seems to me that resentment is building up, and it’s dangerous to simply say “fuck off dumb racist”. cos the problem doesn’t fuck off.
political parties tend to be quite shit at engaging in migrant communities. to do it proper you need biculturalism – basically people who are conversant in the majority plus other cultures. and that takes yearsnyears of language learning, travel, lived experience, etc etc. essentially nzers lack the skills to be able to forge a coherent society out of a fractured one. we’ve got multiculturalism on the cheap, which turns out to be not good for much beyond the diversity of the shopping mall foodcourt.
The internet? And when you say “people” do those people include you? Whoever those people are, why, or what hurdles do they have to reaching an understanding of the things they think and how those things may or may not be threatened, or which things are threatened, or even why they think the way they do?
Are they happy to be against others because of race and leave it there?
From a pakeha perspective, is there a cultural reason (or of course, time, ability) that they cannot just pause for a moment and work back from “there are too many chinese everywhere” and figure out what scares them about that? As a European it’s “normal” for me to suggest this fairly clumsy method because my psychological heritage stands outside the subconscious looking in as a stranger. What is their cultural position, traditionally? What ideas are they carrying (beneficial or not) that they take for granted that holds them back from examining their beliefs like that? How are they resistent to Western thinking, if at all?
And more importantly, does it even matter? A pakeha racist might go from “too many Chinese” to “let’s attack the next one we see!” naturally. But if you were from Myanmar and a buddhist, you might think, “Ok so too many Chinese. Bastards.” and then go back to whatever you’re doing and nothing more comes of it, ever. If the problem is a negative personal experience (causing the ill-feeling), not much can be done in the “public domain” and at an early stage, internet-venting might actually make it worse.
my personal take is, people tend to be fearful of change, and large scale immigration is one kind of change.
people are also usually more comfortable dealing with their own kind…
so these are legitimate, human fears that are ubiquitous and easy to understand .
i live in china, suffer from racism quite a bit. i accept that a lot of it is coming from a very human place, so it doesn’t bother me. there are plenty of folk who can handle foreigners, and plenty who can’t so well. that’s all normal. i’ve also been attacked by groups of men a couple of times on racial grounds. i’d put that at the less legitimate end of the scale of behaviour around dealing with foreigners. but it’s really about them, not me, and i wish them well.
we live in a big diverse world and some people are better than others at handling that diversity turning up on their doorstep. but you need to appreciate the concept of “home”. this place is the home of others in a more intimate way than it is my home, so while i’m a local i’ll also always be a guest.
it’s sort of contradictory to espouse a cosmopolitanism that looks down on people who aren’t able to espouse it.
i come from a Christian angle, and the differences from liberalism re: racism are thus:
liberals believe that racism can be defeated. they believe in progress – things getting better and better. thus you hear phrases like “we have to move past racism”. what is racism grounded in according to this worldview? probably bad thinking, which can be educated away, and possibly bad attitudes such as selfishness, that can be dropped. ironically, in this worldview, you’re able to relatively easily become unracist, so if you don’t it means you are (choosing to be) inferior. so liberals look down on people for looking down on people. awesome.
i believe that racism will always be with us. “progress” does not exist. i believe it’s a question of character, and character runs deep and is not so easy to change. humans are morally weak and deserve greater empathy in their failings than liberals are generally disposed to afford them. jesus comes to a failing world in love, it’s satan who accuses (terry eagleton points out that the popular modern idea of the christian god actually fits the biblical idea of satan – the accuser who is out to get you if you screw up (the word satan is hebrew for accuser). point being, christians are required to practice empathy toward ‘bad people’, which is a world away from the snide liberal pooh pooing).
liberals follow tolerance and freedom, christians follow hospitality and the imperatives of love. for a liberal, it’s ok to allow people to immigrate, and let them do their thing without engaging with them at any serious level. for christians that’s not ok. we need to be inviting them into our homes, eating with them, and having our horizons expanded as we try to figure out how to support or simply be there for them, to live alongside them. for example: wellington refugee and migrant services was started by a group of churches – not the local atheists’ knitting club. for another example: my church ran free english classes for refugees and migrants. for a lot of them it was their only regular contact with new zealanders. new new zealanders cannot become new zealanders simply by dint of a change in citizenship status. hospitality is a vital part in becoming a local. i used to teach chinese students whose only interaction with kiwis was transactional – involving the handing over of money – be it the landlord, the esl teacher or the local shop keeper. there’s a lot of freedom and toleration in that, but it’s crap. and the chinese students knew it was crap. “come to new zealand and buy stuff!” yeah right.
when a migrant suffers from racism, they need to be able to talk it out with someone. if they’re only discussing that shit with other migrants, well that’s a recipe for brewing a world of resentment and bitterness. when migrants have actual born and bred kiwis to talk about their struggles with, it goes a huge way to making them feel accepted and part of things. new zealand is really doing this immigration thing too cheaply, and it opens the way for a toxic legacy down the track.
Racists look for “enablement”. It’s the prime principle of the dogwhistle. If someone prominent says something that they can use as justification for their behaviour, they’ll feel they’ve been let off the leash.
One of the most frequent mistakes politicians make is to assume that the only message people receive is the one they intend to send as text or subtext, not the one that people want to hear themselves.
Before it was the leakers like Goff and Robertson who wanted people to think that David Cunliffe was unfit to lead Labour when the message received was that Labour as a whole was unfit to govern. Now the message being received is that Labour says Chinese people are bad, and certainly National and Act have gleefully leapt at the opportunity to make use of this.
God only knows why I’m being so generous. Must be lingering sentiment.
Labour says that 9% of probable Chinese in a fraction of the population are probably not doing something bad for the economy, and 30% of probable Chinese in that fraction are probably doing something bad for it.
this is all about hot money inflows.
when you have the wrong end of the stick, best thing is to let it go and walk away.
Labour can say one thing and be heard another. Right now they’re defending themselves against charges of racism because some people construe their message as racist and because it’s being painted as racist. The facts are getting lost.
Mr Little said while some people had claimed it was racist, several Aucklanders had applauded it.
“If the feedback out of Auckland is anything to go by, I expect we’ll have a lot of support in the policy we’ve put up.
“We understood the risks but we thought that having got information that clearly highlights an issue that is consistent with what we’ve been saying, we made the judgment it should be disclosed. I think people need to know.”
He said Labour’s critics should be concerned about first-home buyers being squeezed out of the market.
“Our first moral duty is to those who live here, and that includes those of Chinese ethnicity who have chosen to live here, or whose parents or grandparents chose to live here. They are the people we care about.”
Except, you know, that is the Herald which is a national publication that is supposed to be neutral and the standard is a blog which openly comes from the left.
Shit. So that settles it then. They say they knew the risks. haha “the risks”? It’s not a “risk” when you chose to ring the race cowbell. That’s a choice. They knew the choices. Get it right, Andrew.
Is this a “dead rat” issue? Because stirring up racial tensions wil get a party elected, and the Left needs Labour unless the unthinkable happens and people flock to the Greens and Mana in a totally unforeseen landslide. But really, the ongoing cost of the race card, is it worth it? This is more like a “dead horse” issue, or a re-interred partially thawed and rotting ice-mammoth issue. Two years out, and The Greens are bolstering National’s anti-free speech laws and Labour are ringing the race bells. Christ. Can not wait for 2017. That year is clearly going to be insane.
And hasn’t he committed a bit of a general cultural faux pas by suggesting present day Chinese are not connected to anything past their grandparents? It’s like the “blame the parents for the kids” argument; or the “we decide who is Maori or not” bloodline/ratio approach. Colonial Viper is right, Labour need a better reflection of who it is they represent in their MPs.
In saying “first moral duty”, Little acknowledges the harm his party has done to people who are “second” or even lower ranked. Nice to know. The bus has a dog whistle for a horn. Beneficiaries, LBGTQ, now people with Chinese-sounding surnames – all acceptable collateral damage… I wonder if they’ll realise that chucking people under the bus won’t put diesel in the tank?
Metiria Turei gave a much more intelligent and considered response. It’s early on in this clip:
Even making the generous assumption of good faith, Labour’s handling has been collosally (and predictably) stupid, handing ammunition to Smith and undermining its credibility on race. It’s a classic case of “Fire! Aim! Ready!” Even making the generous assumption that they didn’t anticipate this backlash, then whoever’s running their media strategy needs to put down their crayons for a while and let someone with at least the barest suggestion of competence take the role.
My extended family & I sincerely hope that Labour will put a hand out to pick us up, or to scrape us off the road, after Messrs Twyford & Little and the current issues leave town in the big red bus.
Perhaps its not surprising the Herald editorial this morning backs-up Labour’s call for proper data to be collected on just who is buying up big and speculatively in the Auckland housing market. After all, the Herald IS Auckland-based, and anecdotal “evidence” and people on the ground at Auckland auctions is what’s causing the concern, and it needs addressing. This is from today’s Herald :
” For many people, the leaked property sale figures reported in the Weekend Herald ……… They concluded some time ago that overseas Chinese buyers were behind the boom in the Auckland property market. ……”
Oh noes! Chinese at property auctions! Quick, where are the internment camps when we need them?! And what about Australians, Poms, Indians and the South Africans. Especially the South Africans. They’re sneaky bastards. You can only tell they’re South African when they open their mouths.
Geez I go away for a couple of days and everything goes ker-razy…so who decided that attacking Asians was the best way for Labour to get back into power?
Well PR you must be very upset to realise that it is not TrevM
perhaps you should go to Specsavers or even go back to where you have been and then we wouldn’t have to put up with your biased comments although, I must say that the SST actually beats you for bias in this instance.
Today’s NZ Herald editorial – ( Monday 13 July 2015) Business Section:
“Chinese role in the housing boom.
For many people, the leaked property sale figures reported in the Weekend Herald will have contained just one element of surprise.
They concluded some time ago that overseas Chinese buyers were behind the boom in the Auckland property market.
Anecdotal accounts from auctions had led them to discount a survey of real estate agents in 2013 that attributed only 8 per cent of purchases to this group.
Even so, many will have been astonished to learn that as many as 39.5 per cent of sales may be to buyers of Chinese descent.
That figure, whatever the question-marks surrounding it, raises issues that need to be addressed.
Deriding the finding as politically motivated and statistically unsound is easy, but essentially a red herring.
Compiling an estimate of the ethnicity of purchasers from their surnames, as Labour’s housing spokesman, Phil Twyford, has done, is not ideal.
But the basis, figures covering 3922 Auckland sales from one real estate firm from February to April this year, is reasonably comprehensive.
And it is better than anything else available.
Regrettably, there is an information vacuum because this country has no register of foreign buyers.
But perhaps we should not be totally surprised if Chinese buyers are, indeed, having a big influence.
The Beijing Government is allowing more of its citizens to buy overseas property, and interest rates in China are much lower than here.
This has led to Auckland housing being marketed aggressively to Chinese investors.
They have been alerted especially that this country has no land tax, stamp duty or other of the restrictions of the likes of Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore.
So far, the Key Government has acted directly only to the extent of requiring overseas buyers to have an Inland Revenue number and a New Zealand bank account from October.
Mr Twyford’s finding will ramp up the pressure to do more.
To some, it will represent evidence that the extent of Chinese investment, and a readiness to pay over the odds, is, beside its ramifications for the economy, creating an untenable situation for local buyers, especially those seeking their first homes.
There needs to be a high degree of caution, however.
First, Mr Twyford’s finding has to be substantiated by statistics whose accuracy cannot be challenged.
In that context, figures made available by the new government requirements for overseas buyers need to be made available to the public.
Secondly, if these figures underline Mr Twyford’s conclusion, the response must be carefully calibrated.
It would be easy to follow Australia’s lead and require overseas investors to build new houses.
This makes some sense in increasing supply rather than adding to demand.
It is a stern step, however. New Zealanders certainly take a dim view when they are denied the right to buy a house in an overseas country.
Equally, some of the purchases by overseas Chinese buyers are for family members, perhaps students, living in this country for at least some of the time.
Even when reliable data is available, therefore, a knee-jerk response must be out of the question.”
Equally, some of the purchases by overseas Chinese buyers are for family members, perhaps students, living in this country for at least some of the time.
Well, they can just rent a flat, like all the other students in the whole flaming world!
Can you just link to articles in the future? Walls of text disrupt the flow of discussion and reposting articles without permission opens the site up to copyright claims.
“A former Goldman Sachs banker suggested Greece start legal action against his former employer over complex financial deals that helped the country hide its national debt in 2001 and continue borrowing despite its poor economy, the Independent reports.
The banking giant made as much as $500 million from the transactions known as “swaps”, which translated Greek debts issued in dollars and yens into euros, the British daily says. The figure is, however, disputed by Goldman, which refuses to state an exact number. The deals were prepared by Antigone Loudiadis, who reportedly received $12 million a year for the job….
Greece will have as much luck with that as their other brilliant idea of getting money of Germany because of the Nazis.
This is the government that some on here were calling “heros” the other day… and what have they done … Gone against the wishes of their people in the referendum which gave the response that they were championing.
Now because they have been shown to be untrustworthy the country is way worse off than it was just a few months ago.
Welcome to the National Government’s modus operandi – “While most other governments intend cutting emissions, New Zealand appears to be increasing emissions, and hiding this through creative accounting. It may not have to take any action at all to meet either its 2020 or 2030 targets.” http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/278582/nz%27s-climate-change-target-condemned
All those yelling “racist” at the top of their voices ( led by the ACT Party) have no valid explanation for the data.
That’s because there isn’t one, except for the conclusions Rob Salmon came to.
More interestingly, why why do some organisations seem so determined to shut this discussion?
Let’s look at who is benefiting from the status quo.
No surprise that you don’t know what racism is, PR. While you might be desperately hoping people are demonised, it’s not actually happening because most people can see past your faux outrage and focus on the facts. It must really be hurting you that Labour have got this issue right and have gazumped National so effectively!
Most people being Nats, Standardistas, and the twitteratti. Those being affected by the housing crises in Auckland are probably nodding their heads in agreement.
Again ISTM that many on the left would rather be ideologically pure and in permanent opposition.
There are many on this website (including me) who think this is a crisis caused by large numbers of non-doms buying up housing and property in the country.
” We do need to have a mature public debate about Chinese foreign investment in New Zealand real estate. Especially when the Government has refused to set up a register of foreign ownership and make it public.
Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and other nations have enacted restrictions on foreign buyers in recent years.
When the sales data also pointed to a big presence of offshore Chinese investors, Labour decided it was time to talk about this. However uncomfortable it may be, the sales data reinforces what so many Aucklanders have thought is going on.
It is simply not good enough to try to shut down an important public debate with allegations of racism.”
You’re the one trying to shut it down – have you even put up an argument about why it is not racism – check out what Little said – “We understood the risks…” What risk did he understand?
Twyford: Hey Andy, I have this idea about the housing crisis.
Little: What is it?
Twyford: The Chinese are the problem.
Little: Sounds risky. Sounds kinda racist. Would Winston say something like that?
Twyford: Probably.
Little: Could be a bad idea then. What else could we talk about that focussed on grass roots social issues we have policy for? Something a bit less negatively framed?
Twyford: Anything really, we could talk a lot about the things we’re doing right, but it’s like no one is listening.
Little: What evidence is there no one is listening?
Twyford: Just a hunch.
Little: Do you have wider figures for foreign buyers?
Twyford: I say just concentrate on what we do know about the Chinese. We have an email.
Little: That’s true. And I know several people in Auckland.
Twyford: Should we ask around first?
Little: Nah it sounds fairly solid. I guess we know the risk then, run with it.
Later that afternoon….
Twyford: Shit, that escalated quickly.
Little: I know. Did someone actually throw a trident at you?
Twyford: Yep.
Little: Let’s run with justification of a specific segment of Chinese people and try to cover the shit trail. And whatever you do, don’t mention the risk!
As an overseas born mixed ethnicity/Eurasian person from South East Asia (I am neither from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong nor Korea) with a Chinese family name, I do not think Twyford has initiated a “mature debate”.
My family has been here for about forty years. There are now three generations of us in the extended family, in this country we regard as home. The perception of NZ being principled about egalitarianism, social justice, inclusion & non-discrimination attracted the older family members to this country.
All of us voted Labour. Some of us are Labour Party members (if the Labour membership list is being checked, please do not assume we have the same surname, let alone a Chinese sounding surname or a pinyin version as I have used here). Has Labour asked us how we feel or what we would have thought before launching off during the weekend on TV3? How do you think my family & I feel now? Does Labour reckon they have strengthened their support from my family since Saturday? How has Labour demonstrated their principles since then?
Whatever the polling outcome or policy proposals that will eventuate from hereon, I genuinely hope what has been triggered will be worthwhile for Labour and the country. And please, to the Labour Party, don’t forget those of us with Chinese sounding names as well as Chinese looking ones when we are seen in public. We would like to continue voting for the Labour Party.
May I suggest that the Labour Party – MPs, supporters & members – spare a thought about repairing relationships at some stage really soon after whatever outcome, which was planned or intended, has been achieved please?
Who is saying anything except Twyford is a small-minded git?
Truly pitiful rhetoric calling everyone who hates Twyfords racism, an act supporter.
Who said here, anything apart from Twyford being a twit. A ninny and a school boy chauvinist?
Twyfords the great sectarian leader for bigots across NZ. Making a bid for the NZ first leadership is he?
That aside, you can have a go at his lack of humanity and talk about the housing issue – it’s not an either/or issue. I don’t believe myself or anyone else for that matter, has argued any other way.
Housing in Auckland is a problem, transnational investment is a problem, the quality of the housing is a problem, the Aussie banks are a problem, Over crowding is a problem, the government keeping the housing bubble going, because, if it doesn’t we are going to loss ten’s of thousands of jobs, is a problem. Twyford being a bigoted git, is a problem. Housing NZ, is a problem. No capital gain, death duty and a crushing g.s.t on the poor is a problem.
So many parts to this problem, but all you good’ ol boys run off to save the twit Twyford.
1.Do you think non-doms should be allowed to own housing in NZ?
2. Do you think the data about the sale and purchase of housing should be open and transparent?
And that’s why our resident trolls and the ACT Party are so determined to frame this conversation as racist.
They know that one of the quickest ways of shutting down debate is to accuse your opponent of being sexist or racist.
But, by and large, when either accusation is made about tories it’s generally supported by actual fact, and is a general conclusion on the merits of an argument or the trustworthiness of a commenter.
When the accusation is made by tories, it’s generally (as you call it) a “little trick”, usually tenuous and made with the objective of derailing further analysis, however valid that analysis may be.
But being a moral vacuum, you are incapable of understanding the difference between the two.
Well I sure as shit wouldn’t want your worldview, where politics is merely a vicious game played by sociopaths who care not a jot for the real pain in the world and where all appeals to decency and calling-out of injustice are mere cynical ploys to score points. Surely humanity is more than just a pack of rabid dogs feasting on their weak?
fuck, it’s a wonder you didn’t slit your wrists years ago.
To believe that the only difference between political perspectives is simply that one side is better at being cynically manipulative than the others would be a fair approximation of hell. No hope of change. Ever.
“And that’s why our resident trolls and the ACT Party are so determined to frame this conversation as racist.”
“If your not for us your against us.”
Paul using good old George Bush Jr. rhetoric, what a find. You are a charmer mate. Or just another middle of the road lefty, who is in reality, an Ike style Republican.
If you can not divide up the debate – sorry for you. How about you read this, then we will talk as adults. The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley.
I am just trying to point out that a lot of the people jumping up and down yelling ‘racist’ are folk like pr, BM, clean power etc etc.
Yes, there are left wing voices saying the same, but shouldn’t your bedfellows concern you Adam?
It is foreign overseas wealth that is the issue, American, German, British and Chinese. And our pathetic rules that allow wealthy overseas investors trump the civil right of residents in this country to affordable housing.
The reason why the rwnjs are yelling so loudly is that they support the unhindered access to ‘markets’ by the wealthy global elite. They support the looting of this country.
Can’t you see that?
The problem is that the Labour Party has been complicit in this since the 1980s and so, I, and many others are sceptical of whether they will really stand up for the rights of workers against foreign capital.
No, what worries me is so called left wing people like you Paul who are defending racists. That’s what is worrying me. And not all right wing people are racists.
To your other points you have not read a damn thing I’ve said – so go back and try again.
Now your worried that labour having now raised China to the level of spectre, they will back down.
Sheesh, and you only way to keep pressure up is to go lalalalala Twyford is not a chauvinist small minded git. Great politics, up lifting and inclusive – no wait, if you did that sort of politics, it be left wing…
But maybe that’s what we’re doing wrong – we don’t go for uplifting and inclusive
To Clean-power – Devoy is muddled. She’s mixing local Chinese resident in NZ with the group that Phil Twyford is targetting – the non-resident Chinese who come in briefly for a few nights, go to the Auckland auctions, bag a few properties (using cheap finance), and fly off again.
Two totally different groups – and the local Chinese should be just as concerned at what their country-people are doing – because they’re also pushing them out of the Auckland housing market.
And to BM – Wikipedia is talking about the entire Asian population in Auckland – that would include Korean, Indian, and other nations as well as China. Twyford probably had his ethnic population figures from a more reliable source – NZ Stats Dept and the Auckland Council.
[Removed duplicate comment, Jenny, and added your edit about the council. TRP]
I imagine they both know what you have told them already.
Remember there are here as shills for the government and its powerful lobbyists, not to engage in rational discussion.
Trolls don’t debate.
I’m getting thoroughly sick of all this – she’s just making cheap shots burbling on about how it’s not fair to ‘Chinese New Zealanders’; when anyone with an IQ of above 60 knows perfectly well that the discussion is not about them; it’s about people without residency buying large amounts of property and distorting the market. In. fact, I’m getting really angry that people like my daughter-in-law and her family are being used by people to make what appear on the surface to be supportive arguments, but are really just a cynical tilt at the Labour Party. My family deserve better than this
Hang on, are you demanding Twyford provide a reference for a stat reported by Weepus Beard as being what Twyford said on morning report, when even if it were an undercount then the figure of 21% still suggests either disproportionate purchases by a specific residential demographic, or non-resident purchases?
That seems to be a somewhat pointless exercise.
Which is probably why you’ve got your knickers in a twist about it.
I fixed some of the issues I was having with the duplicating RSS feeds. I just have to figure out a better solution to bloody google feeds duplicating (ie mostly blogger). Now I have to figure out a better fix.
I’ll correct this comment issue. But generally the best immediate fix is to pull the comment from Trash
Hooton kept repeating the term ‘international activist groups’ as if people advocating for changes to climate change policy and Zero Hours contracts were part of some evil conspiracy.
Sounded like the reds under the bed nonsense.
And yet the host challenged one of these nonsensical ideas.
RNZ going downhill.
In fact, Paul, the host (Lynn Freeman) contradicted Hooton and exposed his crude methodology. It was Mike Williams, as useless as ever, who failed to challenge Hooton.
I’ve done a transcript of the last four minutes of the programme—humiliating for Hooton—and I’ll put it up on Open Mike tomorrow morning.
Hello JanM (on iPad & cannot reply under your comment).
Thanks & sorry to hear that.
This is why Phil Twyford had to be more careful & skilful in raising the issues & when discussing that ‘research’.
On my part, how do people here think I feel when I will be at the next open home?
Huang Y.G’s plight at his next auction does not affect my family one bit. That’s the world that the Nazional party lead government and ACT type people have fostered upon us, is it not?
One where it’s every man for himself. A dog-eat-dog world?
I’ve never been to a house auction so he or she will get no sympathy from me, thanks very much.
I really couldn’t give a stuff when the likes of Winston runs an anti-Asian campaign, but when a self styled broad church like Labour acts this politically inept and knowingly burns a couple of hundred thousand voters due to moves explained by an utter lack of Asians in its caucus and senior hierarchy, as well as a total lack of understanding the local Chinese community and its history, its time to escalate the push back.
The Labour caucus should be demographically representative (or at the very least make specific and explicit efforts to address the concerns of less powerful groups iin society). Labour, and society as a whole, will be stronger for it.
I am a renter with a young family, shut out of ever owning a house in the place I was born in and grew up in because of cheap foreign money propping up the current government’s economic policy, as hinted at by Phil Twyford, in the absence of much asked for buyers’ data.
You be ashamed of him for fighting for his family’s future against this volatile tide of cheap money which is distorting NZ’s delicate residential infrastructure?
I am a renter with a young family, shut out of ever owning a house in the place I was born in and grew up in because of cheap foreign money propping up the current government’s economic policy, as hinted at by Phil Twyford, in the absence of much asked for buyers’ data.
the Auckland property bubble has been blowing up big since 2001/2002, Helen Clark and Michael Cullen loved the wealth effect “propping up” their government’s finances too, foreign money has played a role in this, but there are a shit load of other factors as well, go blame Westpac, BNZ and ANZ for starters.
A typical Auckland house went from $300,000 to $600,000 under Helen Clark’s watch. Lots of property owning middle class Aucklanders got suddenly rich – at least on paper. Buying houses for investments and capital gains became a Kiwi middle class past time. Lots of money from ever expanding mortgage debt was flooding the economy. Labour was fine with this. Cullen built his budget surpluses on it.
Now we find that the Auckland middle class are getting seriously priced out of the market by foreign money. All of a sudden, Labour wants to make a big media hoopla about how big a problem the Chinese are causing.
None of this is about helping the average Kiwi worker earning $50K pa get into an Auckland house.
I say get the data, restrict foreigners from residential property, and slow immigration until Auckland infrastructure can catch up. That’s a socially responsible viewpoint.
You say don’t be so racist, supply is the problem, and Labour did it too. That’s a National party troll viewpoint.
I say get the data, restrict foreigners from residential property, and slow immigration until Auckland infrastructure can catch up. That’s a socially responsible viewpoint
That approach won’t sort out affordable housing in Auckland for 20 to 30 years, if even by then.
I’m more radical than you are on this topic by a million miles. You don’t even know it.
And the 3pm news headlines with a BNZ economist calling for a ban on foreign ownership of New Zealand property.
Means to an end Marty. You really need to get that chip off your shoulders that you hold against Labour. Mana/one trick pony Hone sold out and it was their choice 🙂
you’re right about one thing (I know, surprised me too) it is a means to an end but the end will not be the end rather the end of the end and then we’ll see what happens…
And the 3pm news headlines with a BNZ economist calling for a ban on foreign ownership of New Zealand property.
As I mentioned in another comment, you must always analyse why a bank economist is saying what they are saying, on behalf of their employer. In this case, BNZ would love to have these rich Chinese and other foreign buyers banned out of the market, because they are wealthy buyers who bring their own cash to the table – they do not need mortgages from the BNZ.
TL/DR: Every house bought using Chinese cash is a lost mortgage origination for the BNZ.
As I mentioned in another comment, you must always analyse why a bank economist is saying what they are saying, on behalf of their employer. In this case, BNZ would love to have these rich Chinese and other foreign buyers banned out of the market, because they are wealthy buyers who bring their own cash to the table – they do not need mortgages from the BNZ. Every house bought using Chinese cash is a lost mortgage origination for the BNZ.
Brave man, Twyford. Finally some facts emerging about this crazy house price bubble. Brave leaker from the Ak property company too, I bet there’s a witch hunt going on there right now too. Hope the leaker stays hid.
Yes there is a witch hunt going on over this story and I hate the potential for victimising NZ Chinese citizens.
But the facts that are emerging are real. If the stock market in China can lose trillions dropping back to earlier levels of just a few months ago meaning vast amounts of money was invested there, money that dwarfs NZs entire GDP, and the Chinese government is about to facilitate their citizens’ investment in foreign countries, and little old NZ still has no controls tax or other defences to restrict that, then we are fucked.
Brave man Twyford, thank Christ some people actually care about whether my daughters will ever be able to afford to buy a house in a NZ city in the next few years. Or whether go down the biggest depression hole we have ever seen. NZ doesnt have trillions of dollars, we have fuck all.
You’re shitting me. This housing bubble has been blowing up since 2001/2002, a $300K house in 2001 is now worth over a million dollars 13 years later and suddenly fucking Twyford and Little and Labour figure out that its been the goddam Chinese all this time?
Talk about lazy rationalising of the Labour Government’s failures to control the money and debt flowing into the housing market and now the National Government’s failure to control money and debt flowing into the housing market.
As for your daughters buying houses in Auckland in a few years time, what are they, in the market for $700K houses? Because nothing Labour does to halt foreign ownership of NZ land has a shit show of lowering house prices back to even that level, let alone back to an actually affordable sub-$400K level.
Other cities too. The housing bubble trajectory in Auckland isnt going to stop it’s just going to get worse and spread to other cities and the eventual crash which bubbles foretell will be devastating for NZ citizens who mortgage up to try to get what we always thought a kiwi dream.
This speculative bubble is bigger than who is driving up the prices, it’s en route to tragedy unless our useless governments do something to control it.
Every recent NZ govt has believed in the free flow of financial capital, no recent NZ government has believed in limiting capital flows.
BTW provincial towns all across NZ (excluding the likes of Wanaka and Greytown) have flat to declining house prices (esp once inflation is taken into account).
The answer is really quite simple. Give people a reason to move back to provincial NZ which is crying out for more population and more economic activity.
And yeah, ban foreign ownership of NZ land. Not just houses, all land.
How many people know that right NOW – at the Auckland Sky City Convention Centre, there is a great big fat ‘conference’ happening on combatting ‘money-laundering’?
Who would have thought …… !
1 August 2014
The 2015 APG Annual Meeting and Technical Assistance and Training Forum will be held in Auckland, New Zealand in the week of 13-17 July 2015.
The APG Annual Meeting is the primary policy and decision-making vehicle for the APG. Decisions made at the Annual Meeting will set the course for the APG’s work over the next year.”
Wonder what their recommendations are going to be regarding the prevention of real estate / property market being used for ‘money-laundering’?
Railway thinkers. I’ve noticed that a book featuring the historic past to much of our infrastructure is on Trademe. Big Ideas: 100 Wonders of NZ Engineering by Matthew Wright published in 2009. Closes this Saturday buynow at $33
There’s also Rails Across NZ, only $12 closes Tuesday morning so be quick,
and NZ on the move: 100 Transport Icons, Buy now $15 closes Wed.
Looking at the review of Big Ideas: 100 Wonders…in North and South October 2009,
It has great photos on early power-generating and road and rail building projects and ‘for a tin-pot colony at the bottom of the world” says Wright, the eingineering and technology applied were remarkable.
Photos: Laying underwater sections of the high-voltage direct-current cable in early 1960s.
Early Hamilton marine=jet units under construction. A Kiwi invention, the jet boat was a water-borne application of the axial-flow, impeller principle adopted in WW2 for jet engines.
Benmore hydro station 1958-1964. (I heard from people there that a Swiss company was called in eventually to assist.)
The Denniston self-acting incline.
John Britten’s V-twin motorcycle, built in 1992, wa the most stylish machine of its day – and the fastest.
Now the fleas on the back of giants are sucking up all the benefit that is still present in these projects and selling off the family silver so they can proceed, like all decadent children, to gamble away the family’s wealth and estate.
Yeah you’re exercising in the wrong place Clean power. You should be at the gym building those abs and shoulders to do the physical heavy lifting. The exercise of brain requires a different sort of robust energy beyond your innate capacity. Stick to what you’re made for man.
An eight-mile convoy of pickups, motorcycles and cars wound through a central Florida town on Sunday in a show of support for the Confederate flag, as a backlash against its banishment from public landmarks across the South picks up steam.
Horns blared and hundreds of the rebel flags fluttered as more than 1,500 vehicles and some 4,500 people turned out for the “Florida Southern Pride Ride” in Ocala, according to police estimates. Vehicles from states across the South and as far away as California participated.
“That flag has a lot of different meanings to a lot of different people,” said David Stone, 38, who organized the event. “It doesn’t symbolize hate unless you think it’s hate – and that’s your problem, not mine.” ….
You would think money man Key would take a leaf out of American multi billionaire Warren Buffet’s book. There is money in freighting and like Prebble says the Rail corridors are already in place in most city’s in New Zealand.
I have to agree the gridlock on Auckland’s Roading network is beyond a joke, as I ponder should I travel to Auckland early tomorrow morning for a meeting at 10.30 am
or drive later this afternoon? Either way it means being stuck in traffic.
“We purchase a substantial amount of eggs a year – nearly 13 million – so in order to keep up with demand, our egg suppliers will be investing significantly in new farms and farming systems. This is why the rollout will happen over 18 months – it needs to be sustainable for our suppliers,” says Mr Wilson.
Who are the 1% exactly? Are they the Taxpayers of Estonia, Latvia and Finland who will be the ones called upon to make sacrifices for the Greeks so they can continue spending far more than they earn? Have you ever wondered why the Finn’s, Latvian’s and Estonians’s (Not to mention the Dutch and Germans) on the whole are very resistant to both debt relief and giving Greece even more support? The Latvian’s and Estonian’s are not very wealthy. In fact an average pensioner in Latvia apparently earns less than their Greek counterpart.
The National lead government being put under pressure by the opposition parties’ policies and calls for action on issue that infect the working poor, so much so that the National lead government waits a few months only to release a watered-down version of the same opposition policy and trumpet it as new legislation.
Sufficiently watered down, one might say, to try to please everybody. Mostly, however, it just pleases their business buddies while the worker, or the freezing tenant just has to suck it up in the name of flexibility of the labour market, or listen while being told to how to clean that black mould of your sick kids’ bedroom walls while on a budget.
Let’s look at four instances of this:
– The capital gains tax that is not a tax driven by David Parker.
– The rental housing WOF, which now just asks for smoke alarms and ineffectual polystyrene floor insulation, driven by the Green party.
– The data collection for house and land sales to foreign buyers that doesn’t collect any data, driven by Phil Twyford.
– The dismantling of zero-hour contracts (thanks Helen Kelly), which ended up as an weak appeasement to shonky employers.
This new and hurried legislation from the Nazional government only just tip-toes around the edges of something which will actually work for workers and their families, but none the less would not have happened at all if it were not for the brave people in opposition who come up with solutions for the increasingly disenfranchised every day.
My question is:
Are Labour and the Greens governing this country from the opposition benches?
”More than one in ten doctors have helped a patient die despite potentially breaking the law, a survey suggests.
In a fax poll of general practitioners, conducted by magazine New Zealand Doctor and IMS Health, nearly 12 per cent of respondents said they had helped a patient die. About two out of five doctors also said they had been asked to help a patient die, although most had refused.”
This creates an unsafe level of pressure and stress for the doctors who are prepared to do this to help their patients. Apart from the risk to their career, there is no avenue for them to receive the counselling anyone would require (whether what they are doing is permitted or not) to cope with the emotional burden of assisting someone to end their life.
Hi,It’s almost Christmas Day which means it is almost my birthday, where you will find me whimpering in the corner clutching a warm bottle of Baileys.If you’re out of ideas for presents (and truly desperate) then it is possible to gift a full Webworm subscription to a friend (or enemy) ...
This morning’s six standouts for me at 6.30am include:Rachel Helyer Donaldson’s scoop via RNZ last night of cuts to maternity jobs in the health system;Maddy Croad’s scoop via The Press-$ this morning on funding cuts for Christchurch’s biggest food rescue charity;Benedict Collins’ scoop last night via 1News on a last-minute ...
A listing of 25 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 15, 2024 thru Sat, December 21, 2024. Based on feedback we received, this week's roundup is the first one published soleley by category. We are still interested in ...
Well, I've been there, sitting in that same chairWhispering that same prayer half a million timesIt's a lie, though buried in disciplesOne page of the Bible isn't worth a lifeThere's nothing wrong with youIt's true, it's trueThere's something wrong with the villageWith the villageSomething wrong with the villageSongwriters: Andrew Jackson ...
ACT would like to dictate what universities can and can’t say. We knew it was coming. It was outlined in the coalition agreement and has become part of Seymour’s strategy of “emphasising public funding” to prevent people from opposing him and his views—something he also uses to try and de-platform ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Are we heading ...
So the Solstice has arrived – Summer in this part of the world, Winter for the Northern Hemisphere. And with it, the publication my new Norse dark-fantasy piece, As Our Power Lessens at Eternal Haunted Summer: https://eternalhauntedsummer.com/issues/winter-solstice-2024/as-our-power-lessens/ As previously noted, this one is very ‘wyrd’, and Northern Theory of Courage. ...
The Natural Choice: As a starter for ten percent of the Party Vote, “saving the planet” is a very respectable objective. Young voters, in particular, raised on the dire (if unheeded) warnings of climate scientists, and the irrefutable evidence of devastating weather events linked to global warming, vote Green. After ...
The Government cancelled 60% of Kāinga Ora’s new builds next year, even though the land for them was already bought, the consents were consented and there are builders unemployed all over the place. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that mattered in Aotearoa’s political ...
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on UnsplashEvery morning I get up at 3am to go around the traps of news sites in Aotearoa and globally. I pick out the top ones from my point of view and have been putting them into my Dawn Chorus email, which goes out with a podcast. ...
Over on Kikorangi Newsroom's Marc Daalder has published his annual OIA stats. So I thought I'd do mine: 82 OIA requests sent in 2024 7 posts based on those requests 20 average working days to receive a response Ministry of Justice was my most-requested entity, ...
Welcome to the December 2024 Economic Bulletin. We have two monthly features in this edition. In the first, we discuss what the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update from Treasury and the Budget Policy Statement from the Minister of Finance tell us about the fiscal position and what to ...
The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi have submitted against the controversial Treaty Principles Bill, slamming the Bill as a breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and an attack on tino rangatiratanga and the collective rights of Tangata Whenua. “This Bill seeks to legislate for Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles that are ...
I don't knowHow to say what's got to be saidI don't know if it's black or whiteThere's others see it redI don't get the answers rightI'll leave that to youIs this love out of fashionOr is it the time of yearAre these words distraction?To the words you want to hearSongwriters: ...
Our economy has experienced its worst recession since 1991. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that matter in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, December 20 in The Kākā’s Dawn Chorus podcast above and the daily Pick ‘n’ Mix below ...
Twas the Friday before Christmas and all through the week we’ve been collecting stories for our final roundup of the year. As we start to wind down for the year we hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and new year. If you’re travelling please be safe on ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the year’s news with: on climate. Her book of the year was Tim Winton’s cli-fi novel Juice and she also mentioned Mike Joy’s memoir The Fight for Fresh Water. ...
The Government can head off to the holidays, entitled to assure itself that it has done more or less what it said it would do. The campaign last year promised to “get New Zealand back on track.” When you look at the basic promises—to trim back Government expenditure, toughen up ...
Open access notables An intensification of surface Earth’s energy imbalance since the late 20th century, Li et al., Communications Earth & Environment:Tracking the energy balance of the Earth system is a key method for studying the contribution of human activities to climate change. However, accurately estimating the surface energy balance ...
Photo by Mauricio Fanfa on UnsplashKia oraCome and join us for our weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar with paying subscribers to The Kākā for an hour at 5 pm today.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream for our chat about the week’s news with myself , plus regular guests and , ...
“Like you said, I’m an unreconstructed socialist. Everybody deserves to get something for Christmas.”“ONE OF THOSE had better be for me!” Hannah grinned, fascinated, as Laurie made his way, gingerly, to the bar, his arms full of gift-wrapped packages.“Of course!”, beamed Laurie. Depositing his armful on the bar-top and selecting ...
Data released by Statistics New Zealand today showed a significant slowdown in the economy over the past six months, with GDP falling by 1% in September, and 1.1% in June said CTU Economist Craig Renney. “The data shows that the size of the economy in GDP terms is now smaller ...
One last thing before I quitI never wanted any moreThan I could fit into my headI still remember every single word you saidAnd all the shit that somehow came along with itStill, there's one thing that comforts meSince I was always caged and now I'm freeSongwriters: David Grohl / Georg ...
Sparse offerings outside a Te Kauwhata church. Meanwhile, the Government is cutting spending in ways that make thousands of hungry children even hungrier, while also cutting funding for the charities that help them. It’s also doing that while winding back new building of affordable housing that would allow parents to ...
It is difficult to make sense of the Luxon Coalition Government’s economic management.This end-of-year review about the state of economic management – the state of the economy was last week – is not going to cover the National Party contribution. Frankly, like every other careful observer, I cannot make up ...
This morning I awoke to the lovely news that we are firmly back on track, that is if the scale was reversed.NZ ranks low in global economic comparisonsNew Zealand's economy has been ranked 33rd out of 37 in an international comparison of which have done best in 2024.Economies were ranked ...
Remember those silent movies where the heroine is tied to the railway tracks or going over the waterfall in a barrel? Finance Minister Nicola Willis seems intent on portraying herself as that damsel in distress. According to Willis, this country’s current economic problems have all been caused by the spending ...
Similar to the cuts and the austerity drive imposed by Ruth Richardson in the 1990’s, an era which to all intents and purposes we’ve largely fiddled around the edges with fixing in the time since – over, to be fair, several administrations – whilst trying our best it seems to ...
String-Pulling in the Dark: For the democratic process to be meaningful it must also be public. WITH TRUST AND CONFIDENCE in New Zealand’s politicians and journalists steadily declining, restoring those virtues poses a daunting challenge. Just how daunting is made clear by comparing the way politicians and journalists treated New Zealanders ...
Dear Nicola Willis, thank you for letting us know in so many words that the swingeing austerity hasn't worked.By in so many words I mean the bit where you said, Here is a sea of red ink in which we are drowning after twelve months of savage cost cutting and ...
The Open Government Partnership is a multilateral organisation committed to advancing open government. Countries which join are supposed to co-create regular action plans with civil society, committing to making verifiable improvements in transparency, accountability, participation, or technology and innovation for the above. And they're held to account through an Independent ...
Today I tuned into something strange: a press conference that didn’t make my stomach churn or the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Which was strange, because it was about the torture of children. It was the announcement by Erica Stanford — on her own, unusually ...
This is a must watch, and puts on brilliant and practical display the implications and mechanics of fast-track law corruption and weakness.CLICK HERE: LINK TO WATCH VIDEOOur news media as it is set up is simply not equipped to deal with the brazen disinformation and corruption under this right wing ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Acting Secretary Erin Polaczuk is welcoming the announcement from Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden that she is opening consultation on engineered stone and is calling on her to listen to the evidence and implement a total ban of the product. “We need ...
The Government has announced a 1.5% increase in the minimum wage from 1 April 2025, well below forecast inflation of 2.5%. Unions have reacted strongly and denounced it as a real terms cut. PSA and the CTU are opposing a new round of staff cuts at WorkSafe, which they say ...
The decision to unilaterally repudiate the contract for new Cook Strait ferries is beginning to look like one of the stupidest decisions a New Zealand government ever made. While cancelling the ferries and their associated port infrastructure may have made this year's books look good, it means higher costs later, ...
Hi there! I’ve been overseas recently, looking after a situation with a family member. So apologies if there any less than focused posts! Vanuatu has just had a significant 7.3 earthquake. Two MFAT staff are unaccounted for with local fatalities.It’s always sad to hear of such things happening.I think of ...
Today is a special member's morning, scheduled to make up for the government's theft of member's days throughout the year. First up was the first reading of Greg Fleming's Crimes (Increased Penalties for Slavery Offences) Amendment Bill, which was passed unanimously. Currently the House is debating the third reading of ...
We're going backwardsIgnoring the realitiesGoing backwardsAre you counting all the casualties?We are not there yetWhere we need to beWe are still in debtTo our insanitiesSongwriter: Martin Gore Read more ...
Willis blamed Treasury for changing its productivity assumptions and Labour’s spending increases since Covid for the worsening Budget outlook. Photo: Getty ImagesMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that matter in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, December 18 in The Kākā’s Dawn Chorus podcast above ...
Today the Auckland Transport board meet for the last time this year. For those interested (and with time to spare), you can follow along via this MS Teams link from 10am. I’ve taken a quick look through the agenda items to see what I think the most interesting aspects are. ...
Hi,If you’re a New Zealander — you know who Mike King is. He is the face of New Zealand’s battle against mental health problems. He can be loud and brash. He raises, and is entrusted with, a lot of cash. Last year his “I Am Hope” charity reported a revenue ...
Probably about the only consolation available from yesterday’s unveiling of the Half-Yearly Economic and Fiscal Update (HYEFU) is that it could have been worse. Though Finance Minister Nicola Willis has tightened the screws on future government spending, she has resisted the calls from hard-line academics, fiscal purists and fiscal hawks ...
The right have a stupid saying that is only occasionally true:When is democracy not democracy? When it hasn’t been voted on.While not true in regards to branches of government such as the judiciary, it’s a philosophy that probably should apply to recently-elected local government councillors. Nevertheless, this concept seemed to ...
Long story short: the Government’s austerity policy has driven the economy into a deeper and longer recession that means it will have to borrow $20 billion more over the next four years than it expected just six months ago. Treasury’s latest forecasts show the National-ACT-NZ First Government’s fiscal strategy of ...
Come and join myself and CTU Chief Economist for a pop-up ‘Hoon’ webinar on the Government’s Half Yearly Economic and Fiscal Update (HYEFU) with paying subscribers to The Kākā for 30 minutes at 5 pm today.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream to watch our chat. Don’t worry if ...
In 1998, in the wake of the Paremoremo Prison riot, the Department of Corrections established the "Behaviour Management Regime". Prisoners were locked in their cells for 22 or 23 hours a day, with no fresh air, no exercise, no social contact, no entertainment, and in some cases no clothes and ...
New data released by the Treasury shows that the economic policies of this Government have made things worse in the year since they took office, said NZCTU Economist Craig Renney. “Our fiscal indicators are all heading in the wrong direction – with higher levels of debt, a higher deficit, and ...
At the 2023 election, National basically ran on a platform of being better economic managers. So how'd that turn out for us? In just one year, they've fucked us for two full political terms: The government's books are set to remain deeply in the red for the near term ...
AUSTERITYText within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedMy spreadsheet insists This pain leads straight to glory (File not found) Read more ...
The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi are saying that the Government should do the right thing and deliver minimum wage increases that don’t see workers fall further behind, in response to today’s announcement that the minimum wage will only be increased by 1.5%, well short of forecast inflation. “With inflation forecast ...
Oh, I weptFor daysFilled my eyesWith silly tearsOh, yeaBut I don'tCare no moreI don't care ifMy eyes get soreSongwriters: Paul Rodgers / Paul Kossoff. Read more ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Bob HensonIn this aerial view, fingers of meltwater flow from the melting Isunnguata Sermia glacier descending from the Greenland Ice Sheet on July 11, 2024, near Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. According to the Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE), the ...
In August, I wrote an article about David Seymour1 with a video of his testimony, to warn that there were grave dangers to his Ministry of Regulation:David Seymour's Ministry of Slush Hides Far Greater RisksWhy Seymour's exorbitant waste of taxpayers' money could be the least of concernThe money for Seymour ...
Willis is expected to have to reveal the bitter fiscal fruits of her austerity strategy in the HYEFU later today. Photo: Lynn Grieveson/TheKakaMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that matter in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Tuesday, December 17 in The Kākā’s Dawn Chorus podcast ...
On Friday the government announced it would double the number of toll roads in New Zealand as well as make a few other changes to how toll roads are used in the country. The real issue though is not that tolling is being used but the suggestion it will make ...
The Prime Minister yesterday engaged in what looked like a pre-emptive strike designed to counter what is likely to be a series of depressing economic statistics expected before the end of the week. He opened his weekly post-Cabinet press conference with a recitation of the Government’s achievements. “It certainly has ...
This whooping cough story from south Auckland is a good example of the coalition government’s approach to social need – spend money on urging people to get vaccinated but only after you’ve cut the funding to where they could get vaccinated. This has been the case all year with public ...
And if there is a GodI know he likes to rockHe likes his loud guitarsHis spiders from MarsAnd if there is a GodI know he's watching meHe likes what he seesBut there's trouble on the breezeSongwriter: William Patrick Corgan Read more ...
Here’s a quick round up of today’s political news:1. MORE FOOD BANKS, CHARITIES, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTERS AND YOUTH SOCIAL SERVICES SET TO CLOSE OR SCALE BACK AROUND THE COUNTRY AS GOVT CUTS FUNDINGSome of Auckland's largest foodbanks are warning they may need to close or significantly reduce food parcels after ...
Iain Rennie, CNZMSecretary and Chief Executive to the TreasuryDear Secretary, Undue restrictions on restricted briefings This week, the Treasury barred representatives from four organisations, including the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions Te Kauae Kaimahi, from attending the restricted briefing for the Half-Year Economic and Fiscal Update. We had been ...
This is a guest post by Tim Adriaansen, a community, climate, and accessibility advocate.I won’t shut up about climate breakdown, and whenever possible I try to shift the focus of a climate conversation towards solutions. But you’ll almost never hear me give more than a passing nod to ...
A grassroots backlash has forced a backdown from Brown, but he is still eyeing up plenty of tolls for other new roads. And the pressure is on Willis to ramp up the Government’s austerity strategy. Photo: Getty ImagesMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that matter in Aotearoa’s political economy ...
Hi all,I'm pretty overwhelmed by all your messages and emails today; thank you so very much.As much as my newsletter this morning was about money, and we all need to earn money, it was mostly about world domination if I'm honest. 😉I really hate what’s happening to our country, and ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 8, 2024 thru Sat, December 14, 2024. Listing by Category Like last week's summary this one contains the list of articles twice: based on categories and based on ...
I started writing this morning about Hobson’s Pledge, examining the claims they and their supporters make, basically ripping into them. But I kept getting notifications coming through, and not good ones.Each time I looked up, there was another un-subscription message, and I felt a bit sicker at the thought of ...
Once, long before there was Harry and Meghan and Dodi and all those episodes of The Crown, they came to spend some time with us, Charles and Diana. Was there anyone in the world more glamorous than the Princess of Wales?Dazzled as everyone was by their company, the leader of ...
The collective right have a problem.The entire foundation for their world view is antiscientific. Their preferred economic strategies have been disproven. Their whole neoliberal model faces accusations of corporate corruption and worsening inequality. Climate change not only definitely exists, its rapid progression demands an immediate and expensive response in order ...
Just ten days ago, South Korea's president attempted a self-coup, declaring martial law and attempting to have opposition MPs murdered or arrested in an effort to seize unconstrained power. The attempt was rapidly defeated by the national assembly voting it down and the people flooding the streets to defend democracy. ...
Hi,“What I love about New Zealanders is that sometimes you use these expressions that as Americans we have no idea what those things mean!"I am watching a 30-something year old American ramble on about how different New Zealanders are to Americans. It’s his podcast, and this man is doing a ...
National has only been in power for a year, but everywhere you look, its choices are taking New Zealand a long way backwards. In no particular order, here are the National Government's Top 50 Greatest Misses of its first year in power. ...
The Government is quietly undertaking consultation on the dangerous Regulatory Standards Bill over the Christmas period to avoid too much attention. ...
The Government’s planned changes to the freedom of speech obligations of universities is little more than a front for stoking the political fires of disinformation and fear, placing teachers and students in the crosshairs. ...
The Ministry of Regulation’s report into Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Aotearoa raises serious concerns about the possibility of lowering qualification requirements, undermining quality and risking worse outcomes for tamariki, whānau, and kaiako. ...
A Bill to modernise the role of Justices of the Peace (JP), ensuring they remain active in their communities and connected with other JPs, has been put into the ballot. ...
Labour will continue to fight unsustainable and destructive projects that are able to leap-frog environment protection under National’s Fast-track Approvals Bill. ...
The Green Party has warned that a Green Government will revoke the consents of companies who override environmental protections as part of Fast-Track legislation being passed today. ...
The Green Party says the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update shows how the Government is failing to address the massive social and infrastructure deficits our country faces. ...
The Government’s latest move to reduce the earnings of migrant workers will not only hurt migrants but it will drive down the wages of Kiwi workers. ...
Te Pāti Māori has this morning issued a stern warning to Fast-Track applicants with interests in mining, pledging to hold them accountable through retrospective liability and to immediately revoke Fast-Track consents under a future Te Pāti Māori government. This warning comes ahead of today’s third reading of the Fast-Track Approvals ...
The Government’s announcement today of a 1.5 per cent increase to minimum wage is another blow for workers, with inflation projected to exceed the increase, meaning it’s a real terms pay reduction for many. ...
All the Government has achieved from its announcement today is to continue to push responsibility back on councils for its own lack of action to help bring down skyrocketing rates. ...
The Government has used its final post-Cabinet press conference of the year to punch down on local government without offering any credible solutions to the issues our councils are facing. ...
The Government has failed to keep its promise to ‘super charge’ the EV network, delivering just 292 chargers - less than half of the 670 chargers needed to meet its target. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Government to stop subsidising the largest user of the country’s gas supplies, Methanex, following a report highlighting the multi-national’s disproportionate influence on energy prices in Aotearoa. ...
The Green Party is appalled with the Government’s new child poverty targets that are based on a new ‘persistent poverty’ measure that could be met even with an increase in child poverty. ...
New independent analysis has revealed that the Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) will reduce emissions by a measly 1 per cent by 2030, failing to set us up for the future and meeting upcoming targets. ...
The loss of 27 kaimahi at Whakaata Māori and the end of its daily news bulletin is a sad day for Māori media and another step backwards for Te Tiriti o Waitangi justice. ...
Yesterday the Government passed cruel legislation through first reading to establish a new beneficiary sanction regime that will ultimately mean more households cannot afford the basic essentials. ...
Today's passing of the Government's Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill–which allows landlords to end tenancies with no reason–ignores the voice of the people and leaves renters in limbo ahead of the festive season. ...
After wasting a year, Nicola Willis has delivered a worse deal for the Cook Strait ferries that will end up being more expensive and take longer to arrive. ...
Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick has today launched a Member’s Bill to sanction Israel for its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, as the All Out For Gaza rally reaches Parliament. ...
After years of advocacy, the Green Party is very happy to hear the Government has listened to our collective voices and announced the closure of the greyhound racing industry, by 1 August 2026. ...
In response to a new report from ERO, the Government has acknowledged the urgent need for consistency across the curriculum for Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) in schools. ...
The Green Party is appalled at the Government introducing legislation that will make it easier to penalise workers fighting for better pay and conditions. ...
Thank you for the invitation to speak with you tonight on behalf of the political party I belong to - which is New Zealand First. As we have heard before this evening the Kinleith Mill is proposing to reduce operations by focusing on pulp and discontinuing “lossmaking paper production”. They say that they are currently consulting on the plan to permanently shut ...
Auckland Central MP, Chlöe Swarbrick, has written to Mayor Wayne Brown requesting he stop the unnecessary delays on St James Theatre’s restoration. ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says Health New Zealand will move swiftly to support dozens of internationally-trained doctors already in New Zealand on their journey to employment here, after a tripling of sought-after examination places. “The Medical Council has delivered great news for hardworking overseas doctors who want to contribute ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has appointed Sarah Ottrey to the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). “At my first APEC Summit in Lima, I experienced firsthand the role that ABAC plays in guaranteeing political leaders hear the voice of business,” Mr Luxon says. “New Zealand’s ABAC representatives are very well respected and ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced four appointments to New Zealand’s intelligence oversight functions. The Honourable Robert Dobson KC has been appointed Chief Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants, and the Honourable Brendan Brown KC has been appointed as a Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants. The appointments of Hon Robert Dobson and Hon ...
Improvements in the average time it takes to process survey and title applications means housing developments can progress more quickly, Minister for Land Information Chris Penk says. “The government is resolutely focused on improving the building and construction pipeline,” Mr Penk says. “Applications to issue titles and subdivide land are ...
The Government’s measures to reduce airport wait times, and better transparency around flight disruptions is delivering encouraging early results for passengers ahead of the busy summer period, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Improving the efficiency of air travel is a priority for the Government to give passengers a smoother, more reliable ...
The Government today announced the intended closure of the Apollo Hotel as Contracted Emergency Housing (CEH) in Rotorua, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. This follows a 30 per cent reduction in the number of households in CEH in Rotorua since National came into Government. “Our focus is on ending CEH in the Whakarewarewa area starting ...
The Government will reshape vocational education and training to return decision making to regions and enable greater industry input into work-based learning Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds says. “The redesigned system will better meet the needs of learners, industry, and the economy. It includes re-establishing regional polytechnics that ...
The Government is taking action to better manage synthetic refrigerants and reduce emissions caused by greenhouse gases found in heating and cooling products, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Regulations will be drafted to support a product stewardship scheme for synthetic refrigerants, Ms. Simmonds says. “Synthetic refrigerants are found in a ...
People travelling on State Highway 1 north of Hamilton will be relieved that remedial works and safety improvements on the Ngāruawāhia section of the Waikato Expressway were finished today, with all lanes now open to traffic, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“I would like to acknowledge the patience of road users ...
Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds, has announced a new appointment to the board of Education New Zealand (ENZ). Dr Erik Lithander has been appointed as a new member of the ENZ board for a three-year term until 30 January 2028. “I would like to welcome Dr Erik Lithander to the ...
The Government will have senior representatives at Waitangi Day events around the country, including at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, but next year Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has chosen to take part in celebrations elsewhere. “It has always been my intention to celebrate Waitangi Day around the country with different ...
Two more criminal gangs will be subject to the raft of laws passed by the Coalition Government that give Police more powers to disrupt gang activity, and the intimidation they impose in our communities, Police Minister Mark Mitchell says. Following an Order passed by Cabinet, from 3 February 2025 the ...
Attorney-General Judith Collins today announced the appointment of Justice Christian Whata as a Judge of the Court of Appeal. Justice Whata’s appointment as a Judge of the Court of Appeal will take effect on 1 August 2025 and fill a vacancy created by the retirement of Hon Justice David Goddard on ...
The latest economic figures highlight the importance of the steps the Government has taken to restore respect for taxpayers’ money and drive economic growth, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. Data released today by Stats NZ shows Gross Domestic Product fell 1 per cent in the September quarter. “Treasury and most ...
Tertiary Education and Skills Minister Penny Simmonds and Associate Minister of Education David Seymour today announced legislation changes to strengthen freedom of speech obligations on universities. “Freedom of speech is fundamental to the concept of academic freedom and there is concern that universities seem to be taking a more risk-averse ...
Police Minister, Mark Mitchell, and Internal Affairs Minister, Brooke van Velden, today launched a further Public Safety Network cellular service that alongside last year’s Cellular Roaming roll-out, puts globally-leading cellular communications capability into the hands of our emergency responders. The Public Safety Network’s new Cellular Priority service means Police, Wellington ...
State Highway 1 through the Mangamuka Gorge has officially reopened today, providing a critical link for Northlanders and offering much-needed relief ahead of the busy summer period, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“The Mangamuka Gorge is a vital route for Northland, carrying around 1,300 vehicles per day and connecting the Far ...
The Government has welcomed decisions by the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) and Ashburton District Council confirming funding to boost resilience in the Canterbury region, with construction on a second Ashburton Bridge expected to begin in 2026, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Delivering a second Ashburton Bridge to improve resilience and ...
The Government is backing the response into high pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Otago, Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard says. “Cabinet has approved new funding of $20 million to enable MPI to meet unbudgeted ongoing expenses associated with the H7N6 response including rigorous scientific testing of samples at the enhanced PC3 ...
Legislation that will repeal all advertising restrictions for broadcasters on Sundays and public holidays has passed through first reading in Parliament today, Media Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “As a growing share of audiences get their news and entertainment from streaming services, these restrictions have become increasingly redundant. New Zealand on ...
Today the House agreed to Brendan Horsley being appointed Inspector-General of Defence, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “Mr Horsley’s experience will be invaluable in overseeing the establishment of the new office and its support networks. “He is currently Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, having held that role since June 2020. ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Government has agreed to the final regulations for the levy on insurance contracts that will fund Fire and Emergency New Zealand from July 2026. “Earlier this year the Government agreed to a 2.2 percent increase to the rate of levy. Fire ...
The Government is delivering regulatory relief for New Zealand businesses through changes to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act. “The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill, which was introduced today, is the second Bill – the other being the Statutes Amendment Bill - that ...
Transport Minister Simeon Brown has welcomed further progress on the Hawke’s Bay Expressway Road of National Significance (RoNS), with the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) Board approving funding for the detailed design of Stage 1, paving the way for main works construction to begin in late 2025.“The Government is moving at ...
The Government today released a request for information (RFI) to seeking interest in partnerships to plant trees on Crown-owned land with low farming and conservation value (excluding National Parks) Forestry Minister Todd McClay announced. “Planting trees on Crown-owned land will drive economic growth by creating more forestry jobs in our regions, providing more wood ...
Court timeliness, access to justice, and improving the quality of existing regulation are the focus of a series of law changes introduced to Parliament today by Associate Minister of Justice Nicole McKee. The three Bills in the Regulatory Systems (Justice) Amendment Bill package each improve a different part of the ...
A total of 41 appointments and reappointments have been made to the 12 community trusts around New Zealand that serve their regions, Associate Finance Minister Shane Jones says. “These trusts, and the communities they serve from the Far North to the deep south, will benefit from the rich experience, knowledge, ...
The Government has confirmed how it will provide redress to survivors who were tortured at the Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital Child and Adolescent Unit (the Lake Alice Unit). “The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care found that many of the 362 children who went through the Lake Alice Unit between 1972 and ...
It has been a busy, productive year in the House as the coalition Government works hard to get New Zealand back on track, Leader of the House Chris Bishop says. “This Government promised to rebuild the economy, restore law and order and reduce the cost of living. Our record this ...
“Accelerated silicosis is an emerging occupational disease caused by unsafe work such as engineered stone benchtops. I am running a standalone consultation on engineered stone to understand what the industry is currently doing to manage the risks, and whether further regulatory intervention is needed,” says Workplace Relations and Safety Minister ...
Mehemea he pai mō te tangata, mahia – if it’s good for the people, get on with it. Enhanced reporting on the public sector’s delivery of Treaty settlement commitments will help improve outcomes for Māori and all New Zealanders, Māori Crown Relations Minister Tama Potaka says. Compiled together for the ...
Mr Roger Holmes Miller and Ms Tarita Hutchinson have been appointed to the Charities Registration Board, Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Louise Upston says. “I would like to welcome the new members joining the Charities Registration Board. “The appointment of Ms Hutchinson and Mr Miller will strengthen the Board’s capacity ...
More building consent and code compliance applications are being processed within the statutory timeframe since the Government required councils to submit quarterly data, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “In the midst of a housing shortage we need to look at every step of the build process for efficiencies ...
Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey is proud to announce the first three recipients of the Government’s $10 million Mental Health and Addiction Community Sector Innovation Fund which will enable more Kiwis faster access to mental health and addiction support. “This fund is part of the Government’s commitment to investing in ...
New Zealand is providing Vanuatu assistance following yesterday's devastating earthquake, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says. "Vanuatu is a member of our Pacific family and we are supporting it in this time of acute need," Mr Peters says. "Our thoughts are with the people of Vanuatu, and we will be ...
The Government welcomes the Commerce Commission’s plan to reduce card fees for Kiwis by an estimated $260 million a year, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly says.“The Government is relentlessly focused on reducing the cost of living, so Kiwis can keep more of their hard-earned income and live a ...
Regulation Minister David Seymour has welcomed the Early Childhood Education (ECE) regulatory review report, the first major report from the Ministry for Regulation. The report makes 15 recommendations to modernise and simplify regulations across ECE so services can get on with what they do best – providing safe, high-quality care ...
The Government‘s Offshore Renewable Energy Bill to create a new regulatory regime that will enable firms to construct offshore wind generation has passed its first reading in Parliament, Energy Minister Simeon Brown says.“New Zealand currently does not have a regulatory regime for offshore renewable energy as the previous government failed ...
Legislation to enable new water service delivery models that will drive critical investment in infrastructure has passed its first reading in Parliament, marking a significant step towards the delivery of Local Water Done Well, Local Government Minister Simeon Brown and Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly say.“Councils and voters ...
New Zealand is one step closer to reaping the benefits of gene technology with the passing of the first reading of the Gene Technology Bill, Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins says. "This legislation will end New Zealand's near 30-year ban on gene technology outside the lab and is ...
Summer reissue: Was it a false measurement, a full-blown conspiracy or just some mild incompetence? Mad Chapman uncovers the truth of Maddi Wesche’s final throw. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Julie Old, Associate Professor, Biology, Zoology, Animal Science, Western Sydney University Dmitry Chulov, Shutterstock At this time of year, images of reindeer are everywhere. I’ve had a soft spot for reindeer ever since I was a little girl. Doesn’t everyone? ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Grozdana Manalo, Career Services Manager (Education), University of Sydney hedgehog94/Shutterstock Getting casual work over summer, or a part-time job that you might continue once your tertiary course starts, can be a great way to get workplace experience and earn some extra ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Ty Ferguson, Research associate in exercise, nutrition and activity, University of South Australia Peera_Stockfoto/Shutterstock It’s never been easier to stay connected to work. Even when we’re on leave, our phones and laptops keep us tethered. Many of us promise ourselves we ...
The NZ Media Council upheld the complaint under principle four: comment and fact On 5 September 2024, The Spinoff published a brief article titled Made in Palestine, found in 1970s Hastings, which highlighted an upcoming art exhibition featuring photographs of vintage cosmetic products labelled “Made in Palestine.” The piece, described ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Kasey Symons, Lecturer of Communication, Sports Media, Deakin University We are well and truly in cricket season. The Australian men’s cricket team is taking centre stage against India in the Border Gavaskar Trophy series while the Big Bash League is underway, as ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Andrew Woods, Lecturer, Nursing, Faculty of Health, Southern Cross University FTiare/Shutterstock Summer is here and for many that means going to the beach. You grab your swimmers, beach towel and sunscreen then maybe check the weather forecast. Did you think to ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Saman Khalesi, Senior Lecturer and Discipline Lead in Nutrition, School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences, CQUniversity Australia Dean Clarke/Shutterstock The holiday season can be a time of joy, celebration, and indulgence in delicious foods and meals. However, for many, it ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Ari Mattes, Lecturer in Communications and Media, University of Notre Dame Australia Late Night With The Devil. Maslow Entertainment Marketing is critical to the success of commercial films, and companies will often spend half as much again on top of the ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Francisco Jose Testa, Lecturer in Earth Sciences (Mineralogy, Petrology & Geochemistry), University of Tasmania The Conversation As a kid, it was tough for me to grasp the massive time scale of Earth’s history. Now, with nearly two decades of experience as ...
Opinion: The latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science report was announced earlier this month, yet it didn’t get the flurry of media attention and political hand-wringing that typically accompanies these announcements. This might be because it presented good news, or you could argue, no news; the results paint a ...
NewsroomBy Dr Lisa Darragh, Dr Raewyn Eden and Dr David Pomeroy
Te Pāti Māori has had to adopt a new way of debating, operating and even thinking in Parliament in response to the Government’s “onslaught” against te ao Māori, co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer says.In an end-of-year interview with Newsroom, the Te Tai Hauauru MP reflected on how 2024 has differed from her ...
At long last, The Spinoff shells out for a nut ranking. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today.It recently came to The Spinoff’s attention ...
I was one of hundreds of people who lost my government job this week. Here’s exactly how it played out. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a ...
Summer reissue: One anxiously attentive passenger pays attention to an in-flight safety video, and wonders ‘Why can’t I pick up my own phone?’ The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up ...
Summer reissue: Why do those Lange-Douglas years cast such a long shadow 40 years on? The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today. First published June ...
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The Government’s social housing agency has backed out of a billion-dollar infrastructure alliance that would have built about 6000 new homes in Auckland – less than 18 months after signing a five-year extension.Labour says the decision to rip up the contract and sell off existing state houses could lead to ...
ByKoroi Hawkins, RNZ Pacific editor New Zealand’s Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) says impending bad weather for Port Vila is now the most significant post-quake hazard. A tropical low in the Coral Sea is expected to move into Vanuatu waters, bringing heavy rainfall. Authorities have issued warnings to people ...
Cosmic CatastropheThe year draws to a close.King Luxon has grown tired of the long eveningsListening to the dreary squabbling of his Triumvirate.He strolls up to the top floor of the PalaceTo consult with his Astronomer Royal.The Royal Telescope scans the skies,And King Luxon stares up into the heavensFrom the terrestrial ...
Spinoff editor Mad Chapman and books editor Claire Mabey debate Carl Shuker’s new novel about… an editor. Claire: Hello Mad, you just finished The Royal Free – overall impressions? Mad: Hi Claire, I literally just put the book down and I would have to say my immediate impression is ...
Christmas and its buildup are often lonely, hard and full of unreasonable expectations. Here’s how to make it to Jesus’s birthday and find the little bit of joy we all deserve. Have you found this year relentless? Has the latest Apple update “fucked up your life”? Have you lost two ...
Despite overwhelming public and corporate support, the government has stalled progress on a modern day slavery law. That puts us behind other countries – and makes Christmas a time of tragedy rather than joy, argues Shanti Mathias. Picture the scene on Christmas Day. Everyone replete with nice things to eat, ...
Asia Pacific Report “It looks like Hiroshima. It looks like Germany at the end of World War Two,” says an Israeli-American historian and professor of holocaust and genocide studies at Brown University about the horrifying reality of Gaza. Professor Omer Bartov, has described Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza as an ...
The New Zealand government coalition is tweaking university regulations to curb what it says is an increasingly “risk-averse approach” to free speech. The proposed changes will set clear expectations on how universities should approach freedom of speech issues. Each university will then have to adopt a “freedom of speech statement” ...
Report by Dr David Robie – Café Pacific. – COMMENTARY: By Caitlin Johnstone New York prosecutors have charged Luigi Mangione with “murder as an act of terrorism” in his alleged shooting of health insurance CEO Brian Thompson earlier this month. This news comes out at the same time as ...
Pacific Media Watch The union for Australian journalists has welcomed the delivery by the federal government of more than $150 million to support the sustainability of public interest journalism over the next four years. Combined with the announcement of the revamped News Bargaining Initiative, this could result in up to ...
MONDAY“Merry Xmas, and praise the Lord,” said Sheriff Luxon, and smiled for the camera. There was a flash of smoke when the shutter pressed down on the magnesium powder. The sheriff had arranged for a photographer from the Dodge Gazette to attend a ceremony where he handed out food parcels to ...
It’s a little under two months since the White Ferns shocked the cricketing world, deservedly taking home the T20 World Cup. Since then the trophy has had a tour around the country, five of the squad have played in the WBBL in Australia while most others have returned to domestic ...
Comment: If we say the word ‘dementia’, many will picture an older person struggling to remember the names of their loved ones, maybe a grandparent living out their final years in an aged care facility. Dementia can also occur in people younger than 65, but it can take time before ...
Piracy is a reality of modern life – but copyright law has struggled to play catch-up for as long as the entertainment industry has existed. As far back as 1988, the House of Lords criticised copyright law’s conflict with the reality of human behaviour in the context of burning cassette ...
As he makes a surprise return to Shortland Street, actor Craig Parker takes us through his life in television. Craig Parker has been a fixture on television in Aotearoa for nearly four decades. He had starring roles in iconic local series like Gloss, Mercy Peak and Diplomatic Immunity, featured in ...
English Labour will not vote against the Tory government’s welfare bill and should not oppose Tories limiting child tax credits to two children, the party’s interim leader, Harriet Harman, has said. Her remarks came as the shadow education secretary, Tristam Hunt, warned the party that it was becoming an irrelevance at a frightening speed.
Seemingly bennie bashing is how you become relevant.
Labour is reinforcing predjudices about family size being the cause of poverty. Bear in mind these tax credits are for working families. The English Labour Party is in disarray and air heads like Harman and Hunt are joining the Tories in slapping the working class for daring to have families.http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/jul/12/harman-labour-not-vote-against-welfare-bill-limit-child-tax-credits
Having a bigger family doesnt excatly jelp does it?
“If we can’t get them out, we’ll breed them out”
Help with what?
The rich get richer.
infused, who is going to wipe your arse when you are too old and decrepit to do it yourself? Just curious.
Kiaora, weka
Ha ha. You are so right. Unless, in the not to distant future, they invent a robot with a fourth law embedded in its neural net which axiomatically decrees – wipe bottom – Do Not Exterminate, Mr Octogenerian Infused will have to put up with the working poor taking care of his bodily functions.
But in saying that, he will receive generally excellent care.
The robot on the other will quickly and logically conclude – wiping bottom sucks – exterminate, exterminate.
Good. It’s about time they were held to account.
Must hand over Sovereignty? 90% of the loans went to bail out banks, not to the Greek people.
The banks that Grecee owed money too? Well duh.
Why bail out the bank directly, when you could bail out the country so it is more likely able to pay some money back to the bank? If you bail out the bank directly, Greece is left in no state to be able to recover and thus will require more lending. Bailing out the banks and not the country is short-term thinking.
Why bail out the country at all when their spending habits are not going to change?
If that’s the case, why lend money in the first place if they aren’t going to be able to pay it back? Oh, it’s so you have an excused to repossess all their assets. So they basically lend money so they could loot the country. Why should that behaviour be rewarded?
This was posted on the SMH site a few days before Phil Twyford raised the issue in NZ.
Did you that terrible interview on RNZ?
Good to hear listeners’ feedback supporting Twyford and slamming RNZ for its bias as well as the government for doing nothing about the crisis.
anyone screaming about racism over there!
I’ve been reflecting on the kerfuffle over chinese investment in nz’s real estate. some random points:
it’s fairly easy to distinguish between who comes from the prc and who comes from.the diaspora because the communist state early on adopted a distinctive form of romanization of Chinese words called pinyin. I’m not sure if the salmond factored this in to his surprisingly underappreciated methodology.
Chinese are vulnerable in nz. any sort of negative press, such as what labour has been running, will probably result in more street level racial abuse. I doubt that Chinese associations in nz or any pakeha institutions would be well placed to pick up on such trends. liberal nz’s policy settings are based on the false premise that multiculturalism is easy, and so there isn’t an institutional depth around trying to grasp the lived experience of migrant communities -though I’d be interested to learn more about the tools that the race relations conciliator has available.
the Chinese state and local Chinese idiots are capable of truly horrific behaviour, and innocent Chinese are regularly caught up in the blowback. I’m thinking of the anti China riots in Vietnam recently when beijing plonked an oil rig in vietnamese waters, surrounding it with burly and aggressive ships. taiwanese businesses were attacked – pretty much anyone who was chineseish was in danger. even China’s immediate neighbours can be quite ignorant of the various communities that loosely come under the adjective “chinese”. also you get all sorts of outrageous behaviour from usually mainland businesspeople that gets the locals antsy about anyone who seems chinese. that’s mostly what’s behind the often strong anti-Chinese sentiment in africa. that and the success, and the numbers.
genuine question – where is the space in the public domain for people to say “I feel bad about these buggers moving in”. cos a lot of people are feeling that. I remember a couple of Myanmar refugees telling me in Wellington in 2007 something like “there are so many Chinese everywhere”. confusedly. it just seems to me that resentment is building up, and it’s dangerous to simply say “fuck off dumb racist”. cos the problem doesn’t fuck off.
political parties tend to be quite shit at engaging in migrant communities. to do it proper you need biculturalism – basically people who are conversant in the majority plus other cultures. and that takes yearsnyears of language learning, travel, lived experience, etc etc. essentially nzers lack the skills to be able to forge a coherent society out of a fractured one. we’ve got multiculturalism on the cheap, which turns out to be not good for much beyond the diversity of the shopping mall foodcourt.
re: “…genuine question…”.
The internet? And when you say “people” do those people include you? Whoever those people are, why, or what hurdles do they have to reaching an understanding of the things they think and how those things may or may not be threatened, or which things are threatened, or even why they think the way they do?
Are they happy to be against others because of race and leave it there?
From a pakeha perspective, is there a cultural reason (or of course, time, ability) that they cannot just pause for a moment and work back from “there are too many chinese everywhere” and figure out what scares them about that? As a European it’s “normal” for me to suggest this fairly clumsy method because my psychological heritage stands outside the subconscious looking in as a stranger. What is their cultural position, traditionally? What ideas are they carrying (beneficial or not) that they take for granted that holds them back from examining their beliefs like that? How are they resistent to Western thinking, if at all?
And more importantly, does it even matter? A pakeha racist might go from “too many Chinese” to “let’s attack the next one we see!” naturally. But if you were from Myanmar and a buddhist, you might think, “Ok so too many Chinese. Bastards.” and then go back to whatever you’re doing and nothing more comes of it, ever. If the problem is a negative personal experience (causing the ill-feeling), not much can be done in the “public domain” and at an early stage, internet-venting might actually make it worse.
my personal take is, people tend to be fearful of change, and large scale immigration is one kind of change.
people are also usually more comfortable dealing with their own kind…
so these are legitimate, human fears that are ubiquitous and easy to understand .
i live in china, suffer from racism quite a bit. i accept that a lot of it is coming from a very human place, so it doesn’t bother me. there are plenty of folk who can handle foreigners, and plenty who can’t so well. that’s all normal. i’ve also been attacked by groups of men a couple of times on racial grounds. i’d put that at the less legitimate end of the scale of behaviour around dealing with foreigners. but it’s really about them, not me, and i wish them well.
we live in a big diverse world and some people are better than others at handling that diversity turning up on their doorstep. but you need to appreciate the concept of “home”. this place is the home of others in a more intimate way than it is my home, so while i’m a local i’ll also always be a guest.
it’s sort of contradictory to espouse a cosmopolitanism that looks down on people who aren’t able to espouse it.
doing some more thinking about it:
i come from a Christian angle, and the differences from liberalism re: racism are thus:
liberals believe that racism can be defeated. they believe in progress – things getting better and better. thus you hear phrases like “we have to move past racism”. what is racism grounded in according to this worldview? probably bad thinking, which can be educated away, and possibly bad attitudes such as selfishness, that can be dropped. ironically, in this worldview, you’re able to relatively easily become unracist, so if you don’t it means you are (choosing to be) inferior. so liberals look down on people for looking down on people. awesome.
i believe that racism will always be with us. “progress” does not exist. i believe it’s a question of character, and character runs deep and is not so easy to change. humans are morally weak and deserve greater empathy in their failings than liberals are generally disposed to afford them. jesus comes to a failing world in love, it’s satan who accuses (terry eagleton points out that the popular modern idea of the christian god actually fits the biblical idea of satan – the accuser who is out to get you if you screw up (the word satan is hebrew for accuser). point being, christians are required to practice empathy toward ‘bad people’, which is a world away from the snide liberal pooh pooing).
liberals follow tolerance and freedom, christians follow hospitality and the imperatives of love. for a liberal, it’s ok to allow people to immigrate, and let them do their thing without engaging with them at any serious level. for christians that’s not ok. we need to be inviting them into our homes, eating with them, and having our horizons expanded as we try to figure out how to support or simply be there for them, to live alongside them. for example: wellington refugee and migrant services was started by a group of churches – not the local atheists’ knitting club. for another example: my church ran free english classes for refugees and migrants. for a lot of them it was their only regular contact with new zealanders. new new zealanders cannot become new zealanders simply by dint of a change in citizenship status. hospitality is a vital part in becoming a local. i used to teach chinese students whose only interaction with kiwis was transactional – involving the handing over of money – be it the landlord, the esl teacher or the local shop keeper. there’s a lot of freedom and toleration in that, but it’s crap. and the chinese students knew it was crap. “come to new zealand and buy stuff!” yeah right.
when a migrant suffers from racism, they need to be able to talk it out with someone. if they’re only discussing that shit with other migrants, well that’s a recipe for brewing a world of resentment and bitterness. when migrants have actual born and bred kiwis to talk about their struggles with, it goes a huge way to making them feel accepted and part of things. new zealand is really doing this immigration thing too cheaply, and it opens the way for a toxic legacy down the track.
Cheers Vaughan Little; good to read your thoughtful perspective on this.
Racists look for “enablement”. It’s the prime principle of the dogwhistle. If someone prominent says something that they can use as justification for their behaviour, they’ll feel they’ve been let off the leash.
One of the most frequent mistakes politicians make is to assume that the only message people receive is the one they intend to send as text or subtext, not the one that people want to hear themselves.
Before it was the leakers like Goff and Robertson who wanted people to think that David Cunliffe was unfit to lead Labour when the message received was that Labour as a whole was unfit to govern. Now the message being received is that Labour says Chinese people are bad, and certainly National and Act have gleefully leapt at the opportunity to make use of this.
God only knows why I’m being so generous. Must be lingering sentiment.
“Labour says Chinese people are bad”
Labour says that 9% of probable Chinese in a fraction of the population are probably not doing something bad for the economy, and 30% of probable Chinese in that fraction are probably doing something bad for it.
this is all about hot money inflows.
when you have the wrong end of the stick, best thing is to let it go and walk away.
Read it again. Especially my second sentence.
Labour can say one thing and be heard another. Right now they’re defending themselves against charges of racism because some people construe their message as racist and because it’s being painted as racist. The facts are getting lost.
target selected
Check out the photo they have used of little.
The wind has changed and now anybody can be chucked under the labour bus – for the first moral duty.
No different than the old fat photos of farrer thestandard still uses or the stupid ones of john key.
Except, you know, that is the Herald which is a national publication that is supposed to be neutral and the standard is a blog which openly comes from the left.
All media uses whatever means to grab attention though doesn’t it?
I’m not defending the papers either. They are all equally as shit… well most media in NZ.
Shit. So that settles it then. They say they knew the risks. haha “the risks”? It’s not a “risk” when you chose to ring the race cowbell. That’s a choice. They knew the choices. Get it right, Andrew.
Is this a “dead rat” issue? Because stirring up racial tensions wil get a party elected, and the Left needs Labour unless the unthinkable happens and people flock to the Greens and Mana in a totally unforeseen landslide. But really, the ongoing cost of the race card, is it worth it? This is more like a “dead horse” issue, or a re-interred partially thawed and rotting ice-mammoth issue. Two years out, and The Greens are bolstering National’s anti-free speech laws and Labour are ringing the race bells. Christ. Can not wait for 2017. That year is clearly going to be insane.
And hasn’t he committed a bit of a general cultural faux pas by suggesting present day Chinese are not connected to anything past their grandparents? It’s like the “blame the parents for the kids” argument; or the “we decide who is Maori or not” bloodline/ratio approach. Colonial Viper is right, Labour need a better reflection of who it is they represent in their MPs.
But thats how he looks and how he appears, whats he supposed to do?
In saying “first moral duty”, Little acknowledges the harm his party has done to people who are “second” or even lower ranked. Nice to know. The bus has a dog whistle for a horn. Beneficiaries, LBGTQ, now people with Chinese-sounding surnames – all acceptable collateral damage… I wonder if they’ll realise that chucking people under the bus won’t put diesel in the tank?
Metiria Turei gave a much more intelligent and considered response. It’s early on in this clip:
Even making the generous assumption of good faith, Labour’s handling has been collosally (and predictably) stupid, handing ammunition to Smith and undermining its credibility on race. It’s a classic case of “Fire! Aim! Ready!” Even making the generous assumption that they didn’t anticipate this backlash, then whoever’s running their media strategy needs to put down their crayons for a while and let someone with at least the barest suggestion of competence take the role.
Hmmm, does my roof need painting?
Exactly rhino
My extended family & I sincerely hope that Labour will put a hand out to pick us up, or to scrape us off the road, after Messrs Twyford & Little and the current issues leave town in the big red bus.
Thanks MM.
I’d guessed that Twyford’s tack was approved by Andrew Little and the Leader’s office.
There’s something quite particular having a leader who is promising then really disappointing by turns.
Three attempts at trolling by infused already on this thread.
Coffee took longer than expected.
Perhaps its not surprising the Herald editorial this morning backs-up Labour’s call for proper data to be collected on just who is buying up big and speculatively in the Auckland housing market. After all, the Herald IS Auckland-based, and anecdotal “evidence” and people on the ground at Auckland auctions is what’s causing the concern, and it needs addressing. This is from today’s Herald :
” For many people, the leaked property sale figures reported in the Weekend Herald ……… They concluded some time ago that overseas Chinese buyers were behind the boom in the Auckland property market. ……”
Oh noes! Chinese at property auctions! Quick, where are the internment camps when we need them?! And what about Australians, Poms, Indians and the South Africans. Especially the South Africans. They’re sneaky bastards. You can only tell they’re South African when they open their mouths.
Re the auck prices
Interestingly at 4% commission and average $700k house the real estate firm will have collected about $112 million in fees!!!!
The other observation was that many of the comments in NBR were positive re the release of the data.
Geez I go away for a couple of days and everything goes ker-razy…so who decided that attacking Asians was the best way for Labour to get back into power?
At first i thought it was picture of T. Mallard
Well PR you must be very upset to realise that it is not TrevM
perhaps you should go to Specsavers or even go back to where you have been and then we wouldn’t have to put up with your biased comments although, I must say that the SST actually beats you for bias in this instance.
At least with me (unlike the MSM) you know I’m not pretending about my political viewpoints
This is an interesting attack add from the democrats. Commentary by TYT.
familiar? hahahaha
Seen this?
Today’s NZ Herald editorial – ( Monday 13 July 2015) Business Section:
“Chinese role in the housing boom.
For many people, the leaked property sale figures reported in the Weekend Herald will have contained just one element of surprise.
They concluded some time ago that overseas Chinese buyers were behind the boom in the Auckland property market.
Anecdotal accounts from auctions had led them to discount a survey of real estate agents in 2013 that attributed only 8 per cent of purchases to this group.
Even so, many will have been astonished to learn that as many as 39.5 per cent of sales may be to buyers of Chinese descent.
That figure, whatever the question-marks surrounding it, raises issues that need to be addressed.
Deriding the finding as politically motivated and statistically unsound is easy, but essentially a red herring.
Compiling an estimate of the ethnicity of purchasers from their surnames, as Labour’s housing spokesman, Phil Twyford, has done, is not ideal.
But the basis, figures covering 3922 Auckland sales from one real estate firm from February to April this year, is reasonably comprehensive.
And it is better than anything else available.
Regrettably, there is an information vacuum because this country has no register of foreign buyers.
But perhaps we should not be totally surprised if Chinese buyers are, indeed, having a big influence.
The Beijing Government is allowing more of its citizens to buy overseas property, and interest rates in China are much lower than here.
This has led to Auckland housing being marketed aggressively to Chinese investors.
They have been alerted especially that this country has no land tax, stamp duty or other of the restrictions of the likes of Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore.
So far, the Key Government has acted directly only to the extent of requiring overseas buyers to have an Inland Revenue number and a New Zealand bank account from October.
Mr Twyford’s finding will ramp up the pressure to do more.
To some, it will represent evidence that the extent of Chinese investment, and a readiness to pay over the odds, is, beside its ramifications for the economy, creating an untenable situation for local buyers, especially those seeking their first homes.
There needs to be a high degree of caution, however.
First, Mr Twyford’s finding has to be substantiated by statistics whose accuracy cannot be challenged.
In that context, figures made available by the new government requirements for overseas buyers need to be made available to the public.
Secondly, if these figures underline Mr Twyford’s conclusion, the response must be carefully calibrated.
It would be easy to follow Australia’s lead and require overseas investors to build new houses.
This makes some sense in increasing supply rather than adding to demand.
It is a stern step, however. New Zealanders certainly take a dim view when they are denied the right to buy a house in an overseas country.
Equally, some of the purchases by overseas Chinese buyers are for family members, perhaps students, living in this country for at least some of the time.
Even when reliable data is available, therefore, a knee-jerk response must be out of the question.”
Penny Bright
Well, they can just rent a flat, like all the other students in the whole flaming world!
Can you just link to articles in the future? Walls of text disrupt the flow of discussion and reposting articles without permission opens the site up to copyright claims.
‘Goldman Sachs could face lawsuit for helping hide Greek debt – report’
“A former Goldman Sachs banker suggested Greece start legal action against his former employer over complex financial deals that helped the country hide its national debt in 2001 and continue borrowing despite its poor economy, the Independent reports.
The banking giant made as much as $500 million from the transactions known as “swaps”, which translated Greek debts issued in dollars and yens into euros, the British daily says. The figure is, however, disputed by Goldman, which refuses to state an exact number. The deals were prepared by Antigone Loudiadis, who reportedly received $12 million a year for the job….
Greece will have as much luck with that as their other brilliant idea of getting money of Germany because of the Nazis.
This is the government that some on here were calling “heros” the other day… and what have they done … Gone against the wishes of their people in the referendum which gave the response that they were championing.
Now because they have been shown to be untrustworthy the country is way worse off than it was just a few months ago.
Excellent. The Greek government will only require 79 Billion Euros rather than 80 Billion when they win.
Well, that’s a good start!
Except they will still be bankrupt and economically hapless.
Welcome to the National Government’s modus operandi – “While most other governments intend cutting emissions, New Zealand appears to be increasing emissions, and hiding this through creative accounting. It may not have to take any action at all to meet either its 2020 or 2030 targets.”
-Twyford (again today on Morning Report)
I couldn’t agree more!
All those yelling “racist” at the top of their voices ( led by the ACT Party) have no valid explanation for the data.
That’s because there isn’t one, except for the conclusions Rob Salmon came to.
More interestingly, why why do some organisations seem so determined to shut this discussion?
Let’s look at who is benefiting from the status quo.
Its racist because a group is being demonised on the basis that their names sound Asian
Labour messed up (again) so now the best thing they could do is own up to it and apoligise
No surprise that you don’t know what racism is, PR. While you might be desperately hoping people are demonised, it’s not actually happening because most people can see past your faux outrage and focus on the facts. It must really be hurting you that Labour have got this issue right and have gazumped National so effectively!
You choose to make that interpretation of what has happened.
Most people don’t.
Most people being Nats, Standardistas, and the twitteratti. Those being affected by the housing crises in Auckland are probably nodding their heads in agreement.
Again ISTM that many on the left would rather be ideologically pure and in permanent opposition.
There are many on this website (including me) who think this is a crisis caused by large numbers of non-doms buying up housing and property in the country.
That’s not what Labour (Twyford and Little) said, though.
These are Twyford’s words.
” We do need to have a mature public debate about Chinese foreign investment in New Zealand real estate. Especially when the Government has refused to set up a register of foreign ownership and make it public.
Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and other nations have enacted restrictions on foreign buyers in recent years.
When the sales data also pointed to a big presence of offshore Chinese investors, Labour decided it was time to talk about this. However uncomfortable it may be, the sales data reinforces what so many Aucklanders have thought is going on.
It is simply not good enough to try to shut down an important public debate with allegations of racism.”
You’re the one trying to shut it down – have you even put up an argument about why it is not racism – check out what Little said – “We understood the risks…” What risk did he understand?
I’m trying to keep the discussion open about Auckland’s housing crisis.
See that word 11 places in?
Here’s what we’re asked to believe:
One morning at breakfast…
Twyford: Hey Andy, I have this idea about the housing crisis.
Little: What is it?
Twyford: The Chinese are the problem.
Little: Sounds risky. Sounds kinda racist. Would Winston say something like that?
Twyford: Probably.
Little: Could be a bad idea then. What else could we talk about that focussed on grass roots social issues we have policy for? Something a bit less negatively framed?
Twyford: Anything really, we could talk a lot about the things we’re doing right, but it’s like no one is listening.
Little: What evidence is there no one is listening?
Twyford: Just a hunch.
Little: Do you have wider figures for foreign buyers?
Twyford: I say just concentrate on what we do know about the Chinese. We have an email.
Little: That’s true. And I know several people in Auckland.
Twyford: Should we ask around first?
Little: Nah it sounds fairly solid. I guess we know the risk then, run with it.
Later that afternoon….
Twyford: Shit, that escalated quickly.
Little: I know. Did someone actually throw a trident at you?
Twyford: Yep.
Little: Let’s run with justification of a specific segment of Chinese people and try to cover the shit trail. And whatever you do, don’t mention the risk!
nek minute…
Little: … and furthermore… we knew the risk… DOH!
As an overseas born mixed ethnicity/Eurasian person from South East Asia (I am neither from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong nor Korea) with a Chinese family name, I do not think Twyford has initiated a “mature debate”.
My family has been here for about forty years. There are now three generations of us in the extended family, in this country we regard as home. The perception of NZ being principled about egalitarianism, social justice, inclusion & non-discrimination attracted the older family members to this country.
All of us voted Labour. Some of us are Labour Party members (if the Labour membership list is being checked, please do not assume we have the same surname, let alone a Chinese sounding surname or a pinyin version as I have used here). Has Labour asked us how we feel or what we would have thought before launching off during the weekend on TV3? How do you think my family & I feel now? Does Labour reckon they have strengthened their support from my family since Saturday? How has Labour demonstrated their principles since then?
Whatever the polling outcome or policy proposals that will eventuate from hereon, I genuinely hope what has been triggered will be worthwhile for Labour and the country. And please, to the Labour Party, don’t forget those of us with Chinese sounding names as well as Chinese looking ones when we are seen in public. We would like to continue voting for the Labour Party.
May I suggest that the Labour Party – MPs, supporters & members – spare a thought about repairing relationships at some stage really soon after whatever outcome, which was planned or intended, has been achieved please?
Who is saying anything except Twyford is a small-minded git?
Truly pitiful rhetoric calling everyone who hates Twyfords racism, an act supporter.
Who said here, anything apart from Twyford being a twit. A ninny and a school boy chauvinist?
Twyfords the great sectarian leader for bigots across NZ. Making a bid for the NZ first leadership is he?
That aside, you can have a go at his lack of humanity and talk about the housing issue – it’s not an either/or issue. I don’t believe myself or anyone else for that matter, has argued any other way.
Housing in Auckland is a problem, transnational investment is a problem, the quality of the housing is a problem, the Aussie banks are a problem, Over crowding is a problem, the government keeping the housing bubble going, because, if it doesn’t we are going to loss ten’s of thousands of jobs, is a problem. Twyford being a bigoted git, is a problem. Housing NZ, is a problem. No capital gain, death duty and a crushing g.s.t on the poor is a problem.
So many parts to this problem, but all you good’ ol boys run off to save the twit Twyford.
1.Do you think non-doms should be allowed to own housing in NZ?
2. Do you think the data about the sale and purchase of housing should be open and transparent?
It would be a very weak minimum position, but yes we need both those points.
I also think we need a Capital gains tax. A death Tax. More houses.
A full investigation into the Aussie banks and their role in creating, and continuing the housing bubble here, and across the ditch.
More housing density, coupled with good public transport options.
No sale of the current social housing stock, with a massive improvement of the rights for tenants.
I also think the market can not solve this issue.
It needs a wholly new approach.
The people benefiting from the status quo are the rich – everyone else is being screwed.
And that’s why our resident trolls and the ACT Party are so determined to frame this conversation as racist.
They know that one of the quickest ways of shutting down debate is to accuse your opponent of being sexist or racist.
We learned that little trick from the left…also helps to accuse your opponesnts as being trolls as well
But, by and large, when either accusation is made about tories it’s generally supported by actual fact, and is a general conclusion on the merits of an argument or the trustworthiness of a commenter.
When the accusation is made by tories, it’s generally (as you call it) a “little trick”, usually tenuous and made with the objective of derailing further analysis, however valid that analysis may be.
But being a moral vacuum, you are incapable of understanding the difference between the two.
Sorry but by and large the left are as bad and in some cases even worse than the right its just that the right are better at it
However I do see that the left now have a new weapon in their armoury with the new cyber bullying laws so we’ll see how that goes
Yeah, reread my last sentence above.
Well you keep on believing what you want to believe
Well I sure as shit wouldn’t want your worldview, where politics is merely a vicious game played by sociopaths who care not a jot for the real pain in the world and where all appeals to decency and calling-out of injustice are mere cynical ploys to score points. Surely humanity is more than just a pack of rabid dogs feasting on their weak?
fuck, it’s a wonder you didn’t slit your wrists years ago.
Suicide isn’t funny. Just sayin….
not a joke.
To believe that the only difference between political perspectives is simply that one side is better at being cynically manipulative than the others would be a fair approximation of hell. No hope of change. Ever.
I need to go for a cup of coffee.
“And that’s why our resident trolls and the ACT Party are so determined to frame this conversation as racist.”
“If your not for us your against us.”
Paul using good old George Bush Jr. rhetoric, what a find. You are a charmer mate. Or just another middle of the road lefty, who is in reality, an Ike style Republican.
If you can not divide up the debate – sorry for you. How about you read this, then we will talk as adults. The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley.
Simple question.
Are you concerned about non-dom ownership of housing in NZ?
I am and I don’t know why that concern should be twisted.
“If your not for us your against us.”
erm… Paul didn’t actually use that rhetoric, did he?
I am just trying to point out that a lot of the people jumping up and down yelling ‘racist’ are folk like pr, BM, clean power etc etc.
Yes, there are left wing voices saying the same, but shouldn’t your bedfellows concern you Adam?
It is foreign overseas wealth that is the issue, American, German, British and Chinese. And our pathetic rules that allow wealthy overseas investors trump the civil right of residents in this country to affordable housing.
The reason why the rwnjs are yelling so loudly is that they support the unhindered access to ‘markets’ by the wealthy global elite. They support the looting of this country.
Can’t you see that?
The problem is that the Labour Party has been complicit in this since the 1980s and so, I, and many others are sceptical of whether they will really stand up for the rights of workers against foreign capital.
No, what worries me is so called left wing people like you Paul who are defending racists. That’s what is worrying me. And not all right wing people are racists.
To your other points you have not read a damn thing I’ve said – so go back and try again.
Now your worried that labour having now raised China to the level of spectre, they will back down.
Sheesh, and you only way to keep pressure up is to go lalalalala Twyford is not a chauvinist small minded git. Great politics, up lifting and inclusive – no wait, if you did that sort of politics, it be left wing…
But maybe that’s what we’re doing wrong – we don’t go for uplifting and inclusive
According to this Asians make up 21% of the Auckland population
Apparently the data went to level2 ethnicity, so 21% Asian includes 9% “Asian (Chinese)”, 8% “Asian (Indian)”, etc.
Dame Susan takes Labour to task
And Twyford is acting Ethnic Affairs spokesman while Goff is overseas… you can’t make this shit up.
Someones decided to help Labour out:
It sounds as plausible as Labours stats
To Clean-power – Devoy is muddled. She’s mixing local Chinese resident in NZ with the group that Phil Twyford is targetting – the non-resident Chinese who come in briefly for a few nights, go to the Auckland auctions, bag a few properties (using cheap finance), and fly off again.
Two totally different groups – and the local Chinese should be just as concerned at what their country-people are doing – because they’re also pushing them out of the Auckland housing market.
And to BM – Wikipedia is talking about the entire Asian population in Auckland – that would include Korean, Indian, and other nations as well as China. Twyford probably had his ethnic population figures from a more reliable source – NZ Stats Dept and the Auckland Council.
[Removed duplicate comment, Jenny, and added your edit about the council. TRP]
I imagine they both know what you have told them already.
Remember there are here as shills for the government and its powerful lobbyists, not to engage in rational discussion.
Trolls don’t debate.
I’m getting thoroughly sick of all this – she’s just making cheap shots burbling on about how it’s not fair to ‘Chinese New Zealanders’; when anyone with an IQ of above 60 knows perfectly well that the discussion is not about them; it’s about people without residency buying large amounts of property and distorting the market. In. fact, I’m getting really angry that people like my daughter-in-law and her family are being used by people to make what appear on the surface to be supportive arguments, but are really just a cynical tilt at the Labour Party. My family deserve better than this
C’mon Jenny. If Twyford sources are reliable, why doesn’t he disclose them and tell us who they are? The term “probably” is out of place here.
Hang on, are you demanding Twyford provide a reference for a stat reported by Weepus Beard as being what Twyford said on morning report, when even if it were an undercount then the figure of 21% still suggests either disproportionate purchases by a specific residential demographic, or non-resident purchases?
That seems to be a somewhat pointless exercise.
Which is probably why you’ve got your knickers in a twist about it.
shit that was to c_p. Must have missed the reply button
Something funny about the reply sequencing McFlock? I don’t know why I’m above the comment and not below. See where this one lands.
ok, someone’s deleted their comment and blown the threading, maybe.
[Might have been when I removed a duplicate comment halfway up. I’ll see if I can fix it. TRP]
[Yeah, CP’s reply to Anne’s duplicate comment is now an orphan. Must have been posted as I was trashing the dupe. Sorry about that. TRP]
I fixed some of the issues I was having with the duplicating RSS feeds. I just have to figure out a better solution to bloody google feeds duplicating (ie mostly blogger). Now I have to figure out a better fix.
I’ll correct this comment issue. But generally the best immediate fix is to pull the comment from Trash
Hooton kept repeating the term ‘international activist groups’ as if people advocating for changes to climate change policy and Zero Hours contracts were part of some evil conspiracy.
Sounded like the reds under the bed nonsense.
And yet the host challenged one of these nonsensical ideas.
RNZ going downhill.
In fact, Paul, the host (Lynn Freeman) contradicted Hooton and exposed his crude methodology. It was Mike Williams, as useless as ever, who failed to challenge Hooton.
I’ve done a transcript of the last four minutes of the programme—humiliating for Hooton—and I’ll put it up on Open Mike tomorrow morning.
Hello JanM (on iPad & cannot reply under your comment).
Thanks & sorry to hear that.
This is why Phil Twyford had to be more careful & skilful in raising the issues & when discussing that ‘research’.
On my part, how do people here think I feel when I will be at the next open home?
I don’t care how you feel at your next open home.
Not nice, Weepus beard
Huang Y.G’s plight at his next auction does not affect my family one bit. That’s the world that the Nazional party lead government and ACT type people have fostered upon us, is it not?
One where it’s every man for himself. A dog-eat-dog world?
I’ve never been to a house auction so he or she will get no sympathy from me, thanks very much.
Thanks for confirming that you’ve taken aspects of the right wing ethos to heart.
And you really seem to be more accepting of identity politics these days…
I really couldn’t give a stuff when the likes of Winston runs an anti-Asian campaign, but when a self styled broad church like Labour acts this politically inept and knowingly burns a couple of hundred thousand voters due to moves explained by an utter lack of Asians in its caucus and senior hierarchy, as well as a total lack of understanding the local Chinese community and its history, its time to escalate the push back.
I agree entirely.
The Labour caucus should be demographically representative (or at the very least make specific and explicit efforts to address the concerns of less powerful groups iin society). Labour, and society as a whole, will be stronger for it.
I am a renter with a young family, shut out of ever owning a house in the place I was born in and grew up in because of cheap foreign money propping up the current government’s economic policy, as hinted at by Phil Twyford, in the absence of much asked for buyers’ data.
Same situation as my younger son, then, but I’d be ashamed of him if he carried on like this
You be ashamed of him for fighting for his family’s future against this volatile tide of cheap money which is distorting NZ’s delicate residential infrastructure?
No for having a go at someone without establishing where they’re coming from – you made an assumption and just went for it!. Read his 12.45 post
the Auckland property bubble has been blowing up big since 2001/2002, Helen Clark and Michael Cullen loved the wealth effect “propping up” their government’s finances too, foreign money has played a role in this, but there are a shit load of other factors as well, go blame Westpac, BNZ and ANZ for starters.
A typical Auckland house went from $300,000 to $600,000 under Helen Clark’s watch. Lots of property owning middle class Aucklanders got suddenly rich – at least on paper. Buying houses for investments and capital gains became a Kiwi middle class past time. Lots of money from ever expanding mortgage debt was flooding the economy. Labour was fine with this. Cullen built his budget surpluses on it.
Now we find that the Auckland middle class are getting seriously priced out of the market by foreign money. All of a sudden, Labour wants to make a big media hoopla about how big a problem the Chinese are causing.
None of this is about helping the average Kiwi worker earning $50K pa get into an Auckland house.
I’m done conversing with you on this.
I say get the data, restrict foreigners from residential property, and slow immigration until Auckland infrastructure can catch up. That’s a socially responsible viewpoint.
You say don’t be so racist, supply is the problem, and Labour did it too. That’s a National party troll viewpoint.
I’m done.
That approach won’t sort out affordable housing in Auckland for 20 to 30 years, if even by then.
I’m more radical than you are on this topic by a million miles. You don’t even know it.
LOL mate, even the conservatives are more compassionate than you.
midday onenews – first item – labour getting smashed from all sides – thanks twyford and little you have really helped the gnats – wankers.
And the 3pm news headlines with a BNZ economist calling for a ban on foreign ownership of New Zealand property.
Means to an end Marty. You really need to get that chip off your shoulders that you hold against Labour. Mana/one trick pony Hone sold out and it was their choice 🙂
you’re right about one thing (I know, surprised me too) it is a means to an end but the end will not be the end rather the end of the end and then we’ll see what happens…
As I mentioned in another comment, you must always analyse why a bank economist is saying what they are saying, on behalf of their employer. In this case, BNZ would love to have these rich Chinese and other foreign buyers banned out of the market, because they are wealthy buyers who bring their own cash to the table – they do not need mortgages from the BNZ.
TL/DR: Every house bought using Chinese cash is a lost mortgage origination for the BNZ.
– Colonial Viper, 13/07/15
I’m getting sick of this.
Brave man, Twyford. Finally some facts emerging about this crazy house price bubble. Brave leaker from the Ak property company too, I bet there’s a witch hunt going on there right now too. Hope the leaker stays hid.
Yes there is a witch hunt going on over this story and I hate the potential for victimising NZ Chinese citizens.
But the facts that are emerging are real. If the stock market in China can lose trillions dropping back to earlier levels of just a few months ago meaning vast amounts of money was invested there, money that dwarfs NZs entire GDP, and the Chinese government is about to facilitate their citizens’ investment in foreign countries, and little old NZ still has no controls tax or other defences to restrict that, then we are fucked.
Brave man Twyford, thank Christ some people actually care about whether my daughters will ever be able to afford to buy a house in a NZ city in the next few years. Or whether go down the biggest depression hole we have ever seen. NZ doesnt have trillions of dollars, we have fuck all.
Don’t worry. Nick Smith has got our backs. You can trust Nick Smith to deal with this can’t you? [/sarc]
“Brave man Twyford”
You’re shitting me. This housing bubble has been blowing up since 2001/2002, a $300K house in 2001 is now worth over a million dollars 13 years later and suddenly fucking Twyford and Little and Labour figure out that its been the goddam Chinese all this time?
Talk about lazy rationalising of the Labour Government’s failures to control the money and debt flowing into the housing market and now the National Government’s failure to control money and debt flowing into the housing market.
As for your daughters buying houses in Auckland in a few years time, what are they, in the market for $700K houses? Because nothing Labour does to halt foreign ownership of NZ land has a shit show of lowering house prices back to even that level, let alone back to an actually affordable sub-$400K level.
Other cities too. The housing bubble trajectory in Auckland isnt going to stop it’s just going to get worse and spread to other cities and the eventual crash which bubbles foretell will be devastating for NZ citizens who mortgage up to try to get what we always thought a kiwi dream.
This speculative bubble is bigger than who is driving up the prices, it’s en route to tragedy unless our useless governments do something to control it.
its the exact same story with our exchange rate.
Every recent NZ govt has believed in the free flow of financial capital, no recent NZ government has believed in limiting capital flows.
BTW provincial towns all across NZ (excluding the likes of Wanaka and Greytown) have flat to declining house prices (esp once inflation is taken into account).
The answer is really quite simple. Give people a reason to move back to provincial NZ which is crying out for more population and more economic activity.
And yeah, ban foreign ownership of NZ land. Not just houses, all land.
How many people know that right NOW – at the Auckland Sky City Convention Centre, there is a great big fat ‘conference’ happening on combatting ‘money-laundering’?
Who would have thought …… !
1 August 2014
The 2015 APG Annual Meeting and Technical Assistance and Training Forum will be held in Auckland, New Zealand in the week of 13-17 July 2015.
The APG Annual Meeting is the primary policy and decision-making vehicle for the APG. Decisions made at the Annual Meeting will set the course for the APG’s work over the next year.”
Wonder what their recommendations are going to be regarding the prevention of real estate / property market being used for ‘money-laundering’?
Penny Bright
Railway thinkers. I’ve noticed that a book featuring the historic past to much of our infrastructure is on Trademe. Big Ideas: 100 Wonders of NZ Engineering by Matthew Wright published in 2009. Closes this Saturday buynow at $33
There’s also Rails Across NZ, only $12 closes Tuesday morning so be quick,
and NZ on the move: 100 Transport Icons, Buy now $15 closes Wed.
Looking at the review of Big Ideas: 100 Wonders…in North and South October 2009,
It has great photos on early power-generating and road and rail building projects and ‘for a tin-pot colony at the bottom of the world” says Wright, the eingineering and technology applied were remarkable.
Photos: Laying underwater sections of the high-voltage direct-current cable in early 1960s.
Early Hamilton marine=jet units under construction. A Kiwi invention, the jet boat was a water-borne application of the axial-flow, impeller principle adopted in WW2 for jet engines.
Benmore hydro station 1958-1964. (I heard from people there that a Swiss company was called in eventually to assist.)
The Denniston self-acting incline.
John Britten’s V-twin motorcycle, built in 1992, wa the most stylish machine of its day – and the fastest.
Now the fleas on the back of giants are sucking up all the benefit that is still present in these projects and selling off the family silver so they can proceed, like all decadent children, to gamble away the family’s wealth and estate.
Chur GW
Yeah you’re exercising in the wrong place Clean power. You should be at the gym building those abs and shoulders to do the physical heavy lifting. The exercise of brain requires a different sort of robust energy beyond your innate capacity. Stick to what you’re made for man.
Not looking good for the Greeks now:
Confederate flag supporters rise up to defend embattled symbol
An eight-mile convoy of pickups, motorcycles and cars wound through a central Florida town on Sunday in a show of support for the Confederate flag, as a backlash against its banishment from public landmarks across the South picks up steam.
Horns blared and hundreds of the rebel flags fluttered as more than 1,500 vehicles and some 4,500 people turned out for the “Florida Southern Pride Ride” in Ocala, according to police estimates. Vehicles from states across the South and as far away as California participated.
“That flag has a lot of different meanings to a lot of different people,” said David Stone, 38, who organized the event. “It doesn’t symbolize hate unless you think it’s hate – and that’s your problem, not mine.” ….
I find it hard to believe but I agree with Prebble on something
I can’t even find any ‘hoik it off to the lowest bidder’ hook in there O.o
You would think money man Key would take a leaf out of American multi billionaire Warren Buffet’s book. There is money in freighting and like Prebble says the Rail corridors are already in place in most city’s in New Zealand.
I have to agree the gridlock on Auckland’s Roading network is beyond a joke, as I ponder should I travel to Auckland early tomorrow morning for a meeting at 10.30 am
or drive later this afternoon? Either way it means being stuck in traffic.
‘Dat moment the crazy right wing guy looks moderate compared to the present govt. O_O
McDonald’s moving to cage free eggs in all stores within 18 months, by which time the company will account for 9% of the free range market.
“We purchase a substantial amount of eggs a year – nearly 13 million – so in order to keep up with demand, our egg suppliers will be investing significantly in new farms and farming systems. This is why the rollout will happen over 18 months – it needs to be sustainable for our suppliers,” says Mr Wilson.
Number of beneficiaries going in debt to WINZ increasing.
Another illustration why consumption inequality is an inadequate measure.
This Washington Post Online article points out how Syriza has failed abysmally.
Do you ever support the people or are you always shilling for the 1%?
Who are the 1% exactly? Are they the Taxpayers of Estonia, Latvia and Finland who will be the ones called upon to make sacrifices for the Greeks so they can continue spending far more than they earn? Have you ever wondered why the Finn’s, Latvian’s and Estonians’s (Not to mention the Dutch and Germans) on the whole are very resistant to both debt relief and giving Greece even more support? The Latvian’s and Estonian’s are not very wealthy. In fact an average pensioner in Latvia apparently earns less than their Greek counterpart.
Seems just about everyone has gone off the Greek issue Gosman?
I thought they’d be lining up to concede that you have been pretty much on the money all the way through. sarc.
We have seen a lot of it recently.
The National lead government being put under pressure by the opposition parties’ policies and calls for action on issue that infect the working poor, so much so that the National lead government waits a few months only to release a watered-down version of the same opposition policy and trumpet it as new legislation.
Sufficiently watered down, one might say, to try to please everybody. Mostly, however, it just pleases their business buddies while the worker, or the freezing tenant just has to suck it up in the name of flexibility of the labour market, or listen while being told to how to clean that black mould of your sick kids’ bedroom walls while on a budget.
Let’s look at four instances of this:
– The capital gains tax that is not a tax driven by David Parker.
– The rental housing WOF, which now just asks for smoke alarms and ineffectual polystyrene floor insulation, driven by the Green party.
– The data collection for house and land sales to foreign buyers that doesn’t collect any data, driven by Phil Twyford.
– The dismantling of zero-hour contracts (thanks Helen Kelly), which ended up as an weak appeasement to shonky employers.
This new and hurried legislation from the Nazional government only just tip-toes around the edges of something which will actually work for workers and their families, but none the less would not have happened at all if it were not for the brave people in opposition who come up with solutions for the increasingly disenfranchised every day.
My question is:
Are Labour and the Greens governing this country from the opposition benches?
and now for some good news
”More than one in ten doctors have helped a patient die despite potentially breaking the law, a survey suggests.
In a fax poll of general practitioners, conducted by magazine New Zealand Doctor and IMS Health, nearly 12 per cent of respondents said they had helped a patient die. About two out of five doctors also said they had been asked to help a patient die, although most had refused.”
This creates an unsafe level of pressure and stress for the doctors who are prepared to do this to help their patients. Apart from the risk to their career, there is no avenue for them to receive the counselling anyone would require (whether what they are doing is permitted or not) to cope with the emotional burden of assisting someone to end their life.
Turei, less smart than I thought. Disappointing from her.
Labour fighting back over Devoy’s comments.
Just going out for popcorn… back soon.