Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 10:28 am, February 18th, 2023 -
Categories: blogs, Deep stuff, tech industry, uncategorized
I thought that I would get Chat GPT to write 500 words on the Standard and this is what it came up with.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 8:00 am, December 28th, 2018 -
Categories: blogs, David Farrar, dpf, internet, Media, The Standard
Tags: The Daily Blog, whaleoil
LPrent and I had the chance recently to talk about the Standard and how it is going.
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 10:10 am, May 16th, 2018 -
Categories: admin, Dirty Politics, internet, The Standard
Tags: cameron slater, Dermot Nottingham, phil quin
Phil Quin has been his usual dickheaded self on the net. Trying to bully people about material that they probably didn’t write on this site is not a way to get it looked at. For that everyone need to follow the procedures detailed in our contact page and the pages linked to it. The alternatives aren’t nice. Ask Dermot Nottingham. Updated
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 8:00 am, December 31st, 2016 -
Categories: Media, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, The Standard, The Standard line, you couldn't make this shit up
The Standard’s ten most popular posts of 2016.
Written By:
Anthony R0bins -
Date published: 10:13 am, June 6th, 2015 -
Categories: The Standard
Tags: the standard, vanity posts
Welcome to any new readers checking out this blog today as a result of the “dirty politics” segment on The Nation. Here’s a bit about us…
Update: For those that didn’t see The Nation, there is a summary in The Herald.
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 7:34 pm, October 21st, 2014 -
Categories: labour
Tags: Labour leadership
My Labour leadership voting form turned up in email today. The problem is that unusually I have absolutely no idea who I want to vote for. Nor who I want to vote against. Perhaps a blender might help? Any advice? But please read to the end of my post. It is safer.
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 11:27 pm, August 14th, 2014 -
Categories: Steven Joyce
Tags: dirty politics, national radio, pete george
There has been a bit of pestering of authors by media in the last few days and some inadvisable waffling by fools ignorant of the blogging world about this site. I’ve had to bestir myself to talk about it. I’m not too happy about the time wasting. But on a happier note, the site is performing superbly under load..
Written By:
karol -
Date published: 8:01 am, December 31st, 2012 -
Categories: capitalism, community democracy, The Standard
Tags: community support
The New Year Honours have been announced. Some did service to the 1%, others to the 99%. People, unnamed and unnoticed in public who provided valuable services to their communities should also be honoured. Happy New Year!
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 2:51 am, November 17th, 2012 -
Categories: activism, blogs, broadcasting, democratic participation, humour, kremlinology, labour, Media, news, newspapers, you couldn't make this shit up
I finally got around to listening to Gavin Ellis making a complete dork of himself on Radio NZ talking about authors on this site being “manipulated”. Hah! Anyone trying to manipulate them is likely to wind up being made into a pretzel. I wouldn’t care to try it myself. So does Gavin Ellis = a bit of an idiot. Or more charitably, has he actually bothered to think about this issue?
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 2:02 pm, February 5th, 2012 -
Categories: business, Economy, trade
Tags: crafar farms, fran o'sullivan, free
Fran O’Sullivan took objection to RedLogix criticizing her articles on Crafar farms. It helps our traffic, but really she should relook at the utter crap she has been writing before attacking the questioner. She talks about everything except why the OIO within their legislation limited framework should or should not have approved the sale. The more that I reread her work on this subject, the more I ask: what in the hell is she trying to hide?
Written By:
Zetetic -
Date published: 11:07 am, February 4th, 2012 -
Categories: class war, overseas investment
Tags: sovereignty
Every time some rightwing ideologue calls 80% of New Zealanders racist or xenophobic because we don’t want to lose control of our future and sell our strategic assets to fall into the hands of a foreign dictatorship that is going around the world buying up key resources to secure their own supply chains at the cost of our sovereignty, and reminds us that National is letting this happen, I smile. Keep it up, Fran.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 12:00 pm, February 15th, 2011 -
Categories: activism, democratic participation, election 2011, privatisation
Tags: campaign hub 2011
To avoid another three years of backhanders to the rich, falling wages, rising unemployment, and asset sales, we have nine months to chip away at National’s support. As in 2008, The Standard will be running a campaign offering flyers etc for your to print off and deliver around your neighbourhood. Privatisation is an obvious first target.
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 7:12 pm, May 12th, 2010 -
Categories: blogs, dpf
Tags: oia, three strikes
It looks like Nationals favourite pollster and blogging spinster has been sniffing around trying to find out who our authors are. So I guess I’ll have to gently castigate him yet again. Such a child, always reaching for the cookie jar..
In the process it appears that he has pissed off some journos, and it appears that David has acquired a new nickname.
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 4:04 pm, February 24th, 2010 -
Categories: blogs, dpf
David Farrar obviously lost it today. In a post called “Anonymous Smears” he is upset about Eddie pointing out Murray McCully and his mining shares. There wasn’t an value known when the post was written, so Eddie reasonably asked if there was a conflict of interest.
David can get upset with an opinion from a author. However he has attacked this site as an entity. So as sysop of the site, he is getting my opinion about his opinion, and my opinion on his antics. It is an honest opinion, the same as Eddies. However in this case just for benefit of David, it isn’t anonymous.
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 3:16 am, April 3rd, 2009 -
Categories: admin
The Standard has moved the server to an off-shore site. There are many reasons for this. I can get equivalent or better service offshore for about a tenth of the local price. To be precise, I paid for a year of hosting on a better system, it cost slightly more than I was paying for […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 2:02 am, November 9th, 2008 -
Categories: uncategorized
That was incredibly close. National plus Act plus probably Peter Dunne have scraped a small majority. How close is shown in the election results table. 59 (nat) + 5 (act) + 1 (dunne) = 65. Less one for the speaker is 64 in a parliament of 122. That would mean that they have extra seats […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 12:13 pm, October 16th, 2008 -
Categories: admin
Tags: geek, maintenance
There will be some scheduled maintenance at the hosting company tonight between 10pm and 6am. During that period the site may be offline for some short periods. So if you cannot get the site for a period, then just try again a little time later. Yet another record breaking day at The Standard yesterday. We […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 5:48 pm, October 11th, 2008 -
Categories: admin
Tags: geek, upgrades
I’ve brought the site up to date. All the various hacks that I put in this years have now been removed as the software and plugins have now been upgraded. The main area of difference is in the re-edit, which is no longer in-line. I’m still tweaking that in places for look and feel. I’ve […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 2:25 pm, October 5th, 2008 -
Categories: admin
Tags: geek, malware, wordpress
After a lot of work both by a few e-mails from people here and by the good services of some people on nz.comp (google seems to be a little behind on the messages) I finally found the link to the malware site that was attached itself to the site footer. The material that it was […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 12:10 am, October 1st, 2008 -
Categories: humour
Tags: danyl mclauchlan, dimpost, poneke, wishart
On occasion I’ve had my ire raised by Danyl Mclauchlan over at The Dim-Post, usually after he repeats crap from the sewers about this site. Every so often (quite frequently) he manages to do something that is almost perfect satire. Poneke has captured such a comment and put it up as a post “The kind […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 11:49 am, September 20th, 2008 -
Categories: admin
Tags: geek
I’m on ‘holiday’ for the next few weeks to contribute some campaign work. However it will also give me some time to do the next set of upgrades to the site sometime during that period. I will be putting in the acculmulated upgrades for existing packages and testing them. Here is your opportunity to say […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 5:33 pm, September 14th, 2008 -
Categories: Media
Tags: audrey young, bill english, bill ralston, colin espiner, dpf, jane clifton, matthew hooton, the standard
This week the election was announced and the third question to the PM (asked by Colin Espiner) was about whether The Standard possibly knew the date (Helen doesn’t tell us either). Colin thinks we’re being sensitive about the mainstream media’s attitudes to The Standard as shown in a comment he made on his own blog […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 12:45 am, September 8th, 2008 -
Categories: election funding
Tags: annette king, bill english, Citizens Forum, electoral law, no right turn, russell norman
In 1993, the then National government reluctantly implemented the MMP system by putting in the Electoral Act 1993. This was an act that had some serious flaws, some of which were fixed in the Electoral Finance Act of 2008. One of the Electoral Act’s innovations appeared to be designed to make sure that the true […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 1:42 pm, July 5th, 2008 -
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: geek
One of the links to The Standard this week was from Reading the Maps on the topic of Playing the history card. The very long post is a interesting commentary of the differences between the various wars of the 19th century that made up New Zealand formation and well worth a read. The author rightly […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 9:40 am, June 28th, 2008 -
Categories: articles, blogs, humour, interweb
Tags: act, bluetooth, economist, feminism, geek, geothermal, john key, kremlinology, legal, microsoft, national, nuclear energy, software
On the odd occasion I have time to read outside of the confines of The Standard and its ever increasing brawl of entertaining comments. I noticed we don’t have a external reading list, and it is within the range of my writing skills, so here are my oddities for the slow weekends…. From quote of […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 10:00 pm, June 17th, 2008 -
Categories: admin
I was just checking the links to the standard and I see that Whale is being his usual self. It looks like he has finally managed to read a DNS. He has discovered that I run a server at home, and that I’m a labour party supporter. Now I’m sure I’ve mentioned this a number […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 11:55 pm, May 27th, 2008 -
Categories: blogs
Tags: survey
A survey on political blogs has been on a number of blogs. If you haven’t filled it out, then why not? I can’t write it more succinctly than the 100 Word Blog. So I’m not going to try. Their post is here. I’ve quoted it in full. Andrew Cushen (Ex-OUSA president?) is writing a thesis […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 9:24 pm, May 22nd, 2008 -
Categories: admin
Tags: milestone
Well that happened fast. This is the 1001st public post on The Standard. That is assuming I get it in before the next post appears. So I thought we should have a post to celebrate the event. It has been just over 9 months in the gestation. The first post was, appropriately enough, “Get your […]
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 9:14 am, April 7th, 2017 -
Comments Off on Contact for complaints and communications under the Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015
For all complaints, communications and queries related to the Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015, contact me as the sysop of the site on my personal email address lynn.prentice@gmail.com Warning: All communications passed about the Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 to me are deemed to not be private communications by me. They may be used without reference to other […]
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 2:47 pm, July 10th, 2016 -
Categories: Andrew Little, housing, labour, Politics
Tags: homeless crisis
Text from Andrew Little’s speech today given in New Lynn to announce Labour’s latest housing policy.
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