Stick a fork in them, they’re done

Written By: - Date published: 7:58 am, June 25th, 2021 - 84 comments
Categories: Judith Collins, national, same old national, Simon Bridges, todd muller - Tags:

I have been criticised for posting too much about National lately.

I admit that I have done a lot of attack posts on National.  There is so much material to work with and pointing this out is good for our country’s future.  So what is a blogger to do?

My fascination is in part because I had an inside view of what happened to Labour in 2012-2014 and I learned to spot the evidence, see breaking media stories obviously seeded by one party or another and the way they wrecked havoc and caused the media to buzz around one leak or another and create the scandal of the day.

Things are different now.  I can sense no Labour briefing of the media to try and create an attack on National.  Every attack story is coming from sources within National.  Clearly they would eat their young for political advantage.

The best comparison to the current shitstorm is National’s creating of a media narrative in 2014 around Donghua Liu, where an actual donation to the National Party was converted into a fictitious donation to the Labour Party and a full on attack on David Cunliffe because 13 years earlier he had written a pretty benign letter on behalf of Liu asking when Liu’s citizenship application may be granted.

I posted about it here.  Rereading the post still causes anger and amazement.

That episode showed one party at the peak of its ability to suck in the media to attack its main opponent.  I hope that the media is still embarrassed by what happened.

Let us move forward to yesterday and work out what happened.

Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Party, God bless them, have decided not to get into dirty politics.  Good decision.  Us lefties always sucked at it when we tried.

All of Nationals problems are coming from within.  The only question is which National Party faction is currently briefing against the other faction and why.  This recent Claire Trevett article suggests both factions and as much as possible.  The dim dark days of Labour in 2014 is but a gentle walk in the park by comparison.

Bear in mind that what Trevett was reporting on are caucus discussions and if there is ever a party meeting where discretion should be observed it is a caucus meeting.

But the only conclusion that can be drawn is that each faction has weaponised leaks against the other faction.

Let us play our favourite game, which National Party faction (Judith or Simon) leaked this to the media?  Trevett’s article (paywalled) made the following claims:

  • Barbara Kuriger was the MP who dobbed in Todd Muller for speaking to the media about Hipango.

Definitely the Simon faction.  Kuriger went from 21st caucus ranking under Muller and is now ranked 14th in Judith’s list.  Such promotions do not come without jealousies arising.

  • Muller announced his resignation following a “brutal” caucus meeting in which he told either to walk or he would be suspended from caucus.

Judith faction.  Muller should have been allowed to resign with a modicum of dignity.

  • Collins confronted Muller about the leak and Muller admitted it.

Judith faction.

  • “The dobbing in sparked a caucus meeting which had all the drama of a documentary on wild animals battling at the savannah water hole.”

Probably both factions.

  • Muller tried to hold his ground but was attacked by the pack.  “There were allegations, betrayals, acts of revenge and cowards covering their own butts.”

Definitely Simon faction.

  • Some MPs thought Muller’s treatment was brutal especially given his mental health issues.  They also questioned if the punishment was proportionate to what happened.

Simon faction.

  • Some MPs agreed there had to be a zero tolerance approach to leaks.

Judith faction.

  • “The final nail was hammered in by Chris Bishop: Muller’s old “numbers” man who played a critical part in engineering Muller’s coup of Bridges. The Herald was told Bishop urged Muller to resign and go with dignity rather than force a messy, bloody suspension – using that well-trodden phrase “for the good of the party”.”

Clearly Judith faction.  Bishop has taken a major hit.  Judith is clearly giving back double.

  • National’s MPs have been ordered not to talk to media about the meeting or about Muller.

That is working well.

What is amazing is the detail that Trevett reported on.  It is as if she had a prime seat in the middle of the Caucus meeting and was equipped with popcorn.

On Wednesday, the day after the meeting Simon Bridges posted on facebook:

“Speaking with the press is a normal but important part of being in politics. For me it’s an opportunity to speak not only to journalists, but to all New Zealanders.”

The overwhelming conclusion from this is that Simon still wants to be leader.  And that National is stuffed.  I just hope that they continue with their civil war.  The country will be a better place because of it.

84 comments on “Stick a fork in them, they’re done ”

  1. Sacha 1

    The country will only be a better place if that party re-centres integrity as a core value.

    If that emerges from their current scrapping then we may all get the decent parliamentary opposition we deserve, and that we pay for.

    • woodart 1.1

      "if the party re-centres integrity as a core value". once you can fake sincerity, everything else is easy….selecting smooth talking slimeballs as candidates and taking bags of cash off new New Zealanders has pushed integrity to the margins. when nat media mouthpieces such as hooten fail to recognise their own large part in the parties downfall, it is obvious that integrity only has an outsiders chance with the nats.

    • KJT 1.2

      The party that represents those who steal the commons has trouble getting people with a conscience to work for them. Why are we surprised.

      I actually hope that National does find some decent people, even ones I may not always agree with.

      Because at some stage they will talk their way back into power, assisted by a media which thinks their job is to propagandise for National.

    • Gabby 1.3

      Will their handlers tolerate people with integrity?

    • Jenny how to get there 1.4

      May the ‘decent parliamentary opposition we deserve’ be to the left of centre.

  2. Incognito 2

    There’s one thing that all (just two?) factions within the National Party want most. Once they realise this and pick the right Leaders to get it, they’ll be a political force to be reckoned with again, I reckon.

  3. Margaritte 3

    " I hope that the media is still embarrassed by what happened."

    There is no evidence that they are/were embarrassed or that there is any meaningful change in media behavior. This country needs some editorial standards for media and the removal of journalistic protection for those outlets that do not meet these standards.

    This i feel is relevant to the post because the ability to control the media is part of why the national party does not learn from events

    • Anne 3.1

      Agree wholeheartedly. There are journos out there who are still rubbing their hands with glee over their assassination of Cunliffe. No sign of regret.

      I found myself in a prime position at the Labour Party conference where the first volleys were fired (was it 2012?) and I thought I was hallucinating over the level of the antics I witnessed.

      • Sacha 3.1.1

        Hager's big mistake in Dirty Politics was not naming his dodgy journalistic colleagues. No accountability moment for them.

      • KJT 3.1.2

        Isn't there a few, or more, within the Labour party who are also "rubbing their hands" over Cunliffe?

        • Anne

          Most of them have gone now.

          • Marcus Morris

            Then good riddance to them. David Cunliffe had the intelligence and skill to be a great leader. All history now and I am happy to be where we are but he should have followed Helen. Gough was yesterday's man and barely kept the seat warm. That cost the party nine years in the wilderness and gave Key an open court.

            Imagine a Cunliffe/Ardern team. Cunliffe's intellect and Jacinda's compassion.

    • Christopher Randal 3.2

      The media is never embarrassed by what they do for to be embarrassed one must first have integrity, a quality sorely lacking in the NZ media

      • Grumpy 3.2.1

        Absolutely correct, the media have absolutely no moral values. It does not matter what side of politics either.

        The recent revelations that NZME, NZ Herald, ran a paid for article portrayed as news lauding the achievements of a political candidate. Paid for by the Labour Government just days brfore a selection process that saw Louisa Wall dumped as her electorate’s candidate need explanation.

        No doubt there are contributors to this site who can offer a justification?

        • Incognito

          I note that you’re getting your conspiracy talking points from PDF over at KB.

          • Sacha

            Over at KiwiBuild? The way they attach the slurs is sly.

            However the story in question sure does not disclose it's subject's involvement as a political candidate – if that was the case at the time it was written. To avoid needing to visit the dodgy intermediary's lair, here is a direct link:

            • Sacha

              Without even reading beyond the initial paras on his homepage, I feel like a shower.

            • Incognito

              Yes, at the time of the OneRoof piece (27 May 2020), it was well known that Williams was a challenger for the Labour candidacy for the Manurewa seat. The candidate selection was postponed from the initial date of 21 March 2020 and Williams was selected as the Labour candidate 3 days after the OneRoof article was published (i.e. 30 May 2020), after Louisa Wall withdrew the day before (i.e. 29 May 2020), as far as I can ascertain.

  4. Robert Guyton 4

    Dr. Reti is keeping his hands clean, yes?

    A Great Healer has to step forward and bandage the wounded, salve the burned and reset the party's broken bones (bury the dead too, after dusting the corpses with sulphur).

    Reti's scrubbing-up.

    "Scalpel, Nurse Willis."

    • Incognito 4.1

      Scalpel? Guillotine, is what’s needed, quick, clean, and painless: chop.

    • Red Blooded One 4.2

      Dr Reti will need more than his Magic Underpants to salve the festering pus that is the National Party. I think Luxon will continue to be the expected saviour of the Nat Party. god help us all.

      • woodart 4.2.1

        luxon's god probably wont help him. will be hard to buddy up with the actoids and middle NZ has very little appetite for religion.

        • Sacha

          Luxon will probably keep his laying on of hands on the downlow more than his evangelical chum across the ditch.

      • Pete 4.2.2

        If Dr Reti is the answer the condition is terminal.

    • Patricia Bremner 4.3

      I agree Robert, and Reti and Willis would happily work with Act. Rust never sleeps.

      Let us hope Jacinda gets a third term where the work will show gains.

      National still believe, as in streaming in schools, that they are the top class natural leaders.

      They pay lip service to consultation and inclusion, talking and interacting with people like them, ignoring or belittling "others", putting defining labels on them. "Pretty little Communist' "Bludging Beneficiaries" etc

      Currently their venom is aimed at their own factions, revealing their weaknesses, but they may rally sooner than we hope.

      Keep going Micky, this is the main subject and time well spent, reminding us of what used to be, and how we all need to avoid that like the Delta virus.

  5. GreenBus 5

    Keep them coming Mickey Savage, this is my favourite subject, National Party implosions. I can't think of any person or group that more deserves to be attacked than this bunch of born to rule losers. Actually I can, but it's too late now that the smiling assassin has fled. Long may the crusher rule the natsy Natz and keep them from power. With so little progress being made to fix 9 yrs of punishing failure, we certainly don't need the gear lever shoved into reverse by this lot.

  6. Ad 6

    It's the complete wrong time to have a failed Opposition:

    – one of the slowest innoculation programmes in the western world, showing us more vulnerable every single day

    – transport investment smashed up across the country and major projects blown out or unstarted

    – gangs accelerating dominance in two regions

    – health system in turmoil and mental health utterly failed

    – economy surviving through a $60b injection and $100b of RB "printed money"

    – 2 major industry sectors nosediving into a cliff

    … it's not like an effective Opposition has a lack of targets to hit.

    And this kind of government is just not getting the scrutiny it needs.

    • Incognito 6.1

      And this kind of government is just not getting the scrutiny it needs.


    • Enough is Enough 6.2

      Completely agree. Your list shows how utterly incompetent National is.

      This government has multiple failings which you have highlighted. They should be on the ropes on a daily basis.

      The fact they aren't in trouble is because they have no opposition.

      • Ad 6.2.1

        Not just National.

        With National in ICU, ACT with 2 functioning MPs, and the Greens heavily marked by Labour Ministers whenever they dare speak, we have a Parliament that can't be a useful democracy.

        I can't recall the last time we had something useful come out of a Select Committee. Without people such as Nick Smith there's no chance the three big RMA legislative drafts are going to get the scorching that they desperately need.

        Nor do we have anyone in Opposition who can articulate the growing conflict between the Electricity Authority legislation and the climate change legislation: that massive energy price spike is occurring at the same time as huge boatloads of Indonesian low-quality coal are being burnt to satisfy Huntly demand and low hydro production and low wind farm production. Every consumer is about to lose big-time.

    • Sacha 6.3

      one of the slowest innoculation programmes in the western world

      Just a handy attack line from the righties. Look at our overall Covid performance and you will see why supplies have gone elsewhere first.

      • Enough is Enough 6.3.1

        That's correct. We are nobley standing back and letting countries in more need take the vaccine that we would otherwise have been able to get had our response not been so succesful.

        Until the US and Europe have the vaccine under control we will happily see the vaccine go elsewhere first.

        The use of lockdowns when one person with the virus flies into the country is a succesful strategy.

      • georgecom 6.3.2

        no not a handy attack line, either an ignorant or a muck raking line. If someone thinks NZ can simply magic up extra vaccines or demand greater deliveries from Pfizer then they are woefully ignorant and might as well demand Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy deliver them some vaccines. If someone knows the reality of world supplies of vaccine but makes such a statement then they are simply shit stirring. The Nats have a history of shit stirring over covid, Woodhouses homeless man, Boags leaks etc etc an nauseam.

        Is Ad ignorant or is Ad just a shit stirrer?

    • KJT 6.4

      There are things to criticise about this Government.

      But most of your points cannot be laid at the door of the current Government.

      Which is why National are not targeting them .

    • Pete 6.5

      It is getting the scrutiny it needs by the incisive, unrelenting efforts of David Seymour?

      Haven't you seen him being a child in the House including the questioning the PM about whether she'd driven an electric Toyota ute?

      He's as much a pillock as Chris Bishop and the rest of National, it's just that his style is different.

    • Margaritte 6.6

      "one of the slowest innoculation programmes in the western world"

      Ahh perhaps thats because we have chosen to to go the organized and timely based on scientific evidence route. I see no epidemiological benefit in some sort of race for media points!

      • Anne 6.6.1


        Well said.

      • Ad 6.6.2

        Thankfully for the non-doctors in this world, epidemiology is not the only measure of collective success.

        This week we have narrowly avoided shutdowns of our economy as Sydney is experiencing, and we can certainly see that the vaccination efforts in Fiji haven't assisted an economic and social catastrophe unfolding there.

        Being a non-vaccinated outlier in the developed world has as much virtue as being an anti-vaxxer.

        • Drowsy M. Kram

          This week we have narrowly avoided shutdowns of our economy as Sydney is experiencing, and we can certainly see that the vaccination efforts in Fiji haven’t assisted an economic and social catastrophe unfolding there.

          Not to worry Ad, we’ll snatch COVID catastrophe from the jaws of victory any day now.

          Being a non-vaccinated outlier in the developed world has as much virtue as being an anti-vaxxer.

          Being an 'anti-vaxxer' is a choice. Perhaps you have some ideas about how ‘NZ’ could choose to accelerate its COVID-19 vaccine roll out?

          NZ is an outlier in so many ways; our rate of 5 COVID-19-related deaths per million is seven times lower than Australia's, despite that country's faster roll out.

          Oh, lookie here:

          As of 23 June, 4.3% of Aussies and 7.9% of Kiwis were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 – just keep playing to the plan, not that it's a competition.

          And not that much coverage of the Black Caps' recent success in the Australian media.

          India folded in the World Test Championship final to hand victory to New Zealand​.

          Ah yes, the Black Caps were handed victory.

          The disappointment of the Indians, and sheer delight of the New Zealanders, painted a picture of a major global tournament that could, one day, be the undisputed pinnacle of Test cricket.

          Get real, that tournament won't be the undisputed pinnacle of Test cricket until the Aussies win it, underarmers, sandpaper and all. Talk about spin.

          Ahh, at last a sensible assessment – hard to believe Gideon Haigh's an Aussie:

          But Williamson’s men are the epitome of the no-frills team greater than the sum of their parts. They field superbly, with the world’s most reliable slips cordon. They bat all the way down, whereas India regularly field three bowlers who should bat at No.11. They have quality reserves, invisible coaches, efficient administrators, fun fans, and even good commentators.

          Watch the Black Caps go cheerfully and also mercilessly about their work, and you’re consoled that, once cricketers take the field, cricket is 11 versus 11, rather than GDP versus GDP, as significant as the latter is in a resource-dependent world.

          Watch super-rich, super-talented India accept the defeat — and Virat Kohli was a model of grace as a losing captain — and you understand the transcendent appeal of a good team going about the cricket the right way.

        • woodart

          wasnt hoskings threatening(promising) to phuck off to sydney? wonder what "mikes minuite "sounds like now?

        • Margaritte

          "Thankfully for the non-doctors in this world, epidemiology is not the only measure of collective success"

          Its a pandemic! are you perhaps under the impression it is a competition for "likes" or "clicks" ?

      • Patricia Bremner 6.6.3

        smiley yes. Margaritte

      • Grumpy 6.6.4

        If our recent tourist from Australia had not been vaccinated ( he would not have been if he were a Kiwi) and if he had the Indian variant you might not be so complacent.

        The fact that his wife tested negative was a big clue to the hype in Wellington being a media beat up.

    • ken 6.7

      The Nats were far more likely to vote against cannabis legalisation.

      It's a bit rich of them to complain about the accelerating dominance of gangs when the nation's cannabis market has just been handed to the gangs on a plate.

  7. JustMe 7

    I think the NZ National Party is entering the death throes.

    It's about 10 years short of reaching its 100 year existence and the way it's imploding before our very eyes is enjoyable to watch.

    If there is a name change between now and say election 2023 it may need to be called the Judith Collins Nasty Party. She(Collins) seems hellbent on weeding out anyone and everyone she doesn't like or get along with.

    And in those MPs who have quit she replaces them with say a List MP that has now been caught out mis-using NZ taxpayers money for personal items eg a tv..

    It shows to me also that Collins lacks morals and her choice of sycophantic MPs to stand behind her at a media meeting shows how happy she is to allow her MPs to also lack morals.

    Even though Muller wanted NZ to open its borders early I feel sorry for him and where he is right now. He must surely feel like he was treated like a leper by his so-called one-time friends in National. It must be quite a lonely place for him now.

    Maybe for the sake of his sanity and not the pay packet and perks of the job that Muller gets he should resign which would open up for a by-election in the Bay of Plenty. And if National loses that seat then it will be obvious the problems with National and its lack of credibility starts at the top and rests with the top i.e Collins, Reti etc.

    • Sacha 7.1

      Look at Muller's lavish paid sick leave before you feel sorry for the guy. Rolling a leader and then failing so abysmally to handle the role yourself is never going to win either friends or respect. Should have been gone immediately.

      • Grumpy 7.1.1

        The fact that a political party can pick a guy like Muller as leader is a big concern.

    • Ad 7.2

      If Labour can revive after a century (after the appalling 2014), National can too.

      • Sanctuary 7.2.1

        Both main parties have suffered from the same problem – talent (and in National diversity) has been largely treated as a nice to have secondary function of the MP selection process and to be brought into parliament by mid to low list rankings. Incumbent protection along with loyalty to the dominant faction is the primary selection criteria that is rewarded with safe electorates and lofty list placings.

        The problem with that approach is if you lose an election heavily then (as Labour discovered) renewal become very difficult. In the case of National out the window went all their diversity and much of their liberal faction, whilst their safe electorates have been quietly colonised by socially conservative Evangelicals and the party list dominated by deadwood. Collins is simply making the talent catastrophe worse by making being a simp for Judith Collins the primary qualification for promotion. Since Collins is deeply unpopular with everyone except her cabal, that is a disaster for National – a classic case of the perversion of internal logic in a closed system. They have a caucus of cowardly preening wannabe Svengalis, who largely expend their time nursing their sense of grievance and engaging in Byzantine combinations against each other that go nowhere because no one has any balls to actually do anything.

        It is hard to see how they can turn that ship around anytime soon.

      • Patricia Bremner 7.2.2

        Ad, there was a concerted attack on Labour in early 2014 by both insiders "The ABC Club" and Armstrong in the Herald flatly lying about donations, plus the Nats actively promoting stories of dubious truth through the media.

        That is not happening now. What we are commenting on are events, not rumours.

        Labour has carefully avoided getting involved in dirty politics.

        In 2014 Labour chose a straight talking upright leader Little, who stood aside for talent, in Ardern.

        Do you believe National currently has someone like that? Or talent in the wings?

        Robert and I think Reti and Willis see themselves like that.

        • Enough is Enough

          The social and fiscal conservatives in New Zealand won't just dissapear because National is going through a crisis within its Parilamentary team. There is a core centre right constituency, which will be there for ever and a day.

          3 months before the 2017 election, Labour was being asked the same questions that National is being asked now. The media were saying Labour could not win with Little as leader. Next minute Jacinda. And the rest is history.

          Politics has always, and will always swing from one side to the other.

          Anyone who thinks that, National is in terminal decline, has no knowledge of history, or in how politics works in every single western democracy.

          • KJT

            They may head to ACT.

            Horrifying thought.

            "There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."

        • Pete

          Early in 2014? Was that when Jason Ede was a PR man in Parliament? It's reasonable to ask if he was on the payroll since National fans lately have been very upset about the present government employing what they see as propaganda merchants.

          • Enough is Enough

            Should we all be upset that both of the establishment parties engage in propoganda campaigns?

        • mac1

          "Labour chose a straight talking upright leader Little, who stood aside for talent, in Ardern."

          I again stand in grateful thanks that Little acted as he did. Firstly, for the good of the party. Secondly, as an example to his fellow caucus MPs and the wider membership of the wisdom, insight and selflessness of his action- especially the last. He acted. He overrode his own ego and ambition.

          Maybe, as a cancer survivor he has earned a deeper appreciation of what is important?

          No matter what, he is the Ross Taylor of the winning Labour team- senior, selfless, supportive, performing.

          To return to the post’s main idea- who in National has that pedigree?

        • Incognito

          I think that Nicola Willis has a bright future ahead in politics.

      • woodart 7.2.3

        labour has principles , nats sold theirs to someguy for a bag of cash. please tell us what a blue rinse from tauranga, a shitkicker from southland and a new New Zealander from the nth shore have in common,(apart from self-interest)?

    • Anne 7.3

      It looks very much to me he has been made the scapegoat in order to take the heat off others who have committed more serious misdemeanours. His past problems make him look like 'the weakest link' and therefore an easy hit.

      I bet those who stepped down at the last election are thanking their lucky stars.

  8. greywarshark 8

    Love your apt title micky. Hot and sizzling, perhaps overcooked on at least one side, if that's the best that this well-known establishment can serve up it will never achieve a Cordon Bleu.

  9. Stephen D 9

    A lot of Nats behaviour comes down to them being in power for powers sake. They find it very hard to articulate what they actually stand for. At the moment they only have againsts.

    The farmer vote is shrinking with amalgamation. The SME vote has been captured by Labour via the Wage Subsidy. Until the Nats can develop some policy to present to the electorate they're doomed to wander in the wilderness taking potshots at each other. This is going to be hard. The social right are easily captivated by NZ1. The economic right by ACT. So that leaves the religious right, led by Luxon. Not really worth much more than 10% at best.

    As Labour have discovered, being a broad church works well under a skilled leader. But falls into factionalism without. Until National discover such a leader, they're going to remain lost. And given their current caucus, that could be for a while yet.

  10. Adrian 10

    Don’t believe the bullshit about the slow vacc program, at least compared to Australia, two same age friends of mine over there, one with heart health issues, have been stabbed on the same day I was here in Nelson/Marlborough. They got the inferior AstraZenaca, I got the far superior Phizer ( thanks Labour ) , so they are not ahead of us and yet they have their own AZ factory.

  11. Byd0nz 11

    Keep going highlighting the deserved demise of that awful Party, they are nasty, nasty to themselves as well as to the good of all NZ. They are a Party of narco politics that should have no place in any Government anywhere.

    If there is any justice at all, then the Nats should be confined to the anuls of history come the next election.
    Pack them off to Israel.

  12. Vivie 12

    This is a great post Micky. It is bewildering that anyone would complain about you attacking National's toxic, shambolic, bullying behaviour and culture. You are simply pointing out fact.

    [user name changed to previously approved version]

  13. Sacha 13

    Nat-friendly journo Jo Moir offers another confirmation of internal disarray.

    There’s clearly a group of MPs within the caucus who are still feeling very raw about the rolling of former leader Simon Bridges. No party, not even Labour with its majority, could function with one group still so angry with another so long after the fact.

    Here the National Party is, one year on from the Muller coup, and in worse shape than it was then.

    The result of Tuesday night’s crisis meeting is now having an MP who has zero loyalty left to his leader, but remains in the thick of the party. In other words, a forced waka-jumper who still has a seat in the waka.

    • Anne 13.1

      The amount of information that has made it into the public domain since Tuesday night shows the party’s learnt nothing from past mistakes.

      The mind just boggles!

      There they were in the Caucus room tearing shreds off Muller for talking to some journalist, and forcing him to step down by the next election (he'll go well before then of course) and the moment they are released they're talking they're heads off to journos right, left and centre. The irony it hurts.

      What’s Judy gonna do about it? If she points the finger at all of them will there be anyone left – apart from herself and one or two minions.

      • Sacha 13.1.1

        Desperate creatures.

      • georgecom 13.1.2

        Collins making desperate attempts to stop leaks and frank conversations with the media. Were she doing so for the good of the party there might be some compliance from the party caucus. When your leader has operated by leaks and dirtiness for years then it just smacks of hypocrisy and a leader clinging desperately on to power. Collins lacks any credibility. For there to be any hope of the leaking to stop MPs will have to look beyond the current hypocrisy and think of the good of the party under the next leader, stop leaking now for the benefit of the party when Collins gets rolled and the guy from Botany can make a fresh start.

      • Pete 13.1.3

        What’s Judy gonna do ? Well she went crazy last year when Denise Lee emailed critical comments about her.

        Well comments critical of the leader's intention to review Auckland Council without consulting her first as spokesperson. It was Lee's neighbourhood and her portfolio yet Collins was ploughing ahead without consultation. I suppose if you're the boss you can do that.

        At the same time Collins was in election material and other media putting out this notion that they were a 'team'. What?

        It all smacked of the poorest management possible but when it was highlighted Collins spat the dummy. She's not a leader's backside.