Super bill for Supercity

Written By: - Date published: 8:27 am, March 25th, 2010 - 6 comments
Categories: auckland supercity, rodney hide - Tags: ,

Remember when the Supercity was introduced? John Key and Rodney Hide were running around promising big savings on local government and, through the magic of having one super-council, faster economic growth. All this at a set-up price that Hide, when pressed very very hard, described as “minuscule” even though he couldn’t put a number on it.

We called bollocks straight away. A year later, Granny Herald has woken from her long nap and started demanding some answers.

Now, we have some a number on what “minuscule” is in Hide’s book.

The Auckland City Council alone faces a $34 million bill to establish the Supercity (this is separate from the issue of the tax bill).

And for all that cost, there’s no evidence that the Supercity will be more cost efficient or boost economic growth. All we do know is that it will take the local out of local government.

6 comments on “Super bill for Supercity ”

  1. tc 1

    Yup and that’s just the tip of it…..taking 7 disparate ratings systems and merging them or have they re-implemented them (the details are never forthcoming) either way that’s not a task that can be done effectively in the timeframe as it’s mind bendingly complex.

    Just ask telecom and telstra in OZ how tough it’s been to overhaul their billing systems and you begin to guage just one of the task these clowns have demanded is done by sept 2010.

    So NACT take the corporate approach by setting an unrealistic timeframe and step back (like senior management do) so what happens is the likes of PWC/Deloittes throw very expensive resources and laugh all the way to the bank as the subject experts (existing council employees) aren’t involved as they’re job hunting or waiting for the likely train smash when they’ll be asked to fix it… contractor rates of course.

    You aint seen nothing yet…..supershity’s been a consulting gravy train awhile now.

  2. freedom 2

    the standard is being censored

    [lprent: No it isn’t. You’re just too impatient about a comment that went into the spam queue.

    Remember this site is run on a voluntary basis by people giving it time when they have some. One of my tasks is to rescue or approve items caught in the spam queue. Yesterday I went to work without my iPhone, which meant that I couldn’t tether to the internet, which meant that my abilities to admin the site were quite restricted.

    However I’m now starting to get interested in banning you because you’re getting irritating and wasting too much of my precious time. ]

  3. freedom 3

    turns out the link i was trying to post is on the site’s spam filter’s list.
    Why is an internationally recognised academic site on a spam list?
    the link is now spaced so at least it can be seen
    a e 9 1 1 t r u t h . o r g
    the post is
    “no-one said it was going to be easy

    all we can do is point people to information, such as the fact that one of the most academic and heavily regulated information sites on 9/11 Truth last week presented a new legal challenge to the Official story and was signed by 1,000 members.

    A site that to be a member of, you must be a qualified Architect or an Engineer.
    read that again and let it soak in

    1,000 qualified Architects and Engineers challenging an Official declaration from their Government. A challenge based on questions of the physical events, nothing else. No Politics. No accusations, just the facts people, nothing but the facts. Why would they do that if the Truth was not in question?

  4. Jenny 4

    By their Standards of measuring wealth, for the Super Rich, whose purposes, the Super City serves, Super Suck Up to the Super Rich, Rodney Hide is right;

    $35 million is a miniscule amount.

    The fact that this, to them small change, will be coming out of our pockets, not theirs, makes this miniscule amount appear even more Superficial in their Sight, especially in the light of the Super Profits, the unelected Supernumeraries appointed over the heads of the increasingly Superfluous elected councillors, will be able to, without democratic over Sight, Serve to the Super Rich, through Secret Selection of Super Contractors.

    Strangely my Spell check tried to offer up the alternative spelling to “Rodney” as “Rodent”.