Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
11:49 am, July 31st, 2019 - 31 comments
Categories: jacinda ardern, labour, national, same old national, Simon Bridges, spin, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, uncategorized, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: Ihumātao
It could be a long 12 months if Simon Bridges’ latest behaviour is any indication.
He has criticised Jacinda for visiting part of New Zealand or at least part of the world that is under New Zealand’s protection.
From TVNZ:
Opposition leader Simon Bridges has called Jacinda Ardern a “part-time Prime Minister” for visiting Tokelau while issues remain at Ihumātao in South Auckland.
“When you’ve got an economy stalling, when you’ve got the first Māori land occupation we’ve seen in a very long time, it beggars belief the Prime Minister right now is in Tokelau,” the National leader said.
“Frankly, I think a lot of New Zealanders will be starting to wonder whether they have a part-time Prime Minister and a part-time Government.”
So she should be back here and resolving Ihumātao.
But wait …
.@CorinDann: To be clear if you were Prime Minister you would say nothing, do nothing on [Ihumātao]?
— Morning Report (@NZMorningReport) July 30, 2019
Mr Bridges: It might not be that I'd say nothing but I would not be intervening at this particular instance, the way the PM is.
So she should stay in New Zealand so that she can do nothing about Ihumātao?
If I'm getting this right, Simon Bridges is demanding the Prime Minister cancel all engagements in order to not intervene at Ihumātao.
— Russell Brown (@publicaddress) July 30, 2019
And he then says that although Ihumātao is an urgent issue it is not a priority.
The most appalling aspect is his Trumpian attempt to categorise Tokelauans as somehow undeserving and the hint that Ardern as a young mother is spending too much time with her family. It is an impressive feat blowing two dog whistles at the same time.
Morning Report twitter had fun:
Corin: Despite being leader of Opposition, whose job is to hold govt to account, you don't want to go there & talk to these protestors & hear their concerns?
— Morning Report (@NZMorningReport) July 30, 2019
Mr Bridges: Never say never. It's not really a matter I've considered in great detail but you get my fundamental point.
Mr Bridges: I believe the houses should be built, we'll see what happens in terms of going, it's not a priority.
— Morning Report (@NZMorningReport) July 30, 2019
No wonder Corin Dann sounded so exasperated.
If Bridges keeps this up it is going to be a long year before his inevitable loss at the next year’s election and for a bout of blood letting to occur.
He is getting worse imo. The right wingers must be desperate now – and I just can't see him moving – he has the utter ability to completely fool himself with his own rubbish – not PM material at all.
I try to listen as though I was a National supporter. And goodness it is hard to cheer him on. Unless I suspend my critical thinking and just listen to the loud noise.
You'd be in good company if you did suspend your thinking – about 44pc of the voting populations perhaps.
He is a gone burger every time he open his waha (mouth) he is shooting himself in the foot who is advising him, is it his wife if so he needs another communications adviser cause at the moment his communication is not up to the standard we need to be our PM. And that is putting it mildly.
His wife seems more impressive.
There are three pictures of Simon heading past posts, two with animals and one with Ms Ardern. I think that should be replaced so that we have a full hand of Simon's amongst his constituents, who are smart enough to show up in animal hides. Please display Simon amongst those who might be his peers, (till they got wise); Jacinda is above this identification parade! (Goats or sheep might be suitable companions.)
I'm a simple man, I see a picture of St Jude the Redeemer and I click
What was St Jude the patron saint of again? I forget.
Don't look it up, Puckish, it's really best you don't.
Everyone roots for the underdog 🙂
Jude's not into rooters pucker.
unless they have an buried old kauri tree attached then she's in like flynn
I am not sure Judith would increase their support from the 44% odd it is currently on.
Goodness me. Are my copying skills poor or………
I think the issue is that National are not trying to be coherent, it is about the sound bite "Part-time PM" and "Part-time government" – just getting those words out is all they are trying to do
Ding ! We have a winner.
Look out for more trumpian/Boris behaviour. It's all they've got.
Typical "attack"politics. Just been having a look at comments on "The Daily Blog" – difficult to know whose "side" it is on.
“Kiwi Sean Topham, aged 28, was the digital whiz who worked at in the inner sanctum of the Liberals’ campaign HQ in Brisbane.” So said Audrey Young on June 16th. I wonder where Master Sean is at this moment.
Some truth in it as I see it. Often when seeing JA on Television she is overseas. Also SB might be a light weight but if that’s true he’s a lightweight that leads the party that leads the dominant party of the coalition government. A real looser.
simon the looser – I like it thanks 🙂
Simon is not hidebound by reality – he creates his own reality. It would be funny if it wasn't all so wearying. The amount of effort that goes into getting a well-meaning but ultimately harmless bunch of centrists like the current government into power. Followed by their inevitable replacement after 6 to 9 years by National – a party that really deserves to be the domain of a nutty fringe, but enjoys a near constant 40% support. It's wise to be careful what you wish for – but a good crisis to give Overton's window a mighty shove seems appealing at times.
"When you’ve got the first Māori land occupation we’ve seen in a very long time…"
Actually they are surprisingly frequent. Possibly simultaneous. Mostly they are too small to pay much attention to.
For example there was the Wairoa family recently in the news as having being ordered off their land. Or is that somehow different?
What I found so gob smacking was that Simon initially seemed to be saying was that Jacinda should be in the country with the occupation going on (and implied she’d caused it) then went on to say he would do nothing about it and as leader of opposition he wasn’t going to visit.
it was very confused.
I do agree with the commenter who said that they are lhoping this phrase will stick . Duncan Garner demolished the idea. A dirty blow by Simon though. Wondering how many days Shonkey was out of the country as PM. Let’s face Simon would be an embarrassment overseas and would likely not be made so welcome as Jacinda
Perhaps Simon should be spending more time with his kids.
I feel sorry for them growing up with an absent father.
A father who deserts his family to careen around the country promoting himself in taxpayer funded limos.
Almost prostituting himself really. A real show pony for Gnashional. And Nick Smith talking down the euthanasia bill very importantly and emphatically. Maggie
ThatcherBarry was looking on approvingly, sort of like Frankenstein's maker. Always backwards the Conservatives go, peculiar that they walk forwards, but end up in the middle of last century if not earlier.They bring a new meaning to retro-grade; moving backwards but attempting to do so in a well-dressed way.
" If Bridges keeps this up it is going to be a long year before his inevitable loss at the next year’s election and for a bout of blood letting to occur "
But 45% support this kind of approach and they don't care who is saying it.
But do you believe that NZ is seeing the full extent of the factions and divisions being carefully hidden? From Ross through to the bullying claims, yes they are exceptional at keeping the lid on them, but for how long? Talk of membership heartened by the mention of Luxton in the mix must eventually chip away at even Bridge’s's very thick hide even if it just a little, especially when he will be unaware of exactly what is going on behind his back within his party and that he really has no control while he holds on by his fingertips.
All that is before stances on issues such as euthansia etc, which carry a lot of personal bias with them, come up for scrutiny and the National Party has to come up with how they will manage them and whether they will put public interest to the fore not their personal goals.
My take is that rather than wallow in his lack of traction, Bridge will be saying to himself that he will just ignore the flack and push forward and go for the ride until it stops. Thus he can rant and say whatever he likes with no real worry or self reproach.
How anyone is expected to accept that as an Opposition, let alone a govt, is a mystery to me.
I am a sceptic of many things, especially political opinion polls.
Where is this 40 whatever% support come from?
When was it measured?
At the last election?
When natz reckoned they should have won because they were bigger than anyone else?
Playground bullies always do that.
The natz had 9 years to destroy our health and welfare systems: they nearly did it.
Bridges , Collins, Bennet nearly did it.
If 40 -50 per cent of NZ want natz to be running the govt we are in deep trouble.
I sure as hell think the pollsters have got it wrong.  
But , hey, it makes good media bullshit!
Bridges, and natz, are floundering
There is something to admire in everyone, and Bridges' relentless public optimism in what must be rather discouraging circumstances is a triumph of sorts. He reminds me of no-one so much as Saddam Hussein's spin doctor, the energetic Mohammed Said al-Sahaf, who insisted, as US forces overran Iraqi defenders without noticeable difficulty "We are in control".
@Stuart, that is exactly right.
He is the Monty Python sketch of the Knight guarding the bridge slowly getting dismembered but completely unaware because he is so absorbed in his task. "Come back and fight you cowards….. ".
I now have absolutely no time for the NZ National Party. The behavioural problems of its leader leaves alot to be desired.
His words and his actions is a direct reflection of how bad the NZ National Party has demeaned itself to.
It does look like he thinks insulting others will award him kudos and those of his supporters etc would be so impressed with him. He is an excellent example of a poor quality leader. If he was prime minister(probably a part-time one like John Key was)and he often insulted others eg NZ taxpayers; on a regular basis then it would indicate he is not right for such a job as a leader of New Zealand(or as he would probably call this country New Zoiland).
The NZ National Party needs to take a serious and deep look at itself and where it is going in the credibility and respect areas. Because right now it does not possess any of those qualities to make it worth voting for at Election 2020.
Bridges is coming across as a loose cannon and for some obscure and probably ridiculous reason the National Party senior MPs just don't want to stand up to him and say "Enough is enough…." Is it because deep down the entire NZ National Party are nothing short of a bunch of weaklings after all?.