The wheels on the bus go round and round

Written By: - Date published: 3:28 pm, May 3rd, 2016 - 18 comments
Categories: Abuse of power, john key, scoundrels, tax - Tags: , , , ,

Key chucks his “lawyer” under a bus – Part 2.

Key’s lawyer is taking one for the team, but I can’t imagine he’s happy about it. Prime Minister John Key agrees lawyer’s email was ‘sloppily written’

Speaking to reporters this morning, Mr Key said he had discussed the issue with Mr Whitney, who works at Auckland-based firm Antipodes Trust Group.

“He is absolutely confident my version of events is correct,” he said.

“Maybe the email was sloppily written. I was certainly aware that we weren’t making any changes.”

The Prime Minister was asked how an experienced lawyer had misinterpreted an important conversation.

Good question.

Mr Key said: “That’s his wording of it. People sometimes write things in a way that is shorthand.”

Sloppy shorthand. Especially experienced expensive professional lawyers. Happens all the time on Planet Key.

Mr Whitney has not responded to requests for comment.

Too busy grinding his teeth I expect.

18 comments on “The wheels on the bus go round and round ”

  1. Anne 1

    Well, you know, when you’re in the business of providing a tax haven for others then there’s a good chance you’re using it to assist yourself so I guess John Key has painted him into a corner and he can’t escape without also implicating himself?

    • D'Esterre 1.1

      I note Todd McClay stating that “…. he could not say for sure that he knew about the connection at the time of that meeting.” and “….it only became “absolutely clear” to him that Mr Whitney was the prime minister’s lawyer when it appeared in the media last week.” (from RNZ website)

      According to Patrick Gower on tv3, that was “brain fade”. Oh no it wasn’t, Gower: didn’t you get a gander at the look on McClay’s face as he was interviewed? It was “you’re not going to pin that one on me, buster!”

      Clearly McClay has no desire to join Whitney under the bus…

  2. Magisterium 2

    People who make John Key look bad have a funny way of deciding they need to retire from roles of public visibility and spend more time with their families.

  3. One Anonymous Bloke 3

    Ken, just shut up and launder the money already!

  4. Anno1701 4

    lol at the cuckolded lawyer….

  5. Sacha 5

    “Mr Whitney, who works at Auckland-based firm Antipodes Trust Group.”

    He *owns* it. Sloppy fricking journalism.

  6. Keith 6

    You’ve got really wonder about a man who bullshits in installments. Can’t Farrar research quick enough anymore?

    • Lanthanide 6.1

      It took David Cameron 5 days to slowly unveil his own tax dealings after initially being confronted by the P.Papers.

  7. whateva next? 7

    Bus drivers, carers in rest homes are not allowed to make even small mistakes, yet these jokers with big salaries and probably a few perks thrown in, cannot even do a quick google search to fulfill duties. Disgusting class politics.

  8. tc 8

    Go johnny go, keep digging and chipping away at that honest john facade you and the backers have constructed.

    How many of the people do they think they can fool all of the time ? Wonder what the cut off mark is on their internal polls before time is called.

  9. North 9

    Mr Key said: “That’s his wording of it. People sometimes write things in a way that is shorthand.”

    Yeah…….shorthand for ‘nudge nudge wink wink’.

  10. Muttonbird 10

    Key is a crook.

  11. Muttonbird 11

    The minister said that he had never been lobbied by Mr Whitney, but he had spoken to members of Mr Whitney’s lobby group.


    The ministerial musical chairs game that John Key plays serves but one purpose and that is to hide incompetence. Little wonder however that the ministerial musical chairs game that John Key plays produces incompetence.

  12. North 12

    Yes it’s a casebook study really isn’t it ?

    It’ll be taught in Pol’ Sci’ in years to come. Will be universally accepted as a period in the history of Aotearoa when we were lead by knaves and scum who finally ‘Out-Antoinetted’ themselves.

    And a younger and more entitled representation of the turd that led us will have departed for Monaco. Did I mean Manukau ? No no no ! That would not be a good address for the representation. It’d be Monaco.

    You know I’ve always had a mind’s eyes of an entitled stroll undertaken by said representation down South of a night. I wouldn’t be prepared to guarantee outcome. Outcome, as unfortunate and untidy as it might be, could be understood.

    Outcome furnished by the victims of societal, institutional, physical, moral, spiritual, violence. There are plenty.

  13. esoteric pineapples 13

    I was saying to a friend a few years back that John Key has actually made an awful lot of people look bad in public, scapegoating them, lying and making them look like fools or dishonest etc. I think there must be a lot of people in what remains of New Zealand’s old school power elite that hold a personal grudge against him. They and their friends and family will know the truth about him. This is one of the reasons I don’t think he will continue to live in New Zealand once he (finally) gets booted out of office. Too personally awkward.

    • Mosa 13.1

      His enemy’s list and what he knows about other’s indiscresions keeps him safe.
      No one will challenge him,its an abuse of power not seen scince Muldoon’s government.

  14. save NZ 14

    Probably his lawyer knows a lot about John Key’s trusts. So I don’t think his lawyer is going to take one for the team unless he is paid A LOTA money and gets off Scott free in the ++ whitewash++ enquiry by fellow tax cheat.

  15. The Gormless Fool formerly known as Oleolebiscuitbarrell 15

    Key doing deals for his mates! Wanker.

    Key throwing mates under a bus! Wanker.