Those nice men in suits

Written By: - Date published: 8:18 am, November 12th, 2011 - 16 comments
Categories: act, class war, democracy under attack, election 2011, national - Tags: ,

16 comments on “Those nice men in suits ”

  1. aerobubble 1

    Do councils have the right to dictate the form of protests? many
    think so, on National Radio, Mora and his panel were overwhelmingly
    in favor of council having a say on tents put up in the public square.
    Honestly when asked do you think free speach is more important
    than a camping violation most people you’d think would say
    free speach. Not National Radio.

    Councils have many duties to their rate payers, one is noise
    control, but if noise control is not a free phone number then
    those rate payers who are fed up with the students next
    door driving their loud vibrational cars down the side of
    their homes at 2am in the morning and then at 7am, and
    have run out of prepay.

    Does the right of freespeach include large doses of noise
    and vibration, obviously not, why can council then argue
    that boy racers have some right of freespeach???/ and
    the expense of the free speach of others, i.e. the ability
    to get a good nights sleep and so make fairly understandable
    free speach themselves.

    Obviously protesters must stay within the law, and not
    stop others from protesting, but a few tents…

    We already live in a fascist society when fascist views
    are aired on supposed balance liberal media.

    • Afewknowthetruth 1.1


      Surely you would not expect anything different from National Radio.

      NR is an outlet for the promotion of the disaster-as-usual agenda of corporations. Anyone who challenges that agenda (as many have over the years) get ignored or downplayed.

      When ‘problems’ are identified on NR they are invariably followed by non-solutions that involve money-making for corporations.

      I agree: we already live in a covert fascist state (by Mussolini’s definition the melding of corporate, military and government interests) and are awaiting the morphing into an overt fascist state.

      Judging by what is happening in Europe we won’t have long to wait:

      Once politicians stop telling the masses things are on the cusp of improving you know it must be close to the end.

  2. Mac1 2

    “They came for the Communists, and I didn’t object –
    For I wasn’t a Communist;
    They came for the Socialists, and I didn’t object –
    For I wasn’t a Socialist;
    They came for the labor leaders, and I didn’t object –
    For I wasn’t a labor leader;
    They came for the Jews, and I didn’t object –
    For I wasn’t a Jew;

    Then they came for me –
    And there was no one left to object.”

    These lines by German Pastor Martin Niemoller came instantly to mind when I saw the post.

    I wonder what the New Zealand equivalent would be?

    “They came for……….

    • James Stephenson 2.1

      Yes, but then as Nigel Blackwell observed, sometimes it’s best to turn a blind eye.

      Caution: English humour you might not get.

      • Mac1 2.1.1

        I don’t think Dani Behr was behind the wardrobe, having had to Google her for the reference in the song. Indeed, I don’t think that much came at all for the four lads who shook the wirral. There was only one way those lads got to be blind to have one to turn.

        But then, being Mac1, I missed out on English humour!

    • Afewknowthetruth 2.2

      Nac 1

      Timely reminder.

      ‘I wonder what the New Zealand equivalent would be?’

      They sold the nation’s assets but I was too busy watching rugby/cricket/golf/dancing with the stars to notice.

      They covered the land in shopping malls and suburbia but I was too busy watching rugby/cricket/golf/dancing with the stars to notice.

      They passed legislation to punish those who grow food naturally but I was too busy watching rugby/cricket/ golf/dancing with the stars to notice.

      They ignored Peak Oil, Climate Change and unravelling of fiat currencies but I was too busy watching rugby/cricket/ golf/dancing with the stars to notice.

      • seeker 2.3.1

        @Draco TB 1.04pm

        Thanks for the link Draco on “Corporations will eat your soul”- now everything since 1979 is beginning to make sense . How have I missed this “sermon” for so long?. It provides many of the missing links for something I have been trying to articulate since the term “inner cities” (in Britain) was uttered with such a derisive and yet dismissive tone bordering on complete contempt by one, Margaret Thatcher. They were in trouble and yet she almost seemed to delight in it. Yuck.

        This feeling of “yuck” only seemed to disappear slightly when election time came, when it was replaced with hope for a change of government, yet tarnished with ever heightening anxiety and fear that conservatives would once again “get in” and continue to ruin our short time on this planet with same old, same old never ending cuts, quangos, lies etc. I was conditioned to this for eighteen long,long,long years in Britain.
        It was hell for so many as all joy, hope, chance to develop and progress in life was sucked out of us. Dementors ruled. Many committed suicide in the first few years of Thatcher’s government. And the talk about money and business just grew and grew until it pervaded everything-our hopes our dreams our schools, our communities and our homes via adverts,TVshows, newspapers, magazines- and then there was Rupert Murdoch……..spinning, misleading, manipulating and apparently later, hacking

        Now it is 2011 and I have been having those same old feelings of heightening anxiety and fear only this time it is that it is highly likely that Brand Key will get in again..In fact my fear has taken a new form a -it has morphed into a nightmare of the future.All can see after November 26th as I wake, is a New Zealand being laid to waste and sucked dry as Britain was. It fills me with dread and horror.

        Whoever took over in Britain in 1997 would have a really hard task ahead of them as the soul along with her wealth and her health had been sucked out of Britain. Thatcher and co had done what world war 2 had not done – brought Britain to her knees. My mother would never again vote conservative -they had privatised our water and France now owned it. Blair had a very sick country to deal with (One good thing though was that my mother had become aware that conservatism was quite monstrous. I admired her greatly over this. For after being a staunch conservative all her life, especially as Winston Churchill won the war; she could still think for herself, see what treacherous damage Thatcher and co had done to our country and society and chose to refuse to vote for them ever again- all at 77! She hadn’t been invaded by the germans and she still hadn’t been invade by the corporates when she died 10 years later..Bless her.

        Finally in 97, I thought,Thank God, as Labour got in because we had been on the way to a dictatorship.Many in Britain were so apathetic,broken and demoralised especially the 3,000,000 I think it was, who had become become unemployed.
        I thought Labour would bring in proportional representation to stop this, ‘whatever it was’ ,under Thatcher ever happening again, but they didn’t, very bad. Britain had been well on the way under the new conservatives to becoming a dictatorship and maybe taken over by “those nice men in the suits “in your photo. It certainly felt like that after eighteen years of these ‘new’ and twice as self- centered conservatives.

        Thankfully New Zealand has MMP.
        But it will lose itself too if it doesn’t wake up to corporates like Key,Joyce,Phil O’Reilly and his cronies,and people like Ashcroft. They have already been ‘invaded’ you can see by their eyes, hear from their words and see by their actions. Nick Smith is another one that has gone corporate.. He has changed a lot over the last seven or so years.
        Now thanks to Draco I know what has happened to Nick and his colleagues- they have probably been taken over or corporatised into a corpse like corporate, ready to prey on the rest of us, and suck the joy out of us like Dementors.

        This enlightening link also explains a lot about right wing journalists and ghastly bloggers, cetaceans and trolls and how to spot them as they have obviously been ‘corporate snatched’. Many have those corporate reptilian,sometimes amphibious like eyes or face; they often rub their hands together and/or lick their lips and rub their noses and/or crinkle their foreheads like their leader and many will tilt their heads on one side like guyon, but not sure why this is: Nick Smith does this too,especially when talking about ACC.

        This all sounds like something from Torchwood! Heaven help us as we wait for the corporates’ next move………

        N.B I hope I wake from the horrible experience of the last three years on November27 under a Labour /Green government and find that New Zealand is free of the treacherous and life leeching body corporate. I hope that we are once again able to breathe, grow and develop freely as humans should under a government that is there to serve New Zealand and all who sail in her rather than serve themselves and the nact mothership.
        Maybe then can we all get back to trying to do what humans do best- serving and helping each other, enjoying one anothers company and teaching our children how to love, trust,care, share develop and excel.- all without fear of inhuman punitive, abusive and ideological injustices . A world where money will not eat our souls.

        • seeker

          Had to correct this from yesterday. Comment from seeker@554pm should have paragraph 3 “Now it is 2011….” under paragraph 5 beginning “Finally in 1997…”.
          Found comment difficult to write as comment box kept moving or jumping half way through and when I saw my mistake when i finally submitted, I found the edit function didn’t work and suddenly just disappeared.
          Know it’s not important in the great scheme of things, but I cared to correct now the post is up and running normally again. Cheers and here’s to the end of futuristic nightmares about Brand Key World on 27-11-11.

    • Blue 2.4

      “They came for the public servants, and I didn’t object –
      For I wasn’t a public servant (and I didn’t like them anyway);
      They came for the beneficiaries, and I didn’t object –
      For I wasn’t a beneficiary (and I didn’t like them anyway);
      They came for the low-income workers, and I didn’t object –
      For I wasn’t a low-income worker (and I didn’t like them anyway);
      They came for the journalists, and I didn’t object –
      For I wasn’t a journalist (and I didn’t like them anyway);

      Then they came for me –
      And there was no one left to object (the rich didn’t care).”

      • Mac1 2.4.1

        Blue and AFKTT, thanks for your responses and Draco T for your reminder in that sermon. I believe that General Smedley Baker, the Fighting Quaker, recovered his soul in his later years. So may all the servants of Mammon, I hope. In the end, politics is also a battle for souls.

  3. Afewknowthetruth 3

    Monsanto’s enforcers?

    BP’s enforcers?

    IMF’s enforcerrs?

  4. ianmac 4

    Mr Key’s guard detail?

  5. John D 6

    So am I permanently banned from this site for making a lame joke about Robyn Malcolm?

    [lprent: The way this operates is that whoever does the moderation sets the term. In this case that wasn’t specified. The blacklist was pressed to throw you into auto-spam. So I’d guess your ‘joke’ didn’t amuse the sprout.

    He’d given you a series of warnings that you appear to have ignored. That is all that moderators will attempt to do – there are too many idiots out there trying to be ‘funny’ to be bothered educating each one about how not to be perceived as being a dumbarse troll who adds nothing to the site.

    We don’t override other moderators as we do have different moderating styles (you should try getting Irish to moderate you some time). I will ask the sprout if a permanent ban is what he intended. Very occasionally one of us presses the wrong button or gets a bit too irritated. ]