Written By:
Eddie - Date published:
12:27 pm, August 10th, 2009 - 81 comments
Categories: dpf -
Farrar’s attacks on climate change campaigners and the Greens recently have been pretty hysterical (‘they’re going to shoot the cows!’) but now he’s gone too far.
In what purports to be satire, Farrar posts a ‘Green press release’ that says they want to have two out of three pregnancies aborted to tackle climate change. I’m not going to quote from or even link to the post. It’s too disgusting.
We all write things on our blogs that we sometimes regret, and if we’re smart we take them down when we see our error. But this is totally beyond the pale. An unfunny, uncalled for, and vicious attack on the Greens wearing the fig leaf of ‘humour’ as if that excuses anything one chooses to write.
Of course, it’s also a veiled reactionary attack on abortion, anyone calling for action on climate change, and any idea that the world population can’t continue to grow infinitely.
Maybe Farrar should give it up and turn the site over to the new pseudonymous writers he has introduced. At least they actually write something worth reading.
Perhaps he’s been watching the GOP a little too closely. Echoes of their rhetoric about health care reform.
Relax eddie, his site and this one are recognised as both representing more extreme ends of the various spectrums. There have been plenty similar on here. I seem to recall one recently which went on about the middle aged white man coming home and abusing the wife and kids and kicking the dog.
Perhaps one of you (Standard or Kiwiblog) needs to unilaterally re-set the standard rather than bitching at each other in an increasingly hysterical manner. The two of you are like an abusive relationship, smacking each other around.
Funny thing there v, there’s a very courageous thread up over there (for which DPF also deserves some kudos) posted by a escapee and survivor of domestic violence.
Lot’s of comments along the lines of how the DPB is wrong because, well people make decisions and they should be responsible for them, and marriage should be more respected and such.
Eww. What’s funny (but not really) is how many of his regulars approve of the idea.
And feigned to be unsure if it was satire, because you know, it’s not far from the trewth and all, Trev Louden says so, soylent green, etc and so on.
I think you make a good point vto. Farrar’s blogging of late has descended down to the level of those who generally make comments there.
For a long time my general opinion of Kiwiblog was that although I disagreed with Farrar’s politics I recognised he was a smart guy and wrote really well. Quite the asset for the right-wing of NZ politics.
However, since his trip to the USA things have changed quite markedly. I do see the effects of hanging out with the GOP coming through. There’s a greater nastiness, a greater willing to mislead readers (his denial of the difference between net emissions and gross emissions is a classic example of that) and just an uglier tone in what he says.
I think it’s a good opportunity for The Standard to rise above being “the Kiwiblog of the left”. I think that Farrar’s shift will inevitably alienate his readership (it certainly has alienated me) even if he’s cheered on by the uglier parts of “the sewer”.
And yes, back to the post in question – completely disgusting from Farrar. His hysterics over the climate change issue is probably a good insight into what many in the National Party are thinking at the moment. They’re shit scared about the changes they’ll have to embark upon to reach any reduction in CO2 emissions – let alone something as bold (yet clearly achievable) as a 40% reduction by 2020.
Jar, you are spot on to what the right world wide are shit scared about. You only have to mention climate change and energy depletion to see them reaching for sacred shibboleths. On emission reduction “it will ruin our economy”, should always be answered “the dead dont have an economy”.
Or energy, they say “the market will bring us new technology”…(answer “where the hell is it and can it break the rules of phyisics?”).
Seems to me the likes of Farrar have a role in publicly denying reality, declaring an alternative reality to the masses in which we all go on forever allowing the profligacy of the rich. This vision would be all very well if it didnt kill us and the planet.
I will generously send Farrar a shamrock as opposed to a fig leaf as a mark of hope to cover his inadequacy.
And its any different to this how? http://blog.labour.org.nz/index.php/2009/07/22/key-gutless-under-pressure-babies-to-die-abortions-to-increase/
Of course that wasn’t even satire.
The whole blogosphere where every blog tries to be holier-than-thou is pathetic. I’m certainly with vto on that.
I know GC – i think it’s disgusting how that post has 69 responses currently as well. These left-wing centrists make me sick!
I thought that angle was too far too. it didn’t go as too far as Farrar’s post though which is simply outragous
GC – who on here is defending that post you link to? You can actually find both distastefu, nor not, l no matter where you stand in the political spectrum. Why are people so quick to go – aha but you lefties thought THIS was okay so you’re hypocrites. It’s damn boring.
I’m not outraged by it at all. I think it IS satire but weakly done – it would have benefitted from being a little more outrageous in places. I’d advise Farrar to read some Lyndon Hood if he wants to see how sharp and classy local satire can be.
I agree its boring when us right-wing people refer to what Labour did. But to deny that the left never did such things is absurd. Labour was notable in government in deflecting any criticism by referring back to the 90s. On some points of course that was legitimate. But it became tiring. I’ll agree that if National and right-wing bloggers and those of us who comment at blogs do the same thing in the future. That too will be tiring. But as it hasn’t been a year yet I’ll keep doing it.
Nor can you deny that you left-wing people are quick to go back to the nineties to make points about this current government or refer to things Labour did from 1999 onwards when in government.
And some of us have you pegged gingercrush, and bookmarked, as a nasty wee piece of shit and for you to suggest that Farrars wingnut rant is in any way similar to a posting about neural tube defects only confirms that you are indeed, a nasty wee piece of shit.
Ok thanks.
I’m looking forward to seeing DPF sunning himself with fellow over-indulged sea-elephants of the business elite in the Octagon next time he’s here in Dunedin. I’m sure he won’t say no to a quick hello from friendly ol’ roger nome 😉
Talking about other people’s bodies sure is a habit for you. How about you provide the blogosphere some of your body shots so we can criticise how you look. You really should put up or shut up rogernome. You must be some mighty specimen considering some of the outlandish statements about others you’ve made.
GC – how about you tell me where you live and i’ll pay you a visit? What’s your wine of preferance? i’m sure we can have an interesting conversation whilst you cower in awe of my odonis-like stature 😉
“Odonis”. What’s that? Like “Adonis” but smelly?
SF – yes, you gotta smell good if you want to attract the few young professional women in Dunedin.
I guess it doesn’t matter so much when you’re cruising the political blogs for closeted National MPs ….
or Adonis but somewhat odd like
For the record it’s 6 3″ 90 killos, max 60 press-ups, 3 km run in 11:30. (p.s. i’m only interested in catching up if you’re smaller than me.
Has DPF ever engaged in debate with Green Party policy at an intellectual level?
He will sometimes criticize Labour policy with numbers measurements, philosophical and academic arguments, but the greens never. It is always hysterics, hyperbole and ridicule.
Its pretty hard to argue against the laws of thermodynamics, or the fact that finite things run out if used…..its just not fair on DPF to have to argue about reality.
Possibly because most Green Party policy is full of hysterics, hyperbole and stuff that is easily ridiculed.
Then he could do us all a favour and explain why that is so, it certainly does not look like he is able too, looks more like barrel scraping.
Go on then Luke, tell us about Sir Rodger’s amazing “let’s create parallel tax system” plan to improve the efficiency of the tax system.
Who said I am into Act?
Who said you were?
All that was assumed was that you’re probably a fan of Sir Wodger’s economic theories.
And you probably are.
wow Felix, you can read me like a book. I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100, care to take a guess?
That’s right Wuke.
And if that’s a “yes” to my question then now you can answer Pb’s.
nah, that’s cool. I think he’s probably too busy trying for one those Investigate subs.
Wow felix, you and my three year old niece have something else in common now. It is a no to your question.
PB, I get Investigate for free… wonder how…
Let me guess:
We can both beat you at scrabble?
We both have bigger penises than you?
We both think you’re a lame joke?
Like I give a shit.
I happen to agree with you about Douglas though. Fucking socialist.
Wild stab in the dark – it’s free because it is not worth reading.
There is much better fiction out there, anyway.
well apparently neither of you can read. She is three, what is your excuse?
Felix mate, you are the perfect example of why Labour got kicked out of power (and where National are starting to show signs of going wrong). You are arrogant, don’t listen, get involved in maters that do not involve you and project a persona that does not fit the reality of who you are. Whenever I see you comment on this blog I notice you attack people who do not agree with you, I have this image in my head of who you actually are though and I would be surprised if I was wrong. Tell me, is this close to you… http://www.i-mockery.com/visionary/pics/geek-hierarchy-pic6.jpg
Armchair Critic- if you wanted fiction you can read the piece on Helen Clark from the weekend papers- http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/2731946/Nats-acted-with-sheer-vindictiveness-Clark, when you are done there I would go to http://aotearoaawiderperspective.wordpress.com/ always leaves me amused.
Umm, thanks lukas, but I already have Ayn Rand. Wishart makes her look sane. Enjoy your reading.
Or his recipe for growing the economic cake. Christ that press release still traumatizes me.
Jeez, if that one satire post on Kiwiblog sets you guys off like this I’d hate to see what would happen after reading Dim-Post.
At least the Dim-Post is sometimes funny. Any attempt at abortion humour is always going to be a big mistake.
It’s not an objection to satire per se. obviously
Danyl would never be so distasteful and i would tell what i thought if he was
Gee ed where’s your SOH? or can satire only apply to pinko causes?
I tried really hard to give Farrar the benefit of the doubt on this post. I generally disagree with his politics and views but acknowledge that they are well argued. But this attempt at humour is a huge error. Abortion as climate change solution is just not satire. It is crass, crude and insensitive. Perhaps he is in holiday mode and wrote the post after a few pina coladas, if so I hope he sees fit to retract and apologise.
Kudos however fir the interesting guest posters he has there at the moment.
Looks like Farrar’s hysterics worked. The government’s gone for a 10-20% reduction.
Gutless idiots.
Did they specify how thay were going to actually do it? Like build less motorways? Fund more research into agriculture? Or encourage solar heating and photovotaics? Sounds like a Tui billboard.
Emissions trading by itself is unlikely to do much, we already have a lots of renewable power generation and they said agriculture is off limits.
I’m really dubious given their record, I hope someone pins them down on specifics. Or are they just trying to fob off everyone to save themeselves from international embarassment with Copenhagen coming up?
I guess National’s there to play the role of the “frigtened of change” “regressive” – they would be remiss in there duty if they adopted a stance which relies on paying attention to reality.
Great then you can my $1400 per person, or $30 per week if you’re stupid enough to think it will make a difference.
Is that all mike? Fuck, you might have to have a 20 inch plasma tv rather than a 25 inch – grow the fuck up and face reality idiot.
Of course you are aware (or at least should be), that a very large amount of that is avoidable.
Has kiwiblog become a cauldron for spaced out smelly box witches?
Dad – you feeling the “sting” of the benefit? How about going back on the meds? For everyone’s “benefit”?
Oh somebody play these cry babies a violin solo…..jeez lighten up!.It was a satirical post that has obviously hit its mark judging by the howls of indignation coming from the girly-men here…in the words of the great Chopper Reid….”Harden the f**k up!”
Was Chopper your dad Jumes?
I don’t think even Chopper would get a laugh out of this. He can be a quite religious man.
james – just a quick heads up. If a “hardened up” man is what you’re after, there are plenty more appropriate sites on the internet for you.
woger – Chris Carter is a global hardened up man.
yes and the word on the street is we lucky taxpayers stumped up for a the adventurous couple to fly to a few shag fests…
Careful Mike, lawyers don’t just serve tories anymore.
word on the street is that Brash and Worth ran the work shop on how to be adventurous at the tax payers expence.
How do you know dad? Are you one of the rent boys that MPS spend there “travel allowances” on?
I know his GP called Doctor Sore Butt.
Silly woger still a stuffed gnome.
Maybe you should go see Dr sore butt dad? He could offer you some anti-psychotic drugs prehaps?
woger how is your good friend going in prison. Are you as smart as the Mr 216 Stabber?
And for a cahnge, dad lashes out in desparation …. so what’s your defense gonna be when you finally flip out? “he was wearing provocative clothing, and he was in the hagley park public toilets, where he knew i’d be cruising”?
woger email me and I will give you the names of the High Court judge and two detectives that hushed up Peter’s wee incident in the States. I am getting so much info that I intend on writing a best seller book.It will be huge.John Key knows all about it.
“I am getting so much info that I intend on writing a best seller book”
Hurry up and write it, then. This country could do with a good laugh.
Hey DPF is giving away 10 subscriptions to “Investigate” magazine.
You need to be commenting at Kbog between 5 and 9 tonight to win them.
DPF is accepting sponsorship from Wishart now? Fark, and just when you thought he couldn’t sink any lower.
Really Sting? Where did Peter Burns get the money to travel to the US?
A disgruntled cop and two pissed off lawyers provide all the info. Hagley, Green Room, USA – you get my drift woger.They are ALL coming DOWN.Lockwood on camera etc..etc..
I thought everyone knew about Lockwood anyway?
Well if they don’t, they sure of hell will when I detail the perverted incident.
No wonder the Beehive stinks worse than a sewage farm.Come on Mr Speaker SUE me if I bullshit. TIME for clean UP JOHN BOY KEE.
i don’t think it’s worth it dad – you will just come up against a brick wall. The media won’t have anything to do with it, and you’ll just end up looking like a repressed dick. I for one don’t give a flying fling what two consenting adults do to each other for kicks.
Do you care about sex with underage boys? Cameras around the Beehive don’t lie, ask Trevor Mallard.My cop friend was a lurker around Wellington for 20 years.
If that’s the truth, it’s absolutely abhorent, and it could be huge. Undeniable proof is what you need. i’m sure Wishart would be keen to run with it. email him, and get the ball rolling.
Truth it is, however evidence has been wiped but you know that, after 9 years of Labour anything goes now.
Goodbye woger enough said.
hopeless. always fun and games until someone goes too far.
It might sound ridiculous and in bad taste but there is, unfortunately an element of truth to it, read the post by ‘itiswhatitis’ on the 10th of August.
What he says about Obama’s new science Czar is true.
Obamas Science Czar John Holdren publically recomended to the White House Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A “Planetary Regime’ with the power of life and death over American citizens.
The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation’s drinking water or in food”
Read the actual quotes from the book he co-authored, extreme but true.
This has been all over the net for weeks so why are you all acting like its so far removed from reality?
You think I’m lying? read it.
Eugenics is alive and well in our world.
This is the most negative blog in the world. I wouldn’t have known or cared what Farrar wrote.
You guys all champion free speech except when it cuts too close to the bone.