Who is knifing Nat MP Paul Foster-Bell?

Written By: - Date published: 1:52 pm, June 27th, 2016 - 56 comments
Categories: national - Tags: , ,

Foster-Bell seems to be a cross between Aaron Gilmore (vanity), Todd Barclay (people skills) and Bill English (high on the hog). No surprises there then, Nat MP, ho hum. The more interesting question is – who is out to knife him? Two hits in two days?

56 comments on “Who is knifing Nat MP Paul Foster-Bell? ”

  1. adam 1

    Even the back bench are as useless as any of their ministers. What a truly pitiful government this is.

  2. mac1 2

    What he said-
    “I’m a good employer.”

    What he thought?
    “Nothing to do with me.
    Twelve employees change in 3 years? Normal.
    They had the problem.
    Just need to harden up.
    Why we have the 90 day employment rule.
    Can’t get the staff like you used to.
    No work ethic.
    Should have been grateful.
    Not a management problem.
    I’d blame the schools.
    If they can’t stand the heat…..
    I’ve got a nice smile.”

  3. Greg 3

    So where are the destinations he is spending it on.

    NZ MPs sit the lowest number of hours in Parliament then any other Parliamentary type country, is it holiday trips.

    How much does he donate to the Party?

    High staff turnover is indicative of a toxic work environment,
    or inept management, or questionable ethical behavior.

    Or just people retiring.

    And who do MPs work for?

  4. McFlock 4


    National polling slowly on the decrease and a few days later someone at the tail end of the list starts getting shit?

    Someone else at the tail end selling their soul to a higher-up patron, I reckon 🙂

    • NZJester 4.1

      So you think someone who made it in last time lower on the list wants to move up one slot to hopefully have a better chance at getting back into a list seat now National poll numbers are dropping and the number of list members is likely to be lower?

      • McFlock 4.1.1

        Well, someone in his ballpark on the list who’s maybe a little worried about current polling and their likely list number.

        But it would also require a certain level of planning and contacts, so maybe his competitor dropped a few $k to Simon lusk – doesn’t he market his services to mediocre Nat wannabes?

        • NZJester

          Well as I understand it the standard uniform for all potential and current National MPs is a top with a target on the back showing the best points to put the knife in ;-p
          A lot of the moderates in the National Party got knifed and rolled in the ditch before the last election by the faction that Cameron Slater was working with during the time of the emails used in research of the book Dirty Politics.
          The factions will be securing their numbers to knife Key in the back depending on the results at the next election and he must be in one of the wrong factions.

  5. fisiani 5

    He has a medical condition that makes him unable to drive so has to take taxis to and from events. Do you guys really want to go down that grubby path?

    • Lanthanide 5.1

      Can’t really see how that’s relevant to the staffing situation in his office?

      Unless he was asking his staff members to drive him around, instead of getting taxis as you just said that he does. I can see how that could create friction with employees.

      • Greg 5.1.1

        inept management, or unethical behavior, or just staff retiring or being offered a better position higher up the list ranking,=pretty
        or maybe they know he is in for it,

        staff gossip,

    • One Anonymous Bloke 5.2

      That may well excuse the excess travel costs. It doesn’t explain twelve employees leaving amid allegations of bullying.

      McFlock’s probably on the money. Fight you bastards.

    • So what? They have an excellent public transport system in Wellington, with a central rail/bus hub a short walk from Parliament. At the moment, Foster Bell spends, on average, nearly $500 a week on cabs. $500 a week! And they have Uber on the internet now or so I’m told.

      In another related matter, he spends even more on air travel, none of which seems to be work related, as there are no associated accommodation costs. He may not be able to drive, but he sure knows how to fly!

    • mac1 5.4

      Whale Oil 2014. “This is shades of Jonathan Hunt here…no one in their right mind would cab it from the airport to Coatesville.”

      Pundit.co.nz 2016 ” Nothing like Jonathan Hunt’s $29,000 taxi bill.”

      You’re right, Fisiani. Grubby. Some went down that grubby path. Hunt has poor eyesight and doesn’t drive at night. Thanks for the info about Foster-Bell.

    • Gangnam Style 5.5

      He’s another one who takes swipes at other people but can’t handle it when it’s dished back.

    • mauī 5.6

      James Shaw never learnt how to drive so doesn’t drive either, yet he still managed to top him, a party leader.

    • Once was Tim 5.7

      I’ll risk a reply – if only because your double standards @ Fizz just astound me.
      He has a ‘medical condition’. Perhaps he should just go on that other tax payer funded salary known as the ‘sickness benefit’ then – or is that just for those dirty filthy useless buggers that don’t want to work
      I have a medical condition that makes me utterly intolerant to muppets. I try to keep it in check, but so far there’s no funding for the partial lobotomy required at the public hospital, and the overpaid consultants at Pharmac are still arguing over whether or not to fund my meds.
      You should also have a word with your mate Mr Henry and tell him to tone it down a bit – unless you want your poor Mr Foster-Bell with a medical ‘condition’ to suffer the same fate as Mr “Don’t you know who I am”?
      My heart is bleeding – really it is, but there’s just not enough blood to go round – and you and mr foster-bell are on a waiting list (and then another list waiting to get on a waiting list). If it helps, I could probably organise five or six professional violinists to serenade your desperate plea for understanding.

      • fisiani 5.7.1

        Grubby grubby grubby. Do not go there. It only makes you look foolish.

        • Once was Tim

          it is @ Fizz, we’re in agreement. it is very VERY grubby grubbly (chubly).
          I never thought you and I could POSSIBLY agree, but push it at you’re own risk.)
          You really are at risk of outing youseff …. Not that an lprent – equipped with all those smarts and eggspertoise doesn’t/shouldn’t already know (Oh shit ….. I forgot – there are these things called principles that make this a really REALLY safe s-s-s-s[place] to post…….. going forward )
          You’re a cunt basically, programmed for diversion – a little scared and getting more and more so. The winds of change really aren’t in your favour – but go with it. It could pay rewards.
          PLEASE just don’t squeal when the shit hits the fan. Your pretty secure atm (as you know) but ya cabn’t keep dem natives down for too long eh?
          It is of course entirely possible you’re not who I think you are (I don’t have the benefit of the entirety of this site – and EVEN if I did, I couldn’t be bothered with having to preoccupy myself with your glorious existence – at the other things that go on in OUR lives ), but in any event – PLEASE! do your best. The sooner the better. I’ve got some dying to do and I’m worried about my offspring’s fate. I’d like to know and impart some wisdom before I pop my clogs. I’d hate it to be JUST the fact that “Fisiani” is a cnut – but if necessary – I’ll live and die with that

          • Once was Tim

            OH fuk!!!! That’s right Fizz. I Forgot! …. Mr Foster-Bell has a medical ‘condition’.
            How absolutely and utterly insensitive of me not to remember.
            I BEG your humble pardon. I’ll do my best to atone.
            How bloody stupid can I have been!
            WOW! Is life really THAT good in your bubble? Sign me up now! I’m rilly rilly commited – SHIT – you mean I ACTUALLY GET A FLAT SCREAN tv? WOW.

            What a fool I have been!

            • dukeofurl

              What medical condition ?

              • r0b

                Actually no – if it’s not public knowledge I’d rather it wasn’t posted here thanks.

              • fisiani

                Do not pry into that. It’s none of your business. You should be ashamed

                • McFlock


                  As if you know the meaning of the word.

                • I Feel Love

                  “Do not pry into that. It’s none of your business. You should be ashamed” – Who brought it up? Most of us have no idea what it is or that he even had one until you brought it up.

                  • Akldnut

                    “Do not pry into that. It’s none of your business.”

                    Fucking hilarious, hypocrisy and faux indignation know no bounds.

                • dukeofurl

                  I understand r0b not wanting it to be given here. But his voters are entitled to know.
                  Previous Mps with a disability have used the opportunity to show how capable they are, and are in fact really the same as the rest of us but with some support.

    • Neil 5.8

      I forgot its all ok when national attack someone with a medical condition

    • reason 5.9

      Fisiani usually uses Keys bullshit spin in his posts ………… its where the fisiani 40 houses a day lie came from …. key in parliament .

      thats not even a path Fisia ……………… its a dishonest swamp.

      Foster-Bell sounds like arrogant rubbish ………..

      Something is obviously wrong with him in that Tory way.

      • North 5.9.1

        That IS the Late Neo-Liberal Tory Way……..”arrogant rubbish”.

        There are heaps of the odious little scrubbers/cargo-cultists in the ShonKey Parliamentary Cheer Team. All shitting their Brighter Future diapers as Dear Leader looks increasingly behind the action.

        And wrong…….. “We’ve got full disclosure !” – “Yeah right !” (Sherwan).

        Dirty shit going on ? For sure. The pulse of egos and lust for power at levels high and low.

        I daresay the mischief juices of the Grande Dame Of The National Party, one Boag, will be running hot. Maintaining power and control by dispensing advice……looking for someone to blame……..proof reading Crosby Textor. Masters and Mistresses of the Bloody Universe !

    • the pigman 5.10

      Treading the very fine line on speculation as to poster’s identities, Fisi is always very good on the National Party Wellington candidates and the their machinery in the capital generally.

      To speculate he’s in the paid employ of a Wellington Nat is, these days, not in the least bit controversial.

      His being gravitated to this post (like a fly to shit) suggests that even if he’s not got a finger on the handle, he knows very well what is happening to PFB.

      The fact that he then has the nerve to characterise attacks on PFB as “grubby” is a bit of a laugh, really.

      • Kiwiri 5.10.1

        I was in the company of some Nat Party folks a few days ago and the issue of MPs pursuing, how shall we say it very politely, extra-Parliamentary opportunities was the topic of the conversation. Some specific names came up. Ahem. Advance notice for Members in the House: hard hats time.

  6. Macro 6

    Then there is our useless idiot – Scott Simpson – whose only function in life is to sit on his arse in Parliament warming the seat and pose for photo ops for the local paper. I haven’t heard of anything he has actually done or initiated in his time there apart from collecting his salary. In the meantime 2 timber mills have closed, and over 200 people are out of work and the food banks are under stress to keep up with the increasing demand. Nice work if you can get it.

  7. Irascible 7

    You could add the Botany MP to the list of seat warmers on the National Party benches. His sole claims to fame are: Collecting $25000 from Dong Hua Liu (the only real donation from this generous donor) and a bill to fine street window washers. Other than this his purpose in the house is to act as a trained clapper for his “stand up comedian” leader during question time.

  8. Kevin 8

    Looks like Jerry Brownlee’s love child…

  9. BM 9

    Does Kris Faafoi have a medical condition?

    • adam 9.1

      It was you Bm, you’er the one who sold Foster-Bell down the river!!?!?! Just trying to cover your own dirty tracks…

      • BM 9.1.1

        Yes it was me, I’ve never liked the mans face, he reminds me far too much of Grant Robertson

        On a serious note, why have the media put the boot into a man with a medical condition yet haven’t mentioned Faafoi ?.

        Littles EMPU mates doing an old comrade a favor?

        • McFlock

          On a serious note, why have the media put the boot into a man with a medical condition yet haven’t mentioned Faafoi ?

          Because whoever arranged the sequence of stories has more to gain from targeting an obscure Nat deep-lister than they do from targeting a Labour electorate MP.

          And there’s nothing in this minnow for Labour, even if your false equivalence were true.

          There’s not much (if anything) in this minnow for high-level Nats.

          Methinks the small fish in the kiddies’ pond are having a wee fight and somebody’s paid a mercenary consultant for PR.

          • BM

            So you reckon some individual/organization is paying/influencing Newshub to do a hit job on a nobody like Foster-Bell?

            I know the media in this country is a bit shit but that’s a new low.

            • McFlock

              No, I suspect that some PR consultant is doing what PR consultants are paid to do, which is (among other things) feed strategically-useful stories to journalists in a manner most likely to get the story picked up and turned into media exposure favourable to their client.

              I’m quite sure that this can be done without your scurrilous insinuation that a PR contact’s informal or even financial relationship with anyone involved in a media organisation would in any way call into question the legitimacy of editorial decisions made by the news outlet whose reputation you have thoroughly besmirched. I’m shocked, shocked to hear that allegation against a New Zealand media enterprise…

            • Gangnam Style

              “somebody’s paid a mercenary consultant for PR.” Yup, Nicky Hager wrote a book about it.

  10. Brian 10

    So, just your typical, arrogant, Tory prat then. Nothing new here … move along….

  11. Chris 11

    It’s Guy Williams.

  12. Herodotus 12

    Is this what we expect from well informed media?
    Behind Mr Little is Mana MP Kris Faafoi, who clocked up a massive $63,861 in 2015 and then further down
    1. Andrew Little, Labour: $108,379
    2. Kris Faafoi, Labour: $63,861
    I know that this is not to the post but how can we expect Joe public be informed when reporters cannot even get the basics correct , he won the mana electorate , he is not In the mana party Where is the sub editor or editor to check what is published ?
    Then Lloyd Burr applies the adjective “massive ” to Kris Faafoi but is less judgemental towards PFB, even though FF is the labour spokesman for 4 areas, and associate whip
    And PFB holds what position in our govt that warrants such spending ?

  13. Graeme 13

    ‘onawobble Leader came out with this defence in granny this evening http://www.nzherald.co.nz/politics/news/article.cfm?c_id=280&objectid=11664385

    “It’s not unusual for us to use a list MP, certainly someone with skills like he has in foreign affairs, around the country. Other MPs ask him to support them in terms of talks or seminars … or to fill in, for instance, for ministers.”

    Someone about to be replaced around Foreign Affairs and digging their toes in??

  14. mary_a 14

    But John Key is comfortable with Foster-Bell’s huge travel costs …


    So be assured folks, all is well. Dear leader has spoken on the issue.

    • Smilin 14.1

      The least we here from Da Fuhrer the better ,the lies are just too costly for our sanity

  15. Michael who failed Civics 15

    Foster-Hyphen-Bell represents the National Party and a significant part of our population – smug, self-satisfied troughers out for everything they can get. I think the Left should put his fat frame up on its election posters next year and ask people if they really want another term of this? Of course, labour will have to hide its own troughers from public view – perhaps it could send them off on an overseas “fact-finding mission” at our expense? In the absence of any ideas at all from Labour, I offer the suggestion in good faith.

  16. Smilin 16

    A few viewings of “Market Forces” for a few answers to how these twerps operate ,no wonder they still smile they couldnt care less as to the truth behind their polling ,they will just tell themselves more lies and sell it to the public if we are dumb enough to buy it that is or even take notice of the fact that their govt is on the way out no matter what.
    I really hope this nation has the sense to do something about it next election