Written By:
Eddie - Date published:
9:35 am, October 26th, 2011 - 165 comments
Categories: election 2011, national -
Tags: panic
It was meant to be so easy. With high polling and several possible support partners, National would breeze into a second term thanks to Brand Key. The man himself would carried around the country by crowds of adoring locals. It would be more coronation than campaign. So, why are National weather-vanes, Farrar and Slater, hitting the panic-button?
Well, let’s count the reasons that the Nats suddenly find themselves on the backfoot:
Double downgrade and ‘Prime Minister’s hour’
The point when it all started to go wrong was when Key was too busy talking about his cat and promising to sort out the moving of Coronation St’s screening time to attend to the affairs of government on a day on which his government earned New Zealand its the first credit downgrades in 13 years. The resulting interest rate rises so far will cost the country over a hundred million dollars a year.
To add insult to injury, he didn’t get Coronation St to stay at its old time.
S&P lies
The video of Key trying to wiggle his way out of his lie that S&P had said a downgrade would be more likely under Labour is almost too painful to watch. But only because I’m laughing so much. Key cannot answer straight questions honestly. And his reaction if pushed is to become aggressive and bitchy. It was an inflection moment for many journos.
A distraught man tries to throw himself into the Debating Chamber. Key tries to blame Labour and makes a throat-slashing gesture. It was the nasty face that the public rarely sees.
The ship disaster that must never be mentioned on any rightwing blog.
Rena has become an inflection point for the public’s view of National. It is not just about the mishandled disaster itself. Or about the fact that Key was too busy trying to photobomb pictures of All Blacks to pay any attention. It’s that it has caused people to look again at how National has handled over crises: Pike River, Christchurch, the economy. And there’s a clear pattern of big promises and no real action.
Embarrassing antics at the Rugby World Cup.
Andrea Vance references his ‘me-too’ triple handshake after the RWC final and says “Less important but just as wince-inducing were the, um, exuberant RWC opening ceremony speech where he pronounced trophy ”trotie”, the flag bet with Julia Gillard”. But, for me, the defining moment was when he was on Breakfast and they asked him how he thought the All Blacks were shaping up for the big games and he, not knowing anything about rugby, couldn’t think of anything to say –
Key, biggest grin on: “well, those backs are looking really good, let me tell you (he draws this last part out salaciously). They look absolutely fantastic”.
Awkward silence as Key’s (presumably, unintentionally) homoerotic comments make everyone reflect on the nature of a game that involves 30 men grappling with each other and clambering over each other trying to get hold of an ovoid ball in front of mostly male spectators.
Key: “Yeah, they’re looking really great”
It’s notable that Key’s minders have decided he is over-exposed on the rugby. When he practically tripping over himself to get in shot with the All Blacks on Sunday there were groans from the crowd, and hasn’t appeared at the victory parades.
Kiwisaver policy fizzer
National’s Kiwisaver announcement last week was meant to stop Moody’s downgrading us and pre-empt Labour’s announcement on Thursday. Instead, it sunk without a trace, dismissed as feeble and too little, too late. The Moody’s downgrade is still coming, and everyone is now looking to what bold ideas Labour will present.
Muddle-through PREFU
Treasury could find nothing to positive to say about National’s economic management. They are muddling through, hoping for the world to bounce out of its gloom. If we suffer another downturn, which looks likely, National has no plan. It would just try to spin us that there is no problem. The PREFU basically says ‘if you’re going to vote for National, pray for the economic growth fairies to sprinkle their magic dust, because it sure isn’t happening otherwise’.
Treasury notes: “In the absence of a marked improvement in the external position, New Zealand may be more likely to be singled out in the funding markets in the future. All things being equal, any further deterioration in the ratings outlook could serve to raise debt servicing costs for the Crown as well as borrowing rates for households and businesses.”
In lieu of a plan from National, the PREFU revealed that the promised ‘brighter future’ will again be delayed next year with growth not reaching the 4% promised only five months ago, and that more and more Kiwis are giving up and leaving for Aussie, joining the 100,000 who have already left under Key and National.
Epsom and Ohariu
National’s polling shows Banks is toast and that Dunne is hanging on by his fingernails (he only just beat Chavuel last time, who just needs to take 504 votes off the hair). And if, as seems likely, the Maori Party loses Tamaki Makaurau and Te Tai Tonga, National could be left with only two of the support MPs it started this term of Parliament with. Not an immediate worry if you’re polling 55% (although a long-term strategic one) but, with National plunging into the mid-40s due to their mishandling of the Rena, it’s very serious here and now problem indeed.
It’s worth noting that National’s pollster, Farrar, is clearly worried about Banks’ chances in Epsom.
No wonder, then, that Farrar and Slater are running round like chickens with their heads off. They’re burning up their credibility (OK, only Farrar had any to burn) by going all out to protect Banks. It’s a hopeless cause, of course. And their strategy of whining does Banks more harm than good by bringing wider attention to his nasty racist and homophobic beliefs, and his self-admitted dishonesty when campaigning.
Fancy trying to say it’s a corrupt practice to publish a quote and the source of that quote, or mutter about defamation suits when some suggests that an organisation has donated to ACT (since when was being associated with ACT defaming, anyway?). These aren’t the actions of political players on top of their games and in control. They’re panic reactions – as are the ban on mentioning the Rena and the National Research Unit’s Slater’s bizarre 24/7 stalking of everyone on the Left in an effort to create a story out of every minor social media exchange while never discussing policy at all.
But you can see why they are over-reacting so. The threads are unraveling mighty fast.
Fantastic post and it goes to show that a week is indeed a long time in politics.
Just goes to show that those of us who haven’t given up on Labour may well be vindicated
Yes, this is a really excellent post. Good work Eddie!
Excellent post Eddie. The biggest pity is that the MSM would never publish anything so detrimental to the re-election hopes of the Dear Leader Shonky Jonkey.
Why are they acting like losers?
Because they are!
They are a bad luck outfit.
Now the gas is out.
They are cursed Randal cursed I tell you”.Now the gas is out” lol
“It’s a hopeless cause, of course. And their strategy of whining does Banks more harm than good by bringing wider attention to his nasty racist and homophobic beliefs, and his self-admitted dishonesty when campaigning.”
Hear Hear.
I’m waiting for the author of the pamphlets to file for defamation against the both of them. He was legally entitled to do what he did, followed the law to the letter. DPF questions his competence and the legality and says he could go to prison under a provisons that do not apply to him.
Apparently its illegal to be a kid passionate about politics. What a disgrace.
Apparently its illegal to be a kid passionate about politics. What a disgrace.
Well put.
This is what Farrar and the slithery one will do. They will haunt and stalk and threaten anyone who puts their head above the parapet and dares to campaign publicly.
You would have thought that Levi had made some sort of far fetched allegation about Banks instead of reporting on what Banks has actually said in the past.
Their goal is to scare good people away from taking part in the democratic process. Their actions are anti democratic and shows their statements about the EFA to be hypocriticalk in the extreme.
They should be ashamed of themselves.
They should be but they won’t. Psychopaths don’t have a conscience and so feel no shame.
Talking of scaring people off, in my electorate a couple who had the temerity to put a Labour hoarding on their fence have had the hoarding ripped down, the fence tagged and their house spray painted with ‘Vote National’ and similar shite.
Needless to say, these good folk, who have had signs up for every election in living memory, are shit scared and don’t want a repeat attack. There’s your democratic process, folks. There’s your brighter future.
I hope they’ve gone to the police.
Yep, but there’s not much they can do, Draco. I believe they did a fingerprint check, so if anybody is caught vandalising other hoardings they may be able to prove a link. I’m told hoardings in Palmy North have also been attacked, including one arson, which could have been very nasty if the fire had spread.
I have a feeling that as the polling gap narrows, more Tories are going to want to take matters in their own hands. Tough on Crime (unless it’s our people doing it).
Just like you scared away the thousands of exclusive brethren for daring to have an opinion you’d don’t like, Micky?
Disgraceful indeed.
The Exclusive Brethren could have had their say if they’d put their actual names down authorising their campaign materials.
Instead of hiding in the shadows behind fake names and fake campaigns.
Without a valid promoters statement, registration if you want to spend over $12k, and a requirement of relevance and accuracy, then yes it is illegal. At least it is less burdensome than the original EFA.
Just as it became illegal for a religous group to do exactly the same thing, for which most of the commenters here have condemned all members of that group to constant mockery and abuse.
The hypocrisy here is staggering.
The Baron, judge jury and executioner? Put in a complaint then, if you are so sure of your facts. Try and chase a young NZer out of political engagement.
While trying to compare that to dealing with a bunch of crusty old moneyed up Exclusive Brethren trying to play the system from behind the scenes of smoke and mirrors.
Hypocrisy mate? You write it.
Perhaps they should have done it openly, said who it was from, and avoided using fake addresses. They did massive leaflet drop that was almost entirely made up of either lies or what looked like deliberate misinterpretations of greens policies.
It was their complete hypocrisy that irritated everyone apart from some fools in Act (who seemed to view this as normal behavior) especially since it was not prosecutable. That lead to the changes in electoral rules.
Of course the other side of putting names addressees on it and doing it openly is the type of cowardly attacks that Whale, David Farrar, and others are doing on Epsom young labour. I had a look at the leaflets and they are accurate. I am sure Banks didn’t intend them to be publicized – but he said or wrote them.
But I remember Slater and Farrar supporting the brethren’s anonymous lying attack on the greens and calling it “free speech” and “democratic”. But an open attack using the candidates own words is now somehow sneaky and underhand?
Even you’d have to conclude that both are simply pretty good at having variable ethics? Don’t you view that as being even a wee bit hypocritical?
So is your deflection-attempt, Baron…
Except Baron it had a legitimate promoter statement and was completely legal. So stop being a F*ing moron. Its nothing like the exclusive Brethren- we know who authored the Epsom leaflets, as is right.
To make shit up about illegality is the disgrace.
I would say that National are very close to losing it now. A few more stuff ups from Key and a strong showing from Phil in the televised debates, and things might turn.
It will certainly be a closer election than any of the chooks predicted.
It’s likely to hang on the minor parties:
– How many seats do MP get
– Do Act and Hairpiece get back in
– Can the Greens maintain their vote
If NZ First get back in, given the current landscape, I think that would quite strongly favour Labour. Still don’t think they’re going to make it, though.
” When he practically tripping over himself to get in shot with the All Blacks on Sunday there were groans from the crowd”
Really? Groans from the crowd? ha ha.
You are correct in your post in highlighting the highlighting that these issues have painted onto the shallow facade that is the man John Key. Shouldn’t be surprised I suppose – he has never really done anything worthwhile. A basic, shallow man with little understanding of much at all. Not even rugby ffs.
Similarly, in the boondocks recently I noticed a quieter hush whenever Key and the election got mentioned, which has been quite different from months previous. It is as though nobody wants to be associated with him now but nobody wants to be the first to admit it.
“Certainly – and very subtly – the shine has started to come off. Sure, there was still a cheer from Eden Park on Sunday night but it was unmistakably half-hearted. Some even heard groans.”
I’d love to see the video of Key and the IRB guy walking out with trophy again. It wasn’t just groans, I’m sure it was booing (from my admittedly sozzled recollection). Key looked well pissed off about it and gave a sort of pained shrug to the IRB guy as they walked across to the dias. It was the most vivid memory I have of the game, apart from the moment when the NZ No7 deliberately knee’d a french guy in the head as he entered a maul.
The reason it stuck in my head was that I realised then and there that Key was not going to get any kudos from the AB’s win at all. Then the handshake/grapple move sealed the deal. Key is going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory because NZ is sick of hanging out with a dork.
you might have trouble getting that video. Thank to the IRB.
“YouTube has been ordered to remove the awkward 3-way handshake between John key, Richie McCaw and IRB chairman Bernard Lapasset. The moment has gone viral across the internet, making way for a Facebook page called “That awkward moment when John Key crashes your handshake”. Popular video streaming site, YouTube, which is owned by Google, has replaced uploads of the video with the message “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by International Rugby Board”. 3 News and RadioLIVE still have the footage and, as of yet, have not been asked to remove the footage.”
Apparently they have copyright on anything that happens in the stadium?
Wankers. This attitude isn’t going to help the game. Fining players $10k for wearing mouthguards with advertising on them (Streisand effect if ever there was one) and the French for their ‘challenge’ is ridiculous.
Not sure about “anything that happens in the stadium” (highly unlikely) but someone definitely owns the copyright on the actual film recording.
Concur on “Wankers”.
Even if the footage is copyright you can broadcast it for editorial (i.e. news value).
You would have a hard time arguing that a 1-2 minute excerpt of a politician at a major public event, funded by the public, was not of some at least marginal news value. It’s not like the YouTube footage is the entire game.
YouTube, of course, doesn’t care, and will just do what the IRB says.
Didn’t Youtube withdraw a pile of Chaser’s War on Everything clips purely on the basis of a poorly written “infringement” email from a 16y.o. kid?
No idea, but it woudln’t surprise me.
As I said YouTube doesn’t really care. If a semi-plausible take-down notice arrives, they will err on the side of caution and take content down — at least until the credibility of the various parties is confirmed. *YouTube* can’t be sued that way.
This is a reminder to all that corporate social media is NOT a friend of the many, it is a friend of those with money and who are lawyered up.
Wikipedia says so: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaser%27s_War_on_Everything#Controversies_and_well-known_stunts
I believe YouTube has also removed Beyonce’s videos from Beyonce’s own official channel at one point because some dickwad at Sony got overexcited.
Typical capitalism – restrict anything and everything that may make a profit.
It is still available on TV3’s website in the video of the full match. Sorry, still learning how to insert links and not up to speed on linking to videos yet.
The video is available in the Rugby WC section and the presentations etc start at about 1.50.00 or thereabouts, with the presentations to the All Blacks starting after the 2 hour mark. Cheers.
Cheers, Deuto, I’ll check it out when I get home (no access on the work lappie).
Yeah it’s at the 1:56 mark when they say his name, just sounds like normal cheering to me.
Admittedly nowhere near as loud as when they say Jock Hobbs.
Assume that link works for everyone.
Definitely doesn’t sound like audible groaning though.
I can’t hear groaning either, fwiw.
My mum was lucky enough to be at the park and she said it was all round cheering as people were so happy with the win.
I can attest to Booing drowning out the cheering in the Aotea square cheap seats though.
Yeah it’s at the 1:56 mark when they say his name, just sounds like normal cheering to me.
Admittedly nowhere near as loud as when they say Jock Hobbs.
Assume that link works for everyone.
Definitely doesn’t sound like audible groaning though.
I was at Parliament grounds today for the end of the parade. The was much cheering for the ABs and their support team. Very little for John Key – some sporadic applause, but that was it. I have to admit even less for Phil Goff and none at all for Lockwood Smith.
You don’t need the video when you have the gif.
FYI Key got booed in Aotea Square as well.
“It was the most vivid memory I have of the game, apart from the moment when the NZ No7 deliberately knee’d a french guy in the head as he entered a maul.”
Yeah, that would be McCaw taking out Parra leading to a first-aid stoppage.
There have been reports of Weepu later punching Parra in the head, leading to his retirement in a groggy and concussed state.
It sounds as though, having lost Dan Carter’s kicking and strategic skills, the NZ side targeted his French opposite number to disrupt or eliminate a similar advantage.
There have since been leaks from the NZ team about a retaliatory eye-gouge on McCaw.
Cui Bono ? Who benefits ?
Henry has retired, Wayne Smith is going to Waikato, and Hansen intends to apply for the job – competing with Kirwan and others who may include Gatland and Deans.
It would fit the modus operandi of an old ex-copper to selectively leak it to the press.
Aye, wee Slippery’s looking decidedly green about the gills of late…..the “sleepwalk” tactic with it’s softly-softly “reasonable” approach in blogs and columns is puttering – the dogs sniff something and are getting restless – and layers of intensified hatemongering will be being plastered on the upcoming benny-bash as we speak. Brace yourselves. And watch Winnie occupy the void.
…and Cunliffe has only just started on tearing English a new one. Not that the dipped in shit needs a new one. He somehow manages to spread as much crap around as a man with a thousand arseholes.
The complacency displayed in the early days of the Rena grounding, surely one of the worst NZ maritime/environmental disasters, would have sunk Joyce, Key and National for a lot of swinging voters.
Many out there are now pondering the RWC result and omens for the election. Considered by most of us as an AB shoo-in last week, there was a nail-biting 30 minutes when it was a very close call indeed.
No wonder the Nats have suddenly gone quiet.
For when all is said and done, what HAS this government done for Middle NZ? The tax cuts – never saw them. Unemployment – up with a jolt. The gap with Oz – bigger than ever. And so on.
It is satisfying that some people are coming out of their trances.
With some of his most ardent apologists, it can be really hard not say ‘I told you so – you wouldn’t listen…..’ But I don’t (except once).
What’ll be interesting is how Key will respond to a public and media, that is becoming less and less fawning. I don’t think he should be underestimated. However his ego has grown from the size of a planet to now dwarfing whole solar systems since he has been PM, and its created a dependency that is proving to be his undoing.
I’d love to see opposing candidates provoke him – challenge him, needle him, laugh at him a bit.
I ‘d love to see the general public do throat slitting gestures at him and mock 3way handshakes after mincing towards him.
Trying to be everyman for all of us was always gonna be his downfall cos he’s not. He’s our prime minister for fuck’s sake. He needed to cultivate an air of reserved composure and inpsire respect for the office and title. In cultivating the good ol kiwi bloke persona, it’s opened him up to be treated as such in perpetuity.
Long after he becomes an ex PM people will still treat him like an ordinary bloke and feel they can bust up on him in any public setting and have a good ol yarn like long lost school buddies, buy him a beer and chat about the rugby cos that’s the seeds he’s sown in the public’s perception.
Wouldn’t be surprised if he gets decked in the future by one of his current ‘mates ‘for being a smarmy prick, once he loses the security boofheads.
Oh well…karma is a bitch !!!
Wouldn’t count on him hanging around in little old NZ akshully p. He doesn’t really belong here.
yeah but he is a citizen of the world of money aka virtual digits in databases marking obligations to pay that might not happen. He might just disappear into the digital ether.
Can someone please post his movements so we can actually confront him with some very hard and challenging questions?
Good old God.
With nationals bad luck we nearly lost the cup!
Key is a wretched blot on the karma of this good country.
this gas pipe issue is becoming a big issue, again no political leadership, could be interesting…
Funny how, after the Christchurch earthquake, we had a relatively quiet 7 months. Now all the shit is piling up right at the very end, during the RWC. Quite strange.
These are not ‘panic reactions’, more business as usual for these Tory puppets. Throwing up wild accusations and e-stalking and distraction and character assassination and threats have been their stock in trade for years. No change there.
Every night that Coronation Street is not on at the right time reminds me of that particular broken promise.
And there is the matter of a certain Panda we were promised.
Don’t forget this gem on Letterman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXaizTqSRWw
I was so embarrassed to be a New Zealander when that happened.
We elect people to run the country and be on top of issues like Rena and the economy – not clowning around on Letterman.
If lefties here truly believe that National is in trouble then you all should be shorting a National Prime Minister after the election.. Currently the National Prime Minister option is running at 93% on ipredict at the moment, so will pay out big if National isn’t re-elected.
Notice that the probabilities have hardly moved despite the points mentioned in Eddie’s article, which seems to suggest that voters don’t consider them as important as what Eddie seems to.
And 99 percent of voters have no clue what iPredict is or have ever heard of it. That’s a bankable sure bet.
and with four weeks to go I predict people will get a lot more issue conscious and way less personality conscious, hand shake anyone?
If Labour ends up winning, I’m going to get a return of $353 on my current position.
I’ll probably plonk down quite a bit more in the next couple of weeks as well.
Yep, me too.
Ipredict has an inherent right wing bias. I did very well thank you very much when Len Brown won the Mayoralty. I thought he was a shoe in from the start and his stock were selling at 5c at one stage.
Ha, I initially read that as “lprent has an inherent rightwing bias”. Scared the crap out of me.
Not true …
But I am and do….
Fortunately my intellect and knowlege of history (plus a family that tends towards the practicable rather than the ideological stupidity required to be a true right winger) tend to overwhelm the stupidity factors of my base kiwi culture.
Of course exactly the same factors tend to make me think many on the left really could do with a few years of a bit of management, acounting, and outright people handling to refine their ideas as well. But that is what management, science and programming backgrounds give you.
Basically analyzing my political leanings is usually a good exercise in the world of it depends…
I got in at 5 cents. Made a good return so far but looking to increasing by money 20-fold.
Left wing capitalist!
Maybe you should apply to Merill Lynch for a job?
You’re sure to get one if you can find a way to socialise any betting losses you make, say on to your friends, family or neighbours.
So Phil Goff has now decided to cancel his campaign launch.
It seems to me that they gave up on winning this election three years ago. Why on earth did he take the job in the first place?
Nope it was not cancelled. It was never planned.
Labour is running a campaign based on policy and the team and not trying to create some sort of personality cult.
How refreshing.
Do you sound bitter or is it just me?
ipredict only reflects what those with spare money for gambling think will happen. That is only a small and privileged proportion of the population.
“ipredict only reflects what those with spare money for gambling think will happen”
That’s not really true. Lots of people gamble with money that they can’t spare.
Thats what Key did for a living now we are gambling with our future all bets are on a $100billion its cost national to buy those sort of odds after the election it all has to be paid back .Meanwhile in the US the states that are doing better are the higher taxed states !
National should indeed be worried after their and the msm talking up their chances up so much.
Thankfully the general public are still largely of the misperception that National will romp in. That is a very dangerous misperception for any political party to be lumbered with at the start of an election campaign. Maintaining that perception, or the perception changing to National being in trouble – either way it’s lose-lose for National.
Yeah, my bf has observed that National are really screwed over Epsom (regardless of any inside info you might have a handle on).
If Key endorses Brash then it’s a tacit admission that actually they probably won’t be able to govern alone.
National have banked on getting a mandate for asset sales. Surely anything less than 50% is not a clear mandate. They are desperate because they need to sell assets to keep their friends happy.
Any coalition where they can get a majority of seats from parties that support asset sales will constitute a mandate.
Now if they have to rely on Dunne or MP to make up the numbers, I’d certainly agree with you. I’d also hope that if either of those parties are really in a position to force concessions on National’s part, that asset sales would be their main focus. I wouldn’t be surprised if either party buckled under the pressure for other window-dressing concessions though. Probably only a National-Greens coalition could make a significant dent in the asset sales agenda.
you’ve gone and reached the pinnacle of arrogance eddie. Referencing your own arguments to make this argument work. the only external sources you’ve quoted only partially back up what you are trying to promote. Especially as Cameron does reference the rena on his blog and DPF has mentioned it too. Why are labour so keen on hiding Phil Goff? Why are labour behaving like losers and not even launching a campaign?
Unveiled a campaign sure, but launched it? No. just putting it out there softly so that no one asks where the unelectable un-prime ministerial hopeless wannabe, phil goff, is.
So your complaint is that Labour are campaigning but since they haven’t had a traditional campaign ‘launch’ then it means that they are are losers?
apart from the fact that labour are losers, if for nothing else than stifling some of the talented young people coming through (a charge often leveled at the private sector and often cited as a reason for the brain drain), it’s unbelievable that their campaign has been launched with as little fanfair as possible unless they mean to lose with the excuse being afterwards that they didn’t really try as the electorate was against them. in a nutshell though, yes.
it actually means he gets more airtime
You mean Labour should have done the thing were they get all the members they can in a room and they clap while the leader walks up to the stage to the background of soaring music?
A bit twentieth century don’t you think?
I’m far more interested in seeing the savings policy Goff’s launching tomorrow than I am in seeing a bunch of tories clapping at another Tory while the economy goes up in smoke.
But each to his own, tighty.
Blighty you fogot the blue and white balloons released from the ceiling as Lord Key raises his arms at the end and blesses the audience, and the ticker tape and the silly blue and white boater hats.
Actually, referencing one’s own work if it is relevent to the topic at hand is perfectly acceptable.
More to the point, you make claims of fact about kb and wo, yet provide no links yourself. Too many links can be cumbersome, no links whatsoever is just hot air.
And using the loser-meme against Labour in this thread simply shows the uninspired and unimaginative nature of the Right at the moment – it smacks of a playground “I know you are but what am I?” retort as your biggest political gun.
Is that really the best you guys can do?
that cover wo not talking about the rena.
It’s funny how it’s not the left that are acting like losers, just labour and it’s supporters. At least i’ve got better examples of why labour and it’s supporters are acting like losers than self referencing my own garbage
point: failing to include basic links in a comment complaining about poor value links is silly, even if you provide a link later on when someone points out your silliness.
It’s a bit like the classic line in job application cover letters: “I have excellent communication skills and pay attentoin to detail.”
so you get proven wrong, whether it’s in the first or the first or the second comment is beside the point, and all you can do is say that it’s silly that your wrong because of the chronological order in which you get proved wrong.
Lol. This is a pretty good example of what’s wrong with National’s campaign.
1: making silly mistakes, like failing to provide evidence for your claims in a comment where you criticise someone for not providing sufficient evidence for their claims.
2: when challenged on what was either a minor oversight or outright hypocrisy, provide a shred of evidence. Then attack using playground tactics.
3: it’s pointed out that the issue being discussed is not the claim of fact per se, but the casting of the first stone when you yourself are as guilty as sin of the same offence. Response: argue that the entire issue of timely citation is pointless. This kind’ve works against your original criticism of the post, but it’s funny enough for me to get oil on myself visiting your linked evidence. Which turns out to have been posted on the same day as Eddie’s post, so really, your “evidence” proves nothing.
And all over a simple line “The ship disaster that must never be mentioned on any rightwing blog” – are you really arguing the literal truth of that statement? Particularly when most of WO’s posts on it are along the lines of (if one will allow me to paraphrase) “oh noes, someone said that something bad was happening, but really everything is fine, the birds and whales are happy, and the ship is perfectly all right”.
BTW, see what I did there? I linked to WO’s Rena tag. It took half a dozen posts before someone else provided supporting evidence for the somewhat pointless claim you made. Let he who is without sin be anal about citation, and all that…
At the moment, National remind me of Labour in 2008.
In that case, a competent team were too tired to think of good reasons to vote Labour. Today, National are too incompetent to think of (or simply provide) good reasons to vote National, and their best selling point (smile&wave) has begun to stop working.
Hark at the little chickens scurrying about in a panic.
National seem to be using the same campaign tactics from 2008 as well: all bluster and no hard concrete policy outside of populist sound-bites.
Nicely put, McFlock. The funny thing is that it took 3 terms for the HC led Labour to run out of steam, but only 3 years for the Key led Nats. Maybe because Key isn’t even half the leader Helen Clark was?
Lanth, I think it’s telling that they are still running the ‘brighter future’ theme. It was pretty shallow in 08, now it’s looking lame, particularly as things have not got brighter for the majority under Key’s watch. They clearly haven’t got any new ideas that they are willing to pitch in public and they are can’t be honest and campaign on being ACT lite, even if that is what they plan to be if they win. So they are stuck in idea limbo, reliant on everyone’s favourite dorky drunk uncle John to smile and wave them on to victory.
Hmmm, should that be Drunkle John or Druncle John? I feel a pamphlet/billboard campaign coming on …
Slur-key or slurpy?
Well Labours jobs policies got the big mention in the biz pages today.
Its jobs that count.
thats moeny for everyone.
Not grabbing the money and running away with it like the last bunch of tories did and this lot want to.
Eddie – you say “[o]n Sunday there were groans from the crowd” when Key presented the RWC cup, and I take it you mean the Eden Park crowd.
I don’t know if you were at Eden Park for the RWC final but I was and Key was strongly cheered by the crowd both when he was announced and when he went to present the cup.
I also understand (although I wasn’t at either venue) that Key was cheered by the crowd at Queens Wharf at the same points and booed by the crowd at Aotea Square.
There is something in the points you have made in this post, but why pretend “there were groans” when everyone who was there knows that is at best a misrepresentation?
I have a theory about this. Perhaps Eddie wishes to paint the PM in the worst possible light and therefore isn’t interested in getting any balance into his portrayal of how he was received by the various crowds. It is likely in Eddie’s best interest to pretend, or at least ignore the contrary evidence, that the PM is disliked by the masses even though the polls suggest he is extremely popular around the country. Either that or this is just another badly written blog post.
You have a theory….Eddie wants to portray Shonkey badly…no never, he wouldn’t would he?
I too have a theory: Shonkey is a lying cheating photo op non entity who wants to commit larceny on the public assets for the benefit of his mates.
Perhaps Eddie wishes to paint the PM in the worst possible light and therefore isn’t interested in getting any balance into his portrayal of how he was received by the various crowds
You mean like Farrar and the slithery one do to the left every day?
Andrea Vance noticed it too, Matthew:
“Certainly – and very subtly – the shine has started to come off. Sure, there was still a cheer from Eden Park on Sunday night but it was unmistakably half-hearted. Some even heard groans.”
Watching on the telly, it was very audible and Key winced. I can’t access it on this computer, but I understand that TV3’s website has the full match and presentations. Try from about the 1hr 50 mark.
My son watched the match on TV and told me there was audible booing for ShonKey at Eden Park, confirmed by my partner. I should have watched the match myself given the close score and lack of hubris on the night from the “mighty ABs”. The PM might count himself lucky for being mildly lambasted, Muldoon used to be greeted by pigs heads on sticks.
TM: Well, I didn’t hear any “audible booing” despite actually being at Eden Park, but here’s the thing: Aucklanders will boo any politician because that’s just the way we are, and I have been at Eden Park when Bolger got absolutely trashed by the crowd. (I’ll take you word re Muldoon and have no reason to doubt you). And while I agree with Andrea Vance that “the shine has started to come off” Key, it just isn’t true to say that he got anything other than a strongly supportive reception. So why does Eddie blog otherwise?
Perhaps you had to step out of the corporate box to hear it, Matthew! I’m really keen to check the video, because it was really noticeable on the night, and, as I said earlier, Key reacted to it. He clearly didn’t like it. I was watching Maori TV, but I assume the feed was the same on all the channels.
Still, nice to see you agree the shine has come off Brand Key. How many years in the wilderness do you see for National if they don’t scrape through in 30 days?
but if he wasn’t in a corporate box he would have to buy his own ticket. That’s no life for a successful rightie. Bludging free stuff and seeing it as a just reward for how wonderful they are is what the Hoots of this world are all about.
Your comment totally sums the growing insanity of the Key-hating left. There is an original post about “groaning” towards the prime minister that didn’t happen (or certainly didn’t happen on a large scale), then, when I point this out, you attack me for being in a corporate box, which I wasn’t, and then you say I was “bludging free stuff” when in fact I bought tickets to the game and took my wife. And then, elsewhwere, I have apparently committed a faux pas by comparing Key to Mandela by pointing out that as far as I know the head of govt awards the RWC – and while no comparison can be made between them on world-historical terms the fact of the matter is that they were both heads of govt in countries hosting the RWC. I think National can expect a long period in office as long as all you storm-troopers of the left remain so bizarrely obsessed with this guy.
How many heads of state have presented the rwc? I don’t think it’s normally the done thing.
Well here’s another head of govt: http://scatt.bilegrip.com/s8letters.031124.htm
And the Aussie left seem to have got all worked up back in 2003 just like you kids are doing now
Much more appropriate comparison.
I’m still not clear though on whether it’s normally the done thing, it was a genuine question.
edit: as you point out below it probably is the norm.
Sorry didn’t see this up here when I posted my comment below – but yeah it wasn’t just the Aussie left who thought John Howard was like a petulant school girl it was pretty much everyone.
Whoops – here’s another one: http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/cIVRxk0Ttte/2007+RWC+Final+England+v+South+Africa/9TVnhiZH0AU
The source for the groans at Eden Park was the article by Andrea Vance linked to in the original post.
How about you go and accuse Andrea of being an insane Key-hating leftie?
Eden Park’s a big stadium, Matthew. Just because you didn’t hear groans in the section you were in, doesn’t mean there weren’t any at all from anywhere else in the stadium.
Out of 61,000 people, I am absolutely sure that some people groaned, some people booed, some people farted, some people burped, some people were crying, some people were laughing …. but the overwhelmingly majority (unusually) cheered the prime minister of the day. And so to characterise what happened as negative to him is silly. Writers and commentators at The Standard may not like it but that is what happened.
“……but the overwhelmingly majority (unusually) cheered the prime minister of the day.”
Mathew these Stadiums are designed to create a cauldron of noise – which would have happened with the majority of people cheering.
I’ve been to dozens of games at Eden Park and I’m sure you’ll agree that when the majority of people are cheering as you stated the that the noise is almost deafening.
Not the subdued reaction that was heard when Key was announced.
One of my In Laws who works for the NZ Rugby union was down on the pitch, at the time he was laughing at the lukewarm reaction and some heckling to Key.
Maybe you were only hearing those closest to you and misinterpreted it for the rest of the stadium.
I’m guessing you weren’t in the cheapest seats available – and while we’re at it, the cost of tickets to the final just isn’t in the range where the majority of people could afford to go let alone spend that amount of money – which draws me to the conclusion that even if the stadium were full of the more wealthy the reaction was luke warm at best and that people are waking up to his poor management and dismal performance.
The only people that can afford tickets are most likely National supporters
I think that there is a smaller cohort of self-voters in those boxes.
Update: I’m shocked (totally and utterly shocked) to see in the moderation sweep that Matt wasn’t in one of the boxes. Who have you fallen out with?
Well he has been saying some horrible things about Joyce on the wireless for the last few weeks…
Matthew, the issue is that Key’s ‘imperial presidency’ leadership style is a liability to National’s *own* collective fortunes. Like or not, Clark* lasted for nine years as a Labour Prime Minister because she didn’t wing it on her own, but also relied on Cullen and Maharey where neccessary. Populist cults of personality are ephemeral things- look at what happened to Muldoon in 1984, or Winston in 2008, and if they are at the cost of collective responsibility or collegiality within any government, Cabinet or caucus, then you’re asking for trouble.
Similarly, look at ACT (although I concede that it’s hard to do so without gritting one’s teeth). Prebble and Hide hung on to (flawed and populist) leadership for too long, which is a recipe for factionalism and internal intrigue.
And one wonders, are you so defensive because Stephen Joyce, a probable eventual Key successor, has now been hamstrung by the Rena disaster?
*Rather like Jim Bolger did in the nineties, come to that.
Key and Mandela don’t belong in the same library, let alone sentence.
I should have been clearer, at sports functions including horse racing Rob Muldoon regularly got boos. The pigs heads on sticks were only present at more political occasions and union marches as far as I recall.
Matthew, what good photo op expert would let an opportunity to be associated with somebody who actually did something go by? Whats the point of being PM if you can’t get in front of the lens for every cheap freebie? And it does not even break electoral laws, how perfect.
I seem to remember Nelson Mandela presenting the RWC on that dreadful (but also wonderful) night in 1995. You see, its something that heads of government do.
So that’s 1 leader out of the previous 6 cups …hardly a tradition however mandela’s was purely political to present a united SA to the world just like your man Sideshow John’s was also political.
The strength is also the weakness Matthew, the emporers clothes are wearing thin and you’ve no Plan B, good luck with that, it may just work still.
John Howard also famously did it in 2003 I remember. He was an absolute cock about presenting the winning medals to the English after they beat the wallabies.
Not sure who else has been up there to present it but I know the Queen has presented it a couple of times. To be honest I would be very surprised if the heads of state weren’t there every time though, Phil Goff would have been up there for sure if he had the opportunity and who could blame him. It’s too good an opportunity for free publicity.
Unless of course you go for a 3 way handshake and look like a tool…
Plus, that’s Nelson fucken Mandela, not some no-name tosser. The RWC was only there because of the end of apartheid and was a vital part of nation-building.
Did you just compare John Key to Nelson Mandela?
Oh Matthew.
The Herald compared JK to God after he won the last election.
Well they do have a few things in common, e.g:
Neither of them really exist except as carefully assembled abstract constructs,
All their impressive rhetoric is written for them by others,
It’s difficult to believe in either of them unless you put all the evidence to one side.
I’m sure there are more…
You guys are really sad. Trying to make a big deal about John Key being involved with the presentation of the RWC when it is clear that it pretty much the norm for the head of Government to be involved.
Mandela to Key, the sublime to the ridiculous.
Well Kerre Woodham was comparing him to Churchill and ‘Smile and Wave’ to ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’…
Hooten bothering to come here and argue a small point (whether Key was booed or not isn’t exactly headline news Matt) makes Eddie’s point for him, the right are in panic mode
Blue blooded CHOKERS
Mandela took a whole nation out of slavery Keys putting us into economic slavery building huge Debts for us and our grandchildren to pay off while he sneaks through the election smiling and waving goodbye to our grandchildren as they head to Australia obviously they are not national supporters and are worried about another three years of borrow and hope blingish and the Narcissist Key photo op extraordinary mess they have left the economy in .
Key is NOT the head of state. He muscled in for the photo op, with the pathetic excuse that it was in his diary. Or was that the secret meeting with Ashcroft? Fortunately, Lapasset was having none of it, and presented the cup. Oh, and the silly awkward grin was cute, according to the MSM.
If National are the largest party, and can only get over the line with the Greens, i hope
the Greens give them one big finger salute and offer the explantion that nothing
National has to offer would ever further Green issues.Greens should be
playing on Nats fears and demanding National actively court them,
if they want some accomadation after the 26th.
“Why are the Right acting like losers”
For the same reason that activists on the political ‘left’ are acting like losers – they’re all a bunch of useful idiots running round doing the legwork for a bunch of lazy self serving pricks who get voted into parliament every three years and then trough it up large on the public purse.
Meet the new boss same as the old boss, we won’t get fooled again, yeah right.
Those facty thingys in terms of economic and social performance statistics under the left V the right over the last few decades must be a real annoyance to your myopic view on life….the choice is stark, what a sad world you and your trolling buddies live in.
And what a deluded twat you are if you think that the governments of NZ have anything but a marginal effect around the edges of the NZ economy.
The last major action taken was post Muldoon when we were on the brink of banana republicitis.
That is quite possibly the stupidest statement I have heard for….. (well since Jonkey said anything).
Do you always read out loud ?
Haven’t you been reading your own smegma of late ?
I do believe that they replaced the real HS a few days ago.
With one who obviously thinks that ETS, CGT, tax hikes for the rich and even universal compulsory unionism will only have a “marginal effect on the economy”.
Excellent – all gain for the people, no real effect on the economy. We should do it all.
Best dancing. EVAR.
Aye – those were the days.
hs go to a country where there is no democracy then you’ll be happy Iran China Burma the US . this is the price we pay for democracy and your diatribe is just another conceited flavour
There seems to be an unwritten law that any New Zealand government is limited to three terms at best, before incumbency fatigue catches up with it. Thus it was with Muldoon, Bolger/Shipley and Clark. What happens is that there is an initial honeymoon period, then the cumulative policy errors start to show up, and then factionalism and dissent really starts to set in within the caucus.
In the case of this government, I suspect that its persistent use of urgency and failure to listen to relevant expertise on ideological grounds, or its animus against the public sector, combined with the continuing failure to kick-start the economy, may end up doing them in at the end of their second term, if one does happen. This may especially happen if we stay with MMP, and engage in some tactical voting in Epsom and Ohariu-Belmont to delete ACT and United Future.
That way, apart from the Maori Party, there will be no centre-right satellite party for National to cohabit with. As for the Maori Party, I imagine that given the anger from East Coast iwi about the contamination of their kai moana and areas of spiritual significance, they might well insist on an oil drilling moratorium as the price of a coalition with National.
Only at the risk of losing Te Ureroa Flavell and East Coast iwi support altogether…
Nobody is BIZARRELY obsessed with john keys.
He just happens to be the public face of a shadowy and particularly nasty bunch of rightwingers who wont show their face in public.
Exactly randal.
These tools make their entire campaign, nay, their entire government all about one man, and then they say we’re obsessed with him if we dare to criticize their god.
Nailed it randal, key’s the hand picked frontperson (well done michelle) with the rags to riches profile they trade off to get in power and try and stay there…..he’s not a leader, thinker or particularly fussed about anything except his own wealth like any trader.
Problem for the nat’s is that’s finally showing, a decent MSM would’ve ripped off the hollowmens facade years ago, he’d last 6 months tops across the ditch with their media pack hounding him and would’ve gone for the tranzrail issue alone.
VoR @ 3:31
Just checking, in case it was a typo
Did Key ‘wince’ at the crowd reaction or ‘mince’
Ha! A bit of both, perhaps? It’s at 1.56 on the vid.
The dignitaries get named one at a time, Key is second up. He gets the raspberry and Mike Eagle leans over and says “they think you’re a dork” or something similar and Key says looks embarrassed and agrees that he is indeed a dork. They move along the line and an actual achiever, Jock Hobbes, gets some genuine love from the crowd.
If the after match noise at Eden Park drowns out the boo-ing for a politician, did the boos really happen?
Hooten seems keen to be doing a lot of explaining in this thread.
For those new to the realm of politics it is now an aphorism that explaining is losing the political discussion.
It’s good of him to drop by though.
Surely John Banks bringing up his past verbal spasms will only help him??? I mean he made most of those while he was a cabinet minister right???
so now hooton says a mispresentation is a misrepresentation.
hmmmm. too heavy for randal.
Interesting piece on 3 news by that political ferreter Patrick Gower about that dodgy mega-rich ultra conservative British lord dropping in to see Key again, just like he did before the last election. Key was evasive again, which just makes him look guilty of something.
Deep Throat said: FOLLOW THE MONEY.
So what was the meeting about Mr Key?
I concur, Eddie, that something has spooked the Nats. And yes, I suspect their internal polling backs up the Horizon Polling that has National on 36.8% (down 2.7%). http://www.horizonpoll.co.nz/page/159/dont-know-vo
How else to explain their sudden falling-back on “tough on crime” politics – usually the preserve of NZ First and ACT? http://fmacskasy.wordpress.com/2011/10/26/nats-get-tough-on-crime-nz-first-alleges-theft-of-favourite-policy/