Written By: - Date published: 9:30 am, September 2nd, 2012 - Comments Off on Sunday Reading
My regular Sunday piece of interesting, longer, deeper stories I found during the week. It’s also a chance for you to share what you found this week too. Those stimulating links you wanted to share, but just didn’t fit in anywhere (no linkwhoring). This week: Rinehart, freedom and procrastination.
Written By: - Date published: 2:38 pm, August 30th, 2012 - 93 comments
When businesses like Apple patent hand waving, obvious design, round corners, or software (which in a way is like patenting maths), we all lose. I’m not pleased with Craig Foss’s “minor amendment” to our block on software patents, but I like this SMBC cartoon…
Written By: - Date published: 8:48 am, August 30th, 2012 - 69 comments
Today MPs will have a conscience vote on the drinking age. But National won’t be moving on anything that will hurt the alcohol industry, even though action on price and advertising is what’s really needed to make a difference to New Zealand’s alcohol problem.
Update: And remain at 18 it is.
Written By: - Date published: 9:55 pm, August 29th, 2012 - 51 comments
It’s Members Night in Parliament and the Marriage Equality Bill has passed its first reading. Future Asset Sales have not been entrenched however and National are currently arguing against raising the minimum wage.
Written By: - Date published: 4:06 pm, August 29th, 2012 - 8 comments
Gerry Brownlee has announced $12.3 billion of road spending over the next 3 years. Asset sales will pay for less than half of it. Does it really make sense to lose control of our strategic assets – with all the income they bring in – for just over 1 year’s worth of roads?
Written By: - Date published: 1:22 pm, August 29th, 2012 - 8 comments
The Children’s Commissioner’s expert group has recommended that things must be done about Child Poverty, and made very specific suggestions as to what should be done, including a universal child payment for under 6s.
John Key’s response to the indepth analysis of a bunch of our finest minds and Phil O’Reilly: “Dopey.”
Written By: - Date published: 9:30 am, August 26th, 2012 - 60 comments
My regular Sunday piece of interesting, longer, deeper stories I found during the week. It’s also a chance for you to share what you found this week too. Those stimulating links you wanted to share, but just didn’t fit in anywhere (no linkwhoring). This week: Rape, US attitudes to inequality, and, idle or vulnerable?
Written By: - Date published: 12:15 pm, August 22nd, 2012 - 24 comments
It makes no sense to sell the assets National want to sell. But the particular economic cases just keep getting worse. This week it appears things went disastrous. Now we wonder what’s left to sell? Or will it be a firesale against a back-drop of the courts? And why won’t they face the public over what’s happening?
Written By: - Date published: 6:47 pm, July 31st, 2012 - 21 comments
The government have $3 billion for the Christchurch rebuild burning a hole in their pockets. But at the same time they’re claiming governmental poverty is why we need to sell our productive assets… And there’s 30,000 people nearby wanting proper houses to live in.
Written By: - Date published: 9:30 am, July 29th, 2012 - 1 comment
My regular Sunday piece of interesting, longer, deeper stories I found during the week. It’s also a chance for you to share what you found this week too. Those stimulating links you wanted to share, but just didn’t fit in anywhere (no linkwhoring). This week: hiding tax, growing up neo-liberal and Syria.
Written By: - Date published: 2:29 pm, July 26th, 2012 - 22 comments
Eddie got there before me, but yesterday seemed to be a day of nasty attacks, not just by Maggie Barry.
Written By: - Date published: 1:08 pm, July 26th, 2012 - 44 comments
Police were unable to establish that Mr Banks had the necessary knowledge that the donation had been recorded as anonymous in the return before he signed and submitted it. As No Right Turn puts it: “So basically they’re letting him off because he didn’t read the thing he signed and was legally responsible for. Its one law for finance company directors, and another for corrupt politicians.”
Written By: - Date published: 2:56 pm, July 22nd, 2012 - 57 comments
National have decided to lower the tone and just attack attack attack Labour and the Greens. They know they’re going down, and they’re trying to take the left down with them. It’s nasty, it’s negative and it will do our whole political system no good.
Written By: - Date published: 9:14 am, July 22nd, 2012 - 6 comments
My regular Sunday piece of interesting, longer, deeper stories I found during the week. It’s also a chance for you to share what you found this week too. Those stimulating links you wanted to share, but just didn’t fit in anywhere (no linkwhoring). This week: The Olympics, some interesting science on inequality and performance pay, and what does history look like when it’s not the propaganda of the victor?
Written By: - Date published: 10:50 pm, July 21st, 2012 - 51 comments
Today’s big announcement from Paula Bennett at the National Party Conference was that those on the run from police will have their benefits stopped. But the question needs to be asked: how many people on the run are collecting the benefit?
Written By: - Date published: 1:56 pm, July 18th, 2012 - 50 comments
Many modern companies are now operating markets of their own, but they’re not “free” as claimed. Rather there is only one possible purchaser of your labour, leading to a tournament of who is able to accept the lowest pay and conditions. This isn’t even capitalism, but we’re letting them get away with it.
Written By: - Date published: 10:38 am, July 17th, 2012 - 12 comments
Right now 28 miners are stuck down a Waihi mine with a fire causing noxious gases. 15 people are being decontaminated at Tiwai Point after an ‘incident’. At 3.30am the driver of a truck-trailer loaded pressurised cylinders died after crashing into Bulls RSA – probably asleep from the fatigue 24% of truck drivers suffer from […]
Written By: - Date published: 1:40 pm, July 15th, 2012 - 15 comments
The Government announced that it was withdrawing its Alcohol Reform Bill today and introducing prohibition after it realised that alcohol was used by the ‘Beast of Blenheim’ to stupefy young girls. “It’s what we’d do if it was any other drug, particularly as it’s associated with the ‘Beast of Blenheim’,” said Justice Minister Judith Collins.
Written By: - Date published: 9:24 am, July 15th, 2012 - 5 comments
I’m going to try and put up a piece each Sunday of interesting, longer, deeper stories I found during the week. It’s also a chance for you to share what you found this week too. Those stimulating links you wanted to share, but just didn’t fit in anywhere (no linkwhoring). This week: the bread & butter line, bankers, racism and the corporate speak of John Key.
Written By: - Date published: 9:47 pm, July 14th, 2012 - 7 comments
I joined Mighty River Power today. They offered me $150 incentive payment, no contract and a cheap rate. But couldn’t help wondering – am I part of a push to up their user numbers in preparation for sale? So the numbers look good on the books, even if people (like me) might not stay? What will happen to the share price when lots of users leave after the Government’s flogged 49% off?
Written By: - Date published: 8:47 am, July 14th, 2012 - 41 comments
So the plan to screw down police wages isn’t working, and National are having to keep going with their other approach. But not everyone is taking death by 1000 cuts lying down.
Written By: - Date published: 6:34 am, July 12th, 2012 - 57 comments
The oceans are doing their best to save us from climate change apparently… but just ending up dooming us in another way.
Written By: - Date published: 9:42 am, July 8th, 2012 - 4 comments
I’m going to try and put up a piece each Sunday of interesting, longer, deeper stories I found during the week. It’s also a chance for you to share what you found this week too. Those stimulating links you wanted to share, but just didn’t fit in anywhere (no linkwhoring). This week: Work, American Lies and Science.
Written By: - Date published: 1:58 pm, July 7th, 2012 - 13 comments
In our current system, we give men like Bob Diamond the immense power to create money. Need it be so? The Positive Money movement wishes to change that, and give that power back to Government. The first Labour Government used the power to create a better NZ – we could do that again.
Written By: - Date published: 12:34 pm, July 5th, 2012 - 28 comments
The media have generally just regurgitated David Farrar’s angled statistics, stories and lines. Now we finally see a story that looks behind: this is a blog from one of the National Party elite, so why is he running a story on Police pay? Are National looking to move on this?
Written By: - Date published: 10:31 am, July 1st, 2012 - 1 comment
I’m going to try and put up a piece each Sunday of interesting, longer, deeper stories I found during the week. It’s also a chance for you to share what you found this week too. Those stimulating links you wanted to share, but just didn’t fit in anywhere (no linkwhoring). This week: Feminism, capitalism & resource depletion.
Written By: - Date published: 5:21 pm, June 29th, 2012 - 39 comments
So here is the story that will probably summarise this government in the history books. The whole cabinet delegated responsibility to John Key and Bill English to achieve their promised land of surplus in 2014/15. They defined themselves as the only party that could deliver this goal, they jettisoned all other goals in pursuit of a single number, and they can’t even achieve it…
Written By: - Date published: 7:15 am, June 26th, 2012 - 73 comments
“More than 20,000 unemployed people will be moved off the benefit within five years if the Government manages to meet its newly announced targets.”
Yes, but a target isn’t a plan.
Written By: - Date published: 10:35 am, June 24th, 2012 - 6 comments
I’m going to try and put up a piece each Sunday of interesting, longer, deeper stories I found during the week. It’s also a chance for you to share what you found this week too. Those stimulating links you wanted to share, but just didn’t fit in anywhere (no linkwhoring). This week: Greece, Watergate and Tax avoidance.
Written By: - Date published: 11:47 am, June 19th, 2012 - 11 comments
National are shelving their plan to get out of deficit by 2014/15 – their only goal left, with the Brighter FutureTM shelved. No to stopping the exodus to Australia, stopping high unemployment, getting better public services, fixing our current account deficit, returning to growth, proper ECE funding (and Adult and Community Education at all), better training for teachers, keeping ACC fair, not cutting frontline staff, promises to not raise GST and more, all on the altar of surplus in 2014/15.
Now what do they stand for?
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