john key

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Songs for the New Year – summertime!

Written By: - Date published: 9:11 am, January 1st, 2015 - 35 comments

Happy New Year! Some songs for the times.

National knew about Sabin allegations since before the election

Written By: - Date published: 8:44 am, December 28th, 2014 - 67 comments

The Sunday Star Times has revealed today that the inquiry into Mike Sabin started before the last election and that senior National figures knew about it.  And it appears that two private members bills he drafted have disappeared.  The questions has to be asked, why is he still the chair of Parliament’s Law and Order committee.  And when did John Key find out about the allegations?

If the voice fits….?

Written By: - Date published: 10:06 am, December 27th, 2014 - 218 comments

Politics has traditionally been men’s business.  Gradually women have come to be given more space in this sphere of public activity.  However, there are still strains of traditional masculine values evident in political activity, organisation and debate.  How much does Key trade in

The Government wishes Andrea Vance a very merry Christmas

Written By: - Date published: 8:50 am, December 25th, 2014 - 25 comments

On the eve of Christmas in a cynical attempt to avoid political damage the Government has apologised to Andrea Vance for breaching her rights of privacy in 2013 after requiring Parliamentary Services to hand over her metadata and attempting to cover up the exercise.

The Sky City Convention Centre

Written By: - Date published: 7:41 am, December 23rd, 2014 - 81 comments

Sky City is doing what Rio Tinto and Warner Brothers have done in the past.  Threaten to walk away from a deal unless the Government writes you a big cheque …

Mike Sabin is in trouble

Written By: - Date published: 7:52 am, December 22nd, 2014 - 215 comments

Northland MP Mike Sabin is facing a police enquiry and a by election is possible.

Why wasn’t Brownlee sacked?

Written By: - Date published: 8:50 am, December 19th, 2014 - 49 comments

The Civil Aviation Authority report into Gerry Brownlee’s breach of security at Christchurch Airport has now been released albeit in a heavily redacted form. The report contradicts Brownlee’s claim that the door was opened for him by a Security Officer and that the officer consented to his use of the security area.  Why was the release of the report delayed?  And why wasn’t Brownlee sacked as a Minister?

Vance on Key’s “crass opportunism”

Written By: - Date published: 4:01 pm, December 16th, 2014 - 75 comments


Is Haron Monis a terrorist?

Written By: - Date published: 12:51 pm, December 16th, 2014 - 187 comments

Would John Key be making reference to terror attacks if Haron Monis was not from the Middle East? Our PM has a track record of jumping the gun on sensitive international issues…

Body: John’s Christmas wishlist

Written By: - Date published: 12:51 pm, December 15th, 2014 - 6 comments


Whaleoil is the only person John Key apologised to this year

Written By: - Date published: 8:16 am, December 15th, 2014 - 12 comments

John Key’s only formal apology this year was to serial privacy breacher Cameron Slater for breaching his privacy.  Not to any of the victims of dirty politics or to any of the victims of this Government’s policies.  Why is it that National is continuing to allow Slater to undermine the Prime Minister’s position so effectively?

Why is it Len’s fault?

Written By: - Date published: 10:45 pm, December 10th, 2014 - 36 comments

Various Tory voices, fresh from finding Len Brown guilty of needing a wee; now find he’s to blame for failing to get his visionary Central Rail Loop started on time, with its delayed start to 2018. But surely the blame lies not with him, but squarely with National and Key for refusing to pay their share until 2020.

Teapot tapes released!

Written By: - Date published: 12:00 pm, December 9th, 2014 - 7 comments

As the matter seems to be heading for trial now is a good time for the audio from the teapot tapes to be released.

Ambrose to sue Key

Written By: - Date published: 7:41 am, December 9th, 2014 - 76 comments

Key is carrying plenty of baggage now. Haunted not only by dirty politics, but also the scandal of the election before, the teapot tapes.

Heads in the Sand protest this Sunday

Written By: - Date published: 7:11 am, December 7th, 2014 - 25 comments

The Coal Action Network is planning a series of protests this Sunday to highlight how this Government has its head planted firmly in the sand when it comes to addressing climate change.

du Fresne: Stop bullshitting us, prime minister

Written By: - Date published: 7:49 am, December 5th, 2014 - 79 comments

An excellent assessment by Karl du Fresne, honest and direct.

Did you hear the one about the escaped pedophile killer cannibal with ebola?

Written By: - Date published: 9:52 am, December 4th, 2014 - 15 comments

Say – did you hear the one about the escaped pedophile killer cannibal with ebola? John Key reckons its hilarious!

National’s campaign of false equivalences

Written By: - Date published: 8:23 am, December 4th, 2014 - 102 comments

John Key has been advertising us in parliament. But he has a problem distinguishing how his right puppet blogs operate compared to the volunteer blogs of the left. It says more about how John Key thinks than it does about us. Key prefers sites that recruit prostitutes in order to blackmail reporters.

Prove It

Written By: - Date published: 9:51 pm, December 3rd, 2014 - 28 comments

So John Key reckons the decile 1 & 2 principals he talks to say that hardly any kids at their school need lunch. Campbell Live & Kids Can seem to only find school principals who say that lots of kids need lunch. So maybe John Key can name these mythical decile 1 & 2 schools that are doing so well. And then when he gets shown up again, maybe National can move to support Hone’s Food in Schools Bill.

Is John Key on the skids?

Written By: - Date published: 4:25 pm, December 3rd, 2014 - 85 comments

In the House today Megan Woods embarrassed John Key with some very simple yet direct questions about Jason Ede. Key’s attempts to joke away the issue was met with silence from his side of the house. Dirty Politics is clearly having an effect.

Distract and Divert

Written By: - Date published: 9:15 am, December 3rd, 2014 - 16 comments

Why do I want to know about Bronagh’s private 30th wedding anniversary gift to John Key? The PM is in trouble and trying to get fluff out to distract from his recent repeated lying, make people think more nicely of him. Presumably his superstitiousness played well in focus groups.

Key calls Slater’s bluff

Written By: - Date published: 11:11 am, December 2nd, 2014 - 54 comments

Key says he is not concerned about his calls with Slater being made public.

Local Bodies: Government Responsible for Invercargill Poverty

Written By: - Date published: 9:00 am, December 2nd, 2014 - 6 comments

The second annual Child Poverty Monitor was released today.  bsprout on Local Bodies on poverty and inequalities in Invercargill, “provides a good snapshot of New Zealand society”.

The Countering Terrorist Fighters Legislation Bill

Written By: - Date published: 8:16 am, December 2nd, 2014 - 34 comments

The Countering Terrorist Fighters Legislation Bill is set to return to Parliament today with some changes likely to be recommended by the select committee.  And John Key is  sounding conciliatory by promising to wind some powers back while at the same time promising an increase in powers next year even though a review of the Intelligence agencies has not been completed.

Local Bodies: John the Don and the Family

Written By: - Date published: 9:00 am, December 1st, 2014 - 19 comments

bsprout on the Local Bodies blog departs from his more usual style and makes some parallels with popular culture. One of John Key’s many hats?

Too much noise

Written By: - Date published: 7:46 am, December 1st, 2014 - 36 comments

The next time Key repeats the lie that there was “too much noise”, I suggest that the interviewer play the audio of the event to the audience, and let them hear for themselves.

The week that was

Written By: - Date published: 9:32 am, November 30th, 2014 - 55 comments

The past week has been a terrific one for Andrew Little and a very bad one for John Key, thanks to Cameron Slater.  Key failing to cut contact with Slater is bizarre.  It makes you wonder what Slater has on Key.

Armstrong still pulling his punches

Written By: - Date published: 8:54 am, November 29th, 2014 - 41 comments

What does it take for Armstrong to call for Key’s resignation, the way he called for Cunliffe’s?

Impeach John Key

Written By: - Date published: 8:34 am, November 29th, 2014 - 142 comments

The honour system is broken, exposing the flaws of our political model.

Say – anybody remember this guy?

Written By: - Date published: 10:42 am, November 28th, 2014 - 27 comments


Save Our State Houses: Labour Party

Written By: - Date published: 8:26 am, November 28th, 2014 - 12 comments

Kevin Hague says, the government’s plan to replace state housing with “social housing” will make the affordable housing crisis worse & is “economically reckless”. The Labour Party have circulated a petition to save state houses from being sold by the NZ government.


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