Daily Review 07/05/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:33 pm, May 7th, 2018 - 14 comments
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14 comments on “Daily Review 07/05/2018 ”

  1. Jum 1

    https://www.localgov.co.uk/Councils-given-power-to-double-council-tax-on-empty-homes/45039 Laura Sharman 28 March 2018
    Councils given power to double council tax on empty homes
    Councils will be allowed to double the rate of council tax on long-term empty properties under new legislation announced today.
    Under the new legislation, councils will be allowed to levy additional charges on homes standing empty for two years or more.
    Local government minister, Rishi Sunak, said: ‘This new power will equip councils with the tools they need to encourage owners of long-term empty properties to bring them back into use – and at the same time tackle the harmful effect they have on communities through squatting, vandalism and anti-social behaviour.’
    There are currently just over 200,000 long-term empty dwellings in England, down from 300,000 in 2010. Most councils already apply a 50% premium on long-term empty homes.
    Council tax Empty homes

    • Anne 1.1

      There are a number of empty homes owned by overseas buyers in my local area and all of them are unkempt and an eyesore. Given the environmental and social problems they create for the immediate neighbours, I would like to see a similar tax applied here.

      • Craig H 1.1.1

        I like that, or just seizing them at market rate under the Public Works Act.

  2. AsleepWhileWalking 2

    I really hope NZ contributes nothing at all to the corrupt money laundering Clinton Foundation.

  3. Ed 3

    If you are interested in an informed ( yet rarely heard) perspective on the Middle East, listen to this…..

    ‘Special Interview with Robert Fisk’

  4. gsays 4

    Thanks ed.
    After watching fisk, chomsky or pilger, I always feel better informed but a little gloomy as well.

    • Ed 4.1

      Not a problem
      Looking at the Twitter thread from Clinton’s talk makes me gloomy.

  5. mauī 5

    Pilger “What we’re seeing is the most intense campaign of propaganda at least since the buildup to the Iraq war in 2003”

    • ianmac 5.1

      As Ed and Gsays say, we must feel gloomy when we listen to the hypocrisy and rampant dishonesty of the “great” powers. We had better enjoy our freedoms while they last.