Daily Review 08/08/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 8th, 2017 - 28 comments
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28 comments on “Daily Review 08/08/2017 ”

  1. Ad 1

    15 July “James Shaw speech to the Greens’ conference – Greening the government” 25 comments

    16 July “The Greens New Welfare Policy” 310 comments

    17 July “Metiria Turei and Paula Bennett on Benefit Fraud” 241 comments

    19 July “I Am Metiria” 75 comments

    20 July “#I Am Metiria” 35 comments

    27 July “Raging at Metiria is not about the fraud – it’s that she sided with lepers” 324 comments

    29 July “Reactions to Metiria – the political and the personal” 181 comments

    31 July “Metiria’s gamble pays off in latest opinion poll” 157 comments

    4 August “This is why we need the Greens in government” 247 comments

    4 August “Metiria Turei will not seek Ministerial position” 176 comments

    5 August “I Too, am not resigning” 208 comments

    5 August “Gower on Turei’s sacrifice” 46 comments

    6 August “Messages for the left” 106 comments

    7 August “Two Green MPs remove themselves from the list” 400+ comments

    8 August “Metiria for PM” 36 comments

    8 August “James Shaw: ‘I completely support what Metiria has done’ 180+ comments

    Simon Wilson at The Spinoff, July 14th, the day before the Greens conference:

    “Time’s nearly up, Labour, the Greens. Ten weeks to go, and you guys have to blitz this country with heart and soul and inspiration and determination. With a spirit that tells us all you’re going to win. You have to make us believe you. And you have to do it now.”

    6.5 weeks to go. Time to change the focus.

    • weka 1.1

      I reckon best way to change the govt is to support Labour and the Greens.

      • WILD KATIPO 1.1.1

        … ” I reckon best way to change the govt is to support Labour and the Greens ” …

        Got it in one. And its the plain and simple truth.

        As a side issue, I believe Alan Duff nails it well , he , … being a social conservative type , … and I being something a little similar, – the only difference being he votes National and I would like to see National become a discarded , forgotten and unpleasant relic…

        So this is what he says :

        … ” Minister of Finance Steven Joyce saying that the Labour leadership change and Metiria Turei’s predicament makes the left in turmoil is nonsense. They’re in exactly the same position as the right, or Greens, at any given time – with a problem or two”…

        In other words, mountains are being made by the media out of molehills.

        By a few select embedded National party media shills.

        We should not be humoring such blatant political interference and attempts to skew voters opinions by the media by lending them credence.

  2. Gabby 2

    Labour or the Greens.

  3. Nick 3

    Labour and the Greens. 2 Votes

  4. BM 4

    You guys need to chill and rock out.

    • Drowsy M. Kram 4.2

      “The less I say the more my work gets done” – words to live by; do you think?

      “From the day that I was born I’ve waved the flag” – more about flags, please.

      But seriously, impressive choice of a song written in support of equal rights for women. Go Metiria, Jacinda and (half-heartedly) Paula.

      • BM 4.2.1

        I didn’t quite see the powerful woman stuff in that song, but anyway here is a real power woman song.

  5. reason 5

    To soft …… All Black changing room music

    • L0L !… There’s a peculiar rough as guts primal honesty I like about ‘Chopper Reid’ … non PC, shocking and … you can hear echoes of that sort of straight up exhortation to ‘ harden the f@%k up in so many ways… almost as an encouragement.

      Its definitely a kind of ‘cut the crap, get to the chase and hang in there’ .

      Thought not always the best vid to show at the family Christmas dinner get together with the grandparents …


  6. Graeme 6

    They’re turning, slowly, one by one


    Alan Duff is thinking about changing his vote to Labour, “I’m possibly changing parties because, like everyone, I hate seeing politicians change from passionate idealists to dismissive egotists.”

    I heard the same thing from a young bluer than blur farmer the day Andrew Little passed the baton on. He was more excited about Jacinda’s promotion than a lot of lefties.

  7. ianmac 7

    “…passionate idealists to dismissive egotists.”
    Minister of Health Coleman supreme egostical dismisser.
    Even tonight on Checkpoint the Southern Health practitioners dispute Coleman because he is so dismissive of the facts.

  8. I’m pretty sure that this constitutes lying.

    Can the Greens actually sue them for this?

    • BM 8.1

      For what?

      • Stuart Munro 8.1.1

        Lying is so normal to right they cannot imagine how honest people think.

        • BM

          I just saw the link he was referring to.

          • Stuart Munro

            Pretty clear case for a complaint of bias – speculation about dirty deals when in fact the ‘journalist’ has no reason to presume there is any deal at all. The story is misleading and the misleading elements have no basis in fact.

            It reminds me of the EB leaflet used to foment mischief against the Greens in Jeanette’s electorate – one of the claims was that the Greens were going to implement a CGT. Having spent six months trying to get them to do just that on their policy forum (the current housing crisis being utterly predictable) I knew the claim was utterly false.

          • Draco T Bastard

            And did you realise the lies that were so bloody blatant or are you still going WTF?

    • Carolyn_nth 8.2

      Seems Gower has retracted – and he’s been getting some tips from “Labour insiders”

      • McFlock 8.2.1

        yeah, tips that he’s full of shit, it looks like.

        Quite nice, actually – he accuses labgrn of a “dirty deal”, someone dusts off his phone number and calls bullshit.

    • lprent 8.3

      Probably. However it is unlikely to be of any particular use. They did have the correct facts. It was the spin that was effectively lying.

      • I’m pretty sure that proving that the MSM lied about a political party during the electioneering period (or any period for that matter) would be worth it just to show that what the MSM reports needs to be taken with a large dose of scepticism.

  9. Alan Duff: Why I’m thinking about changing who I vote for
    New Zealand Herald · 8/8/2017

    An article well worth reading. Its hard not to agree, as Duff pretty much lays out a very balanced piece , and doesn’t spare senior National party figures from a critical view either , while certainly seeing the advantages of Labour and the Greens and NZ First. I’m inclined to agree…

    The relationship between Shane Jones, Winston Peters, and Kelvin Davis is a powerful one. Its a strong Maori presence, Duffs views are not excluding either the Greens or the Maori party but rather inclusive. I like that because it is a healing of old enmity’s such as between NZ First /Greens, Labour / Maori party.

    This is what our country needs. Healing.

    We need peace and goodwill , not division and acrimony.

    A little political argy bargy to keep them on their toes, sure , but this is no longer a game and many people are really , truly suffering now. We need to all have a feeling of all pulling the load together. Imagine such a political environment. Imagine a widespread pride in being Kiwis again in all fields. Imagine New Zealand as one big connected community again.

    And that’s powerful stuff.

  10. david 10

    Green Party list is sexist. 8 out the top 10 on the party list are female.
    We expect better, i hope they rebalance the list after the resignations. Practice gender equality please.

    • DoublePlusGood 10.1

      The Green party does it’s best to vet candidates, but if two of their highly ranked male candidates decide to do something completely stupid, there’s not much they can do but ditch them.
      And the Greens are practising gender equalitiy anyway – they’re trying to balance out National’s man-festival.
      However, I suspect you don’t actually care about gender equality and are just being a dick.

    • Lara 10.2

      Waiting for your comment that the heavily male dominated lists of all other parties are sexist…


      Yep. Pretty sure your outrage is faux.