Daily Review 09/12/2015

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 pm, December 9th, 2015 - 32 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:


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32 comments on “Daily Review 09/12/2015 ”

  1. Sacha 1

    I thought Amy Adams told us the Australians had agreed not to enforce the wording of their written deportation agreement with detainees? Yet here’s one being charged for their flights: http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/291720/australia-hands-deported-nzer-bill-for-$7500

  2. Muttonbird 2

    What I’ve found from reading today’s comments is that right wing people simply do not have thoughts of their own. They actively suppress their own thoughts in order to promote a narrow and reactionary agenda set by very ordinary leaders – Slater, Key, etc.

    Natural authority worshippers, they rely on the clicks and sound bites of other right wing people slightly higher up in the chain for their information.

    • Draco T Bastard 2.1


    • BLiP 2.2

      A lot of it is the deliberate carpeting of social media with said right wing sound bites rather than any genuine attempt to engage or, god forbid, construct a valid counter argument. Other than attack-the-messenger, unthinking repitition is all they’re left with once the evidence is examined and logic applied.

    • The lost sheep 2.3

      What I’ve found from reading today’s comments is that right wing people simply do not have thoughts of their own. They actively suppress their own thoughts in order to promote a narrow and reactionary agenda set by very ordinary leaders

      Strangely enough Titi, I was just about to say that what I’d found from reading today’s comments is that Left wing people simply do not have thoughts of their own. They actively suppress their own thoughts in order to promote a narrow and reactionary agenda set by very ordinary leaders!

      Just goes to show eh, everything you need to know about everyone can be found right here at TS!!

      • Draco T Bastard 2.3.1

        Thanx sheep, that would be a perfect example of RWNJs not thinking their own thoughts.

      • Muttonbird 2.3.2

        Point proven. Today, both yourself and Northshoredoc have been lazy enough to quote verbatim a post in order to attempt to make a point in reverse.

        It’s lazy as hell, bud.

        All this does is to re-enforce that right wing commenters cannot think for themselves and must rely on rehashing other people’s arguments.

        • The lost sheep

          I’m a great fan of drawing large generalisations off very small samples. (sarc)

          I get asked all the time about the current state of ‘The Left’, and I always respond by giving a link to ‘The Daily Blog’ or some of the more unhinged rantings of OAB on TS. (sarc)

          That is all anyone needs to see to ‘learn what Left Wing people are like’.
          Yes? (sarc)

          Titi, what happens on this blog teaches you about as much about ‘Right Wing People’ as a windy day on the Manu at Taukihepa teaches you about cafe culture in Parnell…(not sarc)

  3. ianmac 3

    I wonder if here would be a good place to advertise Lost & Found. Has anyone here left at airport Kuala Lumpur 3 X only Boeng 747s? If you have forgotten about them you had better reclaim them or they will get cut up for scrap.

  4. RedLogix 4

    So I’m sitting on a plane back from Brissy to Melbourne today, and while chatting to the guy next to me, it turns out he’s senior with a major global insurance company. (If you write a list of three, you’ll have it.)

    Two quotes:

    “Climate change is real alright … we’re the ones who’ve been paying for it the last decade or so”

    “The COP conference in Paris is the turning point … they have to make deep cuts now, because we’ve told them that the global re-insurance market will collapse if they keep ignoring it”

    • b waghorn 4.1

      Well maybe the insurance companies should speak a little louder. key and the new failed minister for climate change might listen to money men because they sure as hell aren’t hearing the scientists.

      • Macro 4.1.1

        Munich Re, for instance, have been very proactive with regards forecasting the effects of CC. Insurance companies are very concerned because they foresee that eventually they will be out of business – no one but the fabulously wealthy will be able to afford insurance anymore. We see this to some extent even now in NZ following the Chch earthquake – the cost of house insurance is way more than it was just a few years back.

        • b waghorn

          Absolutely how many times will insurance companies pay for flood damage in places like Whanganui and Dunedin before they say sorry you’re on your own.

    • dv 4.2

      Climate change is real alright … we’re the ones who’ve been paying for it the last decade or so”

      Nope we will be paying.

  5. sam green 5

    Bennett is embarrassing – unfortunately she has that leather like hide that means she doesn’t give a shit and will carry on with the agenda no matter what. Where is her opposition?

  6. Quasimodo 6

    I popped around to my local Dick Smiths after hearing about it having a fire sale to find empty banks of shelves in categories such as cameras and gaming accessories.
    Cursory internet search, at the moment, gives me ..


    Dick Smith staff accused of hoarding items in fire sale


    “Aug 28, 2015 … Dick Smith New Zealand reported a 71 percent drop in annual net profit” http://www.theregister.co.nz

    Deflating housing bubbles on both sides of the Tasman may have further economic consequences.

    Is this a turning of the tide ? Is John Key just a fair weather sailor ?

    There is more ..


  7. Bruce 7

    Our lovely friends at Strategic Studies… uh hum… and the NZ Police whipping up fright about ISIS in the Asia-Pacific.



    You’d think basic human rights at sea would be a concern, given that the agencies have been monitoring the Pacific for 3 decades. But no.

  8. Wairua 8

    Official fear-mongering .. the ‘Red Scare’ during McCarthyism, ‘reds under beds’. The old moves are being pulled out again, but failing. If it sounds desperate – it is.

    The prospect of false flag terror being further exposed threatens certainties, careers, and an establishment used to cold war nostrums, uncomfortable with increased complexity in a multi-polar world.

    It needs generational change, in favour of younger, well-travelled, experienced, and connected people with more flexible world views.