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5:33 pm, November 20th, 2018 - 36 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
Hey Chris Milne, you don’t want the police wasting their time? Put your damn seatbelt on. Think the Milnes are special or sutin?
Hutt valley bylaws soon to read: Right wing councillors and their wives are exempt from the law.
That really wouldn’t surprise me.
According to some people, if a law doesn’t suit you it shouldn’t exist. And personal responsibility should only apply to the under privileged.
I was told that laws are made to be broken.
Yep. I was told that as well. Research into the family tree indicates that it most likely came from my uncle who was a serial petty criminal and business owner back in the 19th century.
But I think there’s a difference between using it to justify committing a crime and using it to recognise that laws are imperfect and need adjusting.
We’ve all had a few runs-in with police and council on the road. Sometimes I think they are full of shit and wished I told them so at the time but you cop the fine and if you don’t have an argument, you pay it.
Once when I was younger I was stopped a long way over 100km/hr near Foxton when trying to photograph an erupting Ruapehu. In those days the official correspondence turned up in the mail and the officer had got the colour of the car wrong in said correspondence so I penned a letter to the Wanganui District Court and the fine was waived.
Another time I went onto the Grafton viaduct not long after the restriction lights went in. They were confusing for motorists, particularly Auckland residents who had driven on that bridge forever, suddenly to be told they can’t. It was raining, the signs were terrible and really terrible in low visibility – I nosed into the bridge and stopped, realising my mistake. But there was a bus up my arse and I could do nothing but continue. Auckland council had raked it in over the preceding months and for weeks after on this bridge before they were called out by public opinion. But my very well constructed request for leniency was met with a serious ‘fuck you’.
Another time there was this cop sitting 100m before a 100km/hr sign southbound in one of those unnamable Kapaiti coast towns. I’d been driving from Auckland and when he asked me why I’d be going at 70km/hr in a 50km/hr zone I complained there were too many changes of speed in that zone and I was naturally increasing speed when heading out of town. I bet that prick sat in that spot every day, every week, for months on end asking the same shit-house question, “did you know you were travelling at 67km/hr”.
But, did I go to the media? No.
That said, the Grafton Viaduct thing really sticks in my craw and was fixed with better signals only because of public pressure. Still think they should have given the local public more leniency for mistakes instead if pinging them from day one.
Canada’s new $10 note features Viola Desmond, a black Nova Scotian woman who challenged racial segregation at a movie theatre in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, in 1946.
Not too sure about that vertical note, though.
it is a bit odd, but in saying that it looks like an easy note to feed into machines.
Don’t know about Canada as a whole with racial attitudes. I thought this was shocking. 2015 –
I had my first face-to-face interaction with the Kingston police a few months into second year, when I was walking my friend Sara, a white woman, back to her house after a party. An officer stopped us, then turned his back to me and addressed Sara directly. “Miss, do you need assistance?” he asked her. Sara was stunned into silence. “No,” she said twice—once to the officer, and once to reassure herself that everything was all right.
As he walked away, we were both too shaken to discuss what had happened, but in the following days we recounted the incident many times over, as if grasping to remember if it had really occurred. The fact that my mere presence could cause an armed stranger to feel threatened on Sara’s behalf shocked me at first, but shock quickly gave way to bitterness and anger.
(Kingston is in Ontario midway between Toronto and Montreal, Quebec)
Awhile ago someone did a mock up of various Canadian’s on notes including Celine Dion. Can’t recall the rest but because these are world famous people even the fake notes improved the Canada brand if you can call it that.
Much nicer and more colourful than the grubby stuff south of the border. Have to wash your hands every time you handle it. Gives new meaning to the term “filthy lucre”
Compounding Venezuelan’s woes. The goss will be pleased.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States is considering adding Venezuela to its list of state sponsors of terrorism but no final decision has been made, a person familiar with the deliberations said on Monday.
Rubio and two other Republican senators sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in September urging him to name Venezuela a state sponsor of terrorism and accusing it of links to Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, but they offered no proof.
The Trump administration has levied several rounds of sanctions against Maduro’s Socialist-led government since 2017, accusing it of undermining democracy. On Nov. 1, President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed a disrupting Venezuela’s gold exports.
FARC in hell
or FARC, but they offered no proof.
No FARCing proof aye.
Any Aucklander’s vege gardens survive today’s hail? My tomatoes are in strips on bare stalks and the spinach is more spinach purée. 🙁
Mine survived, as they were right next to house. The only thing which took a kicking was my Kamo Kamo. But I have some more seedlings in the greenhouse, so can replace them.
Good position. I thought mine were sheltered but this stuff was near vertical, and big.
I don’t know if we had a particularly heavy pocket but there are still patches of hail sitting around the house now, six hours later.
Oh I got off light then. All hail all gone.
Sounds like was bad at yours. More tomorrow says met service
Yeah couple plants got bent I tied the toms up they’re all right now. Just checked the silverbeet it’s looking a bit pocked.
I do have a lot of fresh mulch down though it’s providing warmth and trees/perennials are typically close to the veggies, or veggies are among trees, giving them shelter and protection as well.
Ideally I’d have: a thin tree cover with nitrogen fixing trees amongst many food plants, the nitrogen fixers growing through winter into summer, then high pollard them start of next winter to let full light in and to use the mulch. Exactly as Jeff Lawton does in the Greening the Desert project. I currently have some N fixers, and some fruit and nuts etc, and many weedy species like privet till I can acquire/afford decent tree replacements. Weedy plants > bare ground.
For nitrogen I’m fixing to get a bunch of kowhai in the mix, and some of the acacias are really nice and/or fast growing. At relatively low frequencies and with good pruning skills everything can still get plenty of light and air turnover, but also shelter.
Trying to learn to garden for a myriad of conditions… loads of water, not enough, winds, bloody hail. I was planting pumpkins in-between dashes inside today. All hail gardening. 😉
Southland’s being thrashed presently. I was fearful for my heavy peach crop, but they’re hanging on fine. I’ve done what you plan to do, WTB and planted and coppiced leguminous trees; kowhai, tagasaste, tree medic, laburnum, honey locust etc. and that’s working very well. I “high pollarded” the tagasaste and let the fallen branch/twig/leaf material lie where it fell. It soon disappeared into the spring growth of alexanders, comfrey, burdock, clover etc. Hail is a worry, no matter how well prepared you are. Recovery is the best hope. I’ve got newly transplanted corn out there: blue Hopi, Andean black and painted and they look okay. I grow tall red-seeded broad beans and the wind has flattened them, even though they were surrounded by very good shelter – some winds descend from above and twirl…They’ll still bear well, but don’t look very proud presently. My paths are difficult to pass right now; tall herbs fallen across them everywhere, but that’s easily fixed and kinda natural. I’m reading Goethe’s “Metamorphosis of plants” presently. That’s a perception changer, if ever there was one!
Just a thought Robert if you feel like commenting. It seems to me that Germany had high-powered intellectuals like Goethe and was I would have thought, a civilised and religious country. How could it then happen that the evil thinking have arisen and overpowered them?
What makes you think intellectuals, religious and civilised people are less evil than anyone else?
Hi greywarshark. Goethe’s biography is fascinating. He seems to have tried his hand at everything from debauchery, drunkenness, politics and romanticism…and in each instance, overcome the temptations and corruption that so famously presents to anyone “over indulging” in those human pursuits. He was an interesting man. It’s interesting how we in the English speaking world know so little about him – he’s a giant in Germany, so far as I can see; poetry, prose, philosophy, science, spirituality and, most interesting to me, a super-keen observer of plants.
As to why Germany hosted the abomination it did, I don’t know. There are many people who post here with nuanced views about that. All I would say is that, in my opinion, civilisation isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and in fact works against love, and religion is famous for missing the mark also, in spectacularly bad ways, despite holding love up as its highest principle. Or something like that.
Just looked that book up. I want one!
‘recovery is the best hope’. I like that. And the best hope of recovery from hail could be biodiversity. Where you might lose something, but not the farm.
Hail is hard to combat. Virtually impossible, as it will come under trees, fly sideways and generally do it’s own thing and will wipe out your crop anyway. You just have to be a bit lucky.
Yeah true that. You can minimize damage a bit though.
Now that the rough weather has passed, I’ve taken the opportunity to wander about, assessing any damage; there’s almost none at all; the peaches are still firmly attached, the apples, currants, and every other fruit too, bar some plums and a few currant bushes whose tallest branches snapped – natural pruning, I’d call it. I’m, quite frankly, amazed at how resilient a forest garden is. All that rain will have been sequestered in the humus-rich soil, saved for when it’s needed. If there was to be a discussion about humus here one day, I’d be very interested. It didn’t, btw, hail here, but boy, did it blow!
Disgraceful bylaw passed by Tauranga council, banning rough sleeping and begging near commercial premises. Nasty. Should allocate funding to helping instead – and central government should pass legislation banning this type of bylaw.
In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread. Anatole France
So what are they going to do about it?
What they are doing about it, is criminalising it.
Providing safe and supported housing is the better approach. It worked in Finland and they are now closing down most of their emergency shelters as a result. The Fins simply decided homelessness was something they weren’t going to have – so they provided support and housing – and almost eliminated it.
You can listen about it here:
The country that ended homelessness
A perfect and beautiful illustration from New Plymouth locals on where the government is going wrong on Kiwibuild and where they need to go to get it right.
These are labourers teaching the minister and the mayor a lesson on what it means to make communities.
Perhaps the minister is serious when he says slightly wealthier people will make the community stronger but surely not at the expense of the incumbent families of genuine workers.
The minister had better get a shared equity model up and running fast to give hope to both working class families, and their communities, and to the chances of another term for this government.
Richard Silverstein on how Israel’s courts have helped the Israeli government conceal arms sales to genocidal regimes.
Airbnb will no longer list properties in the West Bank.
The Yesha Council, which represents Israeli settlers, accused Airbnb of becoming “a political site” and said the decision was “the result of either anti-Semitism or capitulation to terrorism, or both”.
And the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a US-based Jewish human rights organisation, urged Jewish communities around the world to boycott Airbnb in the wake of its decision.