Daily Review 25/05/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, May 25th, 2018 - 47 comments
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47 comments on “Daily Review 25/05/2018 ”

  1. AsleepWhileWalking 1

    Well this is disturbing. Chinese companies reverse merger into a US company, now listed on US stock exchange but are frauds.


  2. Ad 2

    Bit nippy tonight.

    Wrap up warm people.

    • ScottGN 2.1

      Haha Ad. It’s been pretty nippy down the other end of the country for a while.

      • alwyn 2.1.1

        ” been pretty nippy “.
        Don’t tell In Vino.
        He has assured me that May is going to be a month of record temperatures in both Dunedin and Invercargill and that the temperatures in September will be much colder.
        He used that insight to justify there didn’t need to be any winter heating allowance until July because no one will need to have a heater on until then.
        Some mothers do ‘ave ’em.

        • ScottGN

          Down this end of the country alwyn, the Winter Energy Payment is a great idea whenever it kicks in.

        • In Vino

          Sorry. alwyn, but it is still probably a good call. The 1st 20 or so days will influence the stats more than the last 10, where temperatures have dropped.
          You, in a record warm year, claimed that Dunedin and Invercargill are always colder throughout May, . Even if I am wrong and this is not the warmest May on record there, it will still be close to it.
          You can still alter your stance if you want to.

          • McFlock

            I still have a heater on right now, though

            edit: although that bit could well have been Alwyn taking liberties again

            • In Vino

              My heater is now on too, but in economy mode.. First real cold snap of year, but I would still think that May temperatures will be up on normal overall. Wait and see..

          • alwyn

            “claimed that Dunedin and Invercargill are always colder throughout May,”
            I think, although I can’t really be bothered going back to check that what I said was this.

            In Dunedin and Invercargill the average temperature during the month of May was lower than the average temperature in September.
            Your comment seems to imply that I thought that May was the coldest month and that is certainly not what I said.

            I wish you might be right but I don’t think so. I was out for a walk, in Wellington, this afternoon and although it was sunny and had a light northerly, when I got back in my car at 4.15pm the thermometer said it was down to 10C.

            • In Vino

              Fair enough.. I should have added ‘in May than September.’
              Cold snap has hit. I don’t care all that much about who will be proven correct regarding temperatures. If you turn out right, good for you. Question for me is, how is rest of winter shaping up? In the Northern hemisphere, the weakening of jetstreams has allowed Arctic cold to move South, hitting Europe and Canada/USA while the Arctic continues to warm and melt. Trend for several years now.
              If that trend comes to our hemisphere, we could have record colds while Antarctica warms.
              I truly hope we have a normal or warm winter. Or all our debating left/right stuff may be futile, with impending climate catastrophe.

              • alwyn

                Weather for winter?
                Remember that old joke.
                You will do better than the weather forecaster if you simply say that tomorrow will be exactly the same as today.
                If I was the forecaster you would do much, much better. My record in forecasting the weather is abysmal.
                If it gets too cold though I will be tempted to head for North Queensland.
                July in Cairns is very pleasant.

                • In Vino

                  Sorry, but in our times that old joke is abysmal. Pleasant may soon disappear.

  3. muttonbird 3

    Is that a younger, nicer Judith Collins?

    • Kat 3.1

      The Pauline/Paula look……… bit shivery on a cold night!

    • Stunned Mullet 3.2

      Isn’t it your mum ?

    • McFlock 3.3

      Either the photographer looks like an immigrant, or she just smelled a really rank dingo fart…

      • alwyn 3.3.1

        Definitely an immigrant. In fact one of the worst kinds.
        That is the look she gets when she sees a New Zealander.

        Actually Pauline has at least one thing in common with our present Prime Minister. From Wikipedia we learn that
        “Jack and Norah Seccombe (her parents) owned a Fish and Chip Shop in which Hanson and her siblings worked from a young age, preparing meals and taking orders”
        What is it about hot fat?

    • Exkiwiforces 3.4

      Jeez, that look reminds of the night of B&S style night at the Peaks Crossing Pub just Sth of Ipswich (heading towards Boonah) when she was still single (I think) when a couple us single Rockapes turned up and she latched onto me like a SA-7 missile as the rest lads pop smoke quicker than doing the tunnel of love during a break contact.


      • greywarshark 3.4.1

        You are a ‘mine’ of information. Always good to read the words of a man of such experience that he has even mingled (briefly) with the not late, great Pauline Hanson. Please keep commenting. You always have something fresh to add.

  4. Anne 4

    Oh dearie me… what shall we do:


    Take a look at that bunch of chumps. It defies belief – almost – that the USA is ruled by such a mob. Look at these two women. Who would want to bump into them on a dark night.

    • NZJester 4.1

      The US is effectively ruled by 3 men 2 of whom are brothers

      They say the US has a Koch (Coke) problem.

  5. Muttonbird 5

    Tell you what. There is something very fishy about the people at the centre of the MCB disaster.

    Wilma and Aad Van Leeuwen.
    Alfons and Gea Zeestraten.
    and now Henk Smit.

    All Dutch immigrants?


    Seems like a closed group and you have to wonder if the stuff they were importing is the source. I hope the authorities find out.

    • Stunned mullet 5.1

    • alwyn 5.2

      You’re right. None of those Dutch immigrants ever did anything useful for New Zealand.
      Look at these people
      Dutch immigrants, Johannes La Grouw Snr and Johannes Van Loghem.
      What did they ever do for New Zealand?
      They started some funny little company called Lockwood that built houses. Why didn’t they do something useful instead?

      • Muttonbird 5.2.1

        Ok precious, I think you missed the point.

        It can’t be a coincidence that three mega farmer groups who have bathed in the dairy intensification boom in this country and are all Dutch and obviously interconnected are at the centre of this scandal.

        • alwyn

          They are probably the only ones honest enough to tell people about it.
          I wonder when the Labour party are going to ‘fess up about their sex school summer camp, or whatever they called it and press for assault charges to be brought?

          • Muttonbird

            Oh dear, you really are under pressure.

            Are you Dutch too?

          • McFlock

            I wonder when the Labour party are going to ‘fess up about their sex school summer camp


            that’s a big segue from MCB. Looking to revalidate your tory fuckwit papers around the sewer?

            • AB

              Maybe Alwyn’s grumpy because the Nat’s “Anderson’s Bay Orgy” for debauched cardigan-wearers is cancelled due to cold weather shrinkage?

          • Baba Yaga

            Under the carpet. Like Metiria’s fraud. It’s amazing how well the left cover up their bullshit.

            • Exkiwiforces

              Well this current shit fight did start during when The No Mates Party was in
              Yaba, when old Guy did SWFA about it and left it to poor old Damien to short the bloody mess.

        • James

          Obviously connected?

          Simply based on their race.

          Just casual racism this morning.

          • Muttonbird

            The Dutch aren’t a race of course but having sent three kids through a $25K/annum school you would know that.

            I confess I didn’t know the Dutch had such a massive interest in this recent intensified dairying model in NZ so it was a surprise to me to see the three mega farms at the centre of this disaster all owned by Dutch immigrants.

            I suspect the connection is they have traded stock with one another in a preferred network but I also worry about the entry point of MCB given that these guys still have a lot of links to Europe according to Adrian’s post at 5.4. Just as interesting is that this strain is apparently the European strain and not the Australian one…

      • Gabby 5.2.2

        Did they have a sideline in bull semen wally?

    • Cinny 5.3

      Muttonbird, was just thinking the same….

    • Adrian 5.4

      The Dutch have pretty much taken over the NZ dairy industry with the aid of very very low loans from Dutch banks and backing from the Dutch government.
      One of the reasons why is that if the farm is essentially Dutch owned and if the owning entity is Netherlands based its income is considered to be part of Dutch GDP, not NZ GDP. Complex but stupid rules around how countries GDP is assessed is to blame.
      It may be why NZs productivity is considered to be so low as a lot of the income is banked off shore.
      Economists who know what they are talking about could explain it a lot better than me.
      But be aware, Economic Trivial Pursuit has 1 question and 10 correct answers.

      • Pat 5.4.1

        its an interesting theory….except all the van Leeuwen farms are NZ reg companies.

      • greywarshark 5.4.2

        In this ‘post modernist’ hinterland nothing is plainly obvious to view, there are culdesacs to explore going off the straight passage to the matter on hand.
        Adrian you have just enlightened us as to one of the culdesacs that most of us will not have heard of, even imagined.

        Like Joe 5 the enlightened robot in the film Short Circuit I want more information.

        and – for fun

      • alwyn 5.4.3

        “1 question and 10 correct answers”.
        That’s not quite right.
        The statement should that there is 1 question and 10 answers of which the only one counted as correct is chosen by a random number generator. The other 9 are marked as wrong.

  6. Muttonbird 6

    It looks like farmers and their representatives and the National party have sorted out their defence in the MCB disaster of their own making.

    Their defence is to attack MPI and sheet all the blame home to them not policing deliberately errant and deceitful farmers.

    Unfortunately for them MPI is one of the public services stripped by Bill English’s penny pinching and Nathan Guy’s incompetence.

    When they blame MPI they are blaming themselves.

  7. Muttonbird 7

    Could someone better at this than me figure out the funding and ‘restructuring’ decisions on MPI during the John Key government?

    Are MPI as underfunded as the rest of the public service?

    • Exkiwiforces 7.1

      I wouldn’t be be surprised if this was a result of the restructure of the old MAF into this abortion called MPI and resulting cost cutting that comes with a restructuring.

      The three case studies I would use under the last Government would be Defence, Kiwi Rail, WINZ and I could go back to the last National Government in 90’s at mess they caused back then.

    • Antoine 7.2

      I think the main problem with MPI is 9 years of being instructed to always take industry’s side against the environment
