The charter is the founding document of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand.
The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand accepts Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand; recognises Maori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand; and commits to the following four Principles:
Ecological Wisdom:
The basis of ecological wisdom is that human beings are part of the natural world. This world is finite, therefore unlimited material growth is impossible. Ecological sustainability is paramount.
Social Responsibility:
Unlimited material growth is impossible. Therefore the key to social responsibility is the just distribution of social and natural resources, both locally and globally.
Appropriate Decision-making:
For the implementation of ecological wisdom and social responsibility, decisions will be made directly at the appropriate level by those affected.
Non-violent conflict resolution is the process by which ecological wisdom, social responsibility and appropriate decision making will be implemented. This principle applies at all levels.
Te marautanga Kakariki
Ko te kawenata te pukapuka whakaū o te Rōpu Kākāriki o Aotearoa, Niu Tireni.
E whakaae ana te Roopu Kākāriki ko te Tiriti o Waitangi te pepa whakaū (kawenata) o Aotearoa, Niu Tireni; e whakaae ana te Rōpu kākāriki ko te iwi Māori te tangata whenua o Aotearoa, o Niu Tireni, ā, ka mau pūmau te rōpu Kākāriki ki ngā mātāpono e whā e whai ake nei:
Tikanga Toi Potapotae
Ko te putake o te tikanga toi potapotae ko te tangata he wahanga no te ao tuturu. Ko te ao nei he taparepare, waihoki, kihai e taea kia tupu haere mo ake tonu atu Me ukauka te tikanga toi potapotae koia ra te tino taumata.
Kawenga Papori
Kihai nga rawa o te ao e tipu haere tonu. Waihoki, ko te mea nui ke ko te kawenga papori, e whiwhi ai tena ki ona tikanga ano ki era rawa, ki te wa kainga nei, ki tawahi ranei o te ao.
Whakarite Totika
E oti tika ai nga tikanga toi potapotae, me nga kawenga papori, ma nga whakarite totika a nga hunga e pa pumau tonu ana ki era take, ara, ki nga hua hoki a era whakarite.
Aukati Whakarekereke
Me aukati te whakarekereke, e kitea ai te huarahi tika, e eke ai nga tikanga toi potapotae, nga kawenga papori, tae noa atu ki nga whakarite totika, e tau ai te rangimarie. Ko tenei ahuatanga e pa ana ki nga tairanga katoa.
Russell Brown will be talking with James Shaw online this evening. He tweeted:
Run times for the #OrconIRL event from 4.15pm:
Coolies livestream 1.30pm, will tune in for sure. Thanks for the info. And cheers for the Russell Brown link Carolyn 😀
Smart decision to foreground the 3 main contenders for co-leader, each fronting 1 of the GP election planks: Davidson on social justice/poverty; Genter on climate change; Roche on clean rivers.
That’s basically 3 deputies at this point, and each gets the opportunity to show their strengths leading up to the co-leader election after the general election.
Eugenie Sage on clean rivers, not Denise Roche.
They all look composed and focused.
Sorry. My mistake.
Opps. Are there really 4 contenders for co-leader and ones missed out ?
Probably really 2 contenders.
Can someone post a link to the Green’s List please?
That’s outdated 😉
I can’t keep up. Actually, that’s not even funny if I say so myself.
lol, kind of funny.
I think they are ordered here in terms of their place on the list.
And here:
James Shaw (Wellington Central)
Marama Davidson (Tamaki Makaurau)
Julie Anne Genter (Mt Albert)
Eugenie Sage (Port Hills)
Gareth Hughes (East Coast)
Jan Logie (Mana)
Kennedy Graham (North Shore)Chlöe Swarbrick (Maungakiekie)
Golriz Ghahraman (Te Atatu)
Mojo Mathers (Rangitata)
Barry Coates (Epsom)
Jack McDonald (Te Tai Hauauru)
John Hart (Wairarapa)
Denise Roche (Auckland Central)
David Clendon (Northland)Hayley Holt (Helensville)
Teall Crossen (Rongotai)
Teanau Tuiono (Manurewa)
Leilani Tamu (New Lynn)
Matt Lawrey (Nelson)
Dr Elizabeth Kerekere (Ikaroa Rawhiti)
Chris Perley (Tukituki)
Ricardo Menéndez-March (Mt Roskill)
Julie Zhu (Botany)
Richard Leckinger (Tamaki)
Thomas Nash (Palmerston North)
Sam Taylor (Hamilton East)
Kate Fulton (West Coast Tasman)
Tane Woodley (List only)
Jo Wrigley (Hamilton West)
Ash Holwell (Whangarei)
Stefan Grand-Meyer (Rimutaka)
Robin McCandless (Rangitikei)
Niki Bould (Dunedin North)
Shane Gallagher (Dunedin South)
Scott Summerfield (Coromandel)
Rochelle Surendran (Invercargill)
Bridget Walsh (List only)
Rachael Goldsmith (Clutha Southland)
Patrick Wall (Waitaki – not yet selected)
James Goodhue (Upper Harbour)
Richard Wesley (Wigram)
Guy Hunt (Pakuranga)
Thanks for posting. The Greens certainly have a List of high quality people.
I hope they do their numbers first. Joyce stated labour has not done their numbers on water, will add
$2 00 on a apple
Real numbers $2.00 @ 2 cents a 1000 litre 200.000 litre
2000 apples per tree 400.000.000 litre per tree. good trees have more
hope we have enough water to go around
Any farmer will tell you they farm capital gain.
Truth hurts – everyone’s just waiting to sell out.
No farmer will tell you they just farm for capital gain, tho undoubtedly, some do.
I once worked for one of NZs most successful farming operations (vegetables with some fruit) and I can assure you, that they farmed for cash surplus per ha. They innovated, they researched, and they slayed their opposition with wise investing in their farm.
Those who do farm for capital gain will inevitably end up renting out their land to those who farm for profit.
That is what we need:
that no farmer farms for capital gain, and all farm for greater $$ per hectare.
If we had that in this country, we would take a step away from the path to slavery.
Its a typical ploy of nationals, widly eggagerate to gain headlines.
But are you sure 400 mill liters PER tree. remember each 1m3 is 1000L. That would make 400,000 m3 per tree ?
Irrigation draw would only occur for some days of the week and then some months the year
Joyce vs Labour, pretty sure National are lying to you.
Can’t follow your maths though sorry, where do those numbers come from.
Looked it up. NZ apple yields are between 50 and 100 tonnes per ha. lest say 75 t.
Tree density varies by the distance between rows and between trees. But lest say 1400 trees per ha.
That gives say 55kg per tree of apples. Each apple is between 70 and 100g, so lets say 85g per apple, that gives 650 apples per tree. ( 2m x 3.5m)
These are only approx figures to see what the number claimed were like, which was 2000 apples per tree.
That seems to be far to high as 1200 apples per tree would be the very high end .
Im thinking the water requirement too is far too high as well as as thats 56 mill m3 PER Ha.
Maybe this will be an incentive to shift to regenag and other sustainable farming. Top down irrigation really isn’t the most efficient way to grow food.
These numbers make no sense to me.
56 million cubic meters is 56 billion litres of water. One hectare is 10,000 m2. So, this would mean 5.6 million litres of water per m2. To get this amount of water by natural rainfall it would require an annual rainfall of 5.6 million millimetres of rain!? That’s wetter than Atlantis!
If anyone has a link to a video of the interview with James Shaw that was live streamed at Orcon, I’d like to see it.
That was some interview, before thunder cracked and the heavens opened in Auckland.
Shaw continues to support Turei and their campaign against poverty. He said journos were partly just doing their job. However, he also said there were a number of middle class white guys who hammered Turei in the media, and who would have little understanding of the pressures for single mothers.
He also said he was surprised by the amount of venom directed at the kind of people Turei represented – an under current in NZ that he was shocked by.
The whole 2 hour vid, streamed live from orcon, is here – Shaw is the last 15 minutes – from 1 hour 45 minutes:
that was seriously good.
Was the launch event compelling?