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- Date published:
4:46 pm, June 28th, 2011 - 4 comments
Categories: internet, interweb -
Tags: internetnz, russell brown
For those of you who have clicked into the various ads for NetHui that we’ve been running as freebies, and registered. Just a reminder* that it starts tomorrow in Auckland and runs until Friday. Russell Brown wrote about it earlier today – so read that if you want more information.
As he points out there are far more of us techies there than the creative arts people.
I don’t think NetHui has entirely met its promise of inclusiveness – the creative community is all but absent, and it’s fair to say that most delegates will agree on most things – but there will be much to see and hear at Sky City in Auckland from tomorrow till Friday.
But it has sold out, so you creative bods can’t get over there to even up the balance. I’ll also bet that it is highly representative of younger (than me) white male middle class geeks. There are some associated events that you may be able to get into…
I’ll be heading along for some sessions and to add my aged gravitas to shore up the age imbalance. However not for the whole of it. As usual I have rather too much work to do to dedicate days of time to a talk-talk fest. But I can probably code and listen at the same time.
Of course their otherwise great website appears to lack the one crucial bit of information of interest. Whats the the bloody WiFi like?
* I’d forgotten myself until my extended memory bleeped and told me that I should be aware that it was on.
We know how important wifi is for a conference. There have been some challenges, but if everything works out like it’s supposed to, the wifi will be great. Fingers crossed….
The wifi username & password will be widely publicised at the event so keep a look out for it.
Vikram Kumar
CE, InternetNZ
Thank you – see you tomorrow morning.
I’ll need it to access work…. At present it all feels a bit like trying to do my civic duty and finally get to do jury service (without my employers thrusting letters to the judge upon me)
These vanity posts masquerading as public info are just so enthralling.
I’d go, but I have too much essential crocheting to do.
You are the acknowledged master of vanity writing. You never detract from displaying your ego by crass facts. So I bow to your superior knowledge of the vanity comment and resolve to remove the information content in future writings.
It will be hard. Unlike yourself, I am so addicted to dispensing information as I write. Although I hesitate to point it out, but you appear to have started to try to argue with facts in recent comments. Are you trying a new technique apart from the usual supercilious sneering?