Written By:
Bill - Date published:
5:21 pm, July 8th, 2018 - 10 comments
Categories: capitalism, climate change, global warming, science, sustainability -
Tags: AGW, heatwaves, temperatures
Emergency Cooling Centres in Toronto. Misting Stations in Ottawa. At least 17 heat related deaths in Quebec.
Highest ever recorded temperatures in… Glasgow, Belfast and Shannon. Also in Armenia, Southern Russia and Georgia.
Siberia over 20 degrees C hotter than recent norms, that are themselves above longer term norms.
And in the Middle East, Quriyat in Oman never got below 42.6 degrees at night – that’s a new global high never recorded before (a high low).
And we don’t have El Nino conditions boosting temperatures.
Take a step back, and Pakistan, Shanghai, Spain, Southern California and Iran all experienced highest ever temperatures at some point in the past 15 months. And, of course, there are other places to add to that list.
Know what? Someone should give Roy Castle* a bell, what with all these records we’re breaking. Or then again, seeing as how we’re achieving all this shit with such ease, maybe not. No time for back slapping or celebrating then. Gotta burn our way to work tomorrow and burn our way around town, before coming home and burning some more, because hell, we didn’t even manage to pump New Zealand so much as mere 0.5 degrees above the 1981- 2010 average for May (Though maybe we did better in June. We’ll just have to wait and see I guess).
* A much too obscure UK reference? Here’s a link.
Watch out Bill or someone may accuse you of undermining business confidence. The worst crime of all.
Certainly feels like a warmer than normal winter in my neck of the woods, even local gardens and wild life are fooled into believing it’s spring. I am not sure whether to apply the now popular ostrich syndrome that seems to develop with these types of articles/conversations or should I lament the destruction of my children’s future? I could apply xy and z measures in my own back yard and sphere of influence but then I think about the billions of others spewing their climate warming carelessness into the atmosphere and I wonder what’s the point.
have some sympathy but then consider that its better to try for not to guarantees failure.
Noticed daffodils blooming in Hagley Park yesterday!
Weeks/months too early?
Christ, we’re really frying the planet!
Hope this isn’t too much info…
Unlike most, I have an outside loo. Given my age and all, that means getting exposed to night time temperatures. It’s winter. If my bladder has me jump out of bed at three in the morning or whenever, I expect to have to throw something on.
But no. Generally speaking, it’s me, my lily white arse and the stars.
I’ve lived here for something like 14 years. And I can tell you straight, that wasn’t the norm for any night time sojourns in wintertime when I moved here.
Bill, I suggest a plastic painters pot. With a little practice, and ingenuity you can stay snug in bed and empty it after breakfast. Stay comfy. Cheers.
Why not give Sir David Frost a hail (ha ha!) too? – see here.
Roy Castle is more apt though, somehow, seeing he virtually died from pollution (lung cancer caused by passive smoking in nightclubs and other performance venues).
The Human caused global warming is poking OUR eyes out and it doesn’t matter that some idiot is suppressing these facts from reaching Headline NEWS on Papatuanuku MSM these small minded people can only think a few minutes ahead of there reality muppets . Aotearoa will help lead the world down the correct path for a bright humane future for ALL we have started the journey.
Back to the plastic waste all waste Eco Maori says that Manufactures should be legislated to make there packing recycling friendly like labeling of products may be printed on plastic containers so the come off easy . make it that the lids and the containers are the same type of plactic so they can be recycled together everything we use will have to have the recycling efficiency of these prouducts as the main part of the design of the product and if they don’t well we hit them in the hip pocket to pay for the extra cost to recycle there——- just a thought from Eco Maori .
Ka kite ano
Climate Change is now with us.
Just as the scientists involved in the study of the climate predicted; around the globe human made infrastructure is being destroyed.*
But this is barely the start, the same scientists proved right in the past have predicted that as the carbon burden of the atmosphere increases the results will be much worse. Much, much worse.** Industrial agriculture as it is currently practiced, responsible for feeding billions of people, may become threatened. Ultimately human civilisation which depends on agriculture may be in peril. But there will be no return to a hunter gather lifestyle, even under the best, pre-civilisation unmodified natural conditions the carrying capacity, of the planet for human hunter gatherers was only measured in the millions. Maybe ten million at most. In a ravaged post civilisation world, it will be less. The dream of return to a pre-agrarian idyll is just not possible.
The current human population is 7 billion.
Humanity has progressed down a pathway from which there there can be no return, but which is leading headlong toward an existential crisis.
Unlike previously termed “existential Crisis” like the rise of fascism for instance, the existential crisis of climate change could ultimately result in the extinction of humanity. And unlike that previous crisis, the world seems bereft of the sort of political leadership that was prepared to reorganise and mobilise the whole of society needed to prevail. In some cases we even have political leadership determined to make the crisis worse. (Little surprise then, that these new leaders share many of the traits of that old enemy of humanity. While even those leaders with good intentions dither and prevaricate and bargain, But you can’t bargain with physics, even less than Chamberlain could bargain with Hitler.)
* http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-japan-flooding-mudslides-20180709-story.html
** http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/07/climate-change-earth-too-hot-for-humans.html
Comments welcome Sir John Key, and Jacinda…..