Written By:
James Henderson -
Date published: 11:53 am, October 4th, 2012 -
Categories: education, Hekia parata
If it weren’t for the fact that the Prime Minister is a) covering up for a corrupt, lying minister because he heads a support party and is, therefore, above accountability on Planet Key and b) being exposed as an inept and asleep at the wheel in his oversight of the nation’s spies, then Hekia Parata would be clinging on to her political career by her fingernails right now. Still, plenty of time for that.
Written By:
Mike Smith -
Date published: 9:34 pm, August 23rd, 2012 -
Categories: Economy, exports
On The Nation last weekend Joyce insisted he was busy talking to business about export growth; he obviously wasn’t listening, as exporters’ number one problem is our over-valued and highly speculated exchange rate. He called Labour’s fresh approach to this problem “voodoo economics.” Switzerland, Singapore and Denmark? This week David Cunliffe will be on the Nation showing that the Labour economic team are alive to new ideas needed.
Written By:
Eddie -
Date published: 7:10 am, March 27th, 2012 -
Categories: crime, john key, police
Tags: bradley ambrose, tea tapes
When a government figure says someone broke a law when there has been no conviction they are effectively imposing an extra-judicial punishment by defaming them. Key and the Police cannot be allowed to serve up extra-judicial punishments to whomever they choose by branding them a criminal and then not taking them to court to prove it.
Written By:
Zetetic -
Date published: 10:37 am, September 26th, 2011 -
Categories: brand key, election 2011, john key
John Hartevelt – “Key is massively over-exposed on any number of fronts, but nowhere more so than at Pike River.” Key routinely promises big: close the wage gap, roaring out of recession, national cycleway, no equity loss for redzoners, Pike River bodies out, no GST hike, whaling solved, brighter future. He NEVER delivers. How does […]
Written By:
Eddie -
Date published: 6:32 am, August 25th, 2011 -
Categories: same old national, spin
Tags: insert region here
John Hartevelt ran a piece yesterday about National’s paint by numbers press releases. The problem here is not with National MPs and candidates using the same words to describe their policies or government spin. It’s when they claim, in identical words, to have had information from the public when that isn’t true, it’s just a cookie-cutter line and a lie.
Written By:
IrishBill -
Date published: 9:40 pm, August 8th, 2011 -
Categories: accountability, Politics
Tags: trevor mallard
It’s bad to have a senior frontbencher attack the media.
It’s really really bad when that frontbencher is in charge of your election campaign.
Written By:
Anthony R0bins -
Date published: 6:03 am, July 7th, 2011 -
Categories: economy, election 2011, labour, national, tax
Tags: capital gains tax, tortoise and the hare
Labour have started setting out a bold, fair and plausible policy framework for the election. Rumours of their tax policy have generated more interest and excitement than anything the National government has done in the last three wasted years.
Written By:
IrishBill -
Date published: 4:54 pm, April 26th, 2011 -
Categories: rodney hide, uncategorized
Tags: hilary calvert, john boscawen
Rodney Hide’s only chance of staying as the leader of ACT is to keep Hilary Calvert and John “Lamington” Boscawen on side.
Like other commentors, I’m calling time on Hide.
Written By:
Eddie -
Date published: 10:48 am, April 17th, 2011 -
Categories: disaster, Gerry Brownlee, Media
Tags: CERA, john hartevelt
Young John Hartevelt has obviously decided it’s a good idea to cozy up to our new dictator. How else to explain the fawning piece in today’s Sunday Star-Times? Hartevelt heaps plaudits on Gerry Brownlee for deigning to have a one day select committee and swipes at Labour’s Lianne Dalziel for daring to demand better for her constituents.
Written By:
Marty G -
Date published: 10:57 am, March 20th, 2011 -
Categories: class war, disaster, national
Tags: christchurch rebuilding, elitism, john hartevelt, rugby world cup
The SST’s John Hartevelt is shocked by National’s decision to pay out millions for Christchurch rugby business while ordinary people live in shattered homes and lose their jobs with meager support. He asks whether the Nats have lost their moral-political bearings. In fact, this is a perfect example of National’s elitist philosophy.
Written By:
Eddie -
Date published: 10:02 am, March 7th, 2010 -
Categories: education, transport
A contact at the Ministry of Transport tells me that 15 year old drivers have been involved in only a handful of fatal crashes, 1 to 1.5% of the total, in recent years and they’re not all the 15 year old’s fault. But no, National’s solution is to prevent all 15 year olds from driving. Dumb. It’s a carpet-bombing approach to policy
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