“They’re about to pour concrete on my son’s grave” – Campbell on #StandWithPike

Written By: - Date published: 7:42 pm, December 2nd, 2016 - 39 comments
Categories: disaster, health and safety - Tags: , ,

The father of the youngest victim of Pike River was barred from visiting his son’s grave, on his son’s birthday – just one day before the Pike River anniversary. Today he tried again. From Checkpoint tonight:


39 comments on ““They’re about to pour concrete on my son’s grave” – Campbell on #StandWithPike ”

  1. lprent 1

    As far as I can see there is NO public evidence that there should any significiant danger in enterihg the mine at least as far as the drift to extract the bodies and to collect evidence.

    John Key simply lied about attempting to get the bodies out.

    For all.of the lying arseholes who said on this blog that he just said he would try. Listen to the unambiguous recording of that promise from checkpoint. You are just wrong.

    So is Key.

    This government is the body responsible for sealing up the mine. I am starring to wonder what they are trying to hide.

    • mosa 1.2

      “I am starting to wonder what they are trying to hide ?”

      Hiding from the law, responsibility and honesty.

      The families and the country.

      The Australians would never have tolerated this crap if it had happened in one of their mines but then again safety and human life is paramount over there.

    • Fustercluck 1.3

      Crime. Scene.

  2. gsays 2

    A good piece of journalism.
    Sensitive and accurate.
    As lprent says above, 10 months after the explosion, key says the bodies will be retrieved.

    • wellfedweta 2.1

      No, he didn’t. I have huge sympathy for the families, but telling porkies about what people said or didn’t say isn’t helping.

      • gsays 2.1.1

        hi weta, did you listen to the broadcast?

        for your benefit..
        i heard john key say they would retrieve the bodies.
        the quote was then referred to as being 10months after the explosions.

        only one of us is into porkies and it isn’t me.

        • wellfedweta

          It’s interesting that you provide no transcript or reference. John Key NEVER said they WOULD retrieve the bodies.

          Here is what he is quoted as saying:

          “Recovery of the miners’ bodies would remain “an absolute priority” as an important part of giving closure to their families.”

          Even the video posted on TS contradict your claims.

          Your comments are ugly, insulting and dishonest.

  3. Its the evidence they are afraid of. Its the fact that Pike management got off scot free and Worksafe had to do with that. Its the fact of an upcoming election year and that evidence would open a whole can of worms for this govt.

    This is how this govt operates. And as it was the whole time of the Dirty Politics saga , … as it is now. Plausible deniability.

    And Key. Always Key ,… either forgetting conveniently , or denying in the face of evidence to the contrary , or hiding behind others or his govt dept’s and letting them take the fall. And the heat. And hes doing it again right now to the family’s of Pike River and hes doing it in a broader sense to all of us.

    They cannot even use the excuse of costings as it has been stated by the same mining experts who have written reports saying that the drift is stable and can be entered that it can be done with minimal cost.

    And that leaves only the one motive to not do so : political expediency.

    • Rae 3.1

      100% and NZers are giving them a get out of jail card for it. This incident is truly the one thing that I will never forget and consequently never, ever support National.

  4. Muttonbird 4

    Interesting that Key is considering meeting with the families.

    “Eckshully, most New Cylinders don’t wanna enter the mine…Methane 98%…Sold Engy’s decision…I don’t have those numbers…Mumble…Andrew Little EPMU at the time…Tax cuts…See Ya”

  5. Cinny 5

    So awful for all involved, so terrible.

    Labour get your butts down there, all you Labour MP’s get over to the coast and #StandWithPike

    No matter what political party one supports, most agree that what the government is doing to these families is devastating, needless and exceptionally cruel.

  6. jcuknz 6

    I suppose Paul that amazingly the Labour MPs are showing some sense in not getting involved and carried away by the emotional twaddle like the media who are always on the lookout for a “good’ sob story to sell their product.. I simply switch off when media foolishly give time to this group. While John Campbell does a good job in bringing bad stories to our attention he has made an error with this one.

    [Demeaning the grief of the Pike River families as “emotional twaddle” is a very, very good way of getting an enforced holiday from commenting here. Show some bloody respect. – Stephanie]

    • mauī 6.1

      I find it good others don’t “switch off” when discussing New Zealand’s largest workplace homicide in many decades.

      • jcuknz 6.1.1

        I recognise wonderful ‘click-bait’ for the emotional gullible when I see it.

        So as a result of further info John Key changes his stance … the mark of a sensible person despite what all the conspiracy theorists think.

        • Rae

          As the old saying goes “None so blind”

        • mary_a

          @ jcuknz (6.1.1) … and where is the conspiracy in this tragedy?

          In my view, there is no conspiracy, just cold hard facts!

          Show some respect for the grieving families as well as the 29 miners who perished, due to what seems like workplace negligence. Hence the possible reason Key & Co support the mine being sealed up for good. Covering up evidence of a crime!

    • @ jcuknz

      You absolute prick.

      If that was your son , your brother , your father who died in that mine… do you really think you would be spouting this same sort of condescending politically tribal smug arrogance.

      Like hell you would you complete areshole.

      No, … you would rather read Audreys Youngs opinions piece in today’s NZ Herald , wouldn’t you… along with its smug arse licking of Key and his spineless, callous stooges.

      Its people like you and Keys supporters that have unfortunately gained the upper hand in defecating all over our democracy by applauding a privatized newsmedia that doesn’t give a flying fuck about truth , honesty and political impartiality – no – just so long as shareholders get their share of dirty money to hell with peoples lives – hence the almost total news blackout on Pike River.

      Funny that … all those shareholders in Pike River mining company who got their grubby little hands burnt by the selfsame wankers who were never brought to justice because of a corrupt PM along with his corrupt govt departments.

      But thats sore comfort to the family’s of those 29 men who lost their lives due to incompetence and negligence in both the governmental and private sector.

      All they want is the remains of their loved ones back and justice.

      Justice that wankers like you would deny them.

      • Rae 6.2.1

        Why can’t we have upvotes on the Standard?????

      • jcuknz 6.2.2

        Nothing like a bit of abuse when arguments are lacking.
        I wonder what these folk will say when a further explosion kills a search party.
        Pike River remains a monument to foolish human activity and some seem determined to continue the process. Once it is sealed up it will remain a lasting memorial to those who lost their lives and a reminder of how things can be done wrong.
        There is nothing political in any of my comments here. Just these past days somebody has changed their mind over an inquiry into state care abuse of children ….. but I suppose that is a good thing whereas if JK does it it is completely wrong.

        • mary_a

          @ jcuknz (6.2.2) … you are totally unbelievable.

          While I support people’s right to their opinions, as well as their right to express them openly, the comments made by this poster so far today have not only become offensive to the bereaved, but also totally lacking in respect for the whole tragic issue.

          Why are such disrespectful and disdainful comments allowed to pass moderation?

        • WILD KATIPO

          @ j – what ever – he -acronyms – himself.

          Hey buddy , just came back.

          See.. the problem with trolls like yourself is you kick off the ball rolling with deliberately inflammatory statements and then act all hoity toity when someone calls you for what you are.

          And typically in defense of your unsubstantiated, unresearched and absolutely politically partisan manner , – when you cop that inevitable abuse that you so richly deserve ( and knowing beforehand that you would , btw ) you twist the argument ( not that there is – it is a crime scene, full stop .) conveniently around to try and make out their – ‘ argument’ – is lacking.

          Its really hard to decide if its the sheer viciousness that galls me and other posters here most , – or the abysmally callous crap you spouted ( is this truly the mind / thought processes of the rabid right wing ?? – or just a lone wolf troll ?? ) – or if its more the fact that for the last two weeks this subject has been undertaken thoroughly on numerous blogs with far more informed people than non starters like yourself.

          Where have you been while all that was being discussed?


          Do you really understand – ANY – of the issues beside your immediate knee jerk reaction to defend the indefensible even if it means making yourself to come across as a complete ignorant jerk?

          Sadly I don’t think you do. If you really want to fast track your insight try reading the full Royal Commission of Inquiry into Pike River for starters. Then move on to archived documents showing how Worksafe did a deal with Whittals insurance – which let him off scot free.

          That’ll keep you busy for for awhile – then come back and read these articles both of which are found on The Standard – ‘ Andrew Little : Promises to Pike family’s must be kept ‘ – and don’t just skim read through parts that dont agree with your defence of your beloved neo liberal leader either – read the bloody thing for once in your life.

          Then have a read of ‘Mining engineer ; Solid Energys decision irrational – and instead of being such a pathetic lazy arse John Key sycophant , start reading up on other mining expert reports on the matter of the possibility of entering the drift as well. Of which there are many .

          Im not going to bloody hold your hand for you – get off your backside and do some research yourself for a change.

          Smarmy, shitty little comments like you made are almost as cheap , fickle and meaningless as the bullshit promises that emanated from the mouth of the same character who lied to the Pike River family’s about ‘ bringing our boys out ‘ and then made the decision to seal that mine off permanently with the sole motive to obliterate any evidence and prevent further inquests that would inevitably establish true culpability within the public and private sector.

          And the worst thing? – I think you knew damn well whats at stake and still came on here to be a complete arsehole anyway.

      • mary_a 6.2.3

        Well put WK (6.2) 100% agree.

    • Cinny 6.3

      For you it’s a ‘sob story’ for those whom have lost their sons, brothers, fathers etc it is so much more than that.

      ” I simply switch off when media foolishly give time to this group.” burying ones head in the sand is not a solution.. js

    • Rae 6.4

      Bet you wouldn’t be so quick to pour petrol over a crime scene in your house and throw a match on it.

    • wellfedweta 6.5

      JCUKNZ – I don’t think it’s unreasonable for the media to be talking to the victim’s families and the wider community. Emotions are raw, but that is entirely understandable. People died. The families have not been able to bury their dead, and are now learning they will never be able to. Feel free to switch off if you wish. I, for one, will continue to pay these families the respect I believe they deserve.

  7. greywarshark 7

    Little piles of quick-mix concrete might appear around the country in memory of Pike River, perhaps on people’s driveways, front doorways etc. wherever seems fitting. Just a plastic beach bucket full with gladwrap over it upended would be a fitting monument to this callous swipe at working people. They deserve the $16 million spent unnecessarily on commemorating WW1, a monument to the long-gone dead, and ignoring the later disasters, WW2, the next local war, then the ditto, then…Pike River explosion.

    (Not forgetting the disaster of the introduction of the hated newliberal economy and its insidious demolishment of the country’s healthy resources, infrastructure and legal structure).

  8. mosa 8


    You are as cold as ice.

    You would be great at a public execution if we still had them, as a tour guide.

  9. mosa 11

    Thanks WK. You know when he is lying when he says ” I want to be honest with you ”

    He has played with these families by giving them bullshit not the truth.

    That makes him an evil individual and would sell out his fellow countrymen for political means.

    This could have been messy for him had this latest protest turned nasty but the families have saved him the inconvenience and bad publicity.

    At least Helen Clark would have acted like a PM with this whole disaster.

    • Well, casting all politics aside for a minute , I just dont like lying bastards no matter what party they belong to.

      And I’m sure most people feel the same way. More so with the scale of this issue. This isn’t some trivial cross party debate about bloody dog registration – this is about the fundamental issues of ethics, morality and the value of human life.

      Something these neo liberal apes seem to lack.

  10. gsays 12

    U may speak better keynese than me…
    “First if all i am here to give you an absolute reassurance we are committed to getting the boys out.”
    Applause from families.
    “And nothing is gong to change that”.

    Apology accepted.

  11. Ian 13

    As I understand it there would only be access to the drift to where the mine is blocked. This is not the workings where the men’s remains would be located. There are still heat sources detected that should an oxygen source be exposed to could pose a risk. That oxygen source would be the unsealing of the entry. This does seem risky for accessing an area that may well have no remains? Is it not worse for the families to continually having this drama rather than letting go. If it was safe for entry then mostly likely some effort would have been made. if there are experts who say this process is risk free then let them say publicly themselves that they will take this risk.