US Democrats plan to start civil war today *

Written By: - Date published: 11:32 am, July 4th, 2018 - 42 comments
Categories: Donald Trump, International, internet, social media lolz, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, twitter, us politics, you couldn't make this shit up - Tags: ,

From the you have to be joking file, Alex Jones thinks the US Democrats are planning to start a civil war today. Twitter has surpassed itself in its dissection of the issue.

But elements of the democrat army were confused …

And a new hashtag was created #SecondCivilWarLetters

Possibly the best one …

42 comments on “US Democrats plan to start civil war today * ”

  1. esoteric pineapples 1

    What is disturbing from a New Zealand perspective is how many people I know who either believe Alex Jones and/or think Hillary Clinton is the problem and/or still think Trump is okay and/or think the US is being over run by Latin American rapists and murderers etc.

    The is not just a United States phenomenon. We have exactly the same sort of people here in New Zealand in large numbers

    • roy cartland 1.1

      You got that right. We still have half the country pining for the ex PM who was:

      • super rich
      • sexually harrassing
      • disdainful of evidence and ‘elites’
      • disdainful of anyone poor
      • didn’t care for facts
      • loved the environment when it suited him, i.e. his golf course

      We really had no right as a country to criticise Trump.

      • Wayne 1.1.1

        I know a lot of people on this site used to suffer Key derangement Syndrome, but saying that John Key is just the same as Trump will convince about 1.0% of the population (about the same as supported the Internet Party).

        • McFlock

          Not precisely “just the same”, but glass houses and stones nonetheless.

        • One Two

          Dishonesty is not only highly contagious…it is mandatory within certain sectors of public and private industry…

          You’re in ‘distinguished’ company, wayne…

        • Robert Guyton

          Who coined that phrase, Wayne, and why do you think so many people despised Key so intensely ??

          • Puckish Rogue

            Because hes wealthy and popular are two very good reasons why Robert

            • Robert Guyton

              Dishonest and manipulative, Pucky? That too? “People” recognise that in a politician, donchaknow.

              • Puckish Rogue

                Well sure but also there was a lot of people on this site that couldn’t believe a wealthy, National leader could be so popular

                • One Two


                  More, that being ‘popular’ was unfathomable swaths of people couldn’t notice the danger that was in front of their eyes…in many cases because they were also living in denial…

                  So as to be clear… Jk was/is as dishonest and unthrustworthy human being, that ever walked this earth…

                  44.4 is a made up number…

                  • Puckish Rogue

                    One of the very negative things about some (not all of course) of the posters on this site is their mistaken belief that if someone is wealthy they must be a bad person that took their wealth from others and because they’re rich it means some other more deserving people are poor

                    • Gosman

                      The other thing people here (and elsewhere) did was to jump on any perceived error Key made and tried to expand it in to a massive deliberate lie on his part.

                      Hence John Key lied about raising GST when all he did was answer a journalists question at a press conference prior to getting in to power about whether he thought they would raise GST. At the time he answered that there was no circumstances where he saw GST would be raised and that National believed in lowering not raising taxes. Once in power they were faced with a bigger foiscal hole than they realised and therefore they decided that to keep their main election promise of an income tax cut they would need to raise revenue from other sources.

                    • Puckish Rogue

                      It demonstrates the danger of an echo chamber: look how bad John Key is, hes really bad, yes hes so bad, look at what that bad john Key is doing, why hes so bad I don’t understand how anyone likes him, everyone I know doesn’t like him so why does he keep getting elected, msm is to blame!

                    • Tricledrowm

                      Gosman Key repeated many times they weren’t going to raise any taxes Gst petrol tax’s.
                      Another 360 Gosman the other day you were saying you have criticised Key just as much as you criticise the left.
                      Make up your mind and not stories!
                      Every time you post your credibility goes down its well into negative country now.
                      Less is more Gosman quality over quantity.

                    • Stuart Munro

                      By no means.

                      Key was and is a bad person – his wealth is merely a failure of the judiciary, whose duty includes making sure people do not profit from wrongdoing.

                • Robert Guyton


                • KJT

                  Especially, when he made his fortune from the moral equivalent of breaking into every house in New Zealand, and stealing several thousand dollars from each one.

        • Tricledrown

          Wayne loose your self or $600,000
          Now we have has been political hacks being smarmy.

        • rhinocrates

          Actually I have different mental illnesses according to my specialists who have real and relevant qualifications, but hey, thanks for showing that tories like you enjoy smearing opponents with mental illness ad hominem. It’s nice to see you patronising sacks of shit showing your bigotry honestly.

          • rhinocrates

            By the way, Wayne Blimp, since you consider yourself to be a qualified psychiatric professional (which I guess you can add to your various degrees in climatology and freshwater ecology), would you like to tell us where in the DSM 5 this “Key Derangement Syndrome” appears?

    • Craig Glen Eden 1.2

      So true.

    • the other pat 1.3

      WTF??!!….wot its not true???……….OMG 8-)…..oh look a pretty snake…..come here for cuddles snakey……oh shit it bit me……….oh look a pretty snake………..

  2. Tricledrown 2

    Info Wars Steve Bannon Putins Manafort all deeply involved.
    This site spread the pizzagate/Clinton foundation /lybian embassy lies and Propaganda
    Now Midterms are approaching with just about everyone of Trumps henchman locked or flipping.
    The only chance he has is to spread misinformation and hope enough sticks.
    Desperate Donald :

  3. Wensleydale 3

    Alex Jones really needs to be institutionalised in the interests of public safety.

  4. joe90 4

    I’m like these letters.

    Dearest Ann,The war has soured. After Sgt. Baio went AWOL & ate all the Hotpockets at the Battle of Mt. Dew, we've been w/o rations for a full Scarramucci. The ProudBoys Battalion has resorted to cutting the last Brony pillows for bandages. Send nudes.#secondcivilwarletters— Infrastructure Week 2.0 (@BirdSniffle) July 3, 2018

  5. Jenny 5

    The go-to news source for all Assad apologists

  6. Gabby 6

    You know, I wouldn’t put it past them to call off the civil war just to make Alex look like a funking looney.

  7. ropata 7

    Classic thread by @lyndonhood

    It’s already #4thofJuly2018 here in #NewZealand and the #antifa uprising has started. A bunch of them came to my house to take my guns. When I didn’t have any they got mad. They took away my wife and made me gay marry an immigrant gang instead. Don’t ignore the warnings.

    In the street #antifa mobs are pouring biodiesel on piles of flags and using them to like giant scented-oil burners but with drums full of estrogen. I never knew people had so many flags. I guess they were keeping them in hiding. #4thofJuly2018

    Instead of the flag we now pledge allegiance the Mann hockey stick climate change graph. We all have to kneel in front of it and sing the anthem five times a day. The anthem now is “Girls & Boys” by Blur but with the words rewritten so it’s communism. #antifa #4thofJuly2018

    The pre-#antifa Prime Minister’s newborn baby has been made the new dictator for life because of equal rights. She has appointed her angriest and most bribable family members and friends to official positions. People are flocking to the US embassy for protection from this regime.

    At noon there was a military flyover. The news says a hercules jet carrying the embalmed corpse of Lenin has begun a victory lap of the world behind the front of the glorious #antifa #4thofJuly2018 revolution. All the newsreaders sound very happy the left has won forever now.

    The #4thofJuly2018 #antifa government have opened all the #borders. Unfortunately in #NewZealand that just means letting in the #sea. It could have been a #disaster but they used their signal beforehand so only #straight #white #people and #conservatives drowned.

    I met my old-law wife while we were both cleaning #up bodies from the inundation, which we call #RedWave2018. She has #joined a lesbian coven of university professors who the state pays to do “reproductive health” to each other.

    Oh and if you hear something like #fireworks don’t be alarmed, it’s just Alex Jones detonating the #microchip in your dog. I don’t know how he wrestled the #codes for that off the deep state and I #assume he was trying to stop the revolution but it mostly just #blew up the dogs.

  8. humma 8

    However if there was a civil war, my money would be on the Republicans. They have the majority of guns and mongrel and territory.

    • mpledger 8.1

      The white population may win just by weight of demographics but they are old and soft compared to the Black/Hispanic population. Many countries will be happy to supply guns and equipment to both sides in order to screw up America so who has the guns now doesn’t matter.

  9. solkta 9


  10. NZJester 10

    He has admitted under oath in court cases that what he says on his show is all an act.
    Right as he was saying there is a civil war about to be launched he also had not too long before started to sell survival food MRE packs and other long-term bunker stocking food and drink items on his website. Most of his nutty stories seem to be all centered around helping him sell his overpriced crap and snake oil to the people who watch him from his online store.
    The guy is not a certified nutjob, he is, in fact, a huge conman with a big ego who will say anything to sell people crap, no matter if it puts others in danger.

  11. Cemetery Jones 11

    There was a brief outbreak of it in Portland at the weekend, but despite having the numerical advantage, we can probably put Antifa’s stinging defeat down to their poor organization of reserves costing them victory after their poorly timed flanking operation encountered a blocking detachment from Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys, who dispersed them with fairly minimal force.

    The Battle of Portland may or may not be the shape of things to come, but it’s made for some great memes and youtube vids. Only the Americans could provide my jaded self with the kektastic spectacle of a conservative tranny groundpounding a low-T anarchist who had gone out to ‘bash the fash’ only to end up a living meme. Second Civil War is gonna be lit if this is how it’s going to play out.

    What I’d like is if they just cut it down to a proxy deathmatch. Donald Trump Jr. vs. Peter Fonda to the death ought to settle it.

  12. Jenny 12

    The most disturbing thing about all this; Alex Jones and his show have been endorsed by the current President of the United States of America. As a recent guest on Infowars shortly before becoming President. Donald Trump said this:

    I just want to finish by saying. Your reputation’s amazing. I will not let you down. You will be very, very impressed, I hope. And I think we will be speaking a lot.

    @2:21 minutes

    And they have been speaking a lot.

    As President, Donald Trump has tweeted content from Infowars.

    That the leader of the most powerful country on Earth thinks that a screaming fascist Assadist is a worthy source of information should be disturbing to anyone who opposes fascism.

  13. rhinocrates 13

    Jones is CV’s fave news source. Quite a few here took him seriously in 2016. What’s happened since then? Do any of you feel just a wee bit silly now?

    • joe90 13.1

      Dude’s twitter is a grab bag of awfulness.

      • rhinocrates 13.1.1

        I have no desire to confirm that. I already know that wading neck deep through sewage is not a good idea. For some reason though, quite a few tinfoil hatters still squeal “but, but, but, her emails – and pizza!” Only slightly less insane by a minuscule margin was Bill (not the sharpest spork in the drawer by that evidence) endorsing a fascist, Marine Le Pen. Just what happened to the left? Or humanity? I really wish I was a different species.

    • Jenny 13.2

      Bad enough that Colonial Viper was taking his lead from a fascist US website, (this I didn’t know. I had no idea where CV was getting his fascist views).

      Seven years ago in 2011 Colonial Viper right from the very earliest appearance of the Arab Spring in Syria, taking his cue from Alex Jones. at Infowars used the pages of this website to openly cheer on the mass detention and slaughter of peaceful demonstrators by the Assad regime.

      At the time, I said to CV, and other commenters and authors influenced by him, that by openly supporting the gunning down of protesters in Syria, they risked bringing this “family friendly website into disrepute.”

      Just by luck I had been fortunate to have been in Syria only months before, at a time when the Arab Spring against dictatorship and autocracy was just starting to sweep the Arab World. I well knew from my own personal experience of my time in Syria, the fascist nature of this regime having seen it close up. Over the years I have recounted my experiences in Syria many times in these pages to be derided and called a liar. On my return to New Zealand I remember telling my friends, if the Arab Spring spreads to Syria, it is my opinion that because of the extremely repressive nature of the regime the protesters will have a far harder time than in Tunisia or Egypt. Unfortunately I was proved right.

      In my opinion the fascist style Bathist Party, Assad regime, resembles in many respects, the Communist Party, Kim regime in North Korea. Both regimes are repressive dynastic autocracies. And both regimes have the trappings of anti-imperialist nationalism.
      In the case of Syria, these trappings were more apparent than real, a historical fact that I have pointed out many times. Syria worked with the CIA to help torture CiA captives, Syria fought on the side of the US against Iraq in the First Gulf War. As Part of the notorious, “coalition of the willing” 19,000 Syrian soldiers were sent to fight in this US led conflict. Tony Blair beleagured in his own country by the massive antiwar movement was so grateful for Assad’s service to the US led war effort, that he petitioned to give Bashar Assad a British Knighthood. This knighthood was turned down because though being allies the British and the Americans well knew Assad’s brutal human rights record, and indeed made use of this fact to outsource their torture to the regime. For stating these uncomfortable facts and pointing out the genocidal nature of the Assad regime, instead of rationally trying to defend and fairly debating their pro Assad position, Both Bill and CV resorted to censorship, and bans and threats. In my opinion further damaging the reputation of this website.