Written By:
IrishBill - Date published:
12:39 pm, November 3rd, 2009 - 23 comments
Categories: Media, national/act government, spin -
Tags: dim post, nz herald, paula bennett
The Herald’s creepy lovefest with the National Party continues today with Simon Collins’ profile of Paula Bennett, who is apparently “one of us”*
Unlike Danyl over at the Dim Post who seems to have finally realised that *gasp* the Herald might be a little pro-National, I’ve not really been troubled by this “first year of the Nats” orgy thus far because, well, it’s the Herald.
I had expected better from Collins however, and to be fair there’s a mild sting in the tail of his piece where he gives Bennett only six out of ten (which is probably better than she’s ever done in any test), but like I said. It’s the Herald. If they weren’t fellating National I’d be more shocked.
What’s more interesting is that this puff-piece got me thinking about where the hell Paula is these days. Just this week the talk was about changes to benefits but the talk was coming from Bill English and “a spokeswoman” for Paula Bennett. She did front for a prerecorded morning report interview today but that’s two days later and in a very safe format.
And the report from Newztalk ZB makes it clear she wasn’t keen to be interviewed:
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett is declining to be interviewed about the government’s plans, but in a written statement she confirms a range of measures are under consideration, including intensive case management for people receiving the sickness and invalids benefits.
And a quick look at google news search shows she hasn’t substantially fronted in over a month. From what I can tell most of her comments have come from media releases and written statements.
Maybe there’s no reason to trot Paula out or maybe the Nats have decided to take her out of circulation for a while.
* For some reason the “one of us” line reminded me of this creepy scene from the cult 1930s horror film Freaks:
And while we’re on the subject, where’s the Privacy Commissioner’s report on Paua’s apparently illegal release of the private information on beneficiaries? (As asks Anne). It was announced on August 11th. Must be due soon. Is this related to the low profile?
Hahahahahahahaha – excellent, but I’m sure that’s the New Zealand Fox News Herald’s Christmas Party video . . . isn’t it?
Paulas laying low, the NACTs have been instructed to do so as anybody who doesnt invariably stuffs up big time. Collective uselessness.
Gooble gobble indeed.
Gabba gabba hey!
How Ironic it was the Herald having a go at TVNZ for the Bill English paid political broadcast style ad, then they print this “shes one of us” paid political style articles..
So what has Paula Bennett done in her first year that’s so great apart from wearing Ugg boots ?
I believe Bennett’s SPS just left for another job after less than a year…wonder what mark he would give his ex boss?
It will be interesting when the Herald get to do their assessments of Nick Smith’s and Anne Tolley’s performance.
Surely they cannot dream up anything complimentary to say about either of those Ministers, both of whose performance has been absolutely abysmal.
I think they’ll gloss over Smith and Tolley and focus on Power and Joyce.
Both Bennett and Tolley are puppets – they get told what to say, and when the nats old guard have got what they have always wanted, Bennett and Tolley will be moved aside. The public will vent their anger at them, not the Nats. Remember Ruth Richardson – I’m not saying she was a puppet but she certainly took the flak, and the fall, for the good old boys (half of whom are still there).
At least she’s refrained from the kneejerk attack on those on welfare we hear from the Nat ministers whenever they run out of things to say. The latest of these were English’s comments about Invalid beneficiaries on Q and A staright after he failed miserably to articulate any sort of vision for NZ (when asked what his objective was he seemed non-plussed)
Whenever I meet her (she is my member), she’s always friendly and seems to show some respect towards those on welfare. Considering the position her party has put her in, she seems to have shown a fair bit decorum.
Maybe….unless you speak out against her and get your personal benefit payments leaked to the media.
I agree she does give straight answers. Maybe that’s why she is being muzzled. Can’t risk her telling the truth.
Perhaps she has joined Anne Tolley, Jonathan Coleman and Melissa Lee who are taking a recommended break from giving live interviews.
“which is probably better than she’s ever done in any test”
How dare anyone succeed that’s not a rich white male. I thought diversity was what the left was all about?
How dare she pull the ladder of state assistance up behind her.
Wheres the diversity Greg, National have lots of Stupid white males and females.
Bennett is an idiot who thinks shes some kind of media star!
I heard that she is hoping for a Jenny Craig add for her crowning glory.
Speaking of creepy media puff pieces . . .
Irish: With the reference to fellating, were you looking at this at the time …
Deadly accurate….
excellent 😉
Where is Paula?
Up the terrace getting schooled on the right wing line for the new benny bashing policies that national has contracted out to some right wing think tank.
Yes but is she able to be schooled? Methinks she is a teachers worst nightmare, the intellectual featherweight trying to be clever.
is this all you have a bunch of wankers attacking a women
graham are you at work? You are wasting time that could be spent more productively elsewhere. You could be learning how to discuss politics from an informed position, or even more interesting rude comments. Let’s have some new stuff from you.