Who we’re voting for

Written By: - Date published: 7:02 pm, November 25th, 2011 - 238 comments
Categories: election 2011 - Tags:

Over at norightturn idiot savant has posted his voting intentions. And let’s face it, in a representative democracy how you vote is where the rubber hits the road.

With that in mind Standard authors who feel comfortable with the concept are declaring the who and why of their democratic activities this Saturday. Commenters are free to join in.


Electorate: Not much choice where I am so this time around I’m casting my (protest) vote for a leftie independent.

Party: I’ve voted Green (and Alliance before them) since the 1990s but this time I was wavering between them, Labour, and Mana. Russel Norman’s disgraceful selling out of his activists has put me off them for good. That said I’m still a swing-voter. If I vote Labour it’ll be because I don’t want to see them collapse as, realistically, they’re the core of the next left opposition and they’ll need numbers to come back in 2014 like they should. If I vote Mana it’ll be because nearly everything they say I agree with (even if I don’t think they’ll get the chance to enact it).

Referendum: MMP and FPP as an alternative. I like MMP and if it has to go head to head with an alternative it should be FPP rather than the variety of FPP-via-the-backdoor systems the authoritarian right are trying to push.

Mike Smith

Electorate: Grant Robertson – good electorate MP, got a strategic brain, good communicator. It’s time for a new generation leading Labour in my view.

Party: Rusted-on Labour, but happier about the policy set than at any election since 1999. It will be useful when the chickens come home to roost after the election, whichever way it goes.

Referendum: I’ve been an MMP supporter since 1978. FPP as the alternative as it is the next preferred option in the polls and the least preferred option of the right-to-rule mob.

Anthony Robins (r0b)

Electorate: David Clark, Labour. David is going to be a fantastic MP for Dunedin North (a worthy successor to Pete Hodgson).  It’s not often you find a Reverend with a Doctorate and Treasury experience (including policy work on Labour’s ETS). And he’s a (former) Otago representative cyclist to boot.  If you don’t know David yet you should check him out, he’s one to watch.

Party: Labour.  In the past I’ve voted Alliance, Green and Labour.  This time it’s Labour for sure.  I want no part of a Nat government, and only Labour will stand solidly in opposition to them.

Referendum: MMP.  It’s made politics much more fair, much more inclusive and much more interesting.  None of the other systems comes close.  Key claims that Supplementary Member has “proportional elements”, but it isn’t a proportional system, it’s FPP in drag. (Alternative FPP same reason as IrishBill.)


Electorate: It’s a reasonably tight electorate race here. FPP rules still apply in electorates, you either vote for the Left candidate that has some show of winning or effectively waste your vote and help the Tories. So, Labour.

Party: It was RAM last time. Mana would be the logical one. But I’ve got to see how the last polls play out. Particularly how Winnie’s doing. If it looks like National will win and if NZF’s got a chance of breaking 5%, I might have to swallow the things I don’t like and back him as the guy with the power to stop asset sales.

Referendum: Retain MMP. STV as the alternative because it is second best and it would lose easily in a head to head.


Electorate: my Labour MP isn’t my favourite politician but I’ll be voting for them, and helping to get out the vote regardless.

Party: I’m really impressed by Labour’s policy platform. And the Green’s. Mana’s values are good but they’ve got to get some more practical policies. It’s a bit of a toss-up, actually. And then there’s the argument about helping New Zealand First over the line. My instinct is Labour though because they’ve got their heads screwed on right and have had the guts to roll out big policies across the board (I’m not impressed by the Green’s refusal to back raising the retirement age, even though they really agree with it).

Referendum: Option 1 – MMP. Option 2 – FPP. It’s the old ‘worse the better’ tactic. FPP is the worst of the alternatives to MMP on offer and I reckon it would lose big time in a face off. In fact, I reckon any of the alternatives would lose in a one to one.

James Henderson

Electorate: I’ve just moved into Epsom. It’s quite exciting to have the opportunity to vote tactically to get ACT out. I just hope everyone else on the Left can hold their nose and tick Goldsmith too. Your reward will be the look on his face when the results come in.

Party: I reckon we’ve got to build the economic infrastructure now for a wealthy and sustainable future. There are big paradigm shifts coming – climate change, peak oil, the unraveling of globalisation and decreased international trade, that the major parties are having trouble waking up to. So, it’s Greens for me.

Referendum: MMP is simply the best voting system around. I would like the review afterwards to lower the threshold and remove coattailing, and (dreaming here) introduce PV in the electorate vote. Can’t say I’ve thought too much about which alternative to tick. The logic behind ticking FPP seems pretty solid.


Electorate: I’m an Epsom voter so the National candidate gets my vote again this time.

Party: I’ve always voted Green in the past but this time Mana will get my vote. The possibility of Annette Sykes, John Minto & Sue Bradford in parliament is a good enough reason for me. Mana’s policy is just the icing on the cake. I will be helping Labour get the vote out on election day.

Referendum: Option 1 – MMP. Option 2 – STV. For the same reasons as Zetetic.


Electorate: A bit irrelevant in my electorate as there’s a strong majority. Labour.

Party: New Zealand First. Most of my life it’s been Labour although before the resurgence of NZF, I was planning to vote Mana. But Mana will get in without my vote. Labour will get in without my vote. Now that NZF is looking to soak up close to 5% of the vote, I think it’s more important that we don’t end up with 4.9% wasted anti-government vote, so voting for NZF is a necessary evil to get them over the line. If NZF gets in, the left-right distribution of Parliament will change and if it’s still a Key led Government, having Winston there will cause Key no end of pain. I don’t like NZF’s policies, I don’t much like the man (although there’s a grudging admiration for his political skill, his freakish tenacity and his aptitude for vengence) – but if NZF takes 4.9 and doesn’t get back in the left will be in a much worse place. So as a Labour/Mana supporter it feels a bit weird but I see it as the best way of changing the Government, or at least hobbling another Key Government.

Referendum: Option 1 – MMP. Option 2 – STV.


Electorate: My neighbor around the corner, Jacinda Arden.

Party: Like Mike says “Rusted on Labour”. The only other party I voted for was Values in 78. Labour has consistently screwed up less than National over the decades. It has a longevity that a multitude of short lived other parties could do to start thinking about (but avoid having a similar constitution). But it is a party that grows good not-stupid politicians. The greens are the only other party that does think about the long term and at the rate they are going they may even be interesting in a decade after they get some time in office (and survive).

Referendum: Option 1 is MMP and Option 2 is STV

Queen of Thorns

Electorate: Tactical Labour. Mmmm, delicious tactical voting.

Party: Greens. I don’t think they’re perfect, and Russel Norman shall forever be damned in my sight for that whole Clint Rickards thing, but either they keep a Labour-led government honest (and hopefully my vote above means Labour can’t chicken out of real left-wing government by allying with a post-election-recalcitrant Dunne) or they take the sharp edges off a National-led government and provide a big loud progressive voice for the next three years.

Referendum: Keep MMP all the way. Still torn on which out of STV and FPP would be the weaker opponent for MMP to mercilessly crush beneath its beautifully proportional boot.

Ben Clark

Well this is easy and obvious: Two Ticks Ben Clark and Labour!  At least I get to vote for myself unlike my main opponent…

Referendum: MMP / STV for the same reasons as Zet.

RedLogix Captured from comment

Electorate: Labour . Same as last time; there’s a decent chance of Chauvel rolling Dunne.

Party: NZ1. Bearing in mind that I’m a paid up member of the Greens and I’ve also donated a decent sum to Labour this year, this is purely tactical on my part.

Like mickeysavage I find Winston a peculiar politician, but the probablity is that in order to stand any chance of upsetting this election the left needs NZ1 over the 5% threshold. A certain amount of nose-holding is involved here, but if it’s good enough for the PM to tacitly endorse tactical voting in Epsom ….

Electorate : Safe Labour seat. Voting Alliance (just ‘coz I got a soft spot for them)

Party : If the Nats get back, then I’m picking the public conscience will need to be out on the streets at some point in the next three years. Winston Peters is the only person I see who is good at articulating economic matters in ways that resonate with cross sections of ordinary people. So in the belief that he can generate an initial dialogue in tandem with the fact he will do what Labour should have been doing these past years in burying Key…

238 comments on “Who we’re voting for ”

  1. Hilary 1

    This disclosure is all quite positive for collaboration on the left. Before the next election I hope there is some more cohesion around the left so less energy is spent fighting each other and there is more focus on the right.

    The other heartening thing about this post is the open disclosure aspect. I think one of the next big issues is a need for more open government as more and more information seems to be suppressed as a government guidelines tighten, and against the best interests of the public. There is a little recent clip on Red Alert of Grant Robertson and Clare Curran talking about what open government could mean, for example, much less need for OIAs and more government information automatically available.

    (And by the way, I don’t think much extra effort is required for NZ First to return. Yesterday’s Horizon poll gave them 13 MPs.)

  2. millsy 2

    Party vote: NZ First — we need Winston back 🙂
    Electrorate vote: Labour (though Andrew Little may regret standing in NP, when he could have snaffled a safe seat.

    • Mango 2.1

      Party :Greens, the only party with any idea of what the future will bring & what is needed to adapt to it. Electorate: Little all the way. Young never deserved to win NP at all and wouldn’t have without the blue “N” logo beside his name.

  3. Hmm interesting the concept of voting for NZ First. Peters is such an odd politician. He is tribal National, a racist, heads a party that does not believe in climate change but the left need him in Parliament. MMP produces some strange results.

    The danger for Labour is that the lower the vote goes the more right wing it becomes. It could lose some very good up and coming politicians like Sepuloni, Davis, and Nash on a bad day and the rejuvenation that Mahuta-Coyle, Sutton, Wood and Mika will provide will be postponed.

    Tomorrow will be very interesting.

    As for my two cents worth no surprises, Labour two ticks.

    • Vicky32 3.1

      “He is tribal National, a racist, heads a party that does not believe in climate change”

      All true! By me, he’s completely untrustworthy…

      “but the left need him in Parliament.”

      Oh I really hope not! For me, Electorate is safe Labour (David Shearer) but I would vote for him even if it wasn’t, he’s a great guy!) Party vote will also be Labour, I can’t trust the Greens any more, as they’re more Blue-Green from what I can see…

  4. Sookie 4

    Okay I’ll have a go
    Party vote Greens. I was a Labour voter and I still wish them all the best but the environment, particularly conservation, public transport, reining in the arrogant, out of control dairy sector and developing green tec/design as a strong industry are paramount to me.
    Electorate vote David Clark, Labour. Seems like a good bloke.
    Keep MMP, well duh.
    Second option, STV. Seems to be the most fair of a bullshit bunch.

  5. Peter 5

    3 adults in our house, so thats 3 ticks for labour – we are in Mangere

    My friends in Epsom tell me that they are voting for the “invisible man” as they despise Banks.

  6. RedLogix 6


    Electorate: Labour . Same as last time; there’s a decent chance of Chauvel rolling Dunne.

    Party: NZ1. Bearing in mind that I’m a paid up member of the Greens and I’ve also donated a decent sum to Labour this year, this is purely tactical on my part.

    Like mickeysavage I find Winston a peculiar politician, but the probablity is that in order to stand any chance of upsetting this election the left needs NZ1 over the 5% threshold. A certain amount of nose-holding is involved here, but if it’s good enough for the PM to tacitly endorse tactical voting in Epsom ….

    [lprent: In the chaos that is The Standard I guess we missed you – adding to post. ]

    • there’s also the fact that a sizeable proportion of rightwing vote will get flushed down the toilet this election.

      ACT, UF, Conservative – between them they could account for 3-5% wasted vote

  7. Michael Cain 7

    2 ticks National.
    SM for voting system.

    • QoT 7.1

      Oh, SM. Never were an acronym so appropriate; it’s the small amount of proportionality righties are prepared to clamp to their own nipples while imposing the antidemocratic horsewhipping of FPP on the rest of us …

  8. Freek Power 8

    I read this blog daily but I think this is the first time I have commented.

    Electorate: My electorate is a sure fire Labour seat so will probably protest vote for Greens.

    Party: Very tricky, I have voted Labour my whole life but am considering between voting Mana (on principle) or NZF (tactically)I am not sure if I will be making my final decision until i’m in the polling booth

  9. ScottGN 9

    2 ticks for Labour for me which ain’t gonna surprise anybody who knows me.
    I have considered Party voting Greens this week though on the assumption that a high turnout for them and National failing to get a majority could derail the assets sale program.
    Interestingly my sister and brother-in-law (rusted-on National voters) are also switching to Greens this election. They live in Christchurch and are APPALLED with Key’s plan to subsidize irrigation for dairy farmers with the proceeds from asset sales which will only worsen Canterbury waterways.
    MMP (of course) and probably FPP for same reasons as above.

  10. jaymam 10

    Well as a long-time National supporter in Epsom of course I’ll vote for Goldsmith.
    He’s the only candidate who I’ve seen canvassing, apart from the Mana guy who wants me to vote Goldsmith instead of him.
    There would be an excellent view of Mt Hobson from the Newmarket Viaduct:

    • The Voice of Reason 10.1

      Another Hipster for Goldsmith? I like them, so cute! And what I like about Goldsmith is his apathy. That really resonates with the post Grunge generation. Whadda we want? Meh …

    • peter 10.2

      I had the misfortune earlier today to see Banks and his yellow clad crew waving placards etc in Epsom. Ruined my morning.

    • peter 10.3

      I had the misfortune earlier today to see Banks and his yellow clad crew waving placards etc in Epsom. Ruined my morning.

  11. mikesh 11

    I’ll be voting for Charles Chauvel and Labour. In the past few elections I’ve voted Green but I’m not happy with them this time round as they don’t seem to have much to offer, though I still like their transport policy. I toyed with the idea of voting NZ 1st and I hope they make it back, not because that would help Labour, but because they deserve to get back. They are not racist, as Mr Savage seems to think, and they do believe in global warming. However they don’t believe in ETS (and neither do I).

  12. Afewknowthetruth 12

    I was so sick of the deceit of Harry Duynhoven and the hypocrisy of the Greens I did not vote at the last election, on the basis that there was no one to vote for.

    There were also the aspects that ‘voting just encourages them’ and ‘if voting changed anything the powers that be would ban it’.

    This time round I feel obliged to vote for MMP, as it is more likely to slow down the fascist agenda of National.

    As I wrote on the other thread, which is disappearing down the page:

    ‘1. All the major issues of the times -peak oil, unravelling of fiat currencies and environmental collapse- which WILL determine the future, have been kept right off the agenda and have not been mentioned once in any so-called ‘debate’.

    2. The corportae media have played their role by manipulating the public’s perception of events, not reporting crucial matters at all, focusing on trivia and not questioning the drivel that has been presented …….in other words manufacturing consent.

    3. Labour candidates have done their bit to ensure NZ society gets ‘driven off the cliff’ by not mentioning any of the crucial issues either.

    4. Therefore, the bulk of the populace remains just as uniformed and deluded as they were three months ago.’

    Unfortunately, the meltdown of the global financial system which is underway will impact too late in NZ to wake NZers out of their collective stupour.

    Much damage -financial, social and environmental- will ensue as a result of tomorrow’s outcome.

    • Reality Bytes 12.1

      Interestingly Greens support research into alternative economics AFKTT. RBE perhaps?
      I’m not too familiar with the controversy you mention, I’ll look into it though. But it’ll still be two ticks Greens for me, they’re not perfect, but I appreciate they proudly stick up for the environment, and that is a critical enough reason for me. Without a healthy environment all the fiat monopoly money and ponzi schemes in the world will not save us.

    • weka 12.2

      AFKTT, do you think that we would be as badly off under a left govt as we will be if National get in again?

  13. marsman 13

    Electorate vote Grant Robertson definitely.
    Party vote….wee bit undecided, in the past it was the Greens but if they go with National I’ll hate it and Winston Peters for all his faults would be a plus to have back in Parliament, so either Green or NZ1.
    MMP definitely and STV because that’s the nearest to MMP.

  14. The Gormless Fool formerly known as Oleolebiscuitbarrell 14

    So Redlogix and Sprout will be voting as Kyle Chapman and Right Wing Resistance urge by supporting Winston.

    Asians are revolting. And it is well known that they can’t drive.

    • RedLogix 14.1

      As I said, if it’s good enough for John Key to tactically endorse Banks in Epsom… what possible objection can you have to me gaming the system as well?

      • The Gormless Fool formerly known as Oleolebiscuitbarrell 14.1.1

        Relogix trying to be like John Key. Who would have thought it?

        • RedLogix

          So given you think I’m like John Key (and by extension John Banks), I have to assume that you won’t be voting for either of them ?

        • Galeandra

          Well, won’t there be a few surprises come Sunday morning! Suppose you’ll party vote Labour to stiffen up Conservative support for 2014.

    • the sprout 14.2

      actually. my wife. is. from singapore.
      suck it up, gormless. hope you like the taste of winston’s shit 😆

  15. Campbell Larsen 15

    Greens for my party vote, Labour in my electorate – Tamaki is a bit of a Tory stronghold so I’m not sure how much difference that one is going to make, but the Nats chucked in a newbie so maybe Nick can give him a run for his money.
    Voted Keep MMP of course. Went with I/S tactical approach on second part, because most people remember and dislike FPP and MMP will trump it in a rematch.

  16. rosy 16

    I’ve already voted – Two ticks Labour in Wellington Central. Earlier on in the year I was really undecided, but since they’ve bought out a good set of policies and the Greens are teasing about an engagement with National it’s Labour all the way. I reckon Phil has done an outstanding job – it’s interesting the change in sentiment toward him now the media are letting a little light shine his way. I’m hoping if things don’t work out for the left tomorrow he remains leader.

    Part 2 – MMP, of course, but I was undecided on an alternative so left it blank. Should’ve ticked FFP for that on the basis that I expect it to lose badly in a vote-off with MMP.

    (Btw I think Key is faking his ‘oh no the Greens won’t go with us’ routine – he expects he can win them over so is trying to shore up their vote on the left).

  17. Glenn 17

    Electorate vote Andrew Little.
    Party vote NZ first….

  18. Herodotus 18

    Party labour and electorate could vote for a monkey and it wouldn’t count, problem living in an electorate that one party dominates with 60% of the vote, perhaps next time enrole on the Maori list, at least some of us have that alternative.

  19. Frida 19

    Labour/Labour x2 in our house. And both sets of parents too.

    MMP and not even bothering with the alternative. Don’t want an alternative.

  20. lefty 20

    I can’t understand the enthusiasm for NZ First. They have nothing to offer – never have done. After a lifetime in Parliament all Winston can point to is a gold card. He was treasurer in the terrible Bolger years and did nothing to stop attacks on beneficiaries, the introduction of the Employment Contracts Act or of the other social devastation at the time.

    There is no hope of change if people try to second guess how others are going to vote instead of voting from the heart.

    The left is better off spending the next three years in opposition waging an all out battle with the torys than putting their hope in Winstons silly antics.

    Likewise a voting for the Greens on the basis they might be able to moderate National is sad.

    Either vote for them because you trust them not to sell out to National, or don’t vote for them at all.

    Tactical voting has its place but makes no sense if all you are voting for is a watered down version of the things you oppose – which is pretty much what a vote for the Greens or Winston will be.

    Their are only two real choices for the left.

    Electorate vote Labour (except in the Maori seats) and party vote Mana so we can get a few activists in Parliament to make life uncomfortable for National.

    • Tiger Mountain 20.1

      Agree Lefty. I’m party vote Mana and Labour electorate, ironically the LP candidate is Winston’s sister Lynette Stewart.

      The torys could put up a racist, woman bashing, bent ex copper and he would win in Northland- oh thats right they have! Mike Sabin. What a prick, but we will have some fun with him when the skeletons come out and the regional statistics nosedive further.

      MMP. No tick for an alternative.

      • dave brown 20.1.1

        David Cunliffe and Party vote Mana, but outside parliament voting with my feet for #occupyeverywhere.
        On the basis that both Labour and Mana need to be in a government (or voting independently) to show that they too cannot stop the pile of shit from landing on our head. As we see in Spain, Greece and Portugal, social democracy is bankrupt, and that includes left democratic socialists trying to rescue parliament from the right and former Goldman Sachs bankers who are enforcing austerity attacks with goons in the streets. The resistance is now building outside parliament and spreading to occupations and strikes and community self-organisation. So after the circus tmrw, lets gear up for the real fight in the streets and workplaces.

    • anne 20.2

      When winston was with the nats in govt,you have to follow party line,or be damned,he left the national party caucus because the nats wanted to change the retirement income from 66%
      to 60% of the average wage,this is one of the things that was not widely published in our
      newspapers at the time,the only headline nz’ers got was that ‘winston is eratic and has walked out
      on the national party’ national continually beat on this drum,typical nats though they dont tell the
      facts of what happened.
      Winston has alot of good qualites in so far as protecting his prefered part of the economy and that
      is the elderly,so if you mess with the elderly,you mess with winston.
      He has been burnt by past politics and nz does need a political checker.

    • Bill 20.3

      I have no ‘enthusiasm’ for Peters…but,

      the ‘Greens’ have become a kind of glossy ‘Ad-Busters’ mag of parliamentary politics. Their numbers seem to be made up more and more these days of the hand wringing ‘I’ll do good but without too much of a conscience’ middle class liberal types. (ie they will grab at so-called ‘pragmatism’ over their professed beliefs.)

      I’m attracted to a lot of what Hone says. But the Mana Party attempting to claim the mantle of a movement is either cynical or stupid (possibly both) and is bound to cause incredible strife if politics become expressed beyond the confines of parliament. (Meanwhile, the ‘comrades’ of ‘Socialist Aotearoa’ and of kindred organisations outside that alliance who ‘underpin’ Mana, will dutifully follow their organisation’s party line and vote Mana anyway.)

      Meanwhile, contrary to the likely case for Mana, the media do pay attention to Peters. His stand on economics is ‘left’ and resonates with large sections of the population. And if (punting) over the next few years economic debate moves beyond the current ‘comfort zone’ as European and US scenarios duplicate in these parts, then any initial exposure given to Peters essentially offers a ‘springboard’ for wider, more fundamental debate.

      Plus, Peters antipathy towards National/Key (should they get elected) is gold for the media. So putting everything else aside, Peters getting media exposure hammering Key on a regular basis (as Labour should have done these past three years) is a plus for the next time around.

      • Colonial Viper 20.3.1

        Peters has been absolutely consistent on no asset sales for years and years. And to me keeping those power generation assets NZ owned is one of THE deciding issues of this election.

  21. Enough is Enough 21

    This looks like 2002 when National supporters realised they were not going to win and put their vote where it may count. Dunne surged and National crashed as a result.

    5 true lefties above are considering voting NZ First. If this is replicated across the elctorate the Labour/Green vote could collapse like National’s did in 2002.

    For me, it is Green. They are the party that is always ahead of the rest. Labour has campaigned on core Green policies from elections past and will campaign in 2014 on Greens policies from this election.

    Labour electorate, Green Party vote

  22. ak 22

    Two ticks Lab, they’ve found their roots again.

    Winnie’s already in and his sole motivation is utu, so tough times ahead for Smiley whatever the result.

    Salivating for the final bullet to the hideous, traitorous, ACT and Dunnge scum.

  23. Blue 23

    I’m surprised at how many people are planning to party vote NZ First. It’s an incredibly risky strategy – if they fall short of the mark, then your votes are wasted and Labour is significantly weakened.

    I would personally leave voting NZ First to the disaffected Tories.

    Two ticks for Labour for me, and a tick for MMP with no alternative system selected.

    • RedLogix 23.1

      I agree there is the risk NZ1 will not get 5%. But in that case it’s game over for the left anyhow. So what’s to lose?

      If anything else this really does highlight that the 5% threshold is too high; and while I generally support MMP (or even STV) as proportional systems, this is one aspect I would very much like re-visited.

      • Colonial Viper 23.1.1

        I reckon a 3% threshold with no electoral lifeboating.

        • Pete George

          I agree on the threshold, unless it goes down to 2%

          No electoral “lifeboating” sounds good inj theory but it would make a farce of many electorate contests.

          For example in Dunedin North if lifeboating wasn’t allowed Woodhouse and Turei would have ignored the electorate and gone safe on list only. This would draw more interest to the party contest and sideline electorates even more.

          • Colonial Viper

            For example in Dunedin North if lifeboating wasn’t allowed Woodhouse and Turei would have ignored the electorate and gone safe on list only. This would draw more interest to the party contest and sideline electorates even more.


            Labour, Greens and National pride themselves on standing a candidate in, and campaigning for, every single seat.

            • mik e

              Pathetic Git Your understanding of politics makes me wonder how stupid you really are but your support for wasting peoples votes for unbalanced follicles proves it .Now days bigger parties know very well their are party votes every where so they run strong campaigns in the electorates to maximize their party vote

            • Pete George

              That’s not right, Greens openly seek party votes and don’t seek electorate votes. That was the approach of the Green candidates here, and elsewhere. Ask Gareth Hughes (not that he would connive an electorate deal or anything.)

        • Herodotus

          Reduce the threashold to say your 3%, then the impact of the lifeboat scenario is greatly reduced. As any party that would achieve what you are concerned about would be 1-2 additional seats.

      • Blue 23.1.2

        I would personally like as many Labour MPs in Parliament as possible.

        If NZ First does fall short of the mark, I would prefer those votes to be wasted Tory votes, not wasted Labour votes.

      • Galeandra 23.1.3

        So what’s to lose? A hell of a lot. Think of the blood on the floor of a shattered Labour caucus afterwards. I’d rather get rid of deadwood later on, after bringing in some bright new young ‘uns. I’m in agreement with Blue, if I can get over not voting Green for the first time this century.

    • the sprout 23.2

      many people are planning to party vote NZ First. It’s an incredibly risky strategy

      not half as risky as relying solely on Labour and Greens to win enough votes to stop asset sales if NZF only gets 4.9

      Labour won’t collapse, they’ve rightly earned back a respectable level of support. but i’m voting NZF as a Labour/Mana supporter because IMO it reduces the risk

      • Blue 23.2.1

        I’m not arguing that we don’t need NZ First back, because we do.

        It’s about who they take votes off.

        The latest Roy Morgan has Labour at 23.5%. We need them closer to 30% AND NZ First back to have a chance in hell of stopping asset sales.

        Roy Morgan has NZ First on 6.5% at the moment, so hopefully they do make it over the line.

  24. Roy 24

    Labour for electorate, for the first time in my life. I’ve been out of NZ for ~15 years and before I left was a habitual National voter, but John Key seems to me to be a repulsive person, and have seen enough overseas to know that continuing with the piddle-down theory is folly. Also I just seem to be getting more and more leftist as I age, which is ass-backwards I know.

    I was toying between Labour and Greens for party vote, but after reading the comments here I am intrigued by the idea of a mischief vote for NZ1, for the distress it would cause Key. I will have to consider that carefully.

    Definitely MMP, and probably STV as alternative.

    • ak 24.1

      getting more and more leftist as I age, which is ass-backwards I know.

      Nah Roy, that’s a filthy myth put out by the greedies. Lost count of the number of tories I’ve seen rediscover their hearts as the grave draws closer.

      • RedLogix 24.1.1

        Agreed. Once in my very foolish and callow youth I voted for ACT…

        I’m on record here as saying that the older I get the lefter I become. Ageing is an interesting process; it seems that different people take very different lessons from the experiences they have.

      • Roy 24.1.2

        For several years in the US my next-door neighbour was a retired economist, one of the smartest guys I ever met, and he was moving more and more to the political left as he aged too.

        • Lanthanide

          Well the US is a special case, because their right wing truly are insane and complete hypocrites.

          • Colonial Viper

            Indeed, with US politics continually shifting to the Right, you could stay exactly where you are today and in 10 years time you would be considered a communist.

            Ronald Reagan would be deplored as a bleeding heart left wing liberal today.

          • happynz

            Lanthanide writes…

            Well the US is a special case, because their right wing truly are insane and complete hypocrites.

            Tell me about it. After living through the Reagan ‘revolution’ and faced with Bush 1, I bailed out on the States 23 years ago. I washed up on these shores ten years ago (after bouncing around East and Southeast Asia) and I’ve been enjoying New Zealand and now I have to put up with Key? There ain’t know justice, I tells ya.

  25. Roy 25

    For those not marking an alternative to MMP, is there not a risk that your ballot paper will just be discarded as incomplete? That’s my concern.

    • Campbell Larsen 25.1

      No. You do not have complete both parts of the referendum. You may complete either part and that choice will still be counted.

    • Frida 25.2

      No, the voting paper makes clear you don’t have to pick an alternative. That being so, I can’t understand why any pro-MMP voter would bother with an alternative (unless it was to tick FPP strategically to keep all the other “pretenders” out)

    • No risk at all.

      Even if you invalidate one part, the other answer still counts.

  26. Despite jousting here it’s always been obvious how I’ll vote.

    Electorate for myself.
    David Clark is a nice guy and seems very capable, but he might need some help from the electorate so he doesn’t get too buried in his party.
    Michael Woodhouse also seems to be a worth MP for Dunedin, he will close the gap but probably not enough.
    Metiria Turei has made no attempt to contest the electorate but will get Green votes anyway.

    Party vote for UnitedFuture.
    Looks like it’s not a multi party move year like 2002, all the alternative interest seems to be clamouring for Winston (short memories?) plus a massive budget looks like pulling a reasonable but insufficient number of votes to Conservative.

    National may be pulled back to high forties, Maori to make up the numbers plus one UF?

    Reading this thread, will Labour have a late collapse due to a swing to Winston? I think they made a major mistake putting so much weight on assets which are just a small aspect of the economy. Tailor made campaign for NZF.

    • Colonial Viper 26.1

      I think they made a major mistake putting so much weight on assets which are just a small aspect of the economy. Tailor made campaign for NZF.

      You’re still thinking of the economy in limited and purely financial terms PG. Those electricity assets are core infrastructure powering the ENTIRE economy and they need to be NZ owned.

    • The Voice of Reason 26.2

      Good onya, Pete. The Great Mystery solved! I’m far too charitable to point out the number of comments where you said you would never reveal your vote, it’s personal, it’s between me and the ballot box etc. And you were nice enough to name check me on the telly, so I’ll lay off now.

      I do have one question for you. If it was National approaching you to stand in Dunners North, not UF, would you have said yes?

      • Pete George 26.2.1

        I very much doubt it. UF gave me the freedom to promote what was important to me (and Dunedin) and that has been very successful – more to come on this – and a large party would have stifled that sort of innovation.

        • The Voice of Reason

          Sweet as, Pete. I would guess that UF’s remarkable political flexibility does allow for its candidates to show some initiative locally and if you can build on that for a run at the council or something similar in the future, then it will have been worthwhile. I have a lot of respect for your tireless campaigning, even if I reject what you are standing for, and if you genuinely can improve local democracy in some way, that would be great.

          And now, off out into the howling wind to start taking down hoardings. My garage is going to be chocka by tonight!

          Two ticks Labour, as if youse didn’t already know.

  27. If we go back to FPP because change wins this election and the next Parliament greatly annoys people because on Winston, or austerity, or whatever, then I’m blaming you guys.

  28. Charles 28

    I’m voting for the party that will take action on the number one issue that will affect my generation.

    I want a safe and thriving future for NZ and I will vote for the party that is going to take the most action on climate change.

    But how do I know who it is?

    Find out more at http://www.electwho.org.nz!

    All the best,


  29. johnm 29

    Hi everyone
    I live in the Ohariu electorate. I will give my Party vote to the Greens and my electorate vote will go to Chauvel the Labour Candidate. It’s essential ,though rather late now, to eliminate the nonentity known as Peter Dunn. If NZ rejects Labour’s workmanlike proposal to assist poorer NZers : Raise the minimum wage, take off GST from fruit and veges, Keep our assets to maintain an income which benefits ALL nzers rich through poor, Do something about 200,000 children living in deprived circumstances by extending “working for families”- If well orf kiwis succeed in scuttling these important reforms then I will wash my hands of this stupid sucker hole of the neo-liberal agenda! It’ll be another win for Roger and the boys!

    • johnm 29.1

      Act and national’s policy is to discourage breeding by the underclass, their message to 200,000 deprived children is: Low paid or unemployed? Well Mummy and Daddy made a bad economic choice they really couldn’t afford you! We can’t encourage this therefore you’ll only get minimal help: Thank God you don’t live in India you’d be malnourished or even starving: You don’t know how lucky you are! However if Mummy and Daddy can work for 60 hours a week each for minimum wage things will improve!

  30. “the idea of a mischief vote for NZ1, for the distress it would cause Key.”

    Seems to be a common theme here. Not worried about the potential mischief it may cause the country?

    Another election would be fun, I’ve learnt a lot from this one. And budgets would be leveled down a bit.

    • millsy 30.1

      NZ has had 3 snap elections since WW2. 1951, 1984 and 2002. NZ First had nothing to do with them.

      NZ First was part of a coalition government from 1996 to 1998 and a confidence and supply arrangement between 2005 and 2008. NZF left the coalition in part because National tried to change the rules of the coalition agreement, but National still went full term. If NZF get in, I doubt that there would be the chaos that many people bang on about. Anyway, National are on track to be able to govern alone, so any talk of coalitions is rather moot.

  31. Tigger 31

    Already voted.

    Electorate – Charles Chauvel for Labour in Ohariu. It feels very different to last election where Dunne had the momentum…this time he’s very vulnerable, his deal with National has soured him with a lot of blue voters who wanted to support Shanks and Charles has worked very hard for us in the past three years. I’m sensing that Dunne really is done.

    Party – Labour.

    MMP – No alternative. The voting paper said you can tick one or both so paper won’t be discarded. Was all or nothing for MMP back when we fought for it – still all or nothing as far as I’m concerned.

  32. *_* 32


    Explain to me how you can vote for a party which hates asians?

    Do you hate asians too?

    And I thought I was a chump.

    • the sprout 32.1

      my wife. is. from singapore.
      hope you enjoy the taste of winston’s shit, you’ll be eating it for at least the next 3 years 😆

    • newsense 32.2

      Well at the moment the xenophobe beats the Judas.

      In an ideal world the 70% who think selling assets is brain dead would also vote for a party that doesn’t want to sell them.

      And Peters anti-foreigner sentiments are fairly mild compared to the conservative xenophobia of most Asian countries!

  33. redvoter 33

    Electorate vote- I will go for the Labour candidate Sehai Orgad. And I will be voting tactically for NZ First. All I ask this term is that the assets aren’t sold, and I hope Winston will be the guy who stops that happening.

  34. anne 34

    I’m just flabergasted at the polls at the moment,how much can the nats get away with is astounding,the nats have a trail of lies,manipulating the media,attacks on democracy,attacks on our rights,freedom of speach,in parliament and out,and yet they are not affected in the polls.
    Our assets are the most important aspect of this election,polls show the people of nz want to keep them and yet they intend to vote national,totally confusing,it does not make sense.
    English refuses to allow the ombudsman from making the ‘hidden’ agreements,public.Key refuses
    to let the ‘tea tapes’ public by bringing in the police and strong arming the media,why? what have they to hide,none of this affront on our so called democracy resonates with voters,these are serious issues and write the pathway of what is to come if key and the nats win this election.
    Blind faith is alive in this election if the polls are correct.

    • RedLogix 34.1

      I’m just flabergasted at the polls at the moment,how much can the nats get away with is astounding,the nats have a trail of lies,manipulating the media,attacks on democracy,attacks on our rights,freedom of speach,in parliament and out,and yet they are not affected in the polls.

      While I accept lprent’s argument that there is likely a systemic bias in the landline-based polls, there is no doubt John Key has remained hugely more popular than anyone expected. Even some of the media pundits have been sort of surprised, especially given all the scummy things we know about this National govt.

      The other explanation is this; Robert Muldoon was awfully popular for a very long time too. Democracy is about what the people believe in; nothing says they will believe in the best thing, or even what is decent and good for themselves.

      You only have to look at 40 years or more of working class white Americans in the US South repeatedly voting Republican, directly and blatantly against their class interests, to see this in action. Why? Simply because although few will come out and say it, they are essentially NOT voting Democrat because it was the Dems who drove through the civil rights reforms in the 60’s, activating a deep racially based resentment in the people who felt they were the losers in the fallout from those changes.

      In this country it was the S59 Reform. Most working class people in this country firmly believe in their right to beat their children if they see fit. And while almost every party ended up voting for the reform, ultimately they blamed Helen Clark for it.. and they still resent the left for it.

      The S59 issue turned the polling trends against the left in this country and they have never recovered since. Like the racism thing in the US, few will articulate the real reason why they sullenly resent and distrust Labour, but it is the reason why they are going to keep punishing Labour for imposing on them a cultural change they never believed in.

      • William Joyce 34.1.1

        Key, if re-elected, will not have the same easy ride that he has had in the last three.
        He has had probably the longest honeymoon in history – but that is now over.

      • Maggie May 34.1.2

        You do have to remember that the Key government leant hard on our journalists to not allow too much coverage for Phil Goff and Labour and they were pretty sucessful, Keys face on the news and in magazines every other day.

        It was done because they knew a man who had worked very sucessfully as a diplomatic minister for NZ for many years knows how to debate for his side and it has shown up in his debates with Key.

        What does John Key know, nothing but money, making more money at the expense of others nothing else, quite shallow really isn’t he and I think many others have seen that too.

  35. Te Tai Tonga

    electorate vote – Mana
    Party vote – Mana

    I’m looking forward to the machinations and hot-potato politics after the vote

    • mik e 35.1

      Te tai tonga Geeze it would be better to split vote Mana party vote may be wasted vote for a guaranteed support party Greens labour

  36. Olwyn 36

    Labour-Labour for me, & MMP, second choice STV. But I am really interested in how the left/centre/protest vote is shaping up. The election has yet to happen of course, but it seems as if the right wing PR machine has been somewhat successful in their campaign to depict Labour as a lost cause, while the “moderate” face of JK is less of a default than they might have hoped. Furthermore, the whole election campaign on the right has the feel of a massive con, in which many of the MSM are complicit. So people are voting Green as an each way bet, NZ First to set a cat among the pigeons, and Mana because they stand for things that many on the left believe in but have lost hope for. The nations “great love” for JK has in fact sent those who do not share in it scuttling in various directions to head him off at the pass.

  37. Hami Shearlie 37

    Electorate: North Shore – Two ticks labour! Can’t stand Maggie Barry the carpetbagger. I think the polls are wrong – I get a sense the young and first time voters will get out this time, I think Labour may well score big with them. I think “The Winstonian Institute” will get back in. I’ll jump for joy if Act and United Future are gone-burger(there’s a good chance of that) and I’d like to see the Maori Party lose big-time as punishment for sucking up to Key. They are hiding from the press – Campbell Live are in search of Pita Sharples, but so far, he’s hiding. Obviously copying the nats strategy!

  38. katie may 38

    Voted yesterday, woooh! Electorate vote: I live in Epsom so Hipsters for Goldsmith all day everyday. It felt wrong but I just know that the demise of ACT will feel so right.
    Party vote: Labour, as always.
    Scrutineering in Mt Eden tomorrow, can’t wait. Hopefully I don’t get screamed at by any right wing crazies like I did last election.

    • katie may 38.1

      Oh, and MPP for the referendum

    • I’m jealous Katie that I’m not back living in Epsom. To be able to vote Goldsmith and drive a dagger into the heart of Act would be just so delicious – I think I would want to vote twice 😉 ! Get it on video and have a t-shirt made “I voted Goldsmith!”

      • katie may 38.2.1

        Might even have to crash the Nats’ electorate party on Saturday night, just so I congratulate Goldsmith in person!

    • Rodel 38.3

      Bite the lip and I admire your grit.

  39. Armchair Critic 39

    I’m still undecided for my electorate vote, it will be Labour or Green and will make no difference as I am in cow country and it’s solid blue.
    My list vote will go to Labour if I vote Green in the electorate, or to Green if I vote Labour in the electorate, i.e. I will split my vote. I will not finalise my decision until I’m in the booth – does this mean I am undecided?
    NZ1 was something I considered, but nah, I can’t vote for Winston, I don’t support him or his policies.
    I will vote MMP, and STV as an alternative, because when we last had the choice I voted STV and nothing since then has convinced me there is a better voting system.
    There is one other voter in the house, with strong left-leaning tendencies, though I’m not sure of their exact intentions.

  40. wtl 40

    Electorate: National (!!!!). But only because I live in Epsom 🙂

    Party: Labour.

    For my party vote, I’ve only ever voted for the Greens in the past, becausing they have been the party with the best policies – caring about our environment rather than business, building up our public transport network to deal with the inevitable increases in the price of oil, tackling climage change etc. And also because I wanted to make sure the Greens made 5% and were safely in parliament.

    This year I’m voting Labour because they are finally starting to come around and are proposing key policies that I believe are important going forward – CGT, raising the super age, funding the Auckland Rail loop. They have had the guts to put forward proposals that are necessary but are considered often ‘political suicide’ and for that they get my vote.

    Referendum: Retain MMP, STV as preferred choice otherwise.

    • just saying 40.1

      Oddly, in my tiny, real world sample, quite a few green supporters “tactically” voting Labour List.
      Maybe in reaction to the polls?

      • Colonial Viper 40.1.1

        I’ve talked to long time Labour supporters who are going to vote NZ1 just this once. They’re all saying the same thing – an extra 1% to Labour is not going to make any difference stopping asset sales, an extra 1% to Winston, very well might.

  41. anne 41

    I agree with the comments here on getting winston into parliament,which will not help the nats getting back into parliament,so tactical voting is called or,i will be two ticks labor and mmp.

  42. SMSD 42

    Electorate: Carol Beaumont in Maungakiekie, the only candidate with a chance of turfing out the Nats candidate.

    Party: Labour. I have voted Green in the past, but Labour need the support this time. The idea of voting tactically for NZ1 occurred to me, but I just couldn’t face voting for a party that might end up doing a deal with the tories.

    Voting system. MMP. It delivers a Parliament in line with the wishes of the people. Nuff said.

    For the second part, FPP for tactical reasons as stated by I/S.

  43. just saying 43

    I’ve been saying who and what I’m going to vote for and asking others this question in the real world since I read IS’s declaration.

    Surprising answers both in the real world, and on here.

    Party vote – most probably Te Mana, possibly Green.
    Candidate vote – probably green, possibly strategically Labour I like both these candidates.

    MMP FPP (again tactically)

  44. Shona 44

    As a long standing Green Voter ( Values in my youth) I will be voting NZ First. We need Winston to guarantee no asset sales, this has been glaringly obvious all year. I am heartened and encouraged that so many Standard authors are on to this too. Labour in my electorate. My family are voting strategically ( all different electorates) 3 votes NZ First, 1 Labour 1Green 1 Mana. First time for one of them . It’s going to be good and down to the wire. Cheers people.

  45. NickS 45

    Brendon Burns

    Tempted to vote for Mana, but they need more policy, though come 2014 I’ll likely vote for them if Labour looks like they’ll win. And while I like the Greens, their attitude towards GMO’s and willingness to work out something with National is somewhat irritating.

    • Roy 45.1

      Have to agree that the Greens’ attitude to GMOs is neo-Luddite and unscientific in the extreme.

      • Frida 45.1.1

        Agreed. Their unscientific attitude to GMOs is the one reason I could never bring myself to vote for them. Always love their campaigns though and they’re good people.

        • Uroskin

          When you accuse the Greens of “unscientism” re GMOs, why not call them on their anti-nuclear stance too? Scientifically speaking, nuclear energy apparently is the best anti-greenhouse gas energy source.

          Double dip Green here (Auckland Central). I want three Waiheke MPs in parliament (Russel, Kevin and Denise). I don’t care much about the modelling contest between Ardern and Kaye.

        • Vicky32

          “Always love their campaigns though and they’re good people.”

          Some of them! I have been put off though, by the Blue-Greens on Facebook, who seem to be heavily into the middle class bene bashing. 🙁

  46. fabregas4 46

    Its a non counting electorate vote in Northland who despite the massive poverty etc somehow end up voting Blue. Party Vote Labour because Phil Goff bloody deserves it for his work over the last three years pushing shit up hill. Third vote is for Australia where I imagine my family and I will live for the next three years as National dismantle and destroy our education system (and pretty much everything else).

  47. Karl Sinclair 47

    If you really want an insight to the future of NZ under our friends the NATs, look at this:

    Private Companies making money off public services… http://www.psiru.org/node/16067

    UK citizens pay £24billion extra for PPPs, profits go to tax havens | Public Services International.

    “Since Private Finance Initiative (PFI) was first devised in 1992, more than £70bn ($114bn) of capital has been raised to provide new hospitals, schools and prisons, new roads and defence projects. These services are being provided now.

    But payment for them – including their running and maintenance – will cost taxpayers, including children yet unborn, £240bn to 2050. This is equivalent to about one-seventh of current national income.”

    The Financial Times has published its own calculations concluding that the use of public private partnerships (PPPs) in the UK, mainly under the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) has cost over £20 billion in extra interest costs alone, with a further £2.5-4.0 billion in fees to lawyers, accountants etc. This is what critics of PPPs have been saying for many years.

  48. Lanthanide 48

    The authors make a strong case for NZFirst. But I think Pete and Graeme’s comments up above firm my resolve to go Labour/Labour/MMP/FPP. Would’ve been Anderton but he’s out this year 🙁

  49. Aaron Gilmore despite doing a sh*t job with the earthquake, (and the fact that he wont win) he was though the only politician who came to this part of Christchurch East.

    Party Vote- National. It was going to be NZFirst, but voting for someone just to PISS off the media is probably wrong, I still might change my mind on this.

    No to MPP.

    Yes to SM.

    • lprent 49.1

      Hey Brett, have you read Aaron Gilmore for PM?

      It has been amusing the hell out of me for months. So funny. The only problem is that now whenever I see his name I always think of something like.

      If we passively allow injustices of the past to go without remedy then we ensure that those injustices continue. This policy will move the goalpost back meaning that we will have already finished the settlements. Awesome, eh? I’m so smart.

      And I start laughing…..

    • mik e 49.2

      BD Sado Masocist

  50. dv 50

    Labour electorate
    NZ1 party.
    Only to get them over the 5%

  51. Anne 51

    North Shore – 2 ticks Labour.
    Have sympathy with Bill’s comments though. For the past three years it seemed like Labour was suffering from the ‘possum in the headlights’ syndrome. They let Key and the Nats off the hook time and again. So frustrating. However they’ve made up for some of it with a very good campaign.

    Maggie Barry? Supercilious and ignorant. National Party bimbo fodder. Will look good sitting in the debating chamber during question time.

  52. toad 52

    Party: Green
    Electorate: Carmel Sepuloni (only she can defeat the awful Paula Bennett)
    Referendum: MMP/FPP (on the basis that if there is a run-off referendum, I want to see MMP up against the worst possible option to ensure it is retained)

  53. sophie 53

    I’m not clever enough to work out the machinations of tactical vote so it will be two ticks for Labour for me.

  54. King Kong 54

    Voting for Rahui Katene in my electorate of Te Tai Tonga. Switched to the Maori role this year as the fight to keep Labours Okeroa out of the seat is going to be tighter than the battle between Robertson and the chubster, Foster-Bell.Party vote National.

    • mac1 54.1

      King Kong, you’ll get a shock when you read your voting paper. The Labour candidate for TTT is actually Reno Tirikatene. You’re a good advert for vote National!

      As for me, two votes Labour. Always have. Even got to vote for myself twice. 🙂

    • You’re not allowed to switch to the Maori Roll except when they redraw the boundaries, which isn’t until 2013, and was last done in 2006.

      • lprent 54.2.1

        No census? When are they doing the one that got skipped this year?

        • Lanthanide

          2013. For some reason they decided 2012 would be too soon and kicked it out for 2 years instead.

          I guess they wanted to have it done in March even if it meant 24 months delay, instead of delaying by 18 months.

  55. Jordan Carter 55

    I’m Robertson/Labour in Wellington Central, and MMP in the referendum.

    If you want a Labour led government give your party vote to Labour — do not try and be tactical about it. It doesn’t help Labour to give a tick to NZ First.

    • rosy 55.1

      Agreed. NZ1’s votes can come from the jilted tories. It’s one thing to vote Act out in a seat where the left has no chance, it’s quite another to risk 4.9% of the left vote to get another party that really is, at heart, an anathema to left-wing social values in.

    • SMSD 55.2

      I hear what you are saying Jordan, but it seems to me that many of the commenters are not trying to help Labour per se, they are trying to limit the damage done in the 2011-2014 term, by trying to constrain National by forcing them to work with an uncongenial coalition partner (NZF).

    • Blighty 55.3

      think about the vote-multiplying effect. If you vote NZF and help it get over the line, rather than wasting 4%, you are getting a lot more anti-National seats into Parliament

  56. Tom Gould 56

    Isn’t transparency a great idea in a democacy!!! Will it catch on?

    Why can’t we have some from the MSM folks who have carefully shaped and manipulated voting intentions for the last 3 years?

    Happy to start the ball rolling with my own guesses of who will be voting National based on their recent reportage and commentary. Paul Holmes? National voter? What about John Armstrong?

  57. Willie Maley 57

    Four voters in our house. All four for Labour electorate. Was going to be all for Green in the party vote, but the thought of The Greens going all Nick Clegg on us has changed that.
    I will party vote either Labour or Mana, still tossing up.
    MMP all the way, and if a second choice is not necessary then it will stay blank.

  58. Bored 58

    Time to be very tactical: I am Labour for the seat (unless in Epsom where I would vote National with a huge smile….) BUT Winnie gets the other vote just to piss off National and prevent 5% anti key votes going west.

    MMP and no second option: stuff FPP retro facists

  59. chris73 59

    I’m in the Wigram electorate so it doesn’t really matter who I vote for but:

    Party vote National because after some consideration for the Conservatives and (grudingly) Act I’d like to think that an overwhelming show of support for National means they should have the mandate needed to firstly make the govt and then bring in the changes sorely needed

    Referendum remove MMP and vote for Supplementary Member

    On a personal note some of the comments on here (and also applys to the right as well) is what is wrong with democracy and/or MMP in that people voting for someone or party that they don’t actually support rather then who they actually want to is against what I always thought democracy was supposed to be about (I’ve been guilty of it myself in the past) but thats the rules of the game I guess…a shame really…a shame really

    • Puddleglum 59.1

      I see your point, chris73, on tactical voting and MMP.

      But thinking more about it, it seems to me that tactical voting is actually people trying to vote for the policies or overall political effect they would like, given the circumstances – which may be a good thing. Party loyalty is (or should be) only ever a substitute for loyalty to values/a political vision, or whatever you want to call it.

      A vote is an institutional lever and there’s no hard and fast rules for how people should operate that lever (though we might personally wish people would vote according to certain preferred principles). There’s actually just as much tactical voting in other systems (e.g., FPP). I’m sure ‘Labour voters’ voted for Social Credit candidates in places like Rangitikei, for example.

      On the other hand, all of this tactical voting is very much a response to the incredibly ubiquitous role of polls in elections now. I remember Winston once advocating some period prior to an election with no polls allowed to be conducted or reported (3 months?).

      I quite like that idea. Such ‘blind’ voting would probably cause more political discussion at the local level and media reporting of an election would immediately be transformed.

      To show, however, that I’m not immune from the ‘poll addiction’, here’s the one that quite accurately predicted the vote last time for National and Labour, at least. Looks pretty reasonable to me 🙂

      But, even the ‘bean poll’ is being run differently this time (with online voting allowed – a shame).

      I’ll be voting Labour for the party vote and probably Labour for the candidate (Megan Woods) although it would make a bit of historic sense to vote for Kevin Campbell (Alliance). As my nephew pointed out, Wigram (and Sydenham) was New Labour/Alliance/Progressive for much of the last twenty years so it makes a certain gut sense to keep with the faith.

      MMP and then STV for the referendum.

      BTW, on the referendum, I loved Jon Johansson’s put down of Key over SM – given that Key tried to sound all relaxed and reasonable in his account of SM, Johansson’s reprimand might get a few viewers thinking about other matters that Key talks about with similar confidence and with that trademark, understated tone of ‘well, this is how it is … pretty simple really’.

      (I’m making up for being almost entirely out of range of cell phone/ internet coverage over the past week – so apologies for this long comment covering multiple issues). 

  60. randal 60

    howard the duck and the all night party!

  61. joe90 61

    Tribal, two ticks Labour.

  62. PC Brigadier 62

    Nelson. Nick Schmidt wins whatever I do, so I vote two ticks for my preferred party. A bit of moral support for my party’s candidate, and a step toward viable opposition in the new NACT parliament. My votes: Green.

  63. Electorate : Josie Pagani (Labour) – it’s been National since 1938 with a brief sojourn for Bruce Beetham (1978-1981) and the only time we change these National MPs is when they retire or die – so I don’t hold out much hope.

    Party Vote : undecided. If Labour had not showed some balls this time around my vote would have gone Green. I long for the big vision (Green & Mana) that makes me proud to be a NZdrs and a return to world leading policies of the left that we were known for (Women’s Suffrage, Welfare State etc) and to say “Screw You!” to the current world order.

    Greens are challenging us all to lead the world in things green and Mana are making the noises of old Labour. Labour have come a long way back to old Labour but I don’t think they have come far enough (I want o see more details of their plans for the poor, labour relations etc) but I was pleased with their opening broadcast that looked back to Labour of old.
    The time has come that we need the Labour of old.

    Then there is NZ1st……*sigh*
    Can they bust the 5%?
    If my vote can help them do it then they could have my party vote – if only to kick National in the cods.

  64. anne 64

    For the posts that are against assets sales as i am,there is a place in the uk that sold their strategic assets in electricity,telling the people they would save money in their electricity bills,how wrong they were, the people in the uk say their power bills are now so high they cannot even afford to
    boil the jug,now their electricity and power is owned by germany.This was on tv and an eye opener.

    • johnm 64.1

      Thankyou anne
      Greed seems to be part of human nature unless its trained out or a regulatory system protects against it. various types of greed:
      1. Greed for wealth
      2. Fame and Public recognition
      3. Sex
      4. Power and control over others
      5. etc. etc. Perhaps greed is a survival instinct to make hay while the sun shines.

      Point: Once sold and our Power Companies are in foreign hands the shareholders will not be worried about poorer NZers who can’t pay they will demand growing dividends year by year and people like us: Well to do or poorer, will pay and pay and pay with increased power charges. The Privatize I Must Privatize man Shonkey will have sold us down the river. Greed is part of our nature after all this is a natural process.

      He’s a millionaire 50 times over he won’t be worried.


      • anne 64.1.1

        It has only been mentioned in the media that Australian Lazard are preparing our assets for sale,at the cost of $100mil,what is not mentioned is that Deutsche Bank a bank that bought
        bankers trust a bank that trades in derivatives that is causing the global financial crisis,Craig
        Investment partners,All these entities have close associations to Goldman Sachs,so our assets
        are surely destined for the off-shore markets and a divy will be 80-90% will be foreign owned
        10-20% will be for mums and dads,if the nats get in even a mouse wont be able to afford or
        find a crumb let alone have the moola for shares,key will remain in his bubble however.
        Am is a criminal for repeating this,i dont think so, i see it as a duty in the eyes of public interest on the doorstep of an election.

  65. js 65

    Labour x2
    Local MP Grant Robertson has worked really hard in his first term but it is a wealthy marginal electorate so the more votes for him the better. The Nat candidate hasn’t fronted to all the meetings but as he will probably get in on the list he will soon find out that there are a lot of people hurting, and he will be expected to do something about it.

    The Horizon poll had Winston with 13 MPs and he will get in easily with the grumpy Nat deserters without wasting all those left party votes. There are some good young people on the Labour list who might not get elected if some of that Labour list vote goes to NZFirst (with its climate change deniers and odd assorted others). So be careful what you wish for.

    MMP, and still not sure yet about part 2 – will probably leave blank.

  66. jaymam 66

    Someone should count up all the votes in this thread by late this afternoon and post the totals for candidates and party.
    I know five former Tories who are going to vote for NZ First. So add them in!

    And MMP of course. Alternative STV, which is so complicated most people won’t vote for it later.

  67. kriswgtn 67

    Party vote NZ1st-decided this morning,
    to make sure Peters get back in- Don’t renege Peters

    Electorate vote- Peter Foster

    Was going to go Mana but they are not standing a candidate in Otaki which kinda sux

    MMP- all the way

    no second choice for preferred voting system

    I like having more than just Labour and National in Parliament

  68. Rodel 68

    Labour electorate and Party vote Labour.
    Can’t believe some Labour people are thinking of voting Labour electorate and party vote for another. This will ensure JK’s return.
    MMP must keep and tweak it to stop the Epsom Johnny come lately fraudsters.
    ( Like Hone’s MMP = ‘More Maoris in Parliament’ though)

    • uroskin 68.1

      If you want more Maori in parliament then you need to vote against MMP. All the alternatives have more Maori seats (from 9 to 12 seats) in their write up on the Electoral Commission info page.

    • dazed & confused 69.1

      Yes, Pete – looks like Winnie will struggle to be admitted to Parliament.

      Looks like it’s Tracey #1 and Andrew (where’s the nearest bar and is there a tree handy?) Williams in the house.
      I cannot say I am sorry to see Peters, the man who abused the party donations declaration and was censured by the privileges committee, have such an ignominious end to his campaign.

    • jaymam 69.2

      Two can play that game.
      I’ll bet that ACT has not followed proper Society procedures for admitting Brash and Banks as candidates, considering that it was all decided in a few days and while Banks and Brash were not even ACT members.

    • Tiger Mountain 69.3

      The sounds of barrels being scraped I’d say Pete George.

      • Pete George 69.3.1

        I suspect it may turn out to be that. Lawyers are suggesting it may not be illegal as far as the election is concerned, just possibly unconstitutional as far as the party is concerned.

        In any case there is no time to deal with it before the election.

        But it does suggest Peters is another who sees rules and proecedures as for other people.

  69. idlegus 70

    clare curran & te mana to get my party vote.

    • Jilly Bee 70.1

      Two votes in our household for Carmel Sepuloni and Labour – got to get rid of Paula Bennett!

  70. Mike 71

    I’m voting Labour x2. My partner is voting NZ first and Labour.
    I noticed the current internet polls on the herald and yahoo have Labour at 20% and National at 57%. God help us all!!! if that’s the case.

    • Colonial Viper 71.1

      National will be very lucky to get 47% tomorrow. I’m picking a tad lower than that, actually, depending on the weather.

  71. Lindsey 72

    Voted yesterday.
    Tribal Labour, the only time in my life I did not vote Labour was in 1978 when I was one of the 187 people who voted for Bill Andersen of the SUP who was standing against Muldoon in Tamaki.
    So, one tick for Jacinda and one for Labour. One for MMP and one for STV.
    I leave all this tactical stuff to people who think they know what they are doing!

  72. National
    Banks (unless I am grumpy)

    • RobertM 73.1

      The great mystery of the election is why it isn’t a straight choice between first past the post and a viable version of Supplementary member with proportionality for 50 list seats and 70 stand alone first past the post electorates. FPP or a 30 seat SM is never going to win with the NZ electorate.
      I’m opposed to STV because its too complex for most right centre voters. Hooton favouring STV is like Hide favouring the greater Auckland council. It was always going to favour the left.
      For gods sake STV is why prendergast was defeated in Wellington even though she routed the oppositon.Indeed what chance did Brash have with speech writers like Hooton and Keenan.

    • js 73.2

      Let’s make Matthew grumpy.

    • lprent 73.3

      unless I am grumpy

      How can I help?

  73. TheReal Bob 74

    Catherine Delhunty electorate vote , Greens party vote , MMP and STV
    My daughter voting for the first time is going Labour and MMP , good on her . I was talking to someone about going down to the polling station with my daughter and they thort it would be good to tell her who to vote for , unbelievable ….

  74. anne 75

    The greens got a letter stating that the ombudsman’s office is in discussion with the possible of
    extentions to the assets sales,meaning if the nats win more assets will be hocked off.

  75. fender 76

    Otaki electorate: Peter Foster (Labour), Party vote Labour, Retain MMP, STV alternative

  76. Deadly_NZ 77

    I’m in the Otaki electorate, and we have to get rid of that Guy whasziz name??? Oh yes Guy.

    So 2 ticks each for Labour from me, and my better half, and keep MMP no second choice.

  77. Alistair 78

    I was going to vote NZ first to fuck up the Nats majority but now I’m voting Labour

    That TV3 doco on child poverty was very timely. Also listening to that right wing grilling of Goff from Katherine Ryan on nat radio replay last night made me realise Labour have the answers.

  78. Matt 79

    Otaki electorate: Peter Foster (Labour), Party Vote Green. Retain MMP. Write in “they’re all bollocks” for the alternatives, and secretly hope for MMP, but with pref voting for electoral seats.

  79. deuto 80

    Electorate vote Labour – Annete King, Rongatai
    Party vote – probably Labour but tossing the NZFirst option as I have missed Peters in Parliament and think the blinkers on Brand Key would have been much less than they sadly still are if he had been.
    Had been thinkiing Green as possibility up until the last week as have considerable support for them, particularly Turei but have been a little uneasy about Norman in recent days.

    MMP and still tossing STV or FPP but the latter purely as a tactical vote.

  80. ianmac 81

    I am voting Party Labour Liz Collyns (L)
    My wife is overseas and considered a strategic vote for NZF. Serious thought.

  81. sassafrass lass 82

    * voting for NZ First won’t help Labour;
    * Two ticks for Labour gives Labour the chance to form a government;
    * weakening Labour by sharing votes makes a change in government less likely.

  82. randal 83

    Phil Goff is the man.
    Michael Bott will look after the voters in Wairarapa.

  83. gingercrush 84

    Christchurch Central

    Electorate Vote: Nicky Wagner
    Party Vote: National

    I am predicting Christchurch Central to be one of the few electorates to see a rise in the Labour candidates support and maybe even party vote. But its also one of the electorate that may change hands though I’m very doubtful about that.

    In terms of the MMP vote I am entirely undecided still. I like MMP but aspects of it really annoy me. I also like STV and PV but both have aspects that annoy me as well. I even like some of the things about SM. I guess I’ll decide on the day.

    Leaning towards keeping MMP and second vote going with SM. I still really want PV/AV for electorates. And maybe even a PV/STV/AV scenario for party votes if MMP was here to stay.

    • Andy-Roo 84.1

      Christchurch Central

      Electorate Vote: Brendon Burns – I am not a Labour voter by choice (still have not forgiven them for Douglas, Prebble and related ilk), but I will give them my electorate vote this year. Burns has worked hard, and made a real difference for people in this electorate in a tough year.

      Party Vote: Green. I am a party member – and I believe that despite their craven behaviour around the first tranche of CERA legislation they are the only party that really takes climate change seriously. Which means they are the only party that has reality based policies.

      • Colonial Viper 84.1.1

        Greens policy still ignores the proposition that global economic growth is now permanently over.

        So not that reality based.

    • happynz 84.2

      Two votes for Brendon Burns coming from my household. I’ve met Brendon a couple of times and I often have seen him out and about in the electorate getting things done. My wife, a regular shopper at the Saturday market at English Park, often runs into Brendon there and he has impressed her as a hard-working, helpful, and honest MP. Nicky Wagner is just another coat-tailing useless backbencher.

      Both of us ticked Green last election, but we will go all in on Labour this time.

      Both of us will tick the keep MMP option and ignore part B.

    • Willis 84.3

      Brendon Burns for me too. The man has been tireless in the aftermath of the earthquakes.

      Labour for party vote. I’ve flirted with National in the past but I’ll never forgive them over the inequality of the red zone settlements, or their lies about having a review process.

      Retain MMP and STV for part B.

  84. hoom 85

    Electorate: Goldsmith. Suckit Banks/DonKey.

    Party: Greens. More the better. I don’t buy them doing a C&S deal with Nats without the deal causing one or both parties to pretty much completely collapse.
    NZF abstaining on C&S could cause a single party Nat minority government & really they are mostly conservative right politically.
    Would love to see a bunch of Mana MPs but they seem likely to be an overhang electorate party for the moment. Maybe next election?

    Referendum: MMP, option FPP. I don’t like any of the alternatives so best vs worst should mean keeping MMP in unlikely event that majority vote against keeping MMP this round.

  85. ste3e 86

    Shipley lied to us, and Key has turned that into an election strategy. Lees-Galloway Lab and Greens. NZ1 as strategy is interesting, but so too is greens as a cover defense in case Nat/Green is the only option and the Greens can castrate National’s lunatic. Selling our assets at the bottom of the market, it should be a criminal offense. My fondest wish would be that Key has had his last free ride… apparently the plane was diverted for 7 ordinary guys! MMP!

  86. Roflcopter 87

    Looking back at my last few elections in Mana electorate…

    2002 – Labour list vote, National party vote

    2005 – Labour list vote, National party vote

    2008 – Labout list vote, National party vote

    2010 (by-election) – National list vote

    This year…

    2011 – National list vote, National party vote

  87. Tiger Mountain 88

    This little exercise has been worthwhile imo, not to ‘out’ people, and no one suggested that, but to help build further trust and rapport between people particularly regulars, on the Standard.

  88. Nick C 89

    Im sorry, so 3 of the authors here are tactically voting for a racist, homophobic bigot in order to help their side of the political spectrum get a majority?! Isnt that what you have all been decrying for the last 6 months?


    • Bored 89.1

      Yeah, you have a point and I might be guilty of thinking to help a homophobic racist bigot called Winston be there to stymie Shonkers. Perhaps I have a very dark sense of humour……

    • lprent 89.2

      I don’t think it is to get a majority. I rather suspect it is to see what happens when John Key has to run a government with Winston Peters in opposition. I suspect that they will find that amusing. I know I will.

      Winston is somewhat better and markedly more effective in opposition than he is in government.

      BTW: Remember when I said that he’d be back and why?. The right fuckwits (Key, Hide, and the poodles) who tried the shafting really should be excused from politics. They’re too damn incompetent to kill a minor party. Fancy maneuverability doesn’t work. You have to destroy the constituency, and because they are all amateur politicians with no real skills they were completely silly and they didn’t try.

    • Blighty 89.3

      I haven’t seen people decrying tactical voting on The Standard.

      We all know it’s part of MMP.

    • the sprout 89.4

      so 3 of the authors here are tactically voting for a racist, homophobic bigot

      incorrect. not a single person on this post, neither author nor commenter, said they’ll vote for Banks or Brash

  89. BillBrowne 90

    Rimataka – Hipkins electorate and Lab party

    MMP definitely + FPP probably as a spoiler

  90. We are in Hunua where National has had a commanding lead for years however Dr Paul Huchinson, at many meetings promised the people of Franklin that he would do all in his power to keep Franklin out of the supercity.

    Amagine my suprise when I turned my TV to Parlament channel just in time to see Dr Paul Huchinson, in his words “Proudly commend the bill to the house to disolve all councils to make way for the Supercity”.

    Can you amagine anyone who had been defeated in his quest for the people of Franklin using the word “Proudly” in his introduction of the bill in the house.

    I would love to see him gone, gone, gone, but whether it is enough to push him out in a real solid blue seat, I don’t know but we can hope to increase the vote for Labour.

  91. Rich 92

    I would have voted Green, if they removed all the equivocation from this page and just said that they will not support National on confidence and supply during the next parliament and will consider any legislation on it’s merits in respect of their policy and principles.

    As it stands, I’m party voting Mana and electorate voting for Grant Robertson, as he’s one of the better Labour MPs and deserves to survive a wipeout on the list.

    I’m voting for MMP/SM in the referendum, the latter in the hope of balancing the numbers for each
    “alternative” out so that none of them get enough support to create a bandwagon.

  92. PoliticallyCorrected 93

    I won’t be voting this man http://politicallycorrected.webs.com/

  93. Tangled up in blue 94

    Electorate – Labour

    Party – Green


  94. lenore 95

    Ohariu – 3 adults in our household – all voting labour for electorate and hopefully dunne will be done and dusted. Two still undecided on their party vote – either labour or greens.

    I like Mana’s ideas but will keep with labour for my party vote. And I am keeping optimistic – who knows what could happen tomorrow – bugger the polls!.

    We just had our rem letters (public servant here) saying I’m not getting anything due to cuts, savings etc. I have a right of appeal and I told my boss that if Labour gets in this weekend, I will appeal on Monday … and then we laughed! As the guy on the cross said to Brian; “Always look on the bright side of life…”

  95. coolas 96

    Labour for a great young candidate in Tukituki – Julia Hayden-Carr – and NZ1st for the party as I want to see Winstone sock it to Key in a way no one else can, and he loathes the prick as much as I do.

  96. swordfish 97

    Candidate: Labour
    Party: Labour
    Referendum: Part One – RETAIN MMP, Part Two – STV.

  97. Draco T Bastard 98

    Electorate: Well, I was going to vote for David Cunliffe but I’ve just found out that there’s an ALCP candidate available and so my protest vote against the delusional socio-economic system that all parties embrace may go there instead.

    Party: I was certain to vote Green (they pretty much have the right policies) but their MoU and continuing to say that they could work with National has put that in doubt. Labour, even though they’ve moved somewhat to the left, is still far too right-wing for me. Mana, despite making all the right noises, I feel uncomfortable with. Alliance would be a wasted vote unfortunately (We need all leftish votes to count). Might have to go for the tactical vote for NZ1st.

  98. maui 99

    25 November, 2011 | http://www.RoyMorganOnlineStore.com

    “National set for election and victory but no majority as ‘Teapot
    Tape’ scandal dents National & benefits NZ first
    A Special Election Eve New Zealand Roy Morgan Poll shows Prime
    Minister John Key’s National Party set to be re-elected, but falling
    short of gaining a majority in its own right. National has 49.5%
    (down 3.5%) of the party vote well ahead of second party Labour
    (23.5%, down 1%) and a surging Greens (14.5%, up 1.5%).”

  99. JonL 100

    East Coast Bays, so I guess the Electorate will be Viv Goldsmith or Brett Stansfield. Party vote to Mana and MMP with STV or FPP – not sure yet.

  100. Afewknowtheturth 101

    I have been busy most of the day.

    The answer to the questions are:

    1.Most ordinary NZers wouild be slightly better off under a Labour government than a National one in the short term, but in the long term a National government could be better for the nation because it would bring about revolution slightly faster.

    2. The Green Party would have a lot more credibility if it stopped promoting non-solutions to the mess we are in (such as ‘sustainable tourism’, ‘biofuels’ etc.) and actually started to proclaim the truth loud and clear. They won’t do that, of course.

    The fact is, the entire economic system is fundamnetally flawed and will never recover. The faux recoveries, based on bailouts and rescue packages that provided the illusion of recovery between 2009 and 20011, are over forever.

    Anyone who thinks an economic system that is crippled with debt and running out of resources can recover is quite mad.




    “Every 20 minutes we lose an animal species. If this rate continues, by century’s end, 50% of all living species will be gone. It is a phenomenon known as the sixth extinction. The fifth extinction took place 65 million years ago when a meteor smashed into the Earth, killing off the dinosaurs and many other species and opening the door for the rise of mammals. Currently, the sixth extinction is on track to dwarf the fifth.”

    Passenger Pigeon, Sea Mink, Rodrigues Pigeon, Panay Giant Fruit Bat, Poko Noctuid Moth, Procellaris Grotis Noctuid Moth, Great Auk, Bubal Hartebeest, Mauritius Blue Pigeon, Egyptian Barbary Sheep, Amesterdam Island Duck, Cuban Red Macaw, Ascension Flightless Crake, Eastern Bettong, Desert Rat-kangaroo, Eastern Elk, Longjaw Cisco, Deepwater Cisco, Lake Ontario Kiyi, Blackfin Cisco, Western Quoll, Brawny Great Moa, Philippine Bare-backed Fruit Bat, King Island Emu, Falkland Island Wolf, Guam Flying Fox, Penasco Chipmunk, Pallid Beach Mouse, Kenai Peninsula Wolf, Newfoundland Wolf, Banks Island Wolf, Cascade Mountains Wolf, Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf, Mogollon Mountain Wolf, Texas Gray Wolf, Southern Rocky Mountain Wolf, Florida Red Wolf, Texas Red Wolf, California Grizzly Bear, Tacoma Pocket Gopher, Yellowfin Cutthroat Trout, Alvord Cutthroat Trout, Syrian Wild Ass, Maravillas Red Shiner, Independence Valley Tui Chub, Pahranagat Spinedace, Phantom Shiner, Bluntnose Shiner, Las Vegas Dace, Grass Valley Speckled Dace, Clear Lake Splittail, Snake River Sucker, Harelip Sucker, Tecopa Pupfish. Schomburgk’s Deer, Kona Grosbeak, Bonin Wood Pigeon, Big Thicket Hog-nosed Skunk, Rabbit-eared Tree-rat, White-footed Tree-rat, Carolina Parakeet, New Zealand Quail, Raiatea Parakeet, Black-fronted Parakeet, Atlantic Gray Whale, Round combshell (clam), Tennessee Riffleshell (mussel), Sampson’s Pearlymussel (Wabash Riffleshell), Burly Lesser Moa, Arabian Gazelle, Red Gazelle, Saudi Gazelle, Goff’s Southeastern Pocket Gopher, Steller’s Sea Cow, Confused Moth, Puerto Rican Shrew, Chatham Island Swan, Nelson’s Rice Rat, Chadwick Beach Cotton Mouse, Pemberton’s Deer Mouse, Cape Warthog, Scioto Pigtoe (clam), Barbados Raccoon, Tahitian Sandpiper, Okinawa Flying Fox, Slender-billed Grackle, Dodo, Lesser Koa Finch, Greater Koa Finch, Mauritian Owl, White-faced Owl, Arizona Cotton Rat, Blue Pike, Kansas Bog Lemming, Mexican Grizzly Bear, Japanese Sea Lion, Lesser Stick-nest Rat, Mauritius Grey Parrot, Bavarian Vole, Indian Seal, Black-footed Ferret, Lanai Thrush, New Zealand Greater Short-tailed Bat, Long-tailed Hopping-mouse, Ryukyu Pigeon, West African Black Rhino

    Wild ocelots are gone from all US states except Texas. The estimated US population is 195 of which 95 are captive.

    More numbers:

    Polar Bear: 3500 left in Alaska
    Wolverine: 300 left in lower 48
    California Condor: 336 (180 captive)
    Whooping Crane: 538 (181 captive)
    Mount Graham Red Squirrel: 300
    Woodland Caribou: 40


    Mountain Gorilla, Leatherback Sea Turtle, Northern White Rhinoceros, Brown Spider Monkey, Red Wolf, Chinese Alligator, Snow Leopard, Giant Panda, Tasmanian Devil, Bonobo, Blue Whale.’

    Anyone who thinks that an economic system which is causing mass extinction and rapid degradation of the Earth’s life support systems should be allowed to continue is quite mad.

    However, I suspect that tomorow most people will vote for destitution via disaster-as-usual economic arrangements and death of the planet we live on.

  101. Rodel 102

    Any party vote other than for Labour is a vote against Labour and supports Key, English, Joyce, Wilkinson, Smith , Brownlee , Ryall and god forbid Tolley & co.

  102. belladonna 103

    Voted yesterday, 2 ticks to Labour + MMP.
    Split my vote last time Labour electorate/Greens party but dont want to risk Greens propping up National, dont know if I trust Winston either. Labour are heading back to the left and they need to keep going.

  103. Shazzadude 104

    Hauraki-Waikato: Angeline Greensill (Mana)
    Party vote: New Zealand First

  104. CentreOfLeft 105

    Epsom electorate (wtf with so many of us in this electorate?)

    I’ll be voting for Paul Goldsmith, I think he’s run a truly stunning campaign. He makes it look so effortless
    (although 10 or 20 years down the track if he morphs into a weird amalgamation of Banks and Brash, we may all regret this one day of nose-holding)

    I’ve been planning to vote Greens, have always voted Labour but…
    At the end of the day, I feel Labour need my vote more. Plus, I’m voting for Phil Goff.

    MMP for first option. STV for second.

  105. ianmac 106

    Watched Labour final on TV1. Then John Key’s monologue.
    Can’t believe it! National has the cash and access to the best technology. And their production was at best amateurish and totally devoid of credible information. I still don’t know what they are going to do. 1/10
    Labour had excellent production, offered clear information, and made good use of a variety of people. 9/10
    If I was undecided, Labour would be a clear winner. National would have filled me with doubt. (Tried hard to not be biased.)

    • Carol 106.1

      I muted Key’s closing address tonight. But I thought he looked pale, lifeless, washed out. I can’t believe people think he’s attractive/charismatic.

      My vote: Cunliffe again. Probably I’ll stick with the Green Party, but they are on notice. I like Turei, but not Norman. I don’t really believe the scaremongering about the Greens doing a Clegg.

      I will be watching the Greens and Mana closely over the next term and may switch to Mana next time. I like Labour’s campaign and shift towards traditional Labour values, but still think they are too close to the centre/right.

      I liked their closing vid, but was struck by how male-dominated it is.

      PS: Referendum: MMP – Part B STV or will leave it blank.

  106. Immiscible 107

    I’m on the North Shore.

    Voting double Labour, all the way. Definitely want to keep MMP, all other options seem really scary. Not sure between FPP or STV yet.

    I don’t really get the tactical voting for NZ1st. They seem so ideologically opposed to a left philosophy. Surely it will be hard to make the tick as your hand will be shaking uncontrollably in disgust.

    Also, this poll (which is amazing) has NZ1st at 10%. I agree with the other peeps that say let the disenchanted tories vote NZ1st.


    • Colonial Viper 107.1

      I don’t really get the tactical voting for NZ1st. They seem so ideologically opposed to a left philosophy.

      Two of the key planks in NZ First policy: no asset sales – ever. And $15/minimum wage.

      A third is encouraging young graduates to stay and work in NZ by helping them to pay off their student loans with a dollar to dollar contribution.

      You can tell me whether or not that is progressive enough for you.

  107. Cin77 108

    Hugh Kinninmonth (Thank god I won’t have to spell it tomorrow lol) our local Labour candidate.
    Party vote Labour, tactical voting to me seems like a risky business.
    Keep MMP and decline to choose another.

  108. Alistair 109

    I think I’ll vote for Winston after all.

    The nats did an awful dirty on him last time so the whiff of revenge is compelling.

    So I expect he will show Labour’s senior mps, well, their mps, how to perform as an opposition next year.

  109. MrSmith 110

    Electorate – Labour
    Party – Green

  110. I am voting for common sense, so I won’t be voting.

    Only a retard would bother…………….yawn …..yawn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Socialism will be the winner on the day.

    God help NZ.      

  111. I forgot to add I have been voting since 1978.

    Fuck this country has gone down the tube.   

  112. United Future happy to score some last minute undecided votes. A safe sensible option.

    • Colonial Viper 113.1

      Dunne: time to be retired.

    • fender 113.2

      Do you need to remove this advert at midnight Pete?
      Saw Dunny on the “news” getting a haircut, then it grew straight back. He’s like Harry Potter but I think he’s lost his wand.

  113. DJL 114

    Sue Moroney (labour) x4 in this house and Labour x4. I’m tempted to go NZ1 but know I’ll chicken out tomorrow and MMP. This is a blue collar house voting right would be just plain wrong.

  114. Bea 115

    Choice 1 – MMP – I don’t think its done too badly. I don’t mind a little tweaking, but overall its provided pretty stable government.

    Choice 2 – Supplementary member – reasoning: fully proportional systems inevitably favour the big cities since there’s more people in them. I’m rural. The sneering contempt in which people like Jacinda Ardern hold communities like Northland really showed in this election

    Second reason is that STV didn’t work that well for Wellington in the Kerry Prendergast/Celia Wade-Brown vote.

    • Colonial Viper 115.1

      The sneering contempt in which people like Jacinda Ardern hold communities like Northland really showed in this election

      BS. The only sneering done in Northland was John Key taking Aroha Ireland up to Waitangi, and pretending to care about poor children.

  115. MeToo 116

    Getting in before the comments turn into a pumpkin…

    Helensville voter here – can’t vote for someone who doesn’t live in the electorate, Green or Blue or Red, which is a real dilemma.This electorate might be wall to wall blue in terms of party vote campaigning, but it must be the most low-profile electorate for candidates… and why are they all carpetbaggers?

    Party vote Green (as usual). Winston would make a good opposition for Key but I just can’t bring myself to do it.

    MMP then STV

    • rosy 116.1

      Getting in before pumpkin time too…
      Good luck – may the best team win (Labour) and if not then I’ll look forward to a change when Key tells the nation he’s had enough of this gig.

      As an aside finding The Standard has made me much more politically involved and I expect to put that into practice for a left-wing government when I’m back in NZ.

  116. Hanswurst 117

    Overseas, so have already voted; two ticks Labour. Thought of going Mana for the party vote (no candidate standing in my electorate) until Labour started releasing policy that actually looked leftish for a change. Realistically, Labour are the most likely party outside of the rabid Nactional right to get a large number of their policies enacted any time in the near future, and a stronger vote for Labour will increase the probability that they will continue their leftward trend. If they get decimated, they may lurch back to the right. A strong, left-leaning Labour Party is probably essential to getting some of Mana’s policies implemented in the long run.

    [lprent: This arrived after the cutoff. Was held over for the closing of the polls. ]

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