Did you hear the one about the escaped pedophile killer cannibal with ebola?

Written By: - Date published: 9:52 am, December 4th, 2014 - 15 comments
Categories: john key, Minister for International Embarrassment - Tags:

Say – did you hear the one about the escaped pedophile killer cannibal with ebola? John Key reckons its hilarious!

15 comments on “Did you hear the one about the escaped pedophile killer cannibal with ebola? ”

  1. weka 1

    Some of those reddit comments are funny.

  2. TheContrarian 2

    I don’t understand the ebola reference. Why would the horse get ebola?

    • batweka 2.1

      The ebola bit doesn’t make any sense in the joke. It’s a direct jab at Norman to shame him over the Steffan Browning thing (see Norman, you’re just a bunch of wackos and we all know it).

      • TheContrarian 2.1.1

        Ahhh that makes sense. Though it was pretty stupid of Browning too to be honest.

        Nonetheless, weak joke.

        • batweka

          yes it was stupid, and the GP dealt with it by demoting Browning. Unlike the government who need a public outcry and inquiries to take action when their MPs fuck up and even then their default position is the Bart Simpson defense. Which makes Key’s ‘joke’ even more sick, because he’s basically saying that it doesn’t matter if you are hypocrite, what matters is how much power you have in playing the game, and he will do whatever he wants so long as he can get away with it.

          He makes out that the GP are hypocrites but he knows full well that the important difference between the GP and him is that the GP have ethics and he doesn’t and that so far NZ is letting him get away with running an ethicless govt. Jab, jab.

          Having said that, I agree with what others are saying, he’s on the backfoot and quite possibly going down. IMO that won’t matter, because his job is to hand over as much control of NZ to his mates and masters as he can while he’s still in power (ie conducting himself with dignity isn’t required beyond what power it gets him). If that means ultimately losing his job as PM that’s worth it if he tosses a few more baubles in their direction. The symbolic value of hijacking a country like NZ is priceless.

    • Colonial Viper 2.2

      Ebola may naturally (and harmlessly?) exist in zoological reservoirs but I think even that is beside the point.

  3. minarch 3

    Ahh reddit, voice of the people !

    who ready for the “johnkey gone wild” post ?

  4. swordfish 4

    Well, I for one happen to think our Prime Minister is one of the greatest stand-up comics this Country’s ever seen. And I know for a fact that John himself feels very much the same way. A wonderful David Brent-like figure. The Key-Meister General.

    As John often assures audiences, “You’ll have to watch out for me because I’m just a little bit nutty, eh ? Do I have the official certificate with all the bells and whistles to say I’m a qualified stand-up ? Er, No, (laughing) I don’t think so !!! But whenever I get that mischievous little sparkle in my eyes and decide to unleash my full repertoire of crowd-pleasing jokes on the New Zealand public, hilarity most certainly always ensues, I can absolutely assure you all of that, eh ?.”