Written By:
all_your_base - Date published:
12:28 pm, December 20th, 2007 - 18 comments
Categories: national -
Tags: national
Trevor Mallard’s had all the press but it’s the National Party MPs who have been battling it out all year for top spot on the “worst behaved MP list”.
NZPA reports on Peter Dunne’s annual list:
Mr Henare was thrown out of the house five times for his behaviour and had to withdraw and apologise twice. Dr Smith was expelled three times and withdrew and apologised six times.
National Party deputy leader Bill English came third – up from fifth in 2006 – with two expulsions and five withdraw and apologise hits.
The only non-Nat in the top four was NZ First leader Winston Peters. He got biffed out by the Speaker just the once but withdrew and apologised a hefty seven times.
National’s Gerry Brownlee and Wayne Mapp followed next along with another NZ Firster Ron Mark.
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Perhaps they should follow the shining example that is Jill Pettis.
I am not surprised – we have the worst and most bias speaker in the history of NZ – none other than very cloae friend of helen Klark – the protector of all Labour MPs. Wilson does not play fair, and when the cunning Labour MPs refuse to answer (or even address questions) then of course frustration is going to boil over.
Oh well only a few more months of this tiresome wnech and then we will be rid of her – and good riddence it will be as well.
That’s like saying that your worst behaving workmate is the one with the most parking tickets, rather than the one who hits other workmates and makes false accusations about other innocent parties when he’s in a position of power and they can’t do anything about it.
Parking tickets are bad, sure, but they aren’t the only aspect of determining bad behaviour.
Gotta say I agree with Camryn.
Is there anything Dunne can get right 😉
Maybe he should chat to DPF about demerits as a scoring system…
Or maybe not…: http://www.thestandard.org.nz/?p=895#comment-10705 (and read what they were about three posts above that…)
The attitude of some MPs is just disgusting. Sitting in the house is an education. I suggest everyone tries it. I have no love for some Labour MPs, but was actually shocked by the way that a large number of National MPs act. The fact that Wilson has had to use her powers so often is a reflection of the disrespect she’s treated with – she’s not a member of the old boys club. She deserves better. And yes, Labour need to start answering questions.
all your base, I do believe that’s the worst spin job I’ve read in such a long time that I actually can’t remember when the last one was that was worse.
You’re trying to equate MPs being ejected from the house and somehow elevate them over and above Mallard’s behaviour?
If such are your standards then you are nothing but a hack. Even Robinsod agreed as much, and that you are seeking to try and make an issue out of this is just ludicrous.
Monty — Bollocks. There are plenty of Nat MOPs who manage to take their fight to the gummint without resorting to bad behaviou — Katherine Rich, for example.
The Dominion Post stated that as well to be fair, Dean. Think the surprise is that if asked, who would you think will be at the top of this list. I would assume with the disgusting behaviour Mallard has shown that most of us would name him.
It is also Dunne’s list.
‘I have no love for some Labour MPs’
You have love for some other then? lol
Electorate MPs with benefits?
“It is also Dunne’s list.”
Dunne is a moron and an imbecile rolled into one. His list is irrelevant.
The problem with (extremely) bad behaviour in the House is the responsibility of those concerned, and ultimately of the Speaker.
In that regard, you have to conclude that Margaret Wilson is the WORST Speaker ever.
“His list is irrelevant”
My point exactly
Excuse me Santi? Are you saying the poor behaviour of National MP’s is the speakers fault? Fuck boy, what’s happened to the personal responsibility you lot keep paying lip-service to?
Nah, the speaker’s a factor, no doubt about it.
She makes it pretty hard to do an effective job in opposition without pushing the edge of the envelope when it comes to the rules.
A story like this suggests that she goes soft on Labour MPs and cracks down on the Opposition MP’s, IMHO.
Are back copies of “the list” available?
I have a theory; the worst behaved MP’s are going to be the ones how have the biggest incentive to “push the envelope” – obviously those in opposition. There are, of course, some exceptions (Winston, I’m looking at you…)
So, my hypothesis would be that 1990-1999, Labour MP’s would be the worst behaved under Dunnes measurement. For 2000-2007, it would be the Nat’s
Phil, I think Dunne only started the list in 2003 or thereabouts. Bit too much thumb twiddle time, one can only guess 😉
I wonder if there’s a parliament record of yearly apologies and expulsions though (wow. as I wrote that, it reminded me of my school days. MP’s eh?) that could help – I like your hypothesis.
There will be ecceptions though – the genuine ‘bad boys’ (and occasional girl?)
I remember that Richard Prebble used to do an annual list of “hardest working MP’s”, based on questions/speeches in the house, select committe work etc.
I think that was during his ACT years (I’m seeing a correlation here; both lists by old white men in the twilight of their political life)
Anyone know if that’s been picked up by another thumb twiddler?