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notices and features - Date published:
6:00 am, April 13th, 2013 - 62 comments
Categories: open mike, uncategorized -
The server will be getting hardware changes this evening starting at 10pm NZDT.
The site will be off line for some hours.
The GCSB Strategic Communications Manager has asked Fairfax if it’s sitting on more info from the Kitteridge report that it plans to publish, which Fairfax has “rebuffed” saying it’s a “naive” request. But I love this bit at the end of the Stuff article on it:
And another from Stuff:
“Job fears fuel rise in anti-depressant use” http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/8545505/Job-fears-fuel-rise-in-anti-depressant-use
Rather than simply innoculate themselves, let’s hope the ‘feared’ are also waking from their Sleepy Hobbit slumber and give up the Key/Blinglish cool aid.
Many I work with are quite candid, admitting drinking is getting them through the week!
Very sad to know that people turn to substances when the pressure goes on, can hardly blame them though, but its not the right answer.
When the pressure goes on, thats when its important to keep yourself as healthy as possible, drink and pills, is not going to provide that.
Trust is gone.
Trust is gone in EQC. Trust is gone in government departments, both as to their intent and their competency. Trust is well gone in the Police, especially with regard to their moral compass (see Arthur Allan Thomas’s crooked copper). Trust is certainly gone in the current leadership of this country (see lies, lies, lies). Trust is gone in the changes being made to our democratic system (see Ecan).
Then of course there is the evaproation of trust in private enterprises (see finance companies, farming damage). The private world is like trying to believe the second-hand car dealer’s explanations about the 1992 nissan skyline on the yard.
Trust is so far gone that when a young child friend turns up with a dental report from a private dental contractor to the school saying that 8 holes need filling there is simply no confidence in what the report says. The wise starting point these days must be one of distrust and one must assume that the private contractor wants to earn money to such an extent that the report is a fabrication for this purpose. Once that is understood then the next steps can be taken…
Nonetheless, must carry on and place a smile on te dial. The only change required is one to a greater ruthlessness and dog-eat-dog style.
Smile everybody
Agreed! I feel an election-time slogan coming on for the Greens. National, and to an ever so slightly lesser extent, Labour would be laughed at if they tried using it.
I was just thinking about the same thing this morning vto, that the continued falsities have caused a climate of distrust that pervades throughout New Zealand. In fact I would say we’re becoming desensitized to the continued lying and therefore more accepting of the governments disinformation. This no doubt degrades the way society works, or doesn’t work as the case may be.
A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.
That applies to NZ today and the lies that are coming from our government and businesses. They are a direct result of the capitalist free-market and the dog-eat-dog philosophy that it brings.
Glenda Jackson nailed it for me with her gifted erudition in Westminster the other day on the death of Margaret Thatcher — Ms Jackson said that under Thatcher they had learned the price of everything, but the value of nothing.
Bugger, I sez, for all of us who love this country and distrust and detest what is arising.
“Trust is so far gone that when a young child friend turns up with a dental report from a private dental contractor to the school”
Private dental contractor??
Do they contract out the School Dental Service now?
When did this happen and why werent we told?
Primary schools have clinics, secondary school pupils go to private providers and it’s paid by the DHB. This only lasts till age 18 then you’re on your own, which helps explain the poor level of oral health in NZ adults.
Yep ….. the Willis Street murderhouse in Wellington got turned into – you guessed it – apartments! That kind of signified the start of all this sort of kaka for me
The history of this was that the First Labour Govt could not gain the political support needed to provide socialised dental care alongside the medical services which were socialised.
Cannot help but imagine what the weekend papers might have looked like if ALL we are currently facing, was still going on, and it was a different Party in Government.
Would any other Party, would any other PM, be getting the ‘time to move on’ lubricant being dispensed across the country?
NZ is in a very troubling place.
“NZ is in a very troubling place”
Yes I agree. I have a nervousness about what is going on. Things are changing and moving in unfamiliar ways. Things are going on which are not understood. This is highlighted by John Key’s manouervering with the spies and USA Hollywood and dotcom. It points to something …….. and underscores the other changes going on.
As is often the case, I hope I am wrong.
So do I vto but one must look carefully at the shonkey one, Blinglish, royall, Bovver boy Joyce, brown coal, basher, crusher, ayatolley, findlayshonk and all the other glove puppets and ask yourself the following question.
Do you trust them to improve life for your everyday kiwi and create an environment where the immense market forces of multi billion dollar entities are held at bay so that everyone gets a fair deal.
I do not.
“Do you trust them to improve life for your everyday [person]”
for decades I have believed that is all you ever need to ask when considering those that want authority
The oil crisis of the 70s sparked the largest expansion of cheap energy in history. Coal miners were going to be very uncompetitive very quickly, growth from the cheap easily moveable high energy source was self-evident (now and then to those with access to government predictions and analysis). So Thatcher did nothing that wasn’t going to happen anyway, but in order to create longevity needed to twist the natural flow on from middle east oil and stamp her name on it. Crushing the unions who were weakened by cheap energy, and opening up the credit of banks to allow Britain to lubricate its economy and so take advantage of the windfall.
So today we can see a new reality, of declining energy (higher cost), of internet connectivity, that requires investment (as all cultural changes require), yet we have yet to find a leader who can stamp their mark on the shift. Why? Well because so many can’t throw off the old paradigm of Thatcher worship, the delusional need to stress how markets will provide all if only we deregulated the hell out of the government. Societies need to breath a free wind of debate, needs to move on from the old, bury its former idols (why is Islam so backward? due in part because it turned its back on reason and embraced faith to scripture).
Today we have a PM and a ruling party that is incapable of distancing itself from its own delusion lockstep to the dead paradigm. And therein lies the answer to perennial question can we trust them to provide improvements. How can you trust a politician that won’t seize the opportunity to reshape politics, won’t massacre their own heroes on the slab of politics, at a whim for their own needs to grab power. The right wing is weak, the miners knew what that means now, and the right still have a window since the left is just as ripped apart by Thatchers cold dead body of lore and lies.
Do we trust this generation of leaders to provide improving outcomes, hell no.
Freedon, VTO, TC – Yup we are in very troubling times, without any opportunity for change on the horizon!
We were taken down a path in 1961, and from then on, the fight was already lost!
We live with the outputs, and consequences, daily, and its killing people!
I’ve used the word genocidal previously for whats going on in NZ, its time people accepted thats what this is about, it might even trigger some sort of forward movement from them!
The so called leaders, represent people who HATE, humanity. Hate is a word I personally do not use, however there is no other way to describe whats being done to people.
100% Pure Hatred!
It’s not hatred – it’s simply that they don’t care for anyone but themselves.
What I would give for a bit of ‘self interest, properly understood’.
North Korea and the United States
A cartoon that says it perfectly…
Funny, but not a perfect summary.
Quick question, should North Korea and Iran be allowed to develop icbm technology?
Funny, but not a perfect summary.
Actually, it is a perfect summary. What part of it is unfair or incorrect?
Quick question, should North Korea and Iran be allowed to develop icbm technology?
No. They should be forbidden, as should the far more aggressive and destructive regimes in the United Kingdom, the USA and Israel.
And why are you coupling North Korea and Iran together?
“No. They should be forbidden,”
Excellent. Looks like consensus.
“as should the far more aggressive and destructive regimes in the United Kingdom, the USA and Israel.”
Horse and stable door, but not wrong.
“Actually, it is a perfect summary. What part of it is unfair or incorrect?”
No, it’s not nearly perfect as it fails to recognise the bizarre actions of the dprk regime, throwing the region and world into crisis, threatening thermo nuclear war every five minutes.
Incorrect would be harsh, because it’s not really wrong, but I’d just add much more stuff to balance the clear anti us sentiment. Otherwise, given the alert levels across Asia, it looks a bit propagandarish.
from down on Beale’s Lee Street re NK crisis;
-“America stirring up tensions”
Kim’s response
-“serve as a deterrent”
-“Prompt US into negotiations”.
interesting to see Nats “appeasement” pay-out to HNZ stock in Christchurch.
Batty Bridges is “carefully considering these matters” re home insulation project dampening down in Miss September.
Leaves Of Grass indeed while Zespri cannot export “organic’ crops due to a banned Chemical residue Brothers
Peter Exeter on Cate Blanchett; “don’t sell yourself short” Walsingham
Good to see the street protests whirring and the Dr is at last a “flagship show” for the BBC
-Neil Briggs
Shoot To Thrill,
The Artist Taxi driver. Another dispatch from the U$K Austerity Class War.
Hospital announcement about a Pig pushing performance
BBC Sucks O Cocks News Friday 12th April http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBVBVuX4fqM&list=UUGThM-ZZBba1Zl9rU-XeR-A
Turn up at thatchers funeral and turn your back on the bitch when it comes by. The pigs won’t be able to do anything about that kind of protest and it will spoil any shots the media publish of the “mourners”
Thatcher, the only “person” to fuck more miners than Jimmy Saville.
Jobs for Meena
Force-Fed UK Austerity
Don’t forget! Yankee John and Cameron are Chums, they want to bring in the same cruelty and inhumanity to N$Z as is going down now in the U$K.
Stuff runs with the Monckton’s lie about his employment by Thatcher .
We are being dismantled and will be re-built with Chinese instructions.
bill english in Waikato Times.”It’s important that we do not rely on the Privacy Commissioner-the public needs to rely on everyone in the private sector to treat their privacy with respect”.What a sanctimonious hypocrite.I take it that that statement would not be applicable to p bennett!
Well, no, that’s why he said the private sector and not every sector. He’s building up more hate for the public sector.
I’m not a Labour supporter as such but I was reading this commentary in the Herald here;
“David Cunliffe: We all must pay tax – including multinationals”
….and what struck me about it is that Mr Cunliffe constantly gets himself and his party out there no matter what portfolio he holds. I’m aware of the infighting, ABC cliques etc, but he never lets the public see any of that. He speaks well, he’s positive and he promotes his party at every opportunity.
That led me to thinking about the rest of Labour. How many of them do the same? I don’t watch much TV so I can only go by newspaper & online sources but the only other Labour MP who has appeared often in my own memory is Darien Fenton, who also seems to work pretty hard on pushing her portfolio. Sure the rest get their names in the ‘paper occasionally but not in the same manner. Those two get out there and say to the public “Vote for us” Most of the rest seem to play politics & wait for the media to come to them.
What do others see? What MPs can they think of whose names regularly crop up in the media as promoting themselves and the party? Should they be more visible to the public?
Cunliffe is so obviously more competent and willing to do his job than the others that it’s shocking. When I think of who some of the others actually are, and the antics of Mallard, Jones, Hipkins, etc, as well as the incoherent mumblings of Shearer, I think they should be less visible to the public. When they are visible, it’s not to promote any sort of left message anyway.
Look at the number of List MPs on Labour’s front bench: David Parker, Arden, Cosgrove, Jones, and others near the top like Fenton and Little.
I campaigned hard for MMP but I didn’t envision a Labour party headed by people who aren’t capable of winning an election!
The Green MP’s are all list, but they are always out in public and campaigning constantly because the Green party members decide the ranking on the list. Labour should do the same.
Shit dude judging from last November, that’ll be fun getting through Congress this year.
Yeah I saw that article too and IMHO DC was right on the mark. I can see that hitting a clear note right across the local business community who are trying to compete with multinationals or provide services to them.
How much will it take for those who vote for the Nacts to realise that the brand has been hijacked by offshore based interests and they need to reclaim their party? At least the old style Nacts used to rearrange the money between various groups of New Zealanders so it could be clawed back.
As for Labour and greens using everybody they have, of course they should. A person or policy that resonates with one voter may not catch the attention of another voter at a different stage in life. I’ve noticed that about myself. At one point Steve Maharey made a one line comment, which I doubt if even he remembers but it showed where Labour stood on that issue in principal, but I found it reassuring – perhaps not quite the right word but best I can do.
I mean, how much would it cost for Labour/Greens etc to say that post election they will submit to select committees all legislation that hadn’t gone before one so that everyone can have a say on all the things slipped through under urgency or at the last minute. It doesn’t mean that legislation will neccessarily be changed but at least it gets democratic review.
In a similar vein they could promise a comprehensive review of any legislation where the select committee had no consensus and minority views. That would pick off the worse of the legislation passed on party colours.
What right wing racism.
You mean they still have segregation?
Doesn’t surprise me given it is in one of the world’s most conservative, ignorant, aggressive, armed, societies.
what a scary scary place.
Indeed they did.
Hard to believe that shit still happens, I’m still shaking my head.
Me too, and then I saw a link on that page (QoT, look the other way)
Rep. Stockman floats new slogan: ‘If babies had guns, they wouldn’t be aborted’
At that point I was wondering if the site wasn’t satirical, but then I saw this comment –
Poe’s law strikes again. It is impossible to write a parody of Republicans that is more absurd than what some Republicans actually say.
ha! I saw that link but couldn’t bring myself to click it but I did wonder if it was a parody too because of the idiocy of the headline.
What do you expect. This is Georgia, the deep, solid south.
It will take a few generations for this carry on to die out, IMO.
Some of the comments make it quite clear that the tenther movement is alive and well..
Posted by Mustang100 at 7:06 p.m. Apr. 12, 2013
Some people can’t survive without government assistance, be it social, financial, or whatever. It’s called the Plantation Mentality.
Posted by Wheel at 7:31 p.m. Apr. 12, 2013
Slow news day huh?
So you have to create a problem and drag a conservative Republican into it.
Its not like there was an abortionist who killed 7 black babies after they were born alive. … or a democrat PAC who has bugged a Senator’s office or something like that would be more newsworthy…
Posted by Milton1960 at 8:37 p.m. Apr. 12, 2013
This Wilcox County prom/no prom is absolutely a local issue, but the Lefties will use any ole thing to poke a thumb in the Governor’s eye.
Posted by Jojo1 at 9:14 p.m. Apr. 12, 2013
What is the title of the article? There is already a movement to integrate. The State Government should stay out of it unless the attempt fails. There is already a problem in this country with the larger government getting too involved when things should be handled at the local level first. Only if the integration attempt failed should the governor get involved. Otherwise we have the same problem on the county level as we have with the federal government getting involved in state issues. The county knows the situation the best.
I don’t think there should be black guys going with white girls. I don’t believe in that. I wasn’t raised that way.
If there’s not some penis envy in that comment I’ll be fucking damned !
Piss off insecure white boy !
Sir Paul Holmes lives!
Who ?
If Paul Holmes was really an out and out segregationist racist like you’re making out, I really doubt Hinemoa would have married him.
Seems that rather than integrate the burghers of the day set up their own version of charter schools.
In the 1960s and ’70s, towns across the South created inexpensive private schools to keep white students from having to mix with black. Many remain open, the communities around them as divided as ever.
JustSpeak have produced a good infographic showing just how tough it is for young Māori, as JustSpeak say,
What a terrible indictment upon a group of young people in our country and for no reason other than the way they look – because sure as hell they won’t be checking whakapapa records will they.
E tu whanau
They seem to be difficult stats to pull things out of. What would be additionally useful, following apprehension and prosecution, is conviction. Is this available? Would it change any conclusion much?
I am sure the general thrust is right though – people are always basing things on race. Lordy knows when it will end. I suspect that end will come in quite a few more generations, if ever. Unfortunately.
Where I live vto driving while brown guarantees police attention.
Walking under the influence of pigmentation does as well. If you drive – the car is probably stolen. If you walk – you’re casing joints for a burglary.
The saddest thing is that many Maori and Pasifika cops are complicit in this.
Gotta do what it takes to be part of the gang.
“The saddest thing is that many Maori and Pasifika cops are complicit in this”
Suggesting class as well as racism is in play?
That is true Olsen. I’m in a position engaged with “the law” to see that virtually on a daily basis.
The Maori/Poly cops who do it are in my personal experience 99% good people, but still it happens. You’re trained to understand that your own people are dodgy. It’s not explicit training. It’s more an attitude passed down from on high.
That’s why I lament about the prospects of post-colonialism ever, ever getting beyond post-colonialism. And of course the bastard reality of life for non-pakeha sharpens the self-fulfilling phenomenon.
Rag Pickers
Laal – Vo Jang
On the trials, tribulations, and sacrifices of the people of Pakistan in the struggle against extremism.
beautiful people, hang-over the border.
Warmongering chicken-hawk at it again.