Al-Baghdadi "died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way," Trump later said at the White House news conference, calling him a "gutless animal".
Another coward just like that dope smoking,porno watching,degenerate Osama Bin Laden.
All these cowards trying to disrupt the spread of freedom and democracy ibn America's backyard is enough to make you…sick.
Imagine the USA chasing a protest leader here like that. It isn't impossible to think of as annually or more often, there are Defence Force maneouvres with the USA and other countries and they have a game plan and often it is about a group rising up against the government. Turning language, 'weaponising' naming of protests to calling them 'terrorists' is a move towards turning the facts so they present a different picture. And even people minding their own affairs may be attacked; Why? Because we can!
Think about the Marshall Islands where the USA let off a giant atomic blast, and lots of other blasts too.
The commission's chair, [National Nuclear Commission] Rhea Moss-Christian, said the NNC Strategy is a tool for all Marshallese, whether living in the islands or overseas, to use in their individual and collective efforts to respond to the devastation resulting from the U.S. nuclear weapons testing program in the Marshall Islands.
"It is also a resource for our partners and friends outside the Marshall Islands to understand the nuclear testing impacts that persist today and how they can support the Marshallese people," Rhea Moss-Christian said.
This is what the USA is prepared to do to small islands that pose no threat to their might. They may choose to hold military exercises and then start testing weapons. We have new business here in NZ – setting off rockets, more dangerous an activity than on November 5th.
I don't know whether your comment is meant to be satire Blazer but the world's liar-in-chief will be lying. Sure, the terrorist leader was probably running away but the "gutless animal" bit is a perfect description of Trump himself. In fact if Trump ever found himself cornered , its how he would behave – "like a coward to the end."
Malignant narcissists have a habit of projecting their own dysfunctional personalities onto other individuals.
No, I'm not defending the ISIS leader who deserved extermination.
Yep good points Anne – only an idiot would trust or believe anything turnip.rump says but some people also don't believe in the climate crisis we are in – they make a sack of spanners look smart.
I wish we could stop the cycle of violence that causes so many innocent deaths and devastation.
Update: A previous version of this article said the raid reportedly took place at 3:30 p.m. According to more recent reporting, it took place at approximately 6:10 p.m.
Based on past practice, I'm inclined to suspect Trump had the time of the raid changed so it looked like the photo was taken after the raid instead of beforehand. Whatever… why is it that everything he's involved in always has marked discrepancies attached? I mean, top level professionals don't get the times wrong.
Ah, did not see that note. No conspiracy required – it's just the difference between the Pacific (PST) and Eastern (EST) timezones of the US coasts where its media organisations are based.
Photos of Obama and Clinton in the situation room were widely dispersed in the media as depicting the pres. and his crew watching the raid on the compound as it happened
American imperialism at its finest,don't let anyone criticise it
Two situation rooms,Dem and Republican presidents, both full of shit,both murderers
By that token, you're defending American imperialism and its endless murders, by isolating and targeting Trump , as if all this mayhem and bullshit in the ME started with him
I suspect I'm a few decades older than you, I have a long memory, seen all this bullshit a thousand times before
Of course Trump is a total dickhead, I find it hard to come up with an American pres. who wasn't
He's just the latest clueless American exceptionalist incarnation, who doesn't have the social graces or political nous to clothe it all in fine language.
If your starting point is all American presidents are total dickheads, you will always find find plenty of ammunition for that view point. The job involves balancing competing demands that are fundamentally incompatible, and I find it simply inconceivable that anyone could resolve those issues without the outcomes being pretty shitty for some people most of the time.
But that's not a useful position if you're actually looking for a path to a better world.
There will always be a president of the US, and some of them are 'less crap' than others.The ones that actually are going to be less crap are worth trying to identify and support, and the 'more crap' ones need to be called out and resisted more strongly. Rather than just taking the facile path of throwing a tantrum at all of them, in the hopes of achieving – what exactly, getting to watch it all burn?
Marty – wait until you are 80 before you write silly, disrespectful stuff like that. By then you may have learnt that you actually know less than you are currently so certain about.
I normally agree with you, but at times you come across as highly over-confident.
I agree fully with Francesca that she was not trying to deflect anything.
in vino – talk to her and her disrespectful try to shut the discussion down put down regarding what she thought my age was and then come back and I'll give you the time of day – I don't care about the age of people – you or her – I take what they write as what they write and if you think that she didn't deflect then good for you mate
That's looks like an awful lot of attempted misinformation and smearing on the back of "video blackout".
Quite likely there would have been a lot of other information coming through at the time, as the entire team would have been sweating bullets about the risk of another debacle like the failed Iran hostage rescue in 1980.
Nice smear by implying that people were there to watch a snuff film, when the situation involved an awful lot of personal risk to the personnel involved that carried enormous international and domestic political implications. Those watching would want to have the best information they possibly could in real time in case they were called on to respond to things going bad.
Well if they were called upon , they were shit out of luck .The Seals, those brave heroes, America's finest, made the final decision to kill , in haste even though Bin Laden was unarmed.
Nice try as you would say Andre, but Obama was a killer too, just like all American presidents, but with a prettier face, better speech writers, and a better handle on the political game.
I don't like the way Trump tells the story. You can tell he is loving being in the limelight describing how the guy was killed and able to say anything he likes about it as non of it can be dis-proved.
I was disappointed in the the President's speech about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi death. Given the same circumstances I'm sure George Washington and Abe Lincoln would've been a tad more eloquent. No doubt when Trump reflects he will rue a chance he could have made more of. Maybe some wimpy adviser limited him
"Died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way"? A "gutless animal" who "died like a dog, he died like a coward."
Surely a half-hearted effort. The real Trump supporters would have relished some description of the brain tissue of Baghdadi's kids dripping off the ceiling, pieces of their limbs sliding down the walls the odd eyeball still looking at them.
When it comes to emulating his historic heroes he has a way to go but a touch such as naming American victims of executions by the Islamic State was nice.
Quite a peachy performance by the ringmaster in the Big Top.
What chance the author of the demise of Otto Warmbier receiving equally eloquent salutations?
"There’s no credible data to prove a successful American raid took place against Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The US coalition didn’t even carry out any airstrikes in Idlib recently.
Moscow pointed out that it recorded no US coalition airstrikes in the Idlib area in northwest Syria on Saturday when the raid was held.
It also rejected Trump’s claims that Russian forces opened up the airspace under its control in Syria to American planes to facilitate the operation against the IS leader.
The ministry questioned the very possibility of al-Baghdadi’s presence in Idlib as the area is held by Al-Qaeda offshoot, Jabhat al-Nusra, who have always been mortal enemies of Islamic State."
Someone bombed the site of the house where al-Baghdadi lived. Since it was only a few km from Turkish border theres many ways they could have flown to the immediate area or even used so called glide bombs without going through the airspace controlled by Syria /Russia
Why go through the charade of thanking Russia for opening its air space
"Later in his press conference, Trump said Russia allowed US forces to fly through its airspace and that the US government informed Russia that it would “like” the nature of the American mission."
Not that I could ever see NZTA taking out a judicial review of a decision from its own Minister, but Chris Bishop may well have a point here on light rail; from today's NZHerald:
From NZInfra: "Prior to submitting our proposal, we discussed it with Sir Brian Roche and Sir Michael Cullen and, together with them, corresponded with and sought meetings with Ministers to explain the concept and our investment.
"There was no invitation from the Government to submit such a proposal nor any pressure to do so."
Cullen said that the Super Fund had initiated the approach.
"The purpose of the January meeting was to try to ensure that the Government was aware that the Super Fund was interested in putting forward a proposal and that space was made to listen to that proposal."
Twyford has subsequently appointed Roche to chair NZTA, but Twyford said there was no conflict of interest "because Sir Brian is not a decision-maker on the light rail project".
National Party transport spokesman Chris Bishop has criticised the process.
"Two years after the Prime Minister made this flagship promise, we have no business case, we have no costings, we have no route map, we don't even have an identification of the objectives of why they're doing it in the first place.
"If the Prime Minister had the courage of her convictions, she would remove Phil Twyford from the portfolio."
Yeah, yeah, Chris Bishop, no business case, no costings, no route map, no budget, big deal.
You've got slimy National bullshit artists saying the current Government killed massive improvements to the highway to Northland which National was implementing.
National election promises became reality and your desperate, sycophantic supporters have ridden a highway of lies since.
So Chris, if business cases, costings, route maps and trivialities like budgeting are a big deal, 1) get your sad mob to shut up and 2) since you're so good at getting headlines, grab some to tell the truth about Warkworth to Whangarei roading.
The problem of open-ended civil unrest in Hong Kong, which has been punctuated by rising acts of violence and vandalism carried out by a distinct but hardline minority, is a reflection of China’s new assertiveness under Xi – an assertiveness that marks a break with the caution of the post-Mao era. It can be seen in Xi’s signature undertaking, the Belt and Road Initiative – an infrastructure building project with global ambitions. Or, most recently, the flaunting of new weapons systems during the military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of Communist party rule – a declaration of China’s intention to rival American military power more openly than at any time in the recent past.
Under Xi, China has been intervening much more directly in the governance of Hong Kong. The most notable example of this was the abduction to China of Hong Kong booksellers who traded in titles critical of Beijing or historical accounts that undermined Chinese orthodoxy.
Ihumatao – what gives. Had a look and managed to get on a site with a pouting curvy woman with big boobies. It's hard to get through the barriers to real information these days!
But NZ Initiative are showing how they have joined the list of continuing earthquakes rumbling away, making our lives more uneasy and falling into an irreparable condition. Property rights and Ihumatao blues: Dr Bryce Wilkinson Insights Newsletter 27 September, 2019 The apparently successful illegal occupation of private property in Auckland’s Ihumātao is potentially a serious setback for the rule of law, and thereby New Zealanders’ wellbeing. Also disturbing are the more immediate implications for Auckland housing and the Treaty of Waitangi claims process.
"Ōruarangi will be home to a new neighbourhood that will provide a range of affordable housing for our whanau and new families. The developer Fletcher Building plans to build 480 homes. Around 40 of these will be affordable housing for our people.
Te Kawerau ā Maki has played a key part in the design of the new development. It will reflect our heritage, including walkways that mirror the movements of our tupuna Hape, and parks that resemble our maunga.
KAM acknowlege other iwi and hapū have whakapapa to this whenua .
This could be the loophole to get around the 'settled claim issue' although even the SOUL group when opposing the the Fletcher development in legal proceedings were as Kawerau a Maki.
There will be claim and counter-claim for a while. Then a cash deal.
Sure at a good point before the election, they'll come out singing and Prime Minister Ardern will wrap it up in her most polished of televisual emotions. Singing and orchestrated weeping covers everything.
I see a very high chance of judicial review of any decision – barring some little legislative carve-out – because one Maori group or other will feel slighted.
Ain't no stable truth emerging out of this for a long time.
There are complex relationships with that place. No gain from us talking about it here without the neccessary background understanding, and certainly not with the views of the right-wing Business Roundtable NZ Initiative added to the bonfire.
'Courage beads' are given out to children going through cancer treatment. Some families say they've become much more difficult to get out of the Child Cancer Foundation since the charity changed the way it operates.
Abso-fucking-lutely. The more I take a look at those involved in the provision of public services, the more control-freakery and utter muppetry I seem to encounter.
Newly released video shows a Fresno, California, police officer shooting a fleeing, unarmed 16-year-old in the back of the head and then handcuffing the boy as he lies motionless on the ground.
"1.5 Million Packages a Day: The Internet Brings Chaos to N.Y. Streets"
'The push for convenience is having a stark impact on gridlock, roadway safety and pollution in New York City and urban areas around the world.
One of the issues is they use the public space- streets and footpaths- as sort of warehouse. And apartment buildings which were designed for letters now have an avalanche of packages every day.
"About 15 percent of New York City households receive a package every day, according to the Sustainable Urban Freight Systems center
Where I live with a group of 20 houses , some days I see Uber Eats deliveries multiple times. Even though its about 1 km from 2 supermarkets , a Countdown truck drops off a delivery at least once a week. A neighbour uses Uber for getting to and from work even though a good bus service is 50m away
In retrospect, it is striking how well Turkish, Russian, American, and Syrian actions fit together, effectively shaping an outcome in concert instead of bouncing off each other and breaking down in chaos.
Nevertheless, the idea that the carve-up of Syria was the result of sheer improvisation and happenstance is so far-fetched that if you believe it—well, I’ve got a pontoon bridge over the Euphrates to sell you.
I think that is the kind of stuff that goes on behind closed doors.Give me this propaganda coup to offset the Kurd issue.The promise of a homeland for the Kurds was never going to be kept .How could it? Without endless aid and military protection.
And a 10 Kurd minority in control of the richest part of the country in terms of oil fields was never going to sit well with the rest of the population
The Rojava experiment might have sounded cute, so did the kibbutzim for socialist hippies .Didnt turn out so well
Trump gave plenty of warnings he wanted to pull out.Each time he was over ridden
Who knows whos calling the shots on the American side, with the President saying one thing, the CIA another and the Pentagon going its own way .
Now it seems the Americans are going for the oil again. Out and out theft
Last weekend, the conservative website RedState published a series of articles alleging that Hill had engaged in relationships with a member of her campaign staff and the House staffer. Hill denied the relationship with the House employee, which would be a violation of House rules, but did not deny the relationship with the campaign staff member.
The release of the story, complete with intimate photos of Hill, sparked debate about a double standard in the male-dominated world of political sex scandals, particularly because Hill has blamed Heslep for releasing the photos. Hill’s resignation is likely to bring those questions further out into the open.
On Wednesday, in a letter to constituents, Hill again denied the alleged relationship with the House staff member but acknowledged she was involved in a separate relationship with a member of her campaign staff “during the final tumultuous years of my abusive marriage.”
“I know that even a consensual relationship with a subordinate is inappropriate, but I still allowed it to happen despite my better judgment,” the letter read.
Perhaps Comey could take dual citizenship and become our next National Party leader. If we don't allow duality now we can soon change our laws to enable it, flexibility is our name. It would be a fun feather in his cap which Key has shown how to stick in behind the Right band.
Becoming a politician – anywhere – I think would be the last thing James Comey would have in mind. He does not strike me as a political animal. Yes, I think he is probably a conservative thinker but that does not mean he is National Party material.
He comes across to me as a man of integrity who nevertheless, like all of us, is not immune to making mistakes.
bit late as been busy, but to joe90 at : I agree with you absolutely about Trump's obscene joy in killing another ( and probably several), whoever it be. His attitude and the proof again of his infantile stage of development is frightening. I turned off all TV and radio today when found the event such a big deal to them too…..also concerning/frightening. I write in sincerity.
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A growing consensus holds that the future of airpower, and of defense technology in general, involves the interplay of crewed and uncrewed vehicles. Such teaming means that more-numerous, less-costly, even expendable uncrewed vehicles can bring ...
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After decades of gradual decline, Australia’s manufacturing capability is no longer mission-fit to meet national security needs. Any whole-of-nation effort to arrest this trend needs to start by making the industrial operating environment more conducive ...
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The CTU is calling for an apology from Nicola Willis after her office made a false characterisation of CTU statements, which ultimately saw him blocked from future Treasury briefings. New data shows that Māori make up 83% of those charged under new gang laws. Financial incentives are being offered to ...
Australia’s cyber capabilities have evolved rapidly, but they are still largely reactive, not preventative. Rather than responding to cyber incidents, Australian law enforcement agencies should focus on dismantling underlying criminal networks. On 11 December, Europol ...
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The Australian government has prioritised enhancing Australia’s national resilience for many years now, whether against natural disasters, economic coercion or hostile armed forces. However, the public and media response to the presence of Chinese naval ...
It appears that Auckland Transport is finally set to improve Auckland’s busiest non-frequent bus route, the 120. As highlighted in my post a month ago on Auckland’s busiest bus routes, the 120 is the busiest route that doesn’t already run frequently all day/week and carries more passengers than many other ...
Economists have earned their reputation for jargon and tunnel vision, but sometimes, it takes an someone as perceptive as Simplicity economist Shamubeel Eaqub to identify something simple and devastating. As he pointed out recently, the coalition government is trying to attract foreign investment here to generate economic growth, while – ...
Opinion & AnalysisSimeon Brown, left, and Deloitte partner David LovattIn September 2024, Deloitte Partner David Lovatt, was contracted by the National Government to help National ostensibly understand “the drivers behind HNZ’s worsening financial performance”.1 i.e. deficit.The report shows the last version was dated December 2024.It was formally released this week ...
This cobbled-together government was altogether more the beneficiary of Labour getting turfed out than anything it managed to do itself. Even the worthless cheques they were writing didn't buy all that much favour.How’s it all looking now?Shall we take a look at a Horizon poll?The Government’s performance is making only ...
There's horrible news from the US today, with the Trump regime disappearing Mahmoud Khalil, a former Columbia University student, for protesting against genocide in Gaza. Its another significant decline in US human rights, and puts them in the same class as the authoritarian dictatorships they used to sponsor in South ...
Yesterday National announced plans to amend the Public Works Act to "speed up" land acquisition for public works. Which sounds boring and bureaucratic - except its not. Because what "land acquisition" means is people's homes being compulsorily acquired by the state - which is inherently controversial, and fairly high up ...
Contenders: The next question after “Will Luxon really go?” is, of course, “Will that work?” The answer to that question lies not so much in the efficacy of Luxon’s successor as it does in the perceived strength of the Centre-Left alternative.AT LEAST TWO prominent political commentators are alluding publicly to the ...
Ice will melt, water will boilYou and I can shake off this mortal coilIt's bigger than usYou don't have to worry about itIt's circumstantialIt's nothing written in the skyAnd we don't even have to trySongwriters: Neil Finn / Tim Finn.Preparing for the future.Many of you will be familiar with the ...
In my post last Thursday I offered some thoughts on changes that should be initiated by the government in the wake of the Governor’s surprise resignation. (Days on we still have no real explanation as to why he just resigned with no notice, disappearing out the door and (eg) leaving ...
In late February a Chinese navy flotilla including a cruiser, a frigate and a replenishment ship began to circle Australia, conducting a live fire exercise in the Tasman Sea along the way. The Strategist featured ...
China’s deployment of a potent surface action group around Australia over the past two weeks is unprecedented but not unique. Over the past few years, China’s navy has deployed a range of vessels in Australia’s ...
Long stories shortest in Aotearoa’s political economy this morning: Within months and before Parliamentary approval is obtained, the Government plans to strip non-Maori landowners of the right to use the Environment Court to stop compulsory acquisition for fast-track projects and big new motorways.The Government also wants to buy off landowners ...
Hi,When I was 16 (pimples, braces, painfully awkward) — I applied for a job at Video Ezy.It’s difficult to describe how much I wanted this job. Video Ezy was my local video shop in Tauranga, and I’d spend hours of my teenage life stalking through those aisles, looking at the ...
A listing of 32 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, March 2, 2025 thru Sat, March 8, 2025. This week's roundup is again published by category and sorted by number of articles included in each. We are still interested ...
The title of this post comes from Albert Wohlstetter’s 1976 seminal essay Moving Towards Life in a Nuclear Armed Crowd. In that essay he contemplated a world in which several nations had nuclear weapons, and also the strategic logics governing their proliferation, deployment and use (mainly as a deterrent). For ...
Adrian Orr resigned unexpectedly and immediately on Wednesday, giving no explanation for departing three years before the end of his second term. File Photo: Lynn GrievesonLong stories shortest in our political economy this week: David Seymour’s lunch programme came under increasing scrutiny;Adrian Orr resigned unexpectedly after clashing with Nicola Willis ...
You've got to live, lady liveDo the tongue rollGive me joyBut don't kiss me too fastSong: Th’ Dudes.Good morning, all. After another heavy week of less-than-positive news, it’s time for something silly: the old standby of memories and questions.I can’t face writing about any more terrible people this week. I usually ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is Greenland losing land ice? Data from satellites and expeditions confirm Greenland has been losing land ice at an accelerating rate for decades. ...
After the Reserve Bank’s appearance on 20 February at the Finance and Expenditure Committee (the Governor, his macro deputy Karen Silk, and his chief economist Paul Conway) on the previous day’s Monetary Policy Statement, I wrote a post here about it, focused on a number of areas in which Orr, ...
Beijing deployed a naval task group to the waters around Australia for three related reasons. First, to demonstrate the reach and potency of Chinese sea power and to put Australia on notice that it is ...
That's the price that we all payAnd the value of destiny comes to nothingI can't tell you where we're goingI guess there was just no way of knowingSongwriters: Bernard Sumner / Gillian Lesley Gilbert / Peter Hook / Stephen Eric Hague / Stephen Paul David Morris.What an eventful week it’s ...
In what might have been the longest presidential address to Congress in American history—an hour and forty minutes without intermission—President Donald Trump delivered a performance on Tuesday night that was simultaneously grandiose, confrontational, optimistic and ...
Peter Frankopan’s The Earth Transformed: An Untold History is a compelling account of the interaction between humans and the environment. We would be unwise to ignore it. The Silk Roads: A New History of the World by Oxford professor of history Peter Frankopan was initially widely admired. But critics point ...
The United States shocked the world last week with President Donald Trump’s very public rift with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. This was followed by a US pause on military aid and some intelligence sharing with ...
International Women’s Day (IWD) serves as both a celebration of progress and a reminder of the ongoing challenges women face worldwide. Across national security, diplomacy, human rights and digital spaces, women continue to break barriers. ...
Domestic violence is an under-recognised early indicator of terrorism. It is not a reliable solitary indicator, but when observed alongside risk factors, it can prompt authorities to take a closer look at a potential terrorist. ...
1. The Government is bringing back what to Health New Zealand?a. Buckb. Sexyc. The arrangement they dumped nine months ago2. Patient advocate and health campaigner Malcolm Mulholland said Commissioner Levy's time would be remembered as what?a. The Good Placeb. The Bad Placec. Absolute havoc and mayhem3. The government also announced ...
The current National government is one of the worst in Aotearoa's history. And because of this, its also one of the most unpopular. A war on Māori, corrupt fast-track legislation, undermining the fight against climate change, the ferry fiasco, the school lunch disaster... none of these policies are making friends. ...
Australia should enlist partners in the Quad to help address China’s increasingly assertive naval behaviour in the Indo-Pacific. The Quad may be slow in moving into security roles, but one militarily useful function that it ...
Women’s rights and protections are regressing on the international stage, from the Taliban’s erasure of women from public life to US President Donald Trump’s misogynistic rhetoric and decision to suspend USAID. Against this backdrop, Australia’s ...
E tū, representing many of NZME’s journalists, says it is “deeply worried” by a billionaire’s plans to take over its board. They are also concerned that NZ Post call centre jobs are gradually shifting to the Philippines as a cost-cutting measure. APEX have announced that more than 850 lab staff ...
US President Donald Trump, his powerful offsider Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) are slashing public spending in an effort to save US taxpayers anywhere between US$500 billion and US$2 trillion. Caught ...
Miles and miles on my ownWarm with shame, I follow onA language to find hard to hearNot to understand, just disappearCould you take my place and stand here?I do not think you'd take this painYou'll be on your knees and struggle under the weightOh, the truth would be a beautiful ...
“I made him the Prime Minister”, said Winston Peters, leaning into his “kingmaker” role. File Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories shortest in Aotearoa’s political economy this morning: Winston Peters believes he made Christopher Luxon PM and therefore didn’t have to tell him about sacking Phil Goff, which Luxon ...
Yesterday, after kids got “steam burns” from hot school lunches, came the news of a kid in Gisborne who suffered “second degree burns” after opening one of the school lunches and accidentally splashing some on their leg.The student had to be rushed to A&E at the hospital, but it’s horrific ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the week’s news with regular and special guests, including: and Elaine Monaghan on the week in geopolitics, including Donald Trump’s wrecking of the post-WW II political landscape; and, on ...
Of all the headline-making, world-reshaping actions of the second Trump administration thus far, perhaps the most defining is the United States’ vote against the resolution condemning Moscow’s invasion and supporting Ukraine’s territorial authority. The US has used its security council veto and superpower heft in questionable ways before, but this ...
Open access notables Snow Mass Recharge of the Greenland Ice Sheet Fueled by Intense Atmospheric River, Bailey & Hubbard, Geophysical Research Letters:Atmospheric rivers (ARs) have been linked with extreme rainfall and melt events across the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS), accelerating its mass loss. However, the impact of AR-fueled snowfall has ...
Donald Trump’s description of himself during last week’s excruciating Oval Office meeting as a ‘mediator’ between Russia and Ukraine was revealing even by the standards of the past six weeks. It showed an indifference to ...
In April 1941, Charles Lindbergh, the America First Committee’s most prominent leader, outlined his position that Nazi Germany’s victory was inevitable, that the United States should stay neutral and that Britain was ‘a belligerent nation’ ...
National Business Review has this scoop todayLet’s not belabour it.He wants all NZME directors to be replaced by himself, three new nominees, and one existing NZME Director.Grenon’s link to publications such as Centrist and News Essentials are note worthy.Those publications for all intensive purposes present a very alt-right view of ...
Anyone involved in Australia’s critical minerals industry would be rolling their eyes at the transaction still reported to be under consideration between Ukraine and the United States. US President Donald Trump was initially asking for ...
Collins Unveils Very Special FrigateJudith Collins today announced a bold plan to address the navy’s billion dollar headaches.We’re so short of sailors that we’ve had to tie up half the fleet, and as if that wasn’t enough, our allies have been heavying us to upgrade the boats. Well, that would ...
ANALYSIS / OPINION -Why Central Bankers MatterI remember the day that Lehman Brothers fell. LB was a global financial services behemoth. Fourth largest investment bank in the world. Founded in 1850. The brand smelt of prestige and calibre.But their demise in 2018 - caused by shoddy risk management practices and ...
Australia has no room for complacency as it watches the second Trump Administration upend the US Intelligence Community (USIC). The evident mutual advantages of the US-Australian intelligence partnership and of the Five Eyes alliance more ...
Port workers in Lyttleton are warning that a proposal to cut jobs at the port will lead to more workplace deaths. The Government is doubling the number of nurse practitioners able to train in GP clinics, to 120 every year. They have also announced plans to lower the age for ...
Indonesia has recognised that security affairs in its region are no longer business as usual, though it hasn’t completely given up its commitment to strategic autonomy. Its biggest step was a Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA) ...
The StrategistBy Benedicta Nathania and Aisha Kusumasomantri
What a world we live in. It sounds like a satire piece, or perhaps a headline for some alternative universe where Stuart Little was a documentary. Source: TransVitaeSadly, it’s not. It’s a stunning indictment that the leader of the free world either can’t, or doesn’t, read. Yesterday in Congress, Donald ...
I hate to break it to you babe, but I'm not drowningThere's no one here to saveWho cares if you disagree?You are not meWho made you king of anything?So you dare tell me who to be?Who died and made you king of anything?Songwriters: Sara Beth Bareilles.It’s hard to be surprised ...
Britain’s decision to cut foreign aid to fund defence spending overlooks the preventive role of foreign aid. It follows the pause and review of USAID activities and is an approach to foreign aid that Australia ...
I’d been thinking last week of writing a post looking ahead to the end of Adrian Orr’s term (due to have run until March 2028) and offering some thoughts on structural changes the government should be looking to make, to complete and refine the Reserve Bank reform programme kicked off ...
The ongoing Salt Typhoon cyberattack, affecting some of the United States’ largest telecoms companies, has galvanised a trend toward more assertive US engagement in the cyber domain. This is the wrong lesson to take. Instead, ...
On Tuesday the long awaited Land Transport Management (Time of Use Charging) Amendment Bill passed its first reading in parliament and now heads off to select committee for public submissions. This is the legislation that enables Time of Use charging schemes – what’s typically known as congestion pricing – to ...
RBNZ governor Orr is now gone and using up his leave before the formal end of his employment, but does this mean we might see a new 2004-style ‘unbeatable’ mortgage war and another credit-fuelled housing price boom? Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong story short:Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr ...
In a week when PM Christopher Luxon and Health Minister Simeon Brown have been blowing their own trumpets about how supportive they are of GPs, and how they are offering “all New Zealanders” more “choice” in how they access primary health care blah blah blah…. Can we please have some ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy and climate communicator Becky Hoag. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). In just a few weeks President Donald Trump has done everything he can ...
US President Donald Trump has cast serious doubts on the future of the postwar international order. In recent speeches and UN votes, his administration has sided with Russia, an aggressor that launched a war of ...
China’s economic importance cannot be allowed to supersede all other Australian interests. For the past couple of decades, trade has dominated Australia’s relations with China. This cannot continue. Australia needs to prioritise its security interests ...
Troubling times, surreal times. So many of us seem to be pacing our exposure to it all to preserve our sanity. I know I am.A generous dose of history podcasts and five seasons in a row of The Last Kingdom have been a big help. Good will hand evil a ...
Although I do not usually write about NZ politics, I do follow them. I find that with the exception of a few commentators, coverage of domestic issues tends to be dominated by a fixation on personalities, scandals, “gotcha” questioning, “he said, she said” accusations, nitpicking about the daily minutia of ...
Te Pāti Māori extends our deepest aroha to the 500 plus Whānau Ora workers who have been advised today that the govt will be dismantling their contracts. For twenty years , Whānau Ora has been helping families, delivering life-changing support through a kaupapa Māori approach. It has built trust where ...
Labour welcomes Simeon Brown’s move to reinstate a board at Health New Zealand, bringing the destructive and secretive tenure of commissioner Lester Levy to an end. ...
This morning’s announcement by the Health Minister regarding a major overhaul of the public health sector levels yet another blow to the country’s essential services. ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill that will ensure employment decisions in the public service are based on merit and not on forced woke ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ targets. “This Bill would put an end to the woke left-wing social engineering and diversity targets in the public sector. ...
Police have referred 20 offenders to Destiny Church-affiliated programmes Man Up and Legacy as ‘wellness providers’ in the last year, raising concerns that those seeking help are being recruited into a harmful organisation. ...
Te Pāti Māori welcomes the resignation of Richard Prebble from the Waitangi Tribunal. His appointment in October 2024 was a disgrace- another example of this government undermining Te Tiriti o Waitangi by appointing a former ACT leader who has spent his career attacking Māori rights. “Regardless of the reason for ...
Police Minister Mark Mitchell is avoiding accountability by refusing to answer key questions in the House as his Government faces criticism over their dangerous citizen’s arrest policy, firearm reform, and broken promises to recruit more police. ...
The number of building consents issued under this Government continues to spiral, taking a toll on the infrastructure sector, tradies, and future generations of Kiwi homeowners. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister to rule out joining the AUKUS military pact in any capacity following the scenes in the White House over the weekend. ...
The Green Party is appalled by the Government’s plan to disestablish Resource Teachers of Māori (RTM) roles, a move that takes another swing at kaupapa Māori education. ...
The Government’s levies announcement is a step in the right direction, but they must be upfront about who will pay its new infrastructure levies and ensure that first-home buyers are protected from hidden costs. ...
The Government’s levies announcement is a step in the right direction, but they must be upfront about who will pay its new infrastructure levies and ensure that first-home buyers are protected from hidden costs. ...
After months of mana whenua protecting their wāhi tapu, the Green Party welcomes the pause of works at Lake Rotokākahi and calls for the Rotorua Lakes Council to work constructively with Tūhourangi and Ngāti Tumatawera on the pathway forward. ...
New Zealand First continues to bring balance, experience, and commonsense to Government. This week we've made progress on many of our promises to New Zealand.Winston representing New ZealandWinston Peters is overseas this week, with stops across the Middle East and North Asia. Winston's stops include Saudi Arabia, the ...
Green Party Co-Leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick have announced the party’s plans to deliver a Green Budget this year to offer an alternative vision to the Government’s trickle-down economics and austerity politics. ...
At this year's State of the Planet address, Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick announced the party’s plans to deliver a Green Budget this year to offer an alternative vision to the Government’s trickle-down economics and austerity politics. ...
The Government has spent $3.6 million dollars on a retail crime advisory group, including paying its chair $920 a day, to come up with ideas already dismissed as dangerous by police. ...
The Green Party supports the peaceful occupation at Lake Rotokākahi and are calling for the controversial sewerage project on the lake to be stopped until the Environment Court has made a decision. ...
ActionStation’s Oral Healthcare report, released today, paints a dire picture of unmet need and inequality across the country, highlighting the urgency of free dental care for all New Zealanders. ...
The Golden Age There has been long-standing recognition that New Zealand First has an unrivalled reputation for delivering for our older New Zealanders. This remains true, and is reflected in our coalition agreement. While we know there is much that we can and will do in this space, it is ...
Labour Te Atatū MP Phil Twyford has written to the charities regulator asking that Destiny Church charities be struck off in the wake of last weekend’s violence by Destiny followers in his electorate. ...
Bills by Labour MPs to remove rules around sale of alcohol on public holidays, and for Crown entities to adopt Māori names have been drawn from the Members’ Bill Ballot. ...
The Government is falling even further behind its promised target of 500 new police officers, now with 72 fewer police officers than when National took office. ...
This morning’s Stats NZ child poverty statistics should act as a wake-up call for the government: with no movement in child poverty rates since June 2023, it’s time to make the wellbeing of our tamariki a political priority. ...
Green Party Co-Leader Marama Davidson’s Consumer Guarantees Right to Repair Amendment Bill has passed its first reading in Parliament this evening. ...
As the world marks three years since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced additional sanctions on Russian entities and support for Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction. “Russia’s illegal invasion has brought three years of devastation to Ukraine’s people, environment, and infrastructure,” Mr Peters says. “These additional sanctions target 52 ...
Associate Finance Minister David Seymour has today announced the Government’s plan to reform the Overseas Investment Act and make it easier for New Zealand businesses to receive new investment, grow and pay higher wages. “New Zealand is one of the hardest countries in the developed world for overseas people to ...
Associate Health Minister Hon Casey Costello is traveling to Australia for meetings with the aged care sector in Melbourne, Canberra, and Sydney next week. “Australia is our closest partner, so as we consider the changes necessary to make our system more effective and sustainable it makes sense to learn from ...
The Government is boosting investment in the QEII National Trust to reinforce the protection of Aotearoa New Zealand's biodiversity on private land, Conservation Minister Tama Potaka says. The Government today announced an additional $4.5 million for conservation body QEII National Trust over three years. QEII Trust works with farmers and ...
The closure of the Ava Bridge walkway will be delayed so Hutt City Council have more time to develop options for a new footbridge, says Transport Minister Chris Bishop and Mayor of Lower Hutt, Campbell Barry. “The Hutt River paths are one of the Hutt’s most beloved features. Hutt locals ...
Good afternoon. Can I acknowledge Ngāti Whātua for their warm welcome, Simpson Grierson for hosting us here today, and of course the Committee for Auckland for putting on today’s event. I suspect some of you are sitting there wondering what a boy from the Hutt would know about Auckland, our ...
The Government will invest funding to remove the level crossings in Takanini and Glen Innes and replace them with grade-separated crossings, to maximise the City Rail Link’s ability to speed up journey times by rail and road and boost Auckland’s productivity, Transport Minister Chris Bishop and Auckland Minister Simeon Brown ...
The Government has made key decisions on a Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) framework to enable businesses to benefit from storing carbon underground, which will support New Zealand’s businesses to continue operating while reducing net carbon emissions, Energy and Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. “Economic growth is a ...
Minister for Regulation David Seymour says that outdated and burdensome regulations surrounding industrial hemp (iHemp) production are set to be reviewed by the Ministry for Regulation. Industrial hemp is currently classified as a Class C controlled drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act, despite containing minimal THC and posing little ...
The Ministerial Advisory Group on transnational and serious organised crime was appointed by Cabinet on Monday and met for the first time today, Associate Police Minister Casey Costello announced. “The group will provide independent advice to ensure we have a better cross-government response to fighting the increasing threat posed to ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon will travel to Viet Nam next week, visiting both Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City, accompanied by a delegation of senior New Zealand business leaders. “Viet Nam is a rising star of Southeast Asia with one of the fastest growing economies in the region. This ...
The coalition Government has passed legislation to support overseas investment in the Build-to-Rent housing sector, Associate Minister of Finance Chris Bishop says. “The Overseas Investment (Facilitating Build-to-Rent Developments) Amendment Bill has completed its third reading in Parliament, fulfilling another step in the Government’s plan to support an increase in New ...
The new Police marketing campaign starting today, recreating the ‘He Ain’t Heavy’ ad from the 1990s, has been welcomed by Associate Police Minister Casey Costello. “This isn’t just a great way to get the attention of more potential recruits, it’s a reminder to everyone about what policing is and the ...
No significant change to child poverty rates under successive governments reinforces that lifting children out of material hardship will be an ongoing challenge, Child Poverty Reduction Minister Louise Upston says. Figures released by Stats NZ today show no change in child poverty rates for the year ended June 2024, reflecting ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the most common family names given to newborns in 2024. “For the seventh consecutive year, Singh is the most common registered family name, with over 680 babies given this name. Kaur follows closely in second place with 630 babies, while ...
A new $3 million fund from the International Conservation and Tourism Visitor Levy will be used to attract more international visitors to regional destinations this autumn and winter, Tourism and Hospitality Minister Louise Upston says. “The Government has a clear priority to unleash economic growth and getting our visitor numbers ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Cameron Webb, Clinical Associate Professor and Principal Hospital Scientist, University of Sydney While some parts of southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales are still on alert for flooding, others are starting the difficult clean-up process as flood waters recede. Stagnant water ...
Simon Watts says he is concerned about Wellington Water, and the lack of a City and Regional Deal proposal which prompted the PM to call the councils "lame-o". ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Javier Leon, Associate Professor in Physical Geography, University of the Sunshine Coast For many people, the most visible impact of Cyclone Alfred was the damage big waves and storm surge did to their local beaches. Beaches in southeast Queensland and northeast ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Sally Baker, Associate Professor, Migration and Education, Australian National University The damage inflicted by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred on Queensland and northern New South Wales has been extensive. Several areas have had infrastructure badly damaged, and many homes have been destroyed. With ...
Late last year, the associate immigration minister reversed a decision to deny the controversial US commentator a visa, after a local lobby group put the pressure on. Documents released under the Official Information Act reveal how it unfolded.Across the ditch, her risk of “inciting discord” was deemed too great ...
“It doesn’t have to be barebones, but when one-sixth of the cost of a footbridge is simply on flourish, it’s probably time to pull back. The people of Nelson deserve better from their council in terms of spending decisions.” ...
New Zealand’s favourite soap returned this year with a new look and a new attitude – but is it working? This year, Shortland Street has rewritten its own rules. After falling advertising revenue saw the long-running series reduce to three episode a week in 2025, the show returned to our ...
The PM faces a grilling at Question Time in a day where he called Wellington's councils "pretty lame-o" and a school lunch provider went into liquidation. ...
In episode five of Bryn & Ku’s Singles Club, our pair head to our capital city and finally brave the dating scene solo. Bryn & Ku’s Singles Club is a new documentary series for The Spinoff following award-winning comedians and friends Brynley Stent and Kura Forrester as they ...
Duncan Greive is joined by trade specialist Charles Finny and Echobox’s tech regulation expert Tom Barraclough to dive deep into the theoretical and the practical of media regulation in the new era. The second Trump administration has blown apart a multi-decade long rules based order for trade. The White ...
ANALYSIS:By Matthew Sussex, Australian National University Has any nation squandered its diplomatic capital, plundered its own political system, attacked its partners and supplicated itself before its far weaker enemies as rapidly and brazenly as Donald Trump’s America? The fiery Oval Office meeting between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ...
Halal investing presents a number of challenges, especially in New Zealand. Can you be a good Muslim, and also have serious financial goals you want to hit? That’s the challenge Muhammad Lambat is tackling. And, he says, the answer is yes. As the founder and content creator behind @MuslimInvesting, he’s ...
By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ Pacific correspondent French Pacific desk A series of violent incidents and confrontations over the weekend in New Caledonia’s capital Nouméa and its surroundings, causing clashes with law enforcement agencies and several injuries. On Saturday night, in a bar and night-club in downtown Nouméa, a “Ladies Night” ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Maxine Newlands, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Policy Futures, University of Queensland, Adjunct Principle Research Fellow, Cairns Institute, James Cook University In 2022, the national vote for independents or minor parties was the highest in almost a century. A third of ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Jason Nassios, Associate Professor, Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University Infrastructure Victoria has released a draft 30-year plan outlining how the state can grow sustainably. It focuses on key areas like transport, housing, energy, and public services to support a ...
As part of our series exploring how New Zealanders live and our relationship with money, a ‘currently struggling but eternally optimistic’ bar manager and dog sitter shares some spending-and-saving insights. Want to be part of The Cost of Being? Fill out the questionnaire here.Gender: Woman but occasionally questioning it. Age: ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Kim M Caudwell, Senior Lecturer in Psychology | Chair, Researchers in Behavioural Addictions, Alcohol and Drugs (BAAD), Charles Darwin University Tada Images/Shutterstock Do you ever find yourself taking a sneaky few minutes out of your work day to play a game ...
IT workers - threatened with large-scale job cuts at Health NZ - are hoping for a reprieve, after the health minister revealed he has asked officials to think again. ...
Anyone else doing a Labour Day LEC picnic?
Good riddance
Al-Baghdadi "died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way," Trump later said at the White House news conference, calling him a "gutless animal".
Another coward just like that dope smoking,porno watching,degenerate Osama Bin Laden.
All these cowards trying to disrupt the spread of freedom and democracy ibn America's backyard is enough to make you…sick.
Imagine the USA chasing a protest leader here like that. It isn't impossible to think of as annually or more often, there are Defence Force maneouvres with the USA and other countries and they have a game plan and often it is about a group rising up against the government. Turning language, 'weaponising' naming of protests to calling them 'terrorists' is a move towards turning the facts so they present a different picture. And even people minding their own affairs may be attacked; Why? Because we can!
Think about the Marshall Islands where the USA let off a giant atomic blast, and lots of other blasts too.
The commission's chair, [National Nuclear Commission] Rhea Moss-Christian, said the NNC Strategy is a tool for all Marshallese, whether living in the islands or overseas, to use in their individual and collective efforts to respond to the devastation resulting from the U.S. nuclear weapons testing program in the Marshall Islands.
"It is also a resource for our partners and friends outside the Marshall Islands to understand the nuclear testing impacts that persist today and how they can support the Marshallese people," Rhea Moss-Christian said.
(refers to the 1953 blast)
(refers to 30 June 1946 and USA used the place for 12 years to test bombs and weapons)
This is what the USA is prepared to do to small islands that pose no threat to their might. They may choose to hold military exercises and then start testing weapons. We have new business here in NZ – setting off rockets, more dangerous an activity than on November 5th.
Some background on the Islamic leader just killed by USA forces.
I don't know whether your comment is meant to be satire Blazer but the world's liar-in-chief will be lying. Sure, the terrorist leader was probably running away but the "gutless animal" bit is a perfect description of Trump himself. In fact if Trump ever found himself cornered , its how he would behave – "like a coward to the end."
Malignant narcissists have a habit of projecting their own dysfunctional personalities onto other individuals.
No, I'm not defending the ISIS leader who deserved extermination.
Yep good points Anne – only an idiot would trust or believe anything turnip.rump says but some people also don't believe in the climate crisis we are in – they make a sack of spanners look smart.
I wish we could stop the cycle of violence that causes so many innocent deaths and devastation.
His gleeful description of ghastly violence was particularly vile.
What's with all the unconnected cables floating around? Didn't they have time to plug em in somewhere. Make it look authentic.
It beggars sane belief!
They had already unplugged the secure gear by the time Chump demanded his photo op.
EDIT: or the photo was taken *beforehand* according to the story below ( Others I saw said the raid was at 3pm but maybe that was PST not EST?
From Andre's link:
Based on past practice, I'm inclined to suspect Trump had the time of the raid changed so it looked like the photo was taken after the raid instead of beforehand. Whatever… why is it that everything he's involved in always has marked discrepancies attached? I mean, top level professionals don't get the times wrong.
Remember this?
I love all the pretty pictures on his desk. Donald likes pretty pictures. 😡
Ah, did not see that note. No conspiracy required – it's just the difference between the Pacific (PST) and Eastern (EST) timezones of the US coasts where its media organisations are based.
Possibly WiFi is not considered secure enough for all their little treats and trinkets connecting to an intra/internet
Then again, Obama didnt have a fucking clue what he was looking at , there was a video blackout during the raid
But good to look all presidential and deadly serious, even if the promised snuff movie turns out to be a blank screen
wtf – defending t.rump by deflection – how sad lol
Not a defense of Trump
I despise all warmongers .
Photos of Obama and Clinton in the situation room were widely dispersed in the media as depicting the pres. and his crew watching the raid on the compound as it happened
American imperialism at its finest,don't let anyone criticise it
Two situation rooms,Dem and Republican presidents, both full of shit,both murderers
Yeah nah you just defended t.rump by deflecting
By that token, you're defending American imperialism and its endless murders, by isolating and targeting Trump , as if all this mayhem and bullshit in the ME started with him
I suspect I'm a few decades older than you, I have a long memory, seen all this bullshit a thousand times before
Of course Trump is a total dickhead, I find it hard to come up with an American pres. who wasn't
He's just the latest clueless American exceptionalist incarnation, who doesn't have the social graces or political nous to clothe it all in fine language.
you may well be 80 or so but it is irrelevant to me
I read what you write and respond to that – sorry if you don't like it
If your starting point is all American presidents are total dickheads, you will always find find plenty of ammunition for that view point. The job involves balancing competing demands that are fundamentally incompatible, and I find it simply inconceivable that anyone could resolve those issues without the outcomes being pretty shitty for some people most of the time.
But that's not a useful position if you're actually looking for a path to a better world.
There will always be a president of the US, and some of them are 'less crap' than others.The ones that actually are going to be less crap are worth trying to identify and support, and the 'more crap' ones need to be called out and resisted more strongly. Rather than just taking the facile path of throwing a tantrum at all of them, in the hopes of achieving – what exactly, getting to watch it all burn?
Marty – wait until you are 80 before you write silly, disrespectful stuff like that. By then you may have learnt that you actually know less than you are currently so certain about.
I normally agree with you, but at times you come across as highly over-confident.
I agree fully with Francesca that she was not trying to deflect anything.
in vino – talk to her and her disrespectful try to shut the discussion down put down regarding what she thought my age was and then come back and I'll give you the time of day – I don't care about the age of people – you or her – I take what they write as what they write and if you think that she didn't deflect then good for you mate
My 10:15pm directed to support francesca
What those two photos say about differences between them …
That's looks like an awful lot of attempted misinformation and smearing on the back of "video blackout".
Quite likely there would have been a lot of other information coming through at the time, as the entire team would have been sweating bullets about the risk of another debacle like the failed Iran hostage rescue in 1980.
Nice smear by implying that people were there to watch a snuff film, when the situation involved an awful lot of personal risk to the personnel involved that carried enormous international and domestic political implications. Those watching would want to have the best information they possibly could in real time in case they were called on to respond to things going bad.
Well if they were called upon , they were shit out of luck .The Seals, those brave heroes, America's finest, made the final decision to kill , in haste even though Bin Laden was unarmed.
Nice try as you would say Andre, but Obama was a killer too, just like all American presidents, but with a prettier face, better speech writers, and a better handle on the political game.
"America remains the one indispensable nation "
At least none of them were golfing.
Yes , that makes a huge difference when extra judicial assassinations are going on
It does if you are trying to get publicity mileage from it. The dead people are dead, all the same.
More details on timelines and photo timestamps …
tRump was handed a chance to present himself as a sober and serious leader. But no, the idiot just can't resist an opportunity to aggrandise himself.
I don't like the way Trump tells the story. You can tell he is loving being in the limelight describing how the guy was killed and able to say anything he likes about it as non of it can be dis-proved.
I was disappointed in the the President's speech about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi death. Given the same circumstances I'm sure George Washington and Abe Lincoln would've been a tad more eloquent. No doubt when Trump reflects he will rue a chance he could have made more of. Maybe some wimpy adviser limited him
"Died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way"? A "gutless animal" who "died like a dog, he died like a coward."
Surely a half-hearted effort. The real Trump supporters would have relished some description of the brain tissue of Baghdadi's kids dripping off the ceiling, pieces of their limbs sliding down the walls the odd eyeball still looking at them.
When it comes to emulating his historic heroes he has a way to go but a touch such as naming American victims of executions by the Islamic State was nice.
Quite a peachy performance by the ringmaster in the Big Top.
What chance the author of the demise of Otto Warmbier receiving equally eloquent salutations?
Seems tRump was combobulating, again.
It's a level or few up from "we came, we saw, he died".
and only a level or two below stroking his cheeto while he watches the video
"when Trump reflects"
Total load of typical Murican bullshit
"There’s no credible data to prove a successful American raid took place against Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The US coalition didn’t even carry out any airstrikes in Idlib recently.
Moscow pointed out that it recorded no US coalition airstrikes in the Idlib area in northwest Syria on Saturday when the raid was held.
It also rejected Trump’s claims that Russian forces opened up the airspace under its control in Syria to American planes to facilitate the operation against the IS leader.
The ministry questioned the very possibility of al-Baghdadi’s presence in Idlib as the area is held by Al-Qaeda offshoot, Jabhat al-Nusra, who have always been mortal enemies of Islamic State."
How many times has he been killed already?
At least twice, and counting.
Funny how he was flushed out just as the US was decamping.
Dude's obviously a cat with three to go.
Someone bombed the site of the house where al-Baghdadi lived. Since it was only a few km from Turkish border theres many ways they could have flown to the immediate area or even used so called glide bombs without going through the airspace controlled by Syria /Russia
Why go through the charade of thanking Russia for opening its air space
"Later in his press conference, Trump said Russia allowed US forces to fly through its airspace and that the US government informed Russia that it would “like” the nature of the American mission."
Mortal enemies, if al Nusra had taken Damascus, it and IS would have merged …
They operated separately because one was fighting Assad and one was fighting the Western Back Iraq regime.
The only player who saw them for what they were was Turkey. Which is why they worked with both.
Unpacking Generalissimo Bonespurs' statement about the raid …
This seems a very good innovation for boaties. I think by the Grey in the West Coast SI would be another place for them.
Not that I could ever see NZTA taking out a judicial review of a decision from its own Minister, but Chris Bishop may well have a point here on light rail; from today's NZHerald:
From NZInfra: "Prior to submitting our proposal, we discussed it with Sir Brian Roche and Sir Michael Cullen and, together with them, corresponded with and sought meetings with Ministers to explain the concept and our investment.
"There was no invitation from the Government to submit such a proposal nor any pressure to do so."
Cullen said that the Super Fund had initiated the approach.
"The purpose of the January meeting was to try to ensure that the Government was aware that the Super Fund was interested in putting forward a proposal and that space was made to listen to that proposal."
Twyford has subsequently appointed Roche to chair NZTA, but Twyford said there was no conflict of interest "because Sir Brian is not a decision-maker on the light rail project".
National Party transport spokesman Chris Bishop has criticised the process.
"Two years after the Prime Minister made this flagship promise, we have no business case, we have no costings, we have no route map, we don't even have an identification of the objectives of why they're doing it in the first place.
"If the Prime Minister had the courage of her convictions, she would remove Phil Twyford from the portfolio."
Yeah, yeah, Chris Bishop, no business case, no costings, no route map, no budget, big deal.
You've got slimy National bullshit artists saying the current Government killed massive improvements to the highway to Northland which National was implementing.
National election promises became reality and your desperate, sycophantic supporters have ridden a highway of lies since.
So Chris, if business cases, costings, route maps and trivialities like budgeting are a big deal, 1) get your sad mob to shut up and 2) since you're so good at getting headlines, grab some to tell the truth about Warkworth to Whangarei roading.
Plenty more scrutiny to come on this one, even if we don't like where it comes from.
Twyford will now need Cabinet help landing this plane.
Hong Kong – what is happening there and why?
The problem of open-ended civil unrest in Hong Kong, which has been punctuated by rising acts of violence and vandalism carried out by a distinct but hardline minority, is a reflection of China’s new assertiveness under Xi – an assertiveness that marks a break with the caution of the post-Mao era. It can be seen in Xi’s signature undertaking, the Belt and Road Initiative – an infrastructure building project with global ambitions. Or, most recently, the flaunting of new weapons systems during the military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of Communist party rule – a declaration of China’s intention to rival American military power more openly than at any time in the recent past.
Under Xi, China has been intervening much more directly in the governance of Hong Kong. The most notable example of this was the abduction to China of Hong Kong booksellers who traded in titles critical of Beijing or historical accounts that undermined Chinese orthodoxy.
Ihumatao – what gives. Had a look and managed to get on a site with a pouting curvy woman with big boobies. It's hard to get through the barriers to real information these days!
But NZ Initiative are showing how they have joined the list of continuing earthquakes rumbling away, making our lives more uneasy and falling into an irreparable condition.
Property rights and Ihumatao blues: Dr Bryce Wilkinson Insights Newsletter 27 September, 2019
The apparently successful illegal occupation of private property in Auckland’s Ihumātao is potentially a serious setback for the rule of law, and thereby New Zealanders’ wellbeing. Also disturbing are the more immediate implications for Auckland housing and the Treaty of Waitangi claims process.
Some points about not rubbishing people when argument and race combine. Another RW from Tauranga totally disparaging about reasonable Maori protests and giving that as a reason why we should be come a Republic (like the great 'America' no doubt).
What the actual fuck, in your opinion, that she is a "pouting curvy woman with big boobies" have to do with anything?
I agree – wtf indeed
Just a land deal jacked up with guilt cash.
Government pays, Tainui Holdings buys it, and then the protesters can ague with Tainui if any family will get housed there.
I dont see that . The claim is now that its not part of Kawerau a Maki at all but another iwi that hasnt done a treaty settlement.
Which conflicts with this
"Ōruarangi will be home to a new neighbourhood that will provide a range of affordable housing for our whanau and new families. The developer Fletcher Building plans to build 480 homes. Around 40 of these will be affordable housing for our people.
Te Kawerau ā Maki has played a key part in the design of the new development. It will reflect our heritage, including walkways that mirror the movements of our tupuna Hape, and parks that resemble our maunga.
KAM acknowlege other iwi and hapū have whakapapa to this whenua .
This could be the loophole to get around the 'settled claim issue' although even the SOUL group when opposing the the Fletcher development in legal proceedings were as Kawerau a Maki.
There will be claim and counter-claim for a while. Then a cash deal.
Sure at a good point before the election, they'll come out singing and Prime Minister Ardern will wrap it up in her most polished of televisual emotions. Singing and orchestrated weeping covers everything.
I see a very high chance of judicial review of any decision – barring some little legislative carve-out – because one Maori group or other will feel slighted.
Ain't no stable truth emerging out of this for a long time.
There are complex relationships with that place. No gain from us talking about it here without the neccessary background understanding, and certainly not with the views of the right-wing
Business RoundtableNZ Initiative added to the forget that those two know next to nothing about it so they must have a say and put their opinions across
So it seems. Statements including the words "I feel" would be more illuminating.
Hoo boy, the end of the video.
For anyone with a taste for homegrown and politically-flavoured Hip Hop; "Bunga" by SWIDT is a must:
The story behind "Bunga":
Just give the kids the bloody beads you wankers
Abso-fucking-lutely. The more I take a look at those involved in the provision of public services, the more control-freakery and utter muppetry I seem to encounter.
I guess the 16 year old should gave respected what the police were doing. Eh, Bern.
Newly released video shows a Fresno, California, police officer shooting a fleeing, unarmed 16-year-old in the back of the head and then handcuffing the boy as he lies motionless on the ground.
I really really hope this shit gets sorted out before my black nephew (currently living in St Louis MO) reaches his teens.
Who would guessed, from NY Times
"1.5 Million Packages a Day: The Internet Brings Chaos to N.Y. Streets"
'The push for convenience is having a stark impact on gridlock, roadway safety and pollution in New York City and urban areas around the world.
One of the issues is they use the public space- streets and footpaths- as sort of warehouse. And apartment buildings which were designed for letters now have an avalanche of packages every day.
"About 15 percent of New York City households receive a package every day, according to the Sustainable Urban Freight Systems center
Where I live with a group of 20 houses , some days I see Uber Eats deliveries multiple times. Even though its about 1 km from 2 supermarkets , a Countdown truck drops off a delivery at least once a week. A neighbour uses Uber for getting to and from work even though a good bus service is 50m away
10 people drive to and from supermarket to shop or one truck delivers, which is more like a bus service …
They needed Turkey and Russia and Syria to guarantee air movement in and out.
A pay off for handing Turkey, Russia and Syria the territory held by the Kurds?
Speculation that the whole thing was a stitch-up.
In retrospect, it is striking how well Turkish, Russian, American, and Syrian actions fit together, effectively shaping an outcome in concert instead of bouncing off each other and breaking down in chaos.
Nevertheless, the idea that the carve-up of Syria was the result of sheer improvisation and happenstance is so far-fetched that if you believe it—well, I’ve got a pontoon bridge over the Euphrates to sell you.
I think that is the kind of stuff that goes on behind closed doors.Give me this propaganda coup to offset the Kurd issue.The promise of a homeland for the Kurds was never going to be kept .How could it? Without endless aid and military protection.
And a 10 Kurd minority in control of the richest part of the country in terms of oil fields was never going to sit well with the rest of the population
The Rojava experiment might have sounded cute, so did the kibbutzim for socialist hippies .Didnt turn out so well
Trump gave plenty of warnings he wanted to pull out.Each time he was over ridden
Who knows whos calling the shots on the American side, with the President saying one thing, the CIA another and the Pentagon going its own way .
Now it seems the Americans are going for the oil again. Out and out theft
Only Repugs can fuck around and keep their jobs.
The fall came just as quickly.
Last weekend, the conservative website RedState published a series of articles alleging that Hill had engaged in relationships with a member of her campaign staff and the House staffer. Hill denied the relationship with the House employee, which would be a violation of House rules, but did not deny the relationship with the campaign staff member.
The release of the story, complete with intimate photos of Hill, sparked debate about a double standard in the male-dominated world of political sex scandals, particularly because Hill has blamed Heslep for releasing the photos. Hill’s resignation is likely to bring those questions further out into the open.
On Wednesday, in a letter to constituents, Hill again denied the alleged relationship with the House staff member but acknowledged she was involved in a separate relationship with a member of her campaign staff “during the final tumultuous years of my abusive marriage.”
“I know that even a consensual relationship with a subordinate is inappropriate, but I still allowed it to happen despite my better judgment,” the letter read.
That fucking sucks.
Terrible – the right will love this shit and use it again and again…
He is welcome to come and live in NZ but I hope for his sake and the rest of the US he doesn't have to:
… not to mention for the sake of the rest of world.
Perhaps Comey could take dual citizenship and become our next National Party leader. If we don't allow duality now we can soon change our laws to enable it, flexibility is our name. It would be a fun feather in his cap which Key has shown how to stick in behind the Right band.
Becoming a politician – anywhere – I think would be the last thing James Comey would have in mind. He does not strike me as a political animal. Yes, I think he is probably a conservative thinker but that does not mean he is National Party material.
He comes across to me as a man of integrity who nevertheless, like all of us, is not immune to making mistakes.
Seems the Criminal-in-Chief went to a ball game. First they booed him. Then they chanted "lock him up".
Oh Dear! How Sad! 😂
bit late as been busy, but to joe90 at : I agree with you absolutely about Trump's obscene joy in killing another ( and probably several), whoever it be. His attitude and the proof again of his infantile stage of development is frightening. I turned off all TV and radio today when found the event such a big deal to them too…..also concerning/frightening. I write in sincerity.