Written By:
Natwatch - Date published:
10:13 am, June 20th, 2016 - 54 comments
Categories: Abuse of power, journalism -
Tags: censorship, liz gunn, mike hosking
A story the Herald probably can't touch….
Former colleague accuses Mike Hosking of "overt" workplace bullying https://t.co/iPudvJMi1U— Tim Murphy (@tmurphyNZ) June 19, 2016
Not sure how long the offending article was up on Stuff but you can see traces of it all over google.
The substance of the criticism, from former colleague Liz Gunn, is all here.
Who had this article taken down, and why? Are we doing censorship to protect the government’s media assets now?
The Herald removed online claims from a Auckland Uni masters graduate of Auckland police officers paying underage prostitutes for sex, raping and blackmailing them for sex.
this was pretty deeply buried:
What is the stupid mouthpiece afraid of? Criticism?
Being sued by someone who can afford a lawyer. Or by its impending marriage partner.
Hard to see how even that ignorant fool Mike Hoskings could think that he could have a defamation case.
Liz Gunn was clear on distinguishing between the facts and her opinions. The facts were there to simply explain her reactions to some extremely boorish and idiotic behaviour.
I’m always surprised how many people seem to think that rulings on defamation are about people getting their feelings hurt. They clearly don’t understand the current law of defamation in NZ.
Certainly emotional harm is a factor in any eventual court ordered settlement, if and only if there is a judgement on the facts that defamation has happened.
But emotional harm isn’t ANY part of the judgment on if defamation has occurred.
Sacha’s observation is probably more pertinent
I’m sure that Fairfax can afford a lawyer, and they were the publisher of the piece. So I’d guess that it was the latter that was more of a factor.
Expect more of this sort of thing to happen more frequently once all these media outlets merge into one.
Mike Hosking complained so Stuff took it down as Iprent infers.
With a bit of luck the man was informed of yesterday’s post on TS. I do hope he read all the comments. He’s an addicted attention seeker. Can’t survive without a ready made audience following his every mindless utterance.
Edit: He and JK are two of a kind. No wonder they’re mates.
I do hope that Hoskings read all the comments.
More so, that his supervisor/employer/contract reviewer/journalistic-ethics-mentor read the comments.
I would also hope that Ms Gunn has asked to have her article put up again; or that a respectable news source like The Standard asks to republish it for all to see, and judge.
Bet opposition MP’s or people not aligning with planet key cant have articles removed as easily
Don’t forget Keys other friends who he appears to task with removing uncomfortable journalists. “North Korea of the South Pacific” ?????
Hard work selling paradise and keeping up the show, how dare Liz expose the behind the scenes goings on, in showbiz we don’t divulge secrets, John key was heard to say. /sarc.
Paradise, isn’t that, that hunk Max’s new video clip, he dropped this morning?
Never mind lets all vacuously look too Max, and believe
ahh Paradise
+1 Richardrawshark
The petition is here – nearly up to 10,000.
Interesting that Drinnan in his piece says the tide is turning against this government.
Did John Key’s number one cheerleader Mike Hosking, make a complaint and saying “I’ll sue you for every cent you’ve got”???
He won’t be doing that. Who’d you believe? Then TVNZ would have no choice but to sack him.
But, but, but we have a fair and open media that isn’t biased and performs its role holding authorities to account. Oh I think I finally woke up…
happy days!!
Love the subject line.
The other thing that disappeared yesterday was Hone Harawira clarifying what he meant when he said the Māori MPs in parliament weren’t noticeable. I think it was on Stuff or the Herald. If anyone sees it can you please drop the link to me?
Shyster and Hoseclip right pair of self indulgent monied twerps whose egocentric self gratification knows no bounds it would seem
The things you can buy with other peoples hard earned cash that you’ve stolen through the system of corporate kickbacks and global austerity and corporate theft for dirty work well done
These odious bastards are what cause wars, financial crashes, moral decay in society and generally they need a well earned kick from here to kingdom come so the people who lost their country back in 2008 can have half a chance of getting it back
And they booting out of Lord Haw Haw Ingrish and the rest of the front bench plus most of the back bench of this fascist zionist tory shyte party would be a blessing on the sanity of the nation
Who are you talking about?
Didn’t Mike Hosking once say he was not a journalist?
If he isn’t one, then why is taking up a job that requires someone to be an impartial journalist?
Just like his Idol Key it sounds like he is a behind the scenes bully and likes to keep that sort of stuff out of the media.
Well he was – until he vanished,
I did not find the time to sign the petition yesterday… after reading this I FOUND TIME !
I had a read through the comments on that petition site and it’s quite an eye opener. The majority of comments are strikingly similar and quite fierce, I’d think them rather defamatory under other circumstances..
I’m interested in where this fits in the framework of the Harmful Digital Communications Act, on the face of it the site seems a pretty savage breach of the Act.
Maybe Hoskings threatened legal action as he would see it as defaming him. Hoskings can defame anyone else at will but its different when he is in the Gun.
A bit like Bennett handing it out but getting pipped when she gets it back again.
One of the minions decided to post a link on Hosking’s FB page. Since deleted but heh….google cache.
Have shared Liz’s comment on fbook – not sure about the petition but the comment needs wide dispersal
If you are listening carefully you will hear a report on the radio news critical of the government, it plays once then it’s dropped like a hot plate
Case in point early this year on a TRN station a report by a financial analyst that English had too move money from critical areas of expenditure to make up a surplus ahead of the budget.
The analyst was very specific about his claims and that English had lied how he got the surplus in govt accounts!
I listened all day for a reply to this serious issue Nothing!!
Censorship is dominating our fourth estate.
Imagine what Key and co are really hiding !!
The media are complicit in these cover ups.
The days are gone when we had giants like The Washington Post who exposed Watergate and Nixons crimes and other scandals.
When the media is in the pocket of a corrupt government like this one there is NO democracy.
Most people think we (NZ) are now in a financial surplus ie out of debt, however they do not realise we are $120 Billion in the hole, we were only $12 Billion in the red when National came to power 8 years ago.
The problem is most people do not understand basic economics including the financial reporters, journalists and financial analysts hence the public are being spun B/S which they believe is true?
If you believe that $120 billion of govt debt is good reason to be critical of the govt deficit it is you who doesn’t understand the basic economics.
Your demand for a surplus can only happen by (further) cutting expenditure on NZs healthcare, education and other public needs. Its also likely to raise the unemployment rate. Thats the basic economics of it reducing a deficit or running a surplus means confiscating private sector income.
Meanwhile your demand is just to reduce the govt liabilities of an asset the govt itself issues (NZ $) and therefore can’t run out of. Liabilities redeemed in the payment of taxes so the question in economic terms is why do you want to make it more difficult for the private sector (thats you) to pay its taxes and/or have surplus income to save (or pay down debt)? Before demanding the govt run a surplus explain whats so good and pressing about this outcome.
Yep. Shall we drive the savings accounts of Kiwi households and small businesses into the red so that the Government’s own books can be in the black?
No way.
Which should be clawed back by upping the tax rates on higher incomes say over $150000 – put it beyond 0.39 cents in the $ and perhaps a one off contribution on wealth over say $5m
Control of our media is rampant under our current police authoritarian government we now live with. Bring back the nanny state at least the nanny cares.
your description goes for the whole administration ,a police authoritarian government verse a nanny state government that cares for the people. I know which society I want to live in and which type of government will deliver it. This is not it currently.
Could not agree more.
anyone noticed nothing really coming out of the Herald lately, comments to anything remotely bad is closed.
such a disgrace. sooner it collapses in financial ruin the better
Very few opinion pieces are allowing any commentary.
Is something in the wind,
Are things getting too hot for John Key.
TPPA is increasing looking likely to be rewritten, so no ratification beyond two years,
making it void.
China is playing hardball with the renewing of the FTA, Keys flag of greater Chinese investment in building here, + if he signs a extradition treaty its going to hurt the National party donations.
Is a retirement and knighthood imminent.
Its going to be a long cold winter of discontent for the party,
as they stumble from one crisis to the next.
However no viable opposition in sight
Gosh Redelusion, I thought you I saw you at the anti TPPA rally waving a Mana flag.
I am reporting from China where I am just now. The Chinese are certainly playing hardball. Everything in China revolves around “Guanxi”, which means trusted relationships. On one side, Key is saying, China – you are our friend, let’s do business, trust us, buy from us. On the other hand we have the 2008 scandal mentioned here about the melamine, when Fonterra and the government falsely claimed in New Zealand to be the heroes “leapfrogging” purported “corrupt Chinese officials” to save China from a further medical disaster. Then we have the botulism and other contamination as fertilizer. The Kiwis were not guilty of causing the melamine disaster, but they held themselves out as the world top experts in the field, and were proven to be frauds, they did not have enough competence to discover it, even though it must have been obvious. In addition we have the strange Crafar farms debacle and a few other events the Chinese see as right out racial treatment not to mention the housing crisis, and of course, you don’t appoint GCSB to spy on your “friend” China, neither try to hack into their diplomatic communication, or let the Yankees run the huge spy centre at Waihopa to spy on China, or allow two CIA offices in New Zealand to spy on China, or hug USA, China’s adversary, with TPP to disturb China’s trade. Project Key-out need to be initiated.
They haven’t printed any of my comments or those of Mr Brillo for some time (we do not use these nicks there). We abide by the comment rules, of course. Wondered if they might be operating a blacklist, actually.
Before that, the Herald gamed the comment system. They would close comments early; or not start publishing them till the story was old and people had stopped reading it; or run the positive comments first so you would have to do a lot of clicking to see the negative stuff; or disable the Like button.
Looks like they might be on their way to a Daily Telegraph situation – paywall, and no comments at all.
Two can play at that game. We scarcely ever read their stories, now. We would go nowhere near them at all if they install a paywall.
Eat that, Herald.
A win win then, herald gets rid of free loaders and you don’t have to read it
Yes, the dwindling Herald readers can be happy with that – so nice that so many right wingers can join us here at the Standard. Even Murdoch I hear is trying to exit herald.
Heralding the HEXIT
Certainly a win for me, Delusional, but then I’m not trying to sell them anything.
A little less of a win for their business model.
Oh dear how sad never mind.
Hosking was a bit of a hunk. Then he had the mother of all mid life crises.
To: AsleepWhileWalking
Shallow and superficial, each to his/her own;-)))
Politician gets off a bus, into traffic and is hit. Given their career is looking where they are going, and avoiding, its justifiable to ask where they purposefully misdirecting and turning themselves into a victim or bully, anything to distract. i.e the driver of the vehicle is being investigated by police, or he left the background microphone there on purpose, or the reporter of the girl who got her hair pulled. Attack the messanger, attack the cameraman attack the pro nat Maori manager.
Noise, heckling, is part of politics, but i dont expect National radio to give me half an hour of talking about the noise, and how great Key is having to deal with such weak possible future contenders for his crown. It is not analysis, its rumour mill.
Basically its a huge issue, under housing, under employment, over paid few, and the media reeks of entitled journalists like Hoskings etc.
The disappearance of Liz Gunn’s comments on Mike Hosking from Stuff, is evidence I’d say, media in this country is definitely controlled and manipulated by FJK and his toxic NatzKEY party!
What else has been taken down before the public has any chance of viewing it?
Yep, keep feeding the conspiracy. I’m sure “FJK” would have taken time out of his busy day to gave Fairfax a quick call and tell them to stop picking on his mate Mike. Grow up.
@ Sam C (22.1) … OK, so for what reason do you think Liz Gunn’s piece was taken down, not only on Stuff, but also I believe Google, Bing and the like?
Is direct interference the only form of influence you can conceive? No room for self-censorship or the way a false narrative can drown out genuine opinion?
Not very imaginative, are you.
PinoKeyo would say,”his pussy did it.” Hoskings would say,” My bad. I couldn’t stand the woman! She just didn’t like the things that I was interested in.” What was the question?
This disappearance is far from unique. New Zealand is one of the most oppressed and corrupt countries in the world when it comes to freedom of expression, and suppression of information by the rich and powerful. New Zealand Herald always demands your home address before publishing anything, “We know where you live, and you are not going to say anything wrong – are you. You may get unpleasant visits if you do”. The echoes of the old Chicago mafia. We will never find out what we never got to know. Investigating journalists are squeezed out, threatened, intimidated, and could it be so that the police itself have become the tool of the powerful, I am thinking of the Nicky Hagar saga. We know that the police lied in their court application to search and harass Hagar as a warning to others, did someone push them, and who was that. Everyone got away with it in the end. After the Fonterra melamine scandal a British journalist and I dug into the story and with ample of references proved how Fonterra and the New Zealand government had manipulated the media flow. Scope published, but the article disappeared quickly. Fonterra intimidation, we don’t know, we can only guess. The solution is the same as under any oppressive regime, anonymity, “Wikileaks”, anonymous, and so on. The kiwiherald wordpress is published from the USA by people in the USA, and there they can safely hang out oppressors and ignore judges who want to hide perpetrators. The future in publishing.
Rick Harriss
Retired in China
Google and bing caches have been purged of this story too.