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notices and features - Date published:
10:24 am, July 29th, 2014 - 31 comments
Categories: humour, Media, parody, Satire -
Tags: nz herald, porcupine farm
Porcupine farm has a ‘real” front page of the Herald – what they’d like to publish if they only could.
See also
Yes. It’s excellent. Saw it used on The Daily Blog today.
You’re lucky. Haven’t had time to read anything for the past week or so.
I found that post as a result of reading a comment on TS – about Cactus Kate & Josie Pagani being guest columnists for the Herald.
Bradbury’s post about the (alleged) attempt at balance at the Herald.
oh good a tax lawyer living in hong kong telling us all what she thinks….now wd have collins covering nz and china and kathy ogden hong kong.
Hilarious! And not that far removed from what they actually print.
I’m circulating that widely to galvanise the Progressive Voters to come out in huge numbers to change the government.
Ha ha. Yes unfortunately only slightly different from the real thing
The only unbelievable part is Ozzy knowing who Cunliffe is.
It was a misquote that the herald just ran with because it fitted the story they wanted
I would have gone with death eaters for Labours caucus
At least the Death Eaters were nominally loyal to their Leader.
Brilliant stuff. I’m reminded of this from Danyl at The Dim Post…http://dimpost.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/nznatp.jpg
Seems to me that the NZ Print media is now as overtly partisan as their British counterparts……except that in the UK they have Tory and Labour supporting dailies. Here, they prefer to support just the one party.
absolutely brilliant. Spot on………..we should seriously get this out there. Pay for an add in the Herald. I am tempted to email it to all the Herald jouros and their editor!
It just came to me one day – probably having taken a dose of that disgraceful old jonolist/worshipper Armstrong – ‘TheGodKey’
I find Cactus Kate fascinating.As far as I can tell she lives and works in Hong Kong which appears to be a choice that suits her just fine.
But why does she need to keep telling the rest of us in a far away country how we should live our lives based on her choices? Is she channeling Don Brash who never seemed to understand that he was not in charge of our lives and our choices. What do these uber bossy people get out of their behaviour?
She’s another psychopath. No empathy for anyone except those people she regards as her own. Gets a kick out of treating people like crap. She’s no oil painting either, but thinks she’s superior to the rest of us.
No oil painting? Deborah Cone Hill won’t be impressed.
Too bad. I don’t think either of them are sexy enough for me. Odgers is pretty vacant, but like most morans who find and dominate the principles of libertarian philosophy, considers herself some sort of genius. She also loves throwing out sexual innuendo, particularly at the Whalespew army. I doubt if anyone else would go for her. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.
Murray the word is “moron”.
Definition – a man who cannot even spell the word correctly when abusing someone else he does not know on a blog.
I am sure you look like Brad Pitt.
They tell me that I look more like Steven Seagal or Johnny Depp in his pirate roles, actually. And, as McFlock knows, moran is a gift that keeps giving.
sigh Do try to keep up… That was the whole point.
Internet fail, Kate. Call yourself a blogger? Call yourself in touch?
Oh look, yesterday’s news is here. Hi Kate.
I can’t recall ever commenting negatively on another woman’s appearance Anne unless they have made a particularly stupid comment about another woman’s first.
That’s just the first reason why I actually am superior to you. Despite you hiding in anonymity on a blog I still will not comment on what I am guessing your appearance to be.
I love you Cactus Kate.
The first of many differences between us RedBaron is that I don’t find you fascinating at all.
Nice to see you back as bad as ever Prickly One: have missed your own column, hope the wrist is better.
I’m sure there are very many differences CK, at least I hope so, for my sake. But on rereading my post perhaps I should make it clear that it is your behaviour that I find fascinating. Why do you send so much time and energy on an election far far from your home? You appear to wish to live a life with minimal state intervention and I assume you do. But why do you run around like Don Brash bossily demanding that everyone else lives as you do?
Don’t know if anyone else has seen that the Guardian has noticed the Herald’s attempts to establish a global reputation.
Jonolist protip: when looking for a photo of a deceased expat NZer, don’t assume that the pics on his facebook page are of him rather than a deceased celebrity.
– The New Zealand Herald
Ha. Where was this sort of contrition after publishing fictional stories about books, wine, and Yangtze River cruises?