Archive for July, 2008

Time to front up on ACC

Written By: - Date published: 11:53 am, July 3rd, 2008 - 23 comments

Some excellent journalism by Vernon Small has revealed that Australian insurers expect National to privatise the ACC scheme and they see $200 million profit in it for themselves. National has now been forced to admit its policy is to allow private competitors for workplace and accident insurance, although (as always) details are not provided. Mr […]

One door closes, another opens

Written By: - Date published: 9:48 am, July 3rd, 2008 - 8 comments

A shame to hear that our mates at blogblog have called it quits for now but a delight to see that our friends from – active at the last election – are kicking off “the smartest political fun in the galaxy” on July 7:

Taumarunui no longer on Main-trunk line, had Key had his way

Written By: - Date published: 9:04 am, July 3rd, 2008 - 78 comments

A day into the renewed public ownership of our railway system and it has emerged that not only did John Key help sell it in the first time and make a profit off the asset-stripping that followed. Further, his party’s policy of keeping the rail in private hands would have seen nearly all the network […]

Real John vs Brand Key

Written By: - Date published: 5:41 am, July 3rd, 2008 - 31 comments

Let’s go back to the heart of this story: it is not about push-polling or whatever, this is about how Brand Key has been purpose-built by a company world-renowned for its secretive, anti-democratic practices. Crosby/Textor are not just some consultants like parties might use to assist policy development. They have built our image of Key […]

Greens discover Nats full of hot air

Written By: - Date published: 2:12 pm, July 2nd, 2008 - 46 comments

A classic ‘cake and eat it’ from Crosby/Textor National has been their approach to climate change – stating they support tackling this issue but opposing every policy that has been developed. The latest example is their position on the ETS, which No Right Turn explains beautifully: Reading the National Party’s minority report [PDF] on the […]

Merrill Lynch: Nats will privatise ACC

Written By: - Date published: 12:18 pm, July 2nd, 2008 - 93 comments

It’s refreshing to see some proper investigative journalism in this morning’s Dominion Post, with a revelation from Vernon Small that while National continues to try and downplay ACC and talk about “no privatisation in the first term,” a report from John Key’s old firm Merrill Lynch suggests National’s privatisation plans are an open secret among […]

TVNZ7 ad

Written By: - Date published: 12:05 pm, July 2nd, 2008 - 13 comments

TVNZ7 have some great content. Looks like some serious effort’s going into their advertising as well. Here’s one that caught my attention the other day. If your eyesight’s anything like mine you might want to click for a larger version.

What’s the future for Brand Key?

Written By: - Date published: 9:21 am, July 2nd, 2008 - 62 comments

Crosby/Textor, an outfit renowned for its anti-democratic, secretive practices, has built the public image of John Key (Brand Key) from the ground up. That’s why Key is seen as ‘nice’ but people, including National supporters, say they don’t know what he stands for and can’t say why he would a good PM. That’s why he […]

National releases 3 more lines of policy – Scoop

Written By: - Date published: 6:24 am, July 2nd, 2008 - 17 comments

A classic headline that says it all. Here’s the three lines: ‘Give schools additional resources over time to ensure more students can take part in extra-curricula organised sport. Ensure more of the government’s sport spending gets through to the front line.’ Stop it, John. It’s great knowing exactly what you would do, how much it […]

Crosby/Textor Spin Bingo

Written By: - Date published: 6:30 pm, July 1st, 2008 - 67 comments

John Key has his round of five interviews tomorrow morning (Breakfast, Sunrise, ZB, KiwiFM, bFM) and will undoubtedly face questions on his use of Crosby/Textor. So, what line will C/T have him parrot repeatedly? He’s already trying “I get most of my advice from the public” (weak) and the more aggressive “I’m going to set […]

Reminder: Drinking Liberally Auckland

Written By: - Date published: 2:36 pm, July 1st, 2008 - Comments Off on Reminder: Drinking Liberally Auckland

Remember that Drinking Liberally Auckland is having its inaugural session tomorrow with David Slack. Note it in your schedules and tell your left-leaning and green friends where the action is. In fact phone a techno-phobe friend now! WHAT Drinking Liberally Auckland WHEN 7:30pm, Wed 2 July WHERE London Bar, corner Queen and Wellesley Streets, Auckland […]

Crosby Textor spin the use of Crosby Textor

Written By: - Date published: 1:52 pm, July 1st, 2008 - 33 comments

I wish some journo would ask Key whether Crosby/Textor helped him with lines on how to handle questions about his using them – they must have a standard set they give their clients. Would Key really have thought of this one himself: John Key says the vast bulk of advice he takes is from the […]

Mr Key’s real concerns

Written By: - Date published: 12:49 pm, July 1st, 2008 - 37 comments

While more questions will no doubt be asked about Mr Key’s choice of hiring infamous Aussie spin-stars, Crosby/Textor, (no doubt some more of them will feature here) I thought this point raised by Barry Soper yesterday was a good one: There’s clearly a concern how this information is yet again leaking from the National Party office. I mean, […]

All aboard KiwiRail

Written By: - Date published: 12:10 pm, July 1st, 2008 - 40 comments

Today marks the launch of KiwiRail. It’s great to have rail back in Kiwi hands, after a decade of asset-stripping. Now comes the task of building up the network so it can provide cheap and clean transport. Businesses are keen to take more freight off the road in the face of skyrocketing fuel prices and long-distance […]

Fairfax milks the cash cow

Written By: - Date published: 11:56 am, July 1st, 2008 - 28 comments

It was bound to happen. The Herald did it about a year ago and now Fairfax is following suit. Getting rid of subeditors who actually live in the same town as the paper for which they write. In their place Fairfax is offering New Zealander newspaper readers Centres of Editorial Expertise. The trouble is that […]

Same old National. Same old spin.

Written By: - Date published: 10:46 am, July 1st, 2008 - 39 comments

Former National Party MP Marilyn Waring wrote in the introduction to The Hollow Men: I must admit to a sense of anticipated despair about the treatment [the book] might receive… The focus may be on looking for and condemning the leakers as opposed to scrutinising an appallingly mendacious political campaign. This has been precisely the […]

Hager to speak at Drinking Liberally – Wellington

Written By: - Date published: 9:45 am, July 1st, 2008 - 13 comments

This is one not to be missed. Nicky Hager will be speaking at Drinking Liberally – Wellington this coming Thursday. Hager, author of The Hollow Men – shortly to screen as a movie at the International Film Festival – is back in the spotlight this week following this article in the Sunday Star Times. In it, […]

Brand Key shows a contempt for ordinary Kiwis

Written By: - Date published: 6:30 am, July 1st, 2008 - 39 comments

It comes as no surprise that Brand Key has been a Crosby/Textor project from Day 1. The hit and run, the bait and switch, the cake and eat it, the shoot the messenger, the misdirection, the dog-whistle, wedge politics, the outright lie – these are all elements of the classic Crosby Textor strategy that have […]

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