Written By: weka - Date published: 2:13 pm, February 20th, 2017 - 13 comments
Te Tai Tokerau looks to be a hotly contested seat in the 2017 general election, and the Greens are entering the fray there for the first time, with new candidate Godfrey Rudolph.
Written By: weka - Date published: 10:00 am, June 20th, 2016 - 54 comments
It’s useful with controversial politicians to hear what they actually say, and in context too. Here’s Harawira in his own words.
Written By: te reo putake - Date published: 12:41 pm, June 19th, 2016 - 255 comments
Hone’s back! The leader of the Mana party has announced he’s re-forming the Mana Movement and will stand again in Te Tai Tokerau. Is there a chance of a deal with Labour to strengthen the next Government?
Written By: Guest post - Date published: 6:31 pm, August 6th, 2014 - 225 comments
It’s been an interesting few days in the battle for Te Tai Tokerau. Never mind the bollocks, people. The question for Labour isn’t should we stand aside for Hone in the north or Mana/IP anywhere else. The question is ‘do we need ’em?’. The answer is looking more and more like no.
Written By: Anthony R0bins - Date published: 9:27 am, August 26th, 2011 - 8 comments
Waihoroi Shortland, the Maori Party candidate in the Te Tai Tokerau electorate, has been warned to “Watch your back, lest it be bitten by the Maori Party dogs”. An extraordinary warning from an extraordinary source…
Written By: lprent - Date published: 2:10 pm, July 6th, 2011 - 23 comments
The 1,916 special votes got pared to 769. Of which Hone Harawira got 454 and Kelvin Davis got 204. There really isn’t anything in it with a by-election majority of 1117. It will make this a tight contest at election time because Labour will now view this electorate as being quite winnable. IMHO as an long time electorate campaigner, some of the Mana supporters have been over-blowing their result.
Written By: the sprout - Date published: 8:21 pm, June 25th, 2011 - 165 comments
Hone Harawira has won the by-election for Te Tai Tokerau, despite the best efforts of the msm, John Key’s endorsement of Kelvin Davis, dirty tricks from the Maori Party, and despite Labour’s typically ill-considered, hamfisted attempts to wipe out Mana at its first election.
The best man won.
Written By: Ben Clark - Date published: 7:01 pm, June 25th, 2011 - 112 comments
Te Tai Tokerau includes the North Shore, so there’s been a by-election in my patch today. But now: we just have to sit back and wait. What will happen to Hone’s 6,308 majority?
[99% booths in: Hone 5372 Kelvin 4582 Solomon 1003]
Written By: Mike Smith - Date published: 6:30 pm, June 13th, 2011 - 9 comments
Could be worth watching Native Affairs on Maori television tonight at 8:30. The Te Tai Tokerau candidates will be debating and it appears there may be a very interesting poll result in the offing. The Herald’s story today on a different sort of poll is headlined “Voters back Harawira, but only by a whisker.” It could go down to the wire.
Update: Hone 41, Kelvin 40
Written By: Bunji - Date published: 5:03 pm, May 11th, 2011 - 33 comments
Hone has done what he said he would and resigned, effective May 20. There will be a by-election in Te Tai Tokerau.
Written By: Eddie - Date published: 10:36 am, May 11th, 2011 - 38 comments
Labour has decided to stand Kelvin Davis in the Te Tai Tokerau by-election. I wish they hadn’t. First, Davis strikes me as quality and you don’t tarnish quality by making it lose in front of a national audience. Look what happened to Melissa Lee, former National rising star. And Davis will lose, let’s be honest.
Written By: r0b - Date published: 10:03 am, May 9th, 2011 - 83 comments
News this morning that (as predicted) the Maori Party will be standing a candidate against Hone Harawira if he forces a by election in Te Tai Tokerau.
Written By: Eddie - Date published: 9:03 am, May 2nd, 2011 - 21 comments
As I foreshadowed a week ago, Hone Harawira is to trigger a by-election in Te Tai Tokerau. It’s the right thing to do: Harawira should test his mandate to lead a new party, as Winston Peters and Tariana Turia did. It’s also good politics – keeping the Mana Party in the news – just as the other parties’ reactions are good politics on their part.
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