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10:33 am, January 28th, 2011 - 28 comments
Categories: john key -
Tags: accountability, election year
John Key, as previously discussed, was interviewed on Morning Report less than a handful of times each of the 2 years between winning power in 2008 and Sean Plunket leaving.
He’s appeared on Radio NZ before 9.30 for lengthy interviews 3 times this week.
Election year accountability, you gotta love it.
(Mind you he does have a dead rat to sell. Now where was that snake-oil he sold us in 2008…)
He was selling the 9% wage rise in 3 years of National after 3% in 9 years of Labour lie again every time. Will no-one pick him up on his incredibly distorted statistics?
And welcome to the election campaign – even though NACT are going to tell us it isn’t.
How long was John Key even in New Zealand during the Rogernomics/Ruthenasia era? As far I can tell, he seems to think that peddling the same lies as Prebble/Douglas/Richardson is an all-new formula for selling privatisation to the voters.
But from the voters I’ve spoken to, its once bitten twice shy and New Zealanders ain’t buying this time round.
IIRC, until about 1990 then he left to go to the US. He came back to NZ to be our PM in 2k2.
When listing Prebble/Douglas et al don’t we also have to include Goff who was party to the initial round of asset sales? Effectively he is criticising National for adopting Labour policy which he now says failed? That’s a good one….or does a sufficient length of time supping at the parliamentary trough absolve past actions?
Not time but learning from the mistakes of your past actions does and Goff and the rest of Labour have learned those lessons.
The polls tell the real reality sorry. National will win easily. Fact.
The asset sales question at election time will be a sure vote winner for National.
Who do you want to vote for?
Phill Goff who cheerfully sold 100% of NZ Steel, Petrocorp, DFC, Postbank, Rural Bank, State Insurance, THC, Maui Gas and Telecom to overseas buyers without asking the voters.
Or Honest John asking permission from the voters to sell to NZ Mums and Dads, The NZ superannuition fund and Kiwisaver funds up to 49% of a few non core assets to fund new hospitals and roads.
[lprent: You’ve made a direct assertion of fact about Goff that he personally sold those assets. I don’t think he did because he wasn’t the minister and you have no idea how he voted in caucus.
That looks like trolling. Link to supporting evidence or retract. In the meantime you can live in moderation. ]
*to fund 10 billion dollars of tax cuts for the richest 1%.
From Wikipedia on Phil Goff https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Phil_Goff
When Labour won the 1984 elections, Goff was elevated to Cabinet, becoming its youngest member. He served as Minister of Housing and Minister of Employment. After the 1987 elections, Goff dropped the Housing portfolio, but also became Minister of Youth Affairs and Minister of Tourism. Later, after a significant rearrangement of responsibilities, Goff became Minister of Education. In the disputes between Roger Douglas (the reformist Finance Minister) and other Labour MPs, Goff generally positioned himself on the side of Douglas, supporting deregulation and free trade.
Youth Affairs
Nothing about selling anything there. Move along NEXT!
the polls showing a closing trend? those polls?
Not even close to reality you lying sack of shit.
January 2010 – Party Vote – Roy Morgan – National 55% (+6.5) Labour 29% (-6)
December 2010 – Party Vote – Colmar Brunton – National 55% (+1) Labour 33% (+1)
December 2010 – Party Vote – TV3 – National 55.5% (+1.7) Labour 31.2% (-1.4)
Read it & weep bitch.
That’s a bit over the top in the personal abuse jb. Take a chill pill, Blighty was hardly deserving of that.
Oh and this from TV3 who won’t even interview the candidate for Botany Bay but have Interviews with Maggie Barrie and that Jami Guy. And for the Ultimate in one sided reporting this from TV 3 as well.
I listened to part of it and then had to reach for the vomit bag. What an absolute load of rubbish ( see lies) he speaks,
Mind you with 2 years so far of going backwards, i suppose we can not expect anything better.
“He was selling the 9% wage rise in 3 years of National after 3% in 9 years of Labour lie again every time. Will no-one pick him up on his incredibly distorted statistics?”
I sent an email to Nine to Noon with the real stats in it. With any lucky Kathryn will read it out.
You forgot to comment on my favourite part of his interview this morning – while talking about WFF (which he claims National created and Labour just extended) he said that benefits with high abatement rates are ‘communism by stealth’. Sounds like he’s been listening to the republican sound-bites from the US.
I heard most of the interview, while I was listening Key confirmed to me how I percieve him to be, which is:
He talks like he is the finance minister.
He loves to move money and can’t wait to sell state assests as then he will have money to move.
He thinks he has a grasp on how a person lives hand to mouth.
Yes that interview was so full of outright lies and distortions is was hard to listen to.
Labour’s books were in a mess – no, thats national
Labour did nothing but borrow and hope – no, thats national
Tax cuts are nuetral – no
Someone will disect it all no doubt but is was all Crosby Textor. Repeat crap often enough and it becomes the truth
And I suppose our media are knowledgeable and impartial enough to start calling NAT out on these Crosby Textor fabrications?
I listened as well and I thought Kathryn Ryan did pretty well in putting awkward truths to him. And my lie detector went into overdrive.
And I kept listening for leadership. What has he done to deal with the problems we are facing? Where is the job creation, what is being done about the pressures our ageing population will create, what is being done about the life and death environmental issues our world is facing?
Key is great at describing things and pronouncing theories but when it came down to it the only thing that he has done with a positive effect (albeit minimal) is the cycleway.
Where is the beef John, where is the beef?
He talked about how Labour left the country with structural problems and National has started to fix them.
Now I’ll give him that Labour certainly could have done a lot of things better (capital gains tax), but the *only* significant thing National has done is tax cuts, and they’ve made the situation structurally worse – that’s why they want to sell assets now.
Did you catch the line how Key said that Rodger Douglas thinks Key should not be the PM?
The 2 % Kiwi Saver contribution bit was telling and how Key said that he was taken aback (similar wording) by how every income level was participationg in Kiw Saver. It was a bit of a derogatory comment, I thought.
a good insight into the void was “the trend is your friend” line by key.
Yes that stuck out for me too marty. Speaks volumes.
I also thought he was on the verge of letting his anger get the better of him a few times. Like when he accused the interviewer of “carping on”.
Sounded like he’s been carefully practising his calm, measured tone but now and then you can hear the sneering, nasty, egomaniac wanting to break through – the one we’ve seen so often in the house – and he has to consciously pull back from spilling over into outright hostility.
I hope there are some journos willing to prod him to open up more and really show himself.
Yeah, I agree, if a journalist has got their facts at hand ready to counter all of his lies, he might just react like a wounded dog that’s been cornered.
Yep a good ol’ Dummy spit would be great especially if it’s over something major lol
Even better if its a dummy spit over something minor. English is going to have his work cut out for him covering up for John Boy this year.
yeah we need journo who will kick the liar
see what falls out
I wonder if Helen Clark actually knew something when she said, ” don’t speak to me like that -I’m not your wife” (or words to that effect) at the first head to head debate before the 2008 election? Key said, ” I don’t shout at my wife.”
Now we know how many untruths he tells …. what inference can we draw ????