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Coalition Problems? Tell ’em they’re Dreaming!

Written By: - Date published: 6:44 pm, September 13th, 2018 - 82 comments

Oh dear. The Winston Peters led governing coalition has completely collapsed and thank God Simon Bridges is there to pick up the pieces. I warned you this would happen! And look! Over there … the sky is falling. Falling, I tells ya!

The Global Financial Crisis 10 Years On

Written By: - Date published: 11:19 am, September 11th, 2018 - 32 comments

Ten years ago this week massive financial businesses in the United States started collapsing. How has the world recovered from this?

Ardern and Pelosi.

Written By: - Date published: 11:36 am, September 9th, 2018 - 65 comments

There is something very wrong with “our” media when it takes a stand-up comedian to alert people to important stuff. But anyway…

US Mid Terms; Obama Enters the Ring

Written By: - Date published: 1:24 pm, September 8th, 2018 - 30 comments

America gets ready to rumble in the November mid terms, as Barack Obama enters the ring. At stake is control of both houses and the fate of the Trump presidency.

Kremlin Killers?

Written By: - Date published: 7:25 am, September 6th, 2018 - 272 comments

UK Police have named the two Russian spies accused of the Novichok poisonings. But what can Britain do about it?

Remembering Chris Morley

Written By: - Date published: 3:21 am, August 27th, 2018 - 7 comments

On Friday 27 July 2018, Wellington Tramways Union Vice President Chris Morley passed away after a short battle with Cancer, aged 62. Chris had been a Wellington bus driver since 1978, when public transport in the city was run and controlled by Wellington City Council. In 2008 I was privileged to be elected to the Tramways Union […]

Period. End. Done.

Written By: - Date published: 12:12 pm, August 26th, 2018 - 42 comments

The Scottish government has just taken a massive step to eradicate period poverty. Why not here?

Turnbull out, Morrison In?

Written By: - Date published: 2:29 pm, August 23rd, 2018 - 100 comments

Turnbull out, Morrison or Dutton in? The Australian Liberal Party self flagellation continues in Canberra. Updates as they roll in, cobbers.

UPDATE: Malcolm Turnbull calls press conference at 1PM AEST (3PM in NZ)

UPDATE: Turnbull to quit tomorrow, if ballot called.

UPDATE: Julie Bishop prepares bid.

UPDATE: Scott Morrison wins, Dutton defeated 45-40.

The Greens. Do We Need ’em?

Written By: - Date published: 7:20 pm, August 20th, 2018 - 139 comments

What’s the point of the Green party? Do we really need them? Really?

Bludger Bridges

Written By: - Date published: 6:56 pm, August 13th, 2018 - 63 comments

Simon Bridges has blown over $100k of your money in just three months, tiki touring around the country at the taxpayers expense. Nice work if you can get it!

Update: A Shark Jumps Matthew Hooton. Live on Twitter!

Propaganda Wars.

Written By: - Date published: 11:19 am, August 10th, 2018 - 30 comments

No-one reading this blog would willfully offer support to an ideology that’s killing people, right?

We need more radicals coming here

Written By: - Date published: 7:31 am, August 9th, 2018 - 68 comments

We need more radical voices again here. But it’s like MMP has turned us once again into the passionless people. It always looks like “hate speech” when you hate it.

The Pied Piper

Written By: - Date published: 11:55 am, August 6th, 2018 - 32 comments

If we’re living in a global village, is the name of the village Hamelin?

Just a quick thought…

Written By: - Date published: 11:12 am, July 30th, 2018 - 109 comments

Yeah, okay, it’s a couple of thoughts on the Canadian jokers and what is and isn’t happening in response to their stuff.


Written By: - Date published: 12:31 pm, July 27th, 2018 - 76 comments

There’s a sickness affecting our health system.

And We’ll be Reich Back …

Written By: - Date published: 7:23 pm, July 26th, 2018 - 81 comments

The Southern/Molyneux hatefest is back on.

Трамп; проследить за деньгами!

Written By: - Date published: 6:30 pm, July 24th, 2018 - 93 comments

Is Donald Trump’s grovelling to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki proof that he is some how fatally compromised or even a long term Russian intelligence asset? There seems to be growing suspicion that it’s Moscow gold not golden showers that’s at the heart of the American President’s Putin problem.

A right, Left problem

Written By: - Date published: 1:17 pm, July 24th, 2018 - 78 comments

A post suggesting that the traditional descriptive lens of “left and right” isn’t up to capturing current political realities.

Scrap the spending cap

Written By: - Date published: 8:45 am, July 23rd, 2018 - 152 comments

Economist Ganesh Nana and Alan Johnson from the Salvation Army have urged the Government to relax the fiscal straight jacket imposed by its budget responsibility rules.

The UN is shocked by NZ’s child poverty rates

Written By: - Date published: 11:40 am, July 22nd, 2018 - 89 comments

Earlier this year the United Nations expressed shock and concern at New Zealand’s rates of child poverty, homelessness, incarceration and violence.  What is this Government doing to address these issues?

Julian Assange; Journey’s End?

Written By: - Date published: 10:14 am, July 22nd, 2018 - 165 comments

Is Julian Assange about to be arrested? Equador looks set to evict the accused rapist and capitalist tool from its London embassy.

Government with a plan

Written By: - Date published: 8:00 am, July 22nd, 2018 - 46 comments

Labour and New Zealand First Ministers under the first term of the sixth Labour government sitting in the Cabinet office.

The polls are great. Top work. But I’m getting worried about the entropy of this government already. Matthew Hooten and Karl Marx agree with me.

Alt Reich Speakers get Visas; still lack Empathy, Compassion and Humanity

Written By: - Date published: 12:16 pm, July 20th, 2018 - 132 comments

Two Canadian far right bigots have been granted visas to visit NZ. Let’s make them wish they’d never left Canada, eh.

Is Matthew Hooton becoming a socialist?

Written By: - Date published: 8:38 am, July 20th, 2018 - 41 comments

Occasional Standard reader Matthew Hooton has written a cogent column on industrial relations in which he realises and accepts that wages for ordinary workers are too low.

Glenn Greenwald on…

Written By: - Date published: 11:53 am, July 19th, 2018 - 113 comments

Excerpts from Glenn Greenwald speaking on Democracy Now! (h/t Adrian Thornton)

There’s No Such Thing as Free Speech

Written By: - Date published: 6:48 pm, July 11th, 2018 - 186 comments

There’s never been Free Speech and that’s not actually much of a problem according to Te Reo Putake, who is no stranger to the downside of Saying Things.

Families Package and Auckland Regional Fuel tax kick in

Written By: - Date published: 10:24 am, July 2nd, 2018 - 48 comments

Labour’s Family Package and the Auckland Regional Fuel tax have both kicked in.

Arses and Elbows

Written By: - Date published: 11:35 am, July 1st, 2018 - 50 comments

Deserving workers and undeserving workers in the public service.


Flying Kites.

Written By: - Date published: 2:34 pm, June 26th, 2018 - 21 comments

If we can’t see the wood for the trees, shouldn’t we simply step back a bit and look again?

New World Disorder.

Written By: - Date published: 11:49 am, June 12th, 2018 - 45 comments

Liberalism was meant to be the New World Order and even (so the briefly celebrated  Fukiyama reckoned anyway) an End to History. Big stuff then. But it seems the placid and complacent consensus is fraying round the edges.

Killing Them Softly With…

Written By: - Date published: 10:24 am, June 11th, 2018 - 48 comments

In New Zealand there is sufficient evidence to show that poor peoples’ lives are cut short because of poverty related  poor nutrition. While food banks are alleviating the worst impacts of hunger, their kindness may well be contributing to the problem. Food poverty is a systemic issue and requires a systemic response, a response that successive governments are able to avoid while charities continue to provide a buffer for the system.


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