Written By:
Eddie -
Date published: 10:47 am, April 16th, 2011 -
Categories: class war, national
Tags: elitism, john armstrong
National has pillaged the poor to benefit the rich. That can be seen in the tax cuts, the GST hike, the subsidies for climate polluters, even the cuts to public transport to fund holiday highways. But sometimes it’s the smaller stories that best expose the underlying theme of a government, as John Armstrong shows in his piece today.
Written By:
Guest post -
Date published: 11:41 am, April 9th, 2011 -
Categories: bill english, Economy, wages
Tags: AMI, bail-outs, south canterbury finance
Bill English has given up any pretense of closing the gap with Australia by 2025. Now, he is claiming the wage gap is a good thing and admitting higher productivity isn’t the cause of the wage gap. Meanwhile, Fran O’Sullivan slams Key and English’s ‘fingers crossed’ approach to handling financial crises.
Written By:
IrishBill -
Date published: 7:44 am, April 5th, 2011 -
Categories: class war
Tags: christchurch earthquake
Displaced Christchurch residents are being told they need to pay at least $190 a week to stay in emergency campervan housing.
Meanwhile picking up the tab for wealthy SFC investors just got another third of a billion more expensive.
Written By:
Marty G -
Date published: 8:00 am, March 27th, 2011 -
Categories: john key
Tags: christchurch rebuilding, darren hughes, fran o'sullivan, smile and wave
Fran O’Sullivan makes some pertinent remarks about John Key’s recent performance. The fact is, he wanted to be the Party PM, head clown presiding over good times, but times aren’t good and his heart just isn’t in tackling the hard issues. However, while saying these issues matter more than the Hughes affair, O’Sullivan makes one big mistake.
Written By:
Eddie -
Date published: 12:00 pm, February 21st, 2011 -
Categories: wages, workers' rights
Tags: ihc carers
Overnight carers have won the right to be paid at least the minimum wage for time when they are not working and free to sleep, as well as when they need to provide care to their charges in the middle of the night. In reaction, National appears set to legislate away the basic right that when you’re at work you get minimum wage.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 7:40 am, February 19th, 2011 -
Categories: class war, law, national, wages
Tags: minimum wage, south canterbury finance
Idiot/Savant at No Right Turn compares the bailout of SCF investors with the Nats’ threat to change the law to deny some workers the minimum wage.
Written By:
Marty G -
Date published: 6:19 am, December 14th, 2010 -
Categories: tax
Tags: government waste, sovereign debt, tax cuts
Two years ago we had one of the best government balance sheets in the world. Key said we didn’t have a debt problem. Two years of him as PM, and we sure have one now. When we learn exactly how dire things are later today, remember that National brought this on us by borrowing $3 billion a year for tax cuts that no-one noticed.
Written By:
Eddie -
Date published: 10:00 am, October 19th, 2010 -
Categories: education, national, wages
Tags: ppta, strike
For some reason, the Nats hate public education. Even an elitist fool should be able to see that a well-educated workforce is valuable and public education is the cheapest way to achieve it. Yet National is attacking education at every level. The latest ‘offer’ to the secondary teachers would see them take 2 years of after-inflation pay cuts.
Written By:
Bunji -
Date published: 1:59 pm, September 8th, 2010 -
Categories: accountability
Tags: south canterbury finance
I’m hoping that someone (a fellow Standard author perhaps?) puts in an OIA over the South Canterbury Finance bailout. And here’s what I’d like them to ask: – How many cabinet ministers excused themselves from the bailout decision due to a conflict of interest? – How many ministers and/or their extended families had investments in […]
Written By:
r0b -
Date published: 9:50 am, September 8th, 2010 -
Categories: capitalism, Media
Tags: beautiful rants, paul holmes, south canterbury finance
Here’s an interesting rant. I’m not going to link to it, because I want you to spend a moment trying to work out who (which raving leftie blogger?) is the author. So read it, and make your guess, then Google for the answer…
Written By:
Marty G -
Date published: 8:12 am, September 8th, 2010 -
Categories: business, jobs, spin, wages
Tags: christchurch earthquake, south canterbury finance
The unions, business, and Phil Goff have all gritted their teeth and called the Nats’ $15 million wage subsidy scheme for small quaked-affected businesses ‘a start’. The problem is, it’s likely to be the end. This scheme will leave workers and employers severely out of pocket, killing businesses and jobs.
Written By:
Tammy Gordon -
Date published: 3:39 pm, September 3rd, 2010 -
Categories: Economy, national/act government, public services
Whatever flimsy and tattered remains of Labour-lite which National used to disguise itself at the 2008 election has well and truly disappeared. Thank goodness we can now call a spade a spade. National is making its priorities crystal clear to the public. On a week when up to 500 elderly or disabled people in the […]
Written By:
IrishBill -
Date published: 11:12 pm, September 2nd, 2010 -
Categories: Economy, spin
Over the next few weeks the nats and other vested interests will try to muddy the waters over the SCF bailout.
This sophistry is designed to distract from the massive transfer of wealth from the many to the few.
And why shouldn’t they try this tactic? It worked for asset sales two and a half decades ago.
Written By:
IrishBill -
Date published: 7:30 pm, August 31st, 2010 -
Categories: class war
Tags: john key
Funny how quickly John Key and Bill English found that spare $1.7bn for wealthy investors after all that talk about how we should be tightening our belts.
It’s shows exactly where their priorities are.
Written By:
Mountain Tui -
Date published: 2:44 pm, July 16th, 2024 -
Categories: Christopher Luxon, david seymour, health, Shane Reti, uncategorized
Tags: doctors, GPs, nurses
The drumbeat of health warnings continues from hospitals, doctors and nurses. But is the Government prepared to listen?
Written By:
advantage -
Date published: 10:16 am, May 19th, 2024 -
Categories: Economy, farming, Free Trade, trade
Fonterra is a complete construct of the New Zealand state, but it is pulling our entire country down.
Written By:
nickkelly -
Date published: 6:01 am, September 20th, 2023 -
Categories: act, campaigning, chris hipkins, Christopher Luxon, economy, election 2023, elections, First Past the Post, greens, inequality, labour, leadership, Long Read, maori party, MMP, national, national/act government, nz first
Tags: act, chris hipkins, Christopher luxon, green party, Labour Party, maori party, national party, NZ General Election 2023
From the outside, the New Zealand 2023 General Election seems both lacklustre and slightly strange. The Labour Government, having won a huge majority in 2020 is now fighting for its political life. Yet National, the main centre-right opposition party is still on average polling significantly worse now than they were when it lost power in 2017.
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 5:46 pm, November 28th, 2018 -
Categories: China, Economy, International, The Standard
Tags: anne-marie brady, bigots, fran o'sullivan, ruth richardson
I can’t think of the number of countless times that I have seen scare stories about someone wanting to take over this society and/or the world. Sometimes they are even correct about intent, but usually they are not. Usually the difference between what is insinuated and whatever facts are known makes those making such insinuations just look like attention-seeking nuts.
Written By:
nickkelly -
Date published: 7:26 am, August 28th, 2018 -
Categories: activism, australian politics, campaigning, discrimination, equality, feminism, gender, history, human rights, labour, national, patriarchy, Politics, public services, same old national, sexism, uk politics, Unions, wages
Tags: australian politics, Equal pay, gender equality, ILO, IRD, Jean Parker, labour, national party, psa, tramways union, UK politics
Forward In 2016 I wrote the below dissertation as part of my History Honours degree at Victoria University. This dissertation explores the 1950s equal pay campaign, and specifically looks at the Jean Parker Case. Jean Parker was a PSA member employed at IRD, who like Kristine Bartlett 60 years later, won a landmark equal pay legal […]
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 8:21 am, May 4th, 2018 -
Categories: David Farrar, dpf, making shit up, Media, national, same old national, spin, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, you couldn't make this shit up
Tags: matthew hooton, Middlemore Hospital
In further horror news about our health system the leaks of sewage into the walls of Middlemore Hospital has been confirmed and its discovery occurred in 2010. And in 2015 the chair of cash strapped Canterbury DHB signed a Ministry of Health drafted letter saying it did not need further funding despite an urgent need for further funds.
Written By:
advantage -
Date published: 10:55 am, March 9th, 2018 -
Categories: capitalism, Economy, Globalisation, International, overseas investment
Ad argues that the merits of banning overseas ownership of local land is not as simple or as virtuous as we may think.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 2:23 pm, May 20th, 2017 -
Categories: Economy
Tags: Jacobin, long form, neoliberalism
In New Zealand, neoliberal reforms have widened inequality and undermined the country’s self-image as an egalitarian paradise.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 8:02 am, June 4th, 2016 -
Categories: election 2017, greens, Media
Tags: change the government, livestream
LIVE UPDATES from TS’s man in the Lincoln Event Centre, Te Reo Putake.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 2:59 pm, May 15th, 2015 -
Categories: budget 2015, grant robertson, labour
Tags: budget 2015
Labour’s Finance spokesperson Grant Robertson gave his pre-budget speech this morning. “So, what would a responsible government be doing in the Budget next week?”…
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 10:55 am, May 6th, 2014 -
Categories: david cunliffe, labour
Labour has announced a reshuffle of its Caucus rankings and portfolios.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 2:57 pm, November 2nd, 2013 -
Categories: david cunliffe, labour
Tags: 2013 Labour
David Cunliffe’s speech notes for his speech to today’s Labour Party Conference
Written By:
karol -
Date published: 8:05 am, December 29th, 2012 -
Categories: business, economy, Environment, farming, overseas investment, Privatisation
Tags: asset sales
There’s been a couple of stories in the news over the last 24 hours that could do with some scrutiny: Treasury warns of asset sales over-load; potential sale of Oceania Dairy to an overseas company to set up a milk factory in NZ.
Written By:
Bill -
Date published: 11:30 pm, October 6th, 2010 -
Categories: economy, national/act government, workers' rights
Tags: care givers, class war, ihc, recession, workers' rights
Seems these days that when people get in to financial strife, the Government is all too happy to offer a helping hand loaded down with wadges of cash. Sometimes…
And then sometimes something altogether more short and sharp is offered. Depending…
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