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Categories under zzero use

Key announces new schools – again

Written By: - Date published: 12:45 pm, April 17th, 2015 - 35 comments

At least two of the four new schools that John Key recently announced had been announced previously.  And it appears that one of them has had its concrete foundations already poured.

Ten Bridges Too Far

Written By: - Date published: 7:15 am, April 17th, 2015 - 18 comments

With Crosby Textor by his side, John Key has since learned to employ all manner of specialist PR techniques including ad homs, blame-shifting, distraction,  use of Dirty Politics proxies to defuse the situation, and false equivalence, all woven together in an intricately performed semantic shuffle designed to  provide wiggle room for when he does get caught.

Key the “statesman” strikes again

Written By: - Date published: 3:37 pm, April 15th, 2015 - 71 comments


Key’s pre-budget falls flat

Written By: - Date published: 8:29 am, April 15th, 2015 - 8 comments

Key’s attempts to drum up enthusiasm for this year’s upcoming budget have fallen absolutely flat. And as usual, promised funding actually represents an ongoing cut in real terms.

The difference between a surplus and landing a 747 on a pinhead

Written By: - Date published: 11:55 am, April 14th, 2015 - 16 comments

John Key’s latest pronouncement is that achieving a budget surplus is as difficult as landing a 747 on a pinhead.  Michael Cullen must be a super airline pilot if this is the case.

Key’s surplus excuses

Written By: - Date published: 7:23 am, April 14th, 2015 - 69 comments

Apparently this budget surplus that the Nats have been going on about for the last 6 years is an “artificial” target that is “like trying to land a 747 on a pin head”.

James Shaw responds to Rodney Hide’s Herald column on the Greens leadership

Written By: - Date published: 11:46 am, April 12th, 2015 - 41 comments

Rodney Hide suggested in the Herald this morning that if James Shaw was leader of the Greens there would be a greater chance they could go into coalition with National.  James Shaw does not think so.

The magical disappearing surplus

Written By: - Date published: 10:36 am, April 11th, 2015 - 67 comments

John Key and National have staked a huge amount of their credibility on returning the country’s books to surplus this financial year.  Looks like they are going to fail.

West Auckland Labour meeting on housing

Written By: - Date published: 2:37 pm, April 8th, 2015 - 10 comments

Details of a public meeting hosted by the West Auckland Labour MPs about housing issues to be held tomorrow night.

The implications of Winston Peters’ Northland win

Written By: - Date published: 8:30 am, April 4th, 2015 - 90 comments

John Armstrong in the Herald and Tracy Watkins in the Dominion Post have both written opinion pieces on the implications of Winston Peters’ win in Northland which reach very similar conclusions.

Have your say on our electoral system

Written By: - Date published: 3:22 pm, March 30th, 2015 - 25 comments

Make a submission about how our voting system should be improved.

Collins confirms Dirty Politics

Written By: - Date published: 4:00 pm, March 19th, 2015 - 57 comments

Video from last night in Parliament where Judith Collins essentially confirmed the veracity of the information contained in Dirty Politics. And David Cunliffe had the most exquisite put down of an opponent I have seen in a long time.

Len Brown is toast

Written By: - Date published: 8:00 am, March 18th, 2015 - 119 comments

Bernard Orsman has reported in the Herald today that Len Brown’s campaign team no longer back him and are considering support for a Phil Goff run for the mayoralty.

Two views on Titirangi’s Kauri

Written By: - Date published: 12:24 pm, March 15th, 2015 - 24 comments

Rodney Hide has published a column about the ancient Titirangi Kauri which predictably argues that land owners should do what they want. But John Roughan has argued to the contrary in an article that will make you wonder if he is actually a greenie at heart.

Key: I Apologise for Not Being a Man

Written By: - Date published: 12:04 pm, March 10th, 2015 - 61 comments

It’s hammer time! Prime Minister John Key apologises for not being a man …

Key’s credibility and the Snowden leaks

Written By: - Date published: 9:03 am, March 8th, 2015 - 71 comments

The Sunday Star Times has reported on the set up and reach of the Waihopai Spy Base.  Key’s statement that the GCSB does not have the physical capability to conduct mass surveillance appears to be not true.

Political donations and conflicts of interest

Written By: - Date published: 12:30 pm, March 2nd, 2015 - 53 comments

Whether it’s about election donations or portfolios, some people do seem to think MPs should always get the benefit of the doubt.


Written By: - Date published: 12:21 pm, March 2nd, 2015 - 64 comments

The release of the candidate donation returns has shown us that the National Party are still rorting the system. However, there are issues for the NZ Labour Party as well. Four MP’s have taken money from sources that do not have the interests of the Labour party or, indeed, the majority of Kiwis at heart. Brassneck or bought and sold?

John Key channels Clarke and Dawe

Written By: - Date published: 7:16 pm, February 26th, 2015 - 27 comments

David Parker recaps Key’s bluster on his Donghua Liu dinner, and it’s pure comedy.

Andrew Little; leadership, loyalty and lasting the distance.

Written By: - Date published: 1:19 pm, February 26th, 2015 - 64 comments

Its 100 days since the NZ Labour Party elected Andrew Little as its leader. What an inspired decision that has turned out to be! Little has galvanised the party, united the caucus and looks set to be the next PM. How has he turned Labour around?

ISIS. Crowdsourcing a solution.

Written By: - Date published: 11:15 am, February 24th, 2015 - 172 comments

So, we’re off to Iraq. If the answer to ISIS isn’t sending Kiwi troops, what do Standardistas think practical alternatives might be?

EDIT: Key announces 143 troops to go to Iraq and support staff.

Labour’s Betrayal Continues

Written By: - Date published: 6:35 am, February 18th, 2015 - 440 comments

It might well be in Labour’s best interests to cut the crap now and go into coalition with the National Ltd™ Cult of John Key. It would be the honest thing to do. Kiwis will then know where the boundaries lie and who actually is working to oppose the implementation of the wider neo-liberal ideology.

Third termitis

Written By: - Date published: 9:44 am, February 15th, 2015 - 69 comments

The John Key led National Government is showing signs of third termitis.  Symptoms are a confusion of the national interest with National Party political interests, a willingness to sell state houses and pay the proceeds to large corporates when even your best friends are saying don’t, a staleness and inability to handle issues properly and being completely bereft of new ideas to improve the country.  The condition is almost inevitably terminal.

How does #nzpol do on Facebook?

Written By: - Date published: 8:30 am, February 10th, 2015 - 19 comments

Feinstein Doak has a post up with the Top Political Facebook Posts of 2014, and the results are interesting.

Police told the Government about Sabin’s problems

Written By: - Date published: 7:30 am, February 7th, 2015 - 218 comments

Police Commissioner Mike Bush has essentially confirmed that under the no surprises policy the Police told either Anne Tolley or Michael Woodhouse or both about the Police investigation into Mike Sabin. The issue will be when they were told. If this occurred before the time that Labour told the Prime Minister’s office about Sabin’s difficulties the veracity of what John Key has told us will have to be questioned.

If the voice fits….?

Written By: - Date published: 10:06 am, December 27th, 2014 - 218 comments

Politics has traditionally been men’s business.  Gradually women have come to be given more space in this sphere of public activity.  However, there are still strains of traditional masculine values evident in political activity, organisation and debate.  How much does Key trade in

This is not business as usual. This is not some hippy over-reaction. This is serious shit!

Written By: - Date published: 4:18 pm, December 11th, 2014 - 55 comments

New author Mandy Hager joins us with some reflections on having become a grandmother: “So that’s why I’m speaking out now, every opportunity I get. Not because I like the exposure (shudder), but because I love this tiny little person and I will fight for his future, come what may. It’s the right thing to do. …”


Written By: - Date published: 9:18 am, December 11th, 2014 - 31 comments

The lied about surplus in the run up to the 2014 National Election is looking like matching Penn and Teller for magical skills. It’s the ultimate disappearing act. Unlike bad economic figures when Labour is in Government, this isn’t National’s fault. Bill English says so. It’s all down to a whole lot of unusual and […]

Teapot tapes released!

Written By: - Date published: 12:00 pm, December 9th, 2014 - 7 comments

As the matter seems to be heading for trial now is a good time for the audio from the teapot tapes to be released.

Did you hear the one about the escaped pedophile killer cannibal with ebola?

Written By: - Date published: 9:52 am, December 4th, 2014 - 15 comments

Say – did you hear the one about the escaped pedophile killer cannibal with ebola? John Key reckons its hilarious!

Is John Key on the skids?

Written By: - Date published: 4:25 pm, December 3rd, 2014 - 85 comments

In the House today Megan Woods embarrassed John Key with some very simple yet direct questions about Jason Ede. Key’s attempts to joke away the issue was met with silence from his side of the house. Dirty Politics is clearly having an effect.