john key

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Will the real John Key please stand up?

Written By: - Date published: 6:20 pm, November 28th, 2007 - 50 comments

Linda Clark: “This is a gimmick, that’s all it is. if people don’t know John Key, well he needs to come to Parliament more, he needs to be more upfront on some of the policies, he needs to take on Helen Clark a bit more, then we’ll all know the real John Key”.

Armstrong reviews Key’s DVD (2 out of 5)

Written By: - Date published: 9:26 am, November 28th, 2007 - 35 comments

Hold the popcorn. Citizen Kane this isn’t. It’s Citizen Key in a 13-minute epic saturated with more artificial sweetener than The Sound of Music and ET combined and which manages to make National’s leader look about as deep as one of The Stepford Wives. Read the full article.

John Key’s $50,000 anniversary present

Written By: - Date published: 4:33 pm, November 27th, 2007 - 132 comments

Just in case you don’t know, today is John Key’s first anniversary as National Party leader and his backers have given him the gift that keeps on giving & well over $50,000 worth of boring propaganda. Others including our good mates at blogblog have done the analysis of the spin behind this one so I […]

John Key and January 1

Written By: - Date published: 3:31 pm, November 27th, 2007 - 11 comments

John Key’s just admitted the election campaign has already begun, adding further weight to the argument that electoral law needs updating to reflect the increased length of modern campaigns. Here he is on Newstalk ZB today talking about his ‘heartland tour’ around New Zealand, where he’ll be dishing out thousands of flashy DVDs promoting himself […]

Ambition doesn’t cut it

Written By: - Date published: 11:06 am, November 27th, 2007 - 32 comments

Wow, so that’s John Key’s announcement: he’s ambitious. I know I said he’d be short on substance, but maybe that was giving him too much credit. I also couldn’t help noticing Key’s production crew used some footage from his ill-fated expedition to the Porirua Markets. For those who don’t think they can stomach the stage-managed […]

Key’s special announcement

Written By: - Date published: 8:37 am, November 27th, 2007 - 37 comments

John Key has now been leader of the National Party for a year. But while his salesman’s smile and general novelty factor have pulled him through to date, talk around the gallery is that he’s gone off the boil a bit lately. His profile has dropped, his sensible nice guy image has taken a hit […]

Fozzie Bear: John Key’s secret fursona

Written By: - Date published: 6:19 am, November 21st, 2007 - 13 comments

From Boing Boing: Furries get no respect. Usually, when you hear about people who dress up like life-sized stuffed animals, it’s in the context of an unfriendly internet joke, a sex gag on Entourage, or an insult that ends with “yiff in hell.” But Brooklyn-based filmmaker Marianne Shaneen has spent more than two years following […]

Latest Cosmopolitician on shelves now

Written By: - Date published: 7:04 pm, November 13th, 2007 - 91 comments

Thanks to the reader who sent us the latest edition of Cosmopolitican, a nifty little publication that did the rounds just before the last election. This month’s edition has John Key as its coverboy, which sure makes a change from 2005 when old man Brash used to don the cover every other month. Strangely though, […]

Key losing his mojo

Written By: - Date published: 4:25 pm, October 29th, 2007 - 51 comments

Pol science lecturer and commentator Jon Johansson has given a lucid and scholarly account of the inexorable decline of John Key and National’s prospects. In a speech to the NZ First conference at the weekend. Johansson told delegates that after a promising beginning, Key has started to “unevenly walk the new generation walk…” An excerpt: […]

Hager’s response to Key

Written By: - Date published: 3:05 pm, October 18th, 2007 - 29 comments

I’ve just listened to the audio and it doesn’t sound like Nicky Hager’s too happy with Key’s claims made on RDU last week. At one point in that interview Key claims that Hager admits that the Brethren email may have been sent to the wrong address. Hager calls this a “complete invention” given his crystal […]

Key’s flip-flops for sale on TradeMe

Written By: - Date published: 9:35 am, October 18th, 2007 - Comments Off on Key’s flip-flops for sale on TradeMe

The entry reads: These won’t be comfortable to wear or even be long-lasting but they do come with an interesting provenance. They are size 8. It has been claimed they were recovered from a rubbish bag collected from Parliament Buildings. Inquiries indicated that a practical jokester on National’s front bench carefully constructed them as a […]

Remind you of anyone?

Written By: - Date published: 2:00 pm, October 11th, 2007 - 8 comments

No it doesn’t, John

Written By: - Date published: 10:41 am, October 10th, 2007 - 9 comments

Looks like another batch of the infamous John Key posters has gone up all over central Wellington overnight, this time tackling John on privatisation. My spies tell me Wayne Mapp was spotted this morning shaking his head and looking rather unimpressed. Hate to break it to you Wayne, but as one of John Key’s advisers […]

KiwiSaver: 200,000 enrolled

Written By: - Date published: 12:07 pm, October 9th, 2007 - 5 comments

From Stuff: Finance Minister Michael Cullen and Revenue Minister Peter Dunne said Inland Revenue reported 212,794 enrolments by October 5, a 64 percent increased since the end of August. Sounds like a pretty good start for me. Now Mr Key, would KiwiSaver be safe under National? Are you supporting KiwiSaver or not? Oh, that’s right, […]

RNZ – Key on Iraq, the remix

Written By: - Date published: 11:05 am, October 8th, 2007 - 3 comments

A few people have been asking to hear this again. Your wish is our command. powered by ODEO

Classic hits DJs buying Key’s spin

Written By: - Date published: 2:48 pm, October 5th, 2007 - 7 comments

John Key seems intent on rewriting history. This must be about the 8th time he’s tried this tactic in the last couple of days. It’s an indictment on these radio hosts that they’re prepared to let him get away with it. The question Key was originally asked made no reference whatsoever of the invasion – […]

Working Class Hero

Written By: - Date published: 12:57 pm, October 5th, 2007 - 3 comments

(Via Concerned of Linwood)

A mother’s response to John Key

Written By: - Date published: 10:39 am, October 5th, 2007 - 1 comment

Yesterday, Morning Report invited comment on Key’s “The war is over” from Celeste Zappala of Philadelphia. Her son, Sergeant Sherwood Baker, was killed in Baghdad three years ago. RNZ reports that “to say the war is over is not her experience”. CELESTE ZAPPALA (MOTHER OF A SOLDIER KILLED IN IRAQ): Well I guess I can’t […]

Political suicide on bFM

Written By: - Date published: 6:02 pm, October 4th, 2007 - Comments Off on Political suicide on bFM

What is it with National Party leaders and their apparent desire to commit political suicide on bFM? First Don Brash’s sensational harakiri moment when, after a week of teeth pulling torment as he wiggled and squirmed away from the truth, he finally admitted that he knew that it was the Exclusive Brethren behind anti-government pamphlets […]

John “Parselmouth” Key

Written By: - Date published: 4:42 pm, October 4th, 2007 - 9 comments

John Key’s new line is that he was answering a different question to the one everyone heard him asked on RNZ yesterday. Three times in this latest bFM interview Key claims that he was answering a question on the invasion. This is his new line and boy can he stick to the script. This whole […]

John Key’s global humiliation

Written By: - Date published: 12:51 pm, October 4th, 2007 - 1 comment

Too late – John’s humiliation is now global. Here’s the UK Guardian’s blog. “New Zealand’s opposition leader, John Key, the head of the centre right National Party, has an interesting take on the Iraq war, one perhaps not seen since George Bush stood on the USS Abraham Lincoln with a Mission Accomplished banner behind him. […]

What’s with TV?

Written By: - Date published: 10:49 am, October 4th, 2007 - Comments Off on What’s with TV?

The major papers, radio and political blogs picked up John Key’s War is Over story but neither of the main TV channels ran with it last night. Why is that? A photo in the Herald this morning shows Key surrounded by a swarm of press gallery reporters and TV cameras and yet neither TVNZ nor […]

John Key to address UN General Assembly

Written By: - Date published: 10:21 am, October 4th, 2007 - Comments Off on John Key to address UN General Assembly

But seriously. Can you imagine it? Clark and Key are chalk and cheese & and hardly anywhere more so than on their grasp of foreign policy. While Clark has spent the last week or so furthering our country’s interests abroad, Key’s had his foot firmly in his mouth. I only hope that the international media […]

Don’t mention the war

Written By: - Date published: 3:44 pm, October 3rd, 2007 - 4 comments

Paul Henry finally gets some balls

Written By: - Date published: 3:31 pm, October 3rd, 2007 - 3 comments

The media is clearly tiring of John Key’s vacuousness. You know the tide is turning when even Paul Henry turns on the Nats. I’ve embedded a two minute clip to show the tone of the interview. Here’s the link to the full piece.

Keith Locke on “The war in Iraq is over”

Written By: - Date published: 2:31 pm, October 3rd, 2007 - Comments Off on Keith Locke on “The war in Iraq is over”

“Until Mr Key put me wise, I had assumed the US and its coalition allies were bogged down fighting an intractable insurgency in Iraq that had seen a surge in US troop numbers earlier this year. “The deaths of 805 US troops and at least 13,600 Iraqi civilians this year alone were obviously due to […]

Wishing won’t make it so, John

Written By: - Date published: 2:26 pm, October 3rd, 2007 - 2 comments

My surprise has given way to anger. How dare John Key belittle the ongoing death and suffering in Iraq by dismissively claiming the war is over? Evidently he’s of much the same mind he was to begin with: Iraq is “too far away” to have an opinion on (Media ‘standup’, 2007).


Written By: - Date published: 10:49 am, October 3rd, 2007 - 6 comments

John Key said on National Radio this morning “The war in Iraq is over”. Apparently that’s why no mention of it’s made in their lightweight foreign policy document. I’ll post on this later but in the meantime the audio of Phil Goff and Key is here.

Back to the future (again)

Written By: - Date published: 9:51 am, October 1st, 2007 - 4 comments

So John Key wants to sell our schools. The National caucus must be a strange place to be right now. Feeling kind of good to be ahead in the polls but knowing that every time you release any real policy you’re going to take a hit. What this latest admission shows is that National hasn’t […]

Posable paper people

Written By: - Date published: 5:41 pm, September 25th, 2007 - 3 comments

John Key wants to be all things to all people. He’s always reminded me a little of one of those paper dressup dolls that I my sister played with when she was little. I was stoked to stumble accross this version of David Hasselhoff (PDF, 300K) today over at Random Good Stuff. I don’t have […]

John Key’s Porirua market adventure

Written By: - Date published: 11:08 pm, September 24th, 2007 - 9 comments

Presumably the Nats are packing themselves about the proposed extension of the campaign spending period and are trying to jam their costs into this year. Evidently, someone at National Party HQ (David Farrar?) thought it might be a good idea to send John Key to visit Porirua market recently with a TV production crew. Perhaps […]


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