
Categories under capitalism

Folding on the TPP

Written By: - Date published: 7:02 am, September 23rd, 2015 - 39 comments

As last ditch efforts to pass the TPP continue, Key is softening us up to sign a bad deal. Coincidentally, two articles yesterday highlight the risks to NZ.

Anti TPP ad (Australian)

Written By: - Date published: 10:06 am, September 13th, 2015 - 17 comments

An Australian TV ad on the downsides of the TPP – “We just received word that Channel 9 banned our new TV ad from airing during the evening news”

Warner Bros – corporate welfare beneficiary

Written By: - Date published: 11:30 am, September 9th, 2015 - 63 comments

Figures have been released showing that Warner Bros were paid NZ $191 million in tax rebates to create the Hobbit Trilogy.  The films were very profitable.  Why is corporate welfare for profitable activity tolerated?

Naomi Klein correctly calls Tony Abbott a Climate Villain

Written By: - Date published: 8:30 am, September 6th, 2015 - 71 comments

Naomi Klein recently visited Australia and amongst other things described climate change as a crime, criticised the Abbott Government attack on renewable energy and described the importance of grassroots action and indigenous rights.

Market forces

Written By: - Date published: 11:17 am, September 3rd, 2015 - 70 comments

Rosemary Macleod on the flag and market forces. Danyl Mclauchlan on the refugee disaster, market forces, and Key. Is this our New Zealand?

2.1 Times More Likely to get a pay rise…

Written By: - Date published: 7:48 am, September 2nd, 2015 - 6 comments

If you still wonder WHY anyone would want to join a union, the fact that union members are 2.1 x more likely to get a pay rise might make you wade through the anti-union propaganda. Some unions escape scorn, like the Police Union which is referred to as an Association. It’s probably an oversight though, not anything deliberate…

Imagine if National had not sold the shares in our companies 2015 version

Written By: - Date published: 8:08 am, August 30th, 2015 - 55 comments

The latest financial reports for the privatised companies suggests that the New Zealand Government has lost in the past twelve months $470 million in dividends it would have received had it held onto the shares.

70 refugees dead in small truck on Austrian roadside

Written By: - Date published: 9:04 pm, August 28th, 2015 - 107 comments

When European and NATO countries participate in destabilising and destroying nearby countries, the human tragedy doesn’t stay neatly confined to the other side of the border.

Guest post: How the left should respond to financial crises

Written By: - Date published: 8:00 am, August 27th, 2015 - 136 comments

In a guest post Ad suggests that in this time of crisis the left should set out a plan for handling the crisis, rather than hoping that a new order will emerge.

Nats losing it on the TPP

Written By: - Date published: 7:02 am, August 27th, 2015 - 73 comments

National are trying to evade even the simplest questions on the TPP – because the truth is profoundly undemocratic. As usual Groser and Key turn to insults instead of engaging with people’s legitimate concerns.

NRT: Climate change: Absolute madness

Written By: - Date published: 5:11 pm, August 25th, 2015 - 12 comments

I/S at No Right Turn: “the government is spending tens of millions of dollars a year paying these companies to destroy the world. It is absolute madness”.

TPP – dooming our grandchildren to poverty

Written By: - Date published: 9:36 am, August 25th, 2015 - 31 comments

… up to 45% of current jobs will cease to exist.

The world’s stock markets: I see Red

Written By: - Date published: 8:11 am, August 25th, 2015 - 156 comments

China’s sharemarket plunge has affected the rest of the world as stock exchange after stock exchange has posted losses.  It appears clear that predictions of a Chinese sharemarket bubble market are correct and now that the Chinese Government is no longer propping up share prices they are crashing.

“Wall St braces for a brutal open after China rout”

Written By: - Date published: 10:12 pm, August 24th, 2015 - 121 comments

Wall St opens for trading in a few hours. When websites like MarketWatch start headlining using words like “brutal”, “rout”, “panics” and “carnage” you know it’s time to grab the popcorn and buckle in for what might potentially (and finally) be the start of GFC 2 proper.

Hard left Corbyn receives public backing from 41 leading economists

Written By: - Date published: 7:56 am, August 24th, 2015 - 118 comments

Jeremy Corbyn announces the potential renationalisation of privatised state assets, with minimal compensation. While 41 leading economists back his anti-austerity stance. This is what left wing leadership and courage looks like.

Health and safety categories – ludicrous and venal

Written By: - Date published: 8:07 am, August 22nd, 2015 - 8 comments

A small sample of the reaction to National’s “health” and “safety” nonsense.

July 2015 the warmest month ever

Written By: - Date published: 5:16 pm, August 21st, 2015 - 65 comments

July was hot hot hot. Meanwhile, let’s keep focussing on economic growth and more exports (and not making the middle classes too nervous that life is going to change radically, one way or another).

Signs of a society under stress

Written By: - Date published: 8:05 am, August 21st, 2015 - 77 comments

The signs are all around us.

Greek PM calls new election

Written By: - Date published: 6:34 am, August 21st, 2015 - 51 comments

A bold move by an administration in an impossible position.

Dead Hands

Written By: - Date published: 10:43 am, August 20th, 2015 - 11 comments

Time worn patterns and predictable decisions.

Dom Post on TPP arrogance

Written By: - Date published: 7:25 am, August 20th, 2015 - 32 comments

An unusually forthright anonymous editorial in the Dom Post yesterday – not comfortable reading for the Nats on the TPP.

Earth overshoot day

Written By: - Date published: 11:20 am, August 17th, 2015 - 22 comments

August 13th was Earth Overshoot Day. We have already consumed what the Earth can sustainably produce in a year, for the rest of this year we are consuming “ecological capital”. This can’t go on. But it is a problem that our current political and economic systems cannot solve.

Zero by 50

Written By: - Date published: 5:34 pm, August 9th, 2015 - 139 comments

In Copenhagen, our government committed itself, and by extension, us “To hold the increase in global temperature below two degrees Celsius and to take actions to meet this objective, consistent with the science and on the basis of equity”

And yet…

250 to 300 Job Losses at Unitec in Auckland

Written By: - Date published: 10:23 am, August 8th, 2015 - 84 comments

Under Unitec’s new vision students will be known as Customers. Student services will be outsourced (overseas)

Aspiration statement
To be a world leader in contemporary applied learning and an agent of positive economic and social change

# Talleyban

Written By: - Date published: 5:50 pm, August 4th, 2015 - 47 comments

Talleys have fired the first shots in National’s new class war. You can stand with the AFFCO workers and reject the Tories new anti-union law. Boycott Talleys. Make a stand for your fellow Kiwis.

The modern precariat and the Unconditional Basic Income

Written By: - Date published: 2:09 pm, August 2nd, 2015 - 127 comments

A UBI would allow ordinary people to shift their daily focus from doing paid jobs making money for others, to doing useful work of their own choice, under their own control.

A thinking opposition

Written By: - Date published: 7:36 am, August 1st, 2015 - 56 comments

So the news on Labour’s first paper from its “Future of Work” Commission revolves around “ex-Labour member” Phil Quin noticing some missing quote marks and National making gleeful diversions from it. But of course what is actually important is the content.

The Future of…Jobs?

Written By: - Date published: 7:17 am, August 1st, 2015 - 78 comments

A relevant and real “Future of Work Commission” needs to be centred on building creativity, increasing collectivity, dealing with climate change and achieving fossil fuel transition.

Shut up and take your medicine

Written By: - Date published: 7:30 am, July 31st, 2015 - 26 comments

As commentators and dairy industry insiders warn of TPP disaster, the Nats’ message to we the people is shut up and take our medicine – oh and by the way the price just went up.

John Key – Snake Oil Salesman

Written By: - Date published: 12:33 pm, July 30th, 2015 - 42 comments

John Key has tried to suggest that we have nothing to worry about planned changes to Pharmac caused by TPP.  But a recent further release by Wikileaks on the effects of the Trans Pacific Partnership on State Owned Enterprises makes you wonder if the implications of TPP on Pharmac are as limited as he says.

We’re going to sign a rubbish deal

Written By: - Date published: 8:58 am, July 30th, 2015 - 106 comments

We’re not making progress on dairy in the TPP negotiations, but the smart money reckons we’re going to sign anyway.

Update: Read what a real journalist has to say on the current state of negotiations.