Written By:
advantage -
Date published: 8:28 am, September 20th, 2020 -
Categories: feminism, helen clark, jacinda ardern, labour, us politics
RBG’s death was an important event for women here because it happened on the anniversary of Women’s Suffrage Day 126 years ago. On this day in New Zealand we celebrate women being able to vote, the women who won further victories of political liberation, and many got together to recount our female heroes enabled by that right and all those rights that followed.
Written By:
karol -
Date published: 12:10 pm, August 23rd, 2013 -
Categories: capitalism, climate change, david cunliffe, democratic participation, Economy, employment, grant robertson, jobs, labour, monetary policy, sustainability, telecommunications, welfare
I wasn’t going to express my opinion on the upcoming Labour leadership selection process. However, the usual right leaning MSM hacks seem to have been following the current Labour caucus leadership in naming Robertson as the frontrunner. This is my op ed testimony for my frontrunner, the MP for my electorate: Cunliffe.
Written By:
Eddie -
Date published: 2:35 pm, January 27th, 2013 -
Categories: david shearer, greens, labour, Metiria Turei
Metiria Turei and David Shearer have today given their State of the Planet and State of the Nation speeches respectively. There’s a lot of commonality, which is good. A critique of the government is solidifying and it’s centred on jobs, housing, and the environment. The Greens’ policy agenda looks heftier than Labour’s but both are heading the right way.
Written By:
Anthony R0bins -
Date published: 1:58 pm, January 27th, 2013 -
Categories: david shearer, labour, leadership
Tags: speeches
David Shearer has just made his opening speech of the year at the Labour Party Summer School.
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 2:24 pm, November 26th, 2012 -
Categories: david cunliffe, david shearer, greens, labour
Tags: tapu misa
I’m tired of watching the Labour caucus screwing up the left’s chances of winning the treasury benches. I don’t really trust them to be competent to implement any new ideas if they control parliament. And most of their recent ideas are just warmed over ideas from the Greens. The caucus stupidity over the last week has convinced me to eliminate the middle-man and leave the Labour whips to enjoy their busted trophy.
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 1:31 pm, June 28th, 2020 -
Categories: Dirty Politics, john key, Judith Collins, Media, politicans, Politics, The Standard
Tags: andrea vance, cameron slater, jason ede, kiwiblog, matthew hooton, whaleoil
I’ve just been reading Andrea Vance’s review of Judith Collin’s released biography. One thing that usually infuriates me is whining arseholes. I have always thought Judith Collins has always been one of them. Vindictive, small-minded, and ignorant. She whines even through a review that merely quotes her.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 1:49 pm, May 14th, 2017 -
Categories: Andrew Little, election 2017, labour, Politics
The text of Andrew Little’s speech delivered today to the Labour Party congress.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 11:43 am, October 10th, 2016 -
Categories: activism, elections, labour, local government, Media, Politics, the praiseworthy and the pitiful
Tags: justin lester, nick leggett, pragmatism, utopia
Nick Leggett places himself in the “pragmatic” part of the Labour Party spectrum and derides others as being “utopian” and not interested in winning. But given the recent election result for the Mayoralty is he right?
Written By:
te reo putake -
Date published: 1:19 pm, February 26th, 2015 -
Categories: Andrew Little, david shearer, john key, labour, Politics, polls, Unions
Tags: andrew little, Labour Party, leadership
Its 100 days since the NZ Labour Party elected Andrew Little as its leader. What an inspired decision that has turned out to be! Little has galvanised the party, united the caucus and looks set to be the next PM. How has he turned Labour around?
Written By:
Guest post -
Date published: 2:12 pm, August 15th, 2014 -
Categories: john key
Tags: BLip, dirty politics, john armstrong, nicky hager
BLip comments on John Armstrong’s article yesterday. Then he updates his “Honest Man” list about John Key and his limited understanding of the truth.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 10:14 am, May 26th, 2014 -
Categories: john key
Tags: BLip
BLip has been maintaining for quite a while, a little list of Honest John’s statements that aren’t exactly true. One iteration of this list “An Honest Man” is still one of the most popular posts here with many page views on a daily basis – more than a year after it was posted. Looks like someone has made a video of a few of the times when some of these were made. There is also a more recent BLip list of the words of our favourite lying politician.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 9:19 am, March 24th, 2014 -
Categories: bill english, Gerry Brownlee, greens, Hekia parata, john banks, john key, Judith Collins, labour, Metiria Turei, national, paula bennett, peter dunne, polls, same old national, Steven Joyce
Tags: amy adams, anne tolley, simon bridges, tim groser, Tony Ryall
There is danger of reading too much into polls months out from an election. Commentators were claiming that National was too strong to lose the next election based on a rogue poll. Few looked at multiple polls, accounted for the margin of error nor the trends over past months. The last fortnight has seen a National with the latest Roy Morgan Poll plummeting from the Colmar Brunton result of 51% to 45.5%. And it is based on a lack of ministerial performance…
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 11:00 am, December 31st, 2013 -
Categories: blogs
Tags: guyon espiner, Josie Pagani
So Guyon Espiner is the new Morning Report host and Josie Pagani thinks that commentators on the Standard are being mean to her. Guyon’s appointment will provide some interest but Josie should reflect on the cause of criticism of her. Could it be that her beliefs and views are not reflective of the thoughts and views of most progressives and that her use as a representative for these views is failing the need for those views to be represented?
Written By:
karol -
Date published: 8:35 am, September 12th, 2013 -
Categories: class war, david cunliffe, democracy under attack, greens, housing, labour, leadership, Metiria Turei, news, tv
Tags: duncan garner, guyon espiner, Patrick Gower
Jonolist award to Patrick Gower for slanted reporting of a non-poll result, continuing his anti-Cunliffe lines. Special mention to 3 News report on The Vote bovver boys, against affordable housing for those in need, forcing a “back-down” from Turei on lowering house prices. Need better MSM.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 11:46 am, May 16th, 2013 -
Categories: budget 2013, economy, election 2014
Tags: budget 2013
Budget links and reaction (updates to come).
Four years of misguided austerity have delayed any recovery.
Despite the advance publicity there is nothing significant here for families in poverty.
Written By:
Anthony R0bins -
Date published: 12:02 pm, April 18th, 2013 -
Categories: david parker, david shearer, economy, energy, greens, labour
Tags: bold, electricity market, electricity prices
At noon today Labour and the Greens jointly announced new energy policies. “NZ Power” is big and it’s bold. It will completely restructure the way the electricity sector is run, and result in lower power prices for both domestic and business consumers.
Written By:
Eddie -
Date published: 2:41 pm, March 25th, 2013 -
Categories: labour
Tags: David Cunliffe, david shearer, grant robertson
It’s interesting how little understanding there is of the state and politics within the Parliamentary Labour Party. A lot of the coverage of Labour’s internal workings has tended to personalise the tension – it’s been focused on Shearer vs Cunliffe without any questions about what lies beneath.
Written By:
Zetetic -
Date published: 10:50 am, January 26th, 2013 -
Categories: john key
As New Zealand collectively rolls its eyes at the paucity of ideas and vision, and surfeit of excuse-making and responsibility denying in Key’s state of the nation speech (it was so bad John Armstrong wrote a third piece on how great the reshuffle was, instead of praising the speech), Whaleoil – of all people – asks a good question: What will Key’s legacy be?
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 12:01 pm, January 9th, 2013 -
Categories: david shearer, Satire
… And even if I was wrong on that point, I went on to write, David Shearer was still not the best man for the job, because he had failed to demonstrate an ability to walk on water or bring the dead back to life. But I didn’t push the “publish” button, because I came up with an even better idea for a post…
Written By:
Eddie -
Date published: 4:58 pm, December 31st, 2012 -
Categories: national/act government, political parties
Most of the years in review I’ve seen in the couple of weeks have concentrated on gossip and rating individual MPs. Most of what matters not a jot outside the beltway. What matters is how the parties are doing in terms of progressing or thwarting the government’s policy agenda – how’s the government doing at governing? – and how polling is shaping up for 2014.
Written By:
Eddie -
Date published: 10:37 am, December 8th, 2012 -
Categories: election 2014, greens, labour, Satire, spin
It’s pretty clear: the Greens have managed to hold on to the massive gain they made during the last election campaign, largely at Labour’s expense as it imploded. Labour’s back to its pre-campaign level, at National’s expense. Lab+Green=Nat or thereabouts but the Left needs a good 5% more from the Right to feel confident. So, this is not the time to be listening to John Armstrong’s advice.
Written By:
Eddie -
Date published: 12:23 pm, December 3rd, 2012 -
Categories: greens, labour
Russel Norman’s taken advantage of the gap in Labour’s economic skills and vague positioning to cement the Greens as the main alternative voice on economics. Labour lacks any strong economic voice now Cunliffe’s on the outer, and they don’t know where they stand – they attack National but essentially adopt their neoliberal approach.
Written By:
Bill -
Date published: 10:39 am, November 20th, 2012 -
Categories: labour
Tags: democracy, labour, Labour leadership
Funny thing about winnning the war is that it can take a bit of time to sink in.
Written By:
Anthony R0bins -
Date published: 11:58 am, November 10th, 2012 -
Categories: david shearer, john key, leadership
Tags: don't panic, leadership
Both John Key and David Shearer have had a bit of a pasting in the media lately. Shearer’s problems are solvable – Key’s are not…
Written By:
karol -
Date published: 4:00 pm, November 5th, 2012 -
Categories: accountability, disaster, Mining, national/act government, workers' rights
Tags: kate wilkinson
Breaking news: Kate Wilkinson has resigned her portfolio due to the Pike River Mine report. Updates: News reports. Damning official report: cold comfort for the families of the victims. Video of John Key’s press conference today. International news coverage. Video of Shearer’s response (7 mins)
Written By:
karol -
Date published: 8:47 am, November 3rd, 2012 -
Categories: democratic participation, greens, labour, news, nz first, spin
Tags: duncan garner, jane clifton, journalism, nicky hager
Some prominent “journalists” are working to undermine Labour and a possible Labour-Green government: one that could turn against the neoliberal scam that such “journalists” feed off. The left should take heart – the time has come to support the “public interest”, as outlined by Nicky Hager.
Written By:
James Henderson -
Date published: 7:50 am, November 2nd, 2012 -
Categories: climate change, dpf, labour, spin
On the back of Duncan Garner’s scathing piece on David Shearer, David Farrar endorses Grant Robertson for leader. Yeah, because his last recommendation’s worked out so well. Call me cynical, but I just don’t think National’s pollster has the Left’s interests at heart. No, I don’t think people will be looking to the Right for advice on who should lead Labour again.
Written By:
James Henderson -
Date published: 12:25 pm, June 14th, 2012 -
Categories: capitalism, david cunliffe, national
David Cunliffe went to the lion’s den yesterday with a speech telling a meeting of Kensington Swan’s receivership and liquidation lawyers that there would be a lot less work for them under Labour but saying “the Labour Party is not your enemy. Your enemy is inefficiency, corruption, and the wastage of both public and private wealth. Your enemy is a cosy corruption that helps a few friends of the government get very rich at the expense of the community.”
Written By:
IrishBill -
Date published: 10:42 pm, April 19th, 2012 -
Categories: accountability, Politics
Tags: alistair cameron, stuart nash
Alistair Cameron is heavily tipped to become Labour’s Chief of Staff. That’s a change that would signal even bigger change to come.
Let’s hope that bigger change is done openly and with party members’ input.
Written By:
IrishBill -
Date published: 10:25 am, January 25th, 2012 -
Categories: labour, Maori Issues, Politics
Tags: ratana
Labour’s contrition is starting to look like weakness.
Rather than reinforcing their opponents’ framing of issues they need to articulate their own progressive values with authority.
If they fail to do this the momentum gained by their new leader will be lost.
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