Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 9:16 am, February 21st, 2016 -
Categories: Andrew Little, david cunliffe, Deep stuff, democratic participation, gay rights, grant robertson, Judith Collins, labour, national, phil goff, Politics, same old national
Tags: fran wilde, homosexual law reform, Nikki Kaye, richard northey
Some thoughts on yesterday’s gay pride parade and why National has in the space of 30 years changed from being deeply anti gay rights to being superficially in support.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 8:01 pm, September 10th, 2014 -
Categories: david cunliffe, john key, labour, national, Politics, same old national
Round three between David Cunliffe and John Key is scheduled for tonight. John Campbell will moderate and Paul Henry will provide expert comment …
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 8:39 am, August 29th, 2014 -
Categories: david cunliffe, john key
Two new polls with different conclusions drawn and the first Leadership debate with a win to David Cunliffe. He may be a sterling campaign away from being the next Prime Minister.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 3:41 pm, July 6th, 2014 -
Categories: david cunliffe, election 2014, labour
David Cunliffe’s speech to the Labour Party congress delivered today.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 1:16 pm, January 27th, 2014 -
Categories: david cunliffe, election 2014, labour
The text of David Cunliffe’s state of the nation speech from today’s meeting in Kelston.
Update: youtube of speech added
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 7:22 am, December 23rd, 2013 -
Categories: david cunliffe, election 2014, labour
David Cunliffe has now been Labour leader for 100 days. This marks a good time for reflection on what has happened and how well he has done. And a chance to have a look into the future and predict what may happen in the next 12 months.
Written By:
James Henderson -
Date published: 12:25 pm, June 14th, 2012 -
Categories: capitalism, david cunliffe, national
David Cunliffe went to the lion’s den yesterday with a speech telling a meeting of Kensington Swan’s receivership and liquidation lawyers that there would be a lot less work for them under Labour but saying “the Labour Party is not your enemy. Your enemy is inefficiency, corruption, and the wastage of both public and private wealth. Your enemy is a cosy corruption that helps a few friends of the government get very rich at the expense of the community.”
Written By:
advantage -
Date published: 8:51 am, December 9th, 2022 -
Categories: Environment, labour, Nanaia Mahuta, national, uncategorized, water
Minister Mahuta’s water reforms are by some measure the most consequential industry intervention of this Labour government, and likely to be the most successful in over a decade.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 12:24 pm, July 25th, 2022 -
Categories: Andrew Little, bill english, brand key, Christopher Luxon, jacinda ardern, john key, Judith Collins, Media, national, national/act government, nick smith, same old national, Simon Bridges, Steven Joyce, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, todd muller, trevor mallard, uncategorized
Andrea Vance’s book Blood Bath provides an insider’s view of the carnage that erupted in the National Party from 2017 to 2021. And while things have calmed down under Christopher Luxon’s his weaknesses, including his glossing over the importance of policy detail and his tendency to bag businesses has been noted.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 7:58 am, June 25th, 2021 -
Categories: Judith Collins, national, same old national, Simon Bridges, todd muller
The details of a particularly brutal National Party caucus meeting that resulted in Todd Muller announced his pending retirement from Parliament have been leaked in detail to the Herald’s Claire Trevett.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 9:31 am, September 15th, 2019 -
Categories: jacinda ardern, labour, Media, national, same old national, spin, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, uncategorized
Tags: Donghua Liu, jami-lee ross, mike sabin, richard worth
National has a rather murky past when it comes to dealing with issues relating to the behaviour of its Members of Parliament.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 9:37 am, May 19th, 2019 -
Categories: australian politics, International
Tags: Bill Shorten, penny wong, scott morrison, tania Plibersek
Overnight in Australia there was meant to be a change to a Labor Government. But something happened …
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 8:04 am, April 17th, 2019 -
Categories: jacinda ardern, national, same old national, Simon Bridges
Tags: tova o'brien
Tova O’Brien has reported that different National MPs are speaking out against Simon Bridges and that a coup against him may be in the offering.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 8:00 am, December 28th, 2018 -
Categories: blogs, David Farrar, dpf, internet, Media, The Standard
Tags: The Daily Blog, whaleoil
LPrent and I had the chance recently to talk about the Standard and how it is going.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 12:55 pm, June 13th, 2018 -
Categories: Deep stuff, labour, national, Politics, same old national, Simon Bridges, uncategorized
At the same time that business confidence is in negative territory overall trust in the Government has surged. Why is this?
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 8:41 am, November 24th, 2017 -
Categories: david cunliffe, disaster, health and safety, Mining, national, Politics, same old national, Unions, workers' rights
Tags: helen kelly, peter whittall, pike river, pike river mine
Helen Kelly blogged four years ago why the deal that allowed Peter Whittall to walk free following the Pike River disaster was unjust and flawed. Yesterday the Supreme Court agreed.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 8:39 am, September 24th, 2017 -
Categories: act, election 2017, greens, labour, maori party, national, Politics
Some thoughts on the morning after a bitter sweet election result for Labour and the Greens.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 12:27 pm, September 16th, 2017 -
Categories: election 2017, jacinda ardern, john key, labour, Media, Politics, superannuation, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, you couldn't make this shit up
John Armstrong has come out in the Herald swinging wildly and claiming without evidence that Jacinda Ardern’s campaign has stalled, and criticized her policy positions but because he thinks they are only a bit better than National’s.
Written By:
lprent -
Date published: 7:49 am, January 26th, 2017 -
Categories: election 2017, elections, labour, MMP
Tags: claire trevett, Deborah Russell, granny herald, Greg Presland, mickeysavage, new lynn, stuff
Greg Presland has been daft enough put his hand up for Labour candidate in New Lynn. That would be unfortunate for this site. But my advice for Labour and New Lynn is to grab him. Media say that the leading candidates are him and Deborah Russell. Regardless of a her competence, a non-Auckland resident is a big ask in the era of MMP seats.
Written By:
Bill -
Date published: 10:09 am, September 14th, 2016 -
Categories: democratic participation, greens, Jeremy Corbyn, labour, mana, political education, political parties, Politics, uk politics
Tags: Corbyn, labour, organising, participation
From the UK. Organising 101.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 8:15 am, May 4th, 2016 -
Categories: david cunliffe, jobs, national, overseas investment, Politics, same old national
Tags: louise upston, Mossack Fonseca
They say in politics that a news story is good for the opposition/bad for the Government if it hits the media cycle two days in a row. If it appears for a third or a fourth day then it is a crisis and urgent action is required. Louise Upston’s handling of the OIO is clearly a crisis.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 12:25 pm, December 29th, 2015 -
Categories: blogs, broadcasting, david cunliffe, john key, journalism, Judith Collins, Media, national, newspapers, radio, same old national, slippery, the praiseworthy and the pitiful
Tags: cactus kate, cameron slater, dirty politics, Jarrod Gilbert, jim parker, john campbell, john roughan, kim dotcom, mediaworks, mike hosking, nicky hager, nz herald, paul henry, peter aranyi, Rachel Glucina, radio new zealand, russell brown
Some random musings on what happened in New Zealand’s media this year.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 10:40 am, November 16th, 2015 -
Categories: articles, censorship, Deep stuff, democracy under attack, Media, national, same old national, spin, you couldn't make this shit up
Tags: education review office
The Herald has withdrawn a story that reported on Government pressure on the ERO to rewrite a report after what appears to be pressure from the Government to do so.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 9:03 am, September 20th, 2015 -
Categories: Andrew Little, crosby textor, election 2014, greens, john key, labour, Minister for Photo-ops, national, privatisation, same old national, slippery
Tags: dirty politics, mike sabin, serco, sheepgate
Twelve months on from the last election and that brighter future we were promised has not happened.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 12:24 pm, March 15th, 2015 -
Categories: Conservation, david cunliffe, Environment, national, same old national
Tags: #saveourkauri, nick smith, trees
Rodney Hide has published a column about the ancient Titirangi Kauri which predictably argues that land owners should do what they want. But John Roughan has argued to the contrary in an article that will make you wonder if he is actually a greenie at heart.
Written By:
mickysavage -
Date published: 9:42 am, December 30th, 2014 -
Categories: The Standard
Details of the ten posts in 2014 that attracted the most lively discussion.
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